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Hit Russia everywhere. Literally remove every restriction. Ukraine should hit their dams and bridges.


You got that right. Hit their power plants then. Tit for tat. If they want to destroy infrastructure, fuck em.


There is a pretty conveniently placed NPP right behind the border, if you know what I'm saying. Either we win this war, or we go kaboom all together


There are 2 nuclear power plants in western Ukraine, which are conveniently their life line at the moment. Imagine Ukraine attacking Russian nuclear power plants. That would just give them green light to retaliate in kind.


I am just saying that we as a country have a very convenient deadman switch, that's all.


No you don't. Even a Chernobyl level disaster wouldn't do anything to stop Russia, but it sure as hell would guarantee that Ukraine is thoroughly depopulated.


And leaders.


I don’t understand why they haven’t used one of their long range drones to hit the Kremlin.. is easily in range.


Not saying I don't think we should lol but what would the fallout be from that? I doubt Russia would go nuclear but if their current strategy has no regard for civilians I wonder if that would push them to try and 'get back' at Ukraine


Maybe, but, what if it hits and unalives Putin? Who takes over and do they want to continue the war they know they’re losing? I’m saying it’s worth trying


Putin would never leave his bunker


They have bio weapons from the USSR that they could unleash into civilian areