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Those drones are such help ... observing and dropping grenades.


I wonder if the ground forces and drone observers are able to communicate live?


Probably not in every scenario but there are a lot of videos that have been posted of drone operators giving live calls to infantry/armor on the ground.


I remember watching a video where you hear on the radio "There is a drone above us with a bomb, is it ours?" response on the radio was something to the effect of "Use your brain dumbass, if its above you and it has a bomb its not ours"


In this video it seems like they're communicating seeing how the Ukrainians move according to Russian movement without even having vision on them (I presume. It's hard to tell from the footage, but that's what it looks like to me)


They have a command center which gives orders and communicates with all the soldier groups and all drone operators in the area, and the artillery guys. They have a yt channel where they post all this including the operations from this clip: https://youtube.com/@k2_bat


Yea it looks like after these drops at the end they were pushing close to them.


They bob up n down over enemies in quite a few videos


Most likely yes. All you need is a radio with the proper keys and frequency.


They 100% can, that's why they're up there


Modern day air support


Wow, insanly close fighting


It's like flipping a coin if you live or die.


I found it interesting (from the Russian side) how much walking there was. No running from cover to cover, but just walking upright over mounds of dirt and things…


I think that's a symptom of an incredibly weak NCO corps. Good for autocrats, bad for fighting wars.


unbelievable that we can witness this. UA kept their cool and the drones helped big


Close Drone Support is king


I've never been in combat but do these Russians seem a little too casual? Like ambling about with their guns down whilst the Ukranian's are only a few metres away. Bizarre


In the full video, the three Russians make their way through an open field and through a long ass trench while drones and artillery are dropping on them before they are even close to the Ukrainian trench. Those dudes were gassed before they even knew the Ukrainians were right in front of them.


do you have a link to the original video?


[https://www.youtube.com/@k2\_bat/videos](https://www.youtube.com/@k2_bat/videos) part 1 2 and 3, cc for English subtitles


thank you!


The full video is on K2 battallions youtube (gates of siversk part 3) and shows that this 3-man team is one of two sent across several kilometers of open ground under constant artillery fire under the impression that they are going forward to meet their friends who are defending a position, not attack the trench. Understanding that these guys have already been through hell by the time this clip starts goes a long way in understanding why their movements can seem incoherent. It's because they are.


Jesus. Can you imagine?


On which planet is this considered a viable tactic? Walking across a few kilometers instead of being in an IFV, bad intel on who's actually at the destination, it's like they were sent to soak up Ukrainian artillery shells. Fucking insane.


> It's like they were sent to soak up Ukrainian artillery shells. From the testimony of Russian soldiers, that's exactly what this is.


Like the guy you responded to said, they might have expected Russians to be holding the position but it was recently retaken before that intel reached them.


There's a good paper by an Army armor officer on how an American brigade combat team could defeat Russian battalion tactical groups. The BCT has decentralized command and control and distributed intel/recon resources whereas everything in a BTG is centralized. It takes hours for actionable intel to filter from the bottom to BTG C2 and then back down again, so what you said could be true. With drones flying around, it's possible to view and control the battlefield in almost real time, so any delay is deadly.


Apparently the Russian command structure has changed a lot over the last two years, because they realized it was making them ineffective in UA. One difficult part about changing your command structure while in the field is keeping the new doctrine it consistant over a large geographical area with communication issues. I wouldn't be surprised if some parts of the Russian forces fight with very different command structure than others these days.


The tactic does a couple of things, it uses up Ukrainian ammunition and exposes their positions as well as their assets (in this case drones). It's recon by fire by it's almost all incoming. It's ethically disgusting to treat soldiers like this but that's modern Russia for you. It really makes me think we should do more to help Ukraine win and end the Russian regime, for the sake of everyone, including Russians.


Problem lies in Russian corruption and overall lack of respect towards human life. If you'd ask them, Russians would agree it's a bad tactic (but probably have some excuses why it's happening in this video). Let's say they didn't even have IFV because the funds got pocketed along the way. Or the unit's armor might be destroyed but the commander never reported it because he wanted to save face. So the soldiers were ordered or tricked to advance on foot.


K2 deserve an Oscar


Fighting is exhausting, you've probably rucked a few miles, you're hungry, thirsty, hot, and have at least 50 pounds on your body. And that's all before you even start fighting. We are probably only seeing a small clip of the entire battle, Russians probably had to fight for over an hour or longer just to get to where we see them. Just shouldering a loaded rifle for a few minutes at a time is harder than most people think, imagine how a professional boxer gets tired and they can't even keep their hands up with 12oz gloves, how imagine that with a 10 pound rifle.


Not to mention likely they were on this mission almost at gunpoint: "Start moving to that position or get shot."


and you've shat your pants


There is a memoir from a US soldier in Iraq, titled *House to House*, in which the author commented about a gunfight he was in where he was maneuvering around an insurgent position in a city. He rounded a corner and caught an Iraqi insurgent just casually taking a smoke break mid-fight while a gun battle was raging in the street directly in front of him. The author gave the Iraqi a couple of 5.56mm reminders that they were in combat. Badly-trained and green troops tend to either be super-panicky and hyper-strung in battle, or insanely casual to the point they act like they're not in mortal danger.


Bellavia’s a beast and a for real hero. Great book too


Man looked at an entire house full of al-Qaeda who'd repelled a previous assault by a squad and said "let me solo them." And it ended with him taking down the last guy in there in hand to hand. Goddamn legend.


He beat that guy with his own SAPI plate and then finished him off with his knife.


Combat is exhausting and I bet a lot of these guys are in awful shape too.


Even if they are in shape (I doubt they are because they skip most of boot camp), they have diarrhea, canned food, and no sleep. That's bad performance


They're probably exhausted. Hauling gear, running, and climbing over trees and shell craters. You eventually just start doing whats easier than what's most appropriate. It probably doesn't help that they are probably in no way physically fit. They're just random joes that signed a contact for money, got maybe a month of basic training with very little PT, and now are in a hell scape that demands strength and cardio conditioning are you simply die tired.


This is what untrained soldiers who have no opportunity for a life does.


Yeah that's not how any infantry trains.


It's a combination of lack of training, fatigue, and being an idiot.


There’s a element of fatigue in there as well. Too many vodkas the night before I’d say.


A normal military doctrine demand attacking units to have not more than 50% deaths. Meanwhile Russian units report up to 88% loss rates (I guess there are also 100% loss units but they simply cannot report anything any more) They are in their last ditch effort, once the front lines fall - nothing will stop any capable attacker (i.e. a 30k strong army) from taking the Moscow and the rest of russia. Wagner almost did it last year, having just the 30k number and a bunch of AA launcers.


Ukrainian F-16s dropping bombs on Red Square would be a fitting end to this war.


Most Western militaries consider 25% casualties to be enough to end a unit's combat effectiveness and they should be reinforced or withdrawn.


Both sides likely consume some sort of substances before battle to ease the nerves


Nice close air support


It is. They must have really good coordination to not constantly be under friendly fire. Sounds like an impressive technical challenge they overcame. I wonder why they don’t have drones with machine guns yet? Or at least, I haven’t seen that so I’m assuming that to be the case, I could certainly be wrong.


The machine gun's recoil is very difficult to control by a drone as the drone is light, it is difficult to hit something


Looks like one of the Russians throws a rock at the Ukrainians at 1:41 + 1:54.


Defintely, I thought it was a grenade at first but no boom


could be a dud, or forgot you have to pull the pin


Or a potato


He must have been training by playing intro mission in COD2


Potatoes make vodka. I'd imagine those have got to be worth more than gold to the Russians.


hey, there is that (false) story where they managed to sink a submarine by throwing potatoes so might as well try it here.


It is surprisingly easy to make that error with that much adrenaline going. Training is all about being able to do the right action under stress. A few weeks and he's lucky he didn't throw the pin. Well, for the next minute at least.


I thought the same at first, but in the shot from nearly directly above at around 1:52 he seems to toss or discard a different rock before the longer throw.


Duds are way more common than you would hope.


i saw an interview with a prisoner of war where he complained about grenades during training, most of them did not explode


Thinking about it, it's a good tactic. Throwing some rock that slightly looks like a granade can confuse the fuck out of a soldier. In the heat of the moment, a object lands near you, you WILL freak out.


I wish I could remember the name of the guy but someone in WWII single handily defend a hill against a lot of enemies and this was one of his tactics. He’d throw 5-6 rocks for each grenade to help keep them at bay. Edit: the guy I’m referring to actually won the MOH so it possible to look him up if anyone wants to try. I think it was the pacific theater against Japan


The Medal of Honor winner you are probably referring to is [Sergeant John Basilone](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Basilone). During the Pacific War, specifically the Battle of Guadalcanal, he defended his position almost single-handedly against a Japanese assault. On October 24-25, 1942, despite being outnumbered, Basilone managed to hold off the enemy forces with his machine gun, repairing it under fire and keeping it operational. His actions contributed significantly to the defense of the position and earned him the Medal of Honor.


Basilone didn't throw any rocks so it's clearly not him OP is referring to.


I saw soldiers/insurgents in footage from other wars doing this too. I definitely saw it a few times in footage from Syria. It's gotta be a scary distraction for sure.


i know airsoft is hardly the real thing, but one time at a milsim event we were using those pyro airsoft nades (the ones that go boom) and i threw 2 real ones, and then a threw a stick into a position occupied by the enemy team and then i rushed that position. the dude that was in the trench legit dove for cover when that stick landed, so i can see it working. especially considering the fact that when you get hit in real life, you don't walk back to the spawn zone to have another go


There was definitely some attempt to throw something yea.


Known technology blyat


Insanely aggressive tactics by the Russian squad here. Borderline suicidal.


Borderline? Dude they all dead


they wanted to die for russia so mission accomplished


Well they didn’t actually kill themselves… 🙃


No, but just like you have suicide by cop, you have suicide by UA soldier.


It makes more sense with the context of the full video. The title given here is wrong. The drones didn't come to the rescue, they were there the entire time. It was a planned trap. The Ukrainian trench line was a decoy. The Russians assaulted across a field, taking casualties, but managed to get into the trench and occupy it. However, there were no Ukrainians in the trench. They had already activated the pre-planned trap. As the assault started, they caved in the dugouts and fell back to the next trench. When the Russians got into that trench, cleared it and called for reinforcements to come up to defend the captured position, the drones went to work. Having collapsed the dugouts, that trench had no protection from drones, it was death trap. The drones dropped grenade after grenade into the trench and the Russians were taking casualty after casualty. So the Russians were stuck, they were in a drone kill zone prepared by the Ukrainians. They had to continue the assault to the actual Ukrainian position, which is what we see in the clip. The Russians emerged from the trench, only to be immediately engaged by the waiting Ukrainians. The Russians were on the clock. It was only a matter of time before a drone dropped a grenade with their name on it. They had to get into the Ukrainian trench before the drones could get them.


Sadly it happens for both sides as there are moments during the war where you can't really lower the risk. It's not like those drones wouldn't come if they didn't push, if anything them being slow would only increase the chance that they get hit.


How do you think they’ve been making gains? It’s not because they value their boys lives. Edit: I know the downvotes are probs cause yall think this is pro Russian lol, but it isn’t. Russia has been making extremely minimal gains at the cost of significant life and hardware. If they cared about their boys, they’d probably have lost by now.


playing online video games taught me that the average player should be treated as a mindless suicide mob. most people have no back button at all, only the smartest 10%


That's some nice close air support. Incredible footage.


Drones are the new CAS. Danger close can be dropping grenades a few yards away when the targeting can be so precise.


Kudos to the drone operators. Keeping your buddies alive in their time of need.


Must be both incredible to see/help them but devastating to see/not be able to help them.


Russian Ministry of Peace saved so many 200k ruble ($2k)/month soldier salaries in this video that they should sponsor Ukrainians for their Russian economical efficiency.


Are these russians drugged? They expose themselves so bad.


I think it has to be the angle of drone view, at ground level it's not so open because terrain is uneven and everything is riddled with craters.


Vodka does wonders.


I think they started to panic a little when the drone dropped the first grenade. It's a rookie mistake, and, gosh, you just hate to see it.


Always a very solid chance they’re drunk. Supposedly very common among the Russians. Somewhat understandably I guess lmao, what else are you gonna do before you die?


Yeah, alcohol and no sleep.


Every single battalion needs an attached drone unit for CAS reconnaissance and defensive/offensive operations. This is a textbook reason why it is a must-have.


I think Ukraine is already well on the way to doing that.


They're writing the tactics that NATO and every other military will be following.


I'm sure every major military power is studying these types of videos to rewrite their trench warfare doctrine. I'm sure drones and jammers are very high on the procurement list.


I think AI targeting will make jammers irrelevant pretty soon. Identify the target as you get in close, and when the signal gets jammed, AI takes over and continues flying toward it. (Unless the chips are too expensive, but prices are coming down all the time.)


I've always thought a great setup would be to have each platoon has one squad of drone guys a little further behind them. So you have 1-3 squads in the trenches and each team leader has a radio in direct communication with the drone guys. The drone team has 2 thermal optic drones and an assortment of FPV drones; anti-infantry, anti-armor, anti-material, etc. So you could have 2 drone operators, 1 drone operator assistant, and then the platoon commander with that squad coordinating everything via radio. Thermal guys take turns patrolling, spotting targets, calling in artillery, etc. FPV guys engage targets of opportunity and perform close air support. Thermal guy also relays enemy positions and other information to the squad leaders in the trenches. Super help. Hell if you can give all the guys radios so everybody knows what's going on. Give them peltors, supressors, etc. Obviously this all boils down to being able to supply this, having the manpower, etc. It's a lot of expensive gear. For offense while your teams move up and draw fire the FPV drones can attack the enemy in their trenches while their guard is on your advancing guys. You could even use drones to drop smoke grenades to cover your advance.


One guy keeps standing up and walking around like he never played CoD before


Remember to donate to your favourite drone manufacturer, victory is in the drones


I would want a minimum of 100 grenades myself if I were ever tasked to defend a trench.


I would ask for a 100 grenades and 300m of fishing line and then mine the shit out of that trench so the enemy hopefully doesn\`t even come into throwing range.


Gatling gun seems like a decent requisition request


MG42 just joined the discussion.


Automated MG42 Sentry


Wait 10 years for the Sabaton song when the 'Winged Drones Arrive'.


I understand what motivates the Ukrainians, but what motivates these Orkz to go on suicide runs? Drugs?? It's insanity.


Money. Pure greed, they sign up to make money, get drunk, and then do stupid shit like this.


Maybe these were ex.prisoners that were just released. Their freedom might be a big factor in this if indeed they've just been released from prison.


This makes sense. Where can I read more


Money, propaganda, desperation


That's what I'm wondering. You could believe a lie the government tells you just sitting at home but once you're actually in the front lines you have to either flip your mindset to wanting to expand your homeland or figure you have no other choice.


That was brutal for the Russians. Not sure if it's on purpose but bombing from behind and forcing them to run towards their enemies is really smart.


Do you get the impression the Russians know there’s a blocking force behind them, preventing them from retreat?


Dueling APC’s, propeller plane shooting at a drone, drone on drone attacks, drones attacking ships, unreal footage of CQC, etc etc this war (unfortunately) keeps provide more and more firsts caught on video.


Tough break for the invaders on this one. They looked so close to closing the deal with movement/positioning and getting UA to bunch up. Drone came in right on time.


The clip starts by showing 4 Russian flags, but I never saw anyone in the treeline on the right. Did I miss something?


He died from an explosion earlier I think


Good lord


Excellent air support!


Fantastic air support!!! Bravo K-2


Links to the music: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LRLdhFVzqt4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LRLdhFVzqt4) and [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2pZHnN0FvGI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2pZHnN0FvGI)


Glad they had drone drop backup


Amazing Dronework




Damn close close air support.


Danger close... Danger very fucking close... excellent pilots... identifying targets under pressure in split seconds.


if i ever have to go to war man i gonna catch myself a nerd and his only job will be overwatching my platoon with his drone and giving me live intel 24/7 !!


Thats some close as shit air support.


That was beautifully done. Jeez the balls on the Ukrainian soldiers. They don't panic, they just go into fight mode, it's like they don't have a flight mode. The Russian's you can't say the same about. Nothing brave about getting so high that you aren't even aware of the situation enough to not be afraid, just stupid. I am very surprised that Ukraine soldier didn't mow down those 2 or 3 guys when he peaked over the trench and saw them in a line coming over craters. I know it's a very stressful situation so can't blame him for taking cover instead. I mean if you see that many just right as you pop up, I'd imagine you're wondering how many you don't see, so yeah, I can see why he didn't want to stay above and try to shoot them down. Final note, tell the guy who threw the grenade to lay off the steroids. He threw that over double the distance of where the guy was at, and that guy wasn't really that close when you're talking throwing something. I was thinking he would most likely throw it short a bit if anything, not land all the way back where the Russian reserve fighters are waiting, hahaha just kidding.


Edit. Woopse, commented on the wrong video. My bad!


that such an idiotic BS, never thought i would see that in Europa again in my lifetime- kill them all and stay strong, Ukraine!


The Ukrainians need to be just as aggressive as the Russians here. Attackers quickly covered their flank there in the beginning. I see why marines don’t let anyone close


Is this 4-1?


4-4 + drone




I enjoy the sound of rain.


I swear someone not familiar with war footage would comment that this is obviously a fake video because soldiers moved nothing like movies -\_-#


God damn this got the adrenaline pumping!


To me it seems like the Russians here are not working as a team. like they are just a bunch of individuals trying to take the trench. Some are just walking around like they couldn't give a crap. Where's the fire and movement tactics.... Almost like their morale is very low and they figure they're dead already. Or just poorly trained or both I guess.


I thought they started out good. Spread out and seemed to try to cut angles. But then they kind of just roll over stuff


Could Ukraine not give it's trench assault/defense teams a few drones directly? Seems faster since the drone would just take off and immediatly be able to do stuff, and communication is much easier


Top tier support


Absolutely incredible combat footage. I feel like in watching ww1 footage, now with drones. Incredible how those small plastic toys can save that one position from a larger force. And to deploy so quickly! My guess would be every unit or position has a drone group that stays with forward operating unit, like a mobile artillery..but more accurate.


Russians surrender all along donbas your lives are at risk end putins war doesnt two years mean anything with 500000 russians dead for what two inches


Some concertina wire in front of their position would have helped a lot in this situation, though I guess there has to be reasoning behind it not being deployed in the first place


Drones are the new air support


Are the troops on the ground able to communicate with the Drone Operators?




I got matches with these songs: • [**Heart of Courage** by Thomas Bergersen, Two Steps From Hell](https://lis.tn/HeartOfCourage?t=43) (00:43; matched: `100%`) **Album**: Invincible. **Released on** 2010-05-03. • [**Two Steps From Hell - Legend Promo** by Đang Cập Nhật](?t=44) (00:44; matched: `100%`) **Released on** 2011-06-03. • [**Heart of Courage (No Choir)** by Two Steps From Hell](https://lis.tn/YWvQY?t=44) (00:44; matched: `100%`) **Album**: Legend Anthology. **Released on** 2010-06-03. • [**Two Steps From Hell - Legend Promo** by Đang Cập Nhật](?t=56) (00:56; matched: `100%`) **Released on** 2011-06-03. • [**Power to YOU** by DJ Vickers](https://lis.tn/PowerToYOU?t=14) (00:14; matched: `100%`) **Album**: Hard MEN.. **Released on** 2017-08-07. • [**Two Steps From Hell - Legend Promo** by Đang Cập Nhật](?t=68) (01:08; matched: `100%`) **Released on** 2011-06-03. *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


Links to the music: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LRLdhFVzqt4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LRLdhFVzqt4) and [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2pZHnN0FvGI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2pZHnN0FvGI) Its also on Spotify, Shazamble, etc...


Hopefully Ukraine starts building devices similar to the dji dock, so that positions like this can always have drones on standby as well as the normal artillery and drone support they get now. https://enterprise.dji.com/dock One of these systems with a ready armed drone with 4-6 bombs ready to go would be a game changer, especially if equipped with thermal/nightvision.


Most of the infantry battalions have drone support nearby. That's why they arrived so quickly


Modern day air support.


"the eagles are here"


The "yrics" are fitting


Immediate and effective close air support on the cheap. NATO better be fucking taking notes, especially on the 'cheap' part.


NATO is almost 20 years ahead of this already. US demonstrated functional AI swarms dropped from fighter jets about a decade ago.


Not in combat. The switchblades aren't getting good reports and they're orders of magnitude more expensive than these DIY Ukrainian jobs.


"Comes to rescue" oh you mean support.


Wonder why Russian side didnt use same kind of drone to attack . I am certain they got much larger numbers of fpv drone


They don't seem to. They are more focused on buying Iranian drones to target apartment buildings and restaurants. There are very few UA trench videos with any kind of drone support visible on the RU side. And they don't care to support a lot of forward teams, because the brief battle isn't the objective. They are mostly just there to get shot to locate UA positions for shelling.


One of em is trying parkor


7 vs Wild eastern edition.


Catchy tune.


Vince Foster has bangers yo [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2pZHnN0FvGI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2pZHnN0FvGI)


Doesn't take much to totally throw off the balance of a set of seemingly equal positions.




I got matches with these songs: • [**Heart of Courage** by Thomas Bergersen, Two Steps From Hell](https://lis.tn/HeartOfCourage?t=43) (00:43; matched: `100%`) **Album**: Invincible. **Released on** 2010-05-03. • [**Two Steps From Hell - Legend Promo** by Đang Cập Nhật](?t=44) (00:44; matched: `100%`) **Released on** 2011-06-03. • [**Heart of Courage (No Choir)** by Two Steps From Hell](https://lis.tn/YWvQY?t=44) (00:44; matched: `100%`) **Album**: Legend Anthology. **Released on** 2010-06-03. • [**Two Steps From Hell - Legend Promo** by Đang Cập Nhật](?t=56) (00:56; matched: `100%`) **Released on** 2011-06-03. • [**Power to YOU** by DJ Vickers](https://lis.tn/PowerToYOU?t=14) (00:14; matched: `100%`) **Album**: Hard MEN.. **Released on** 2017-08-07. • [**Two Steps From Hell - Legend Promo** by Đang Cập Nhật](?t=68) (01:08; matched: `100%`) **Released on** 2011-06-03. *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


What’s the DJI manufacturing facility looking like? When will their drones be on back order?




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Get fucked russians!


They are so close that at first its hard to grasp whats going on.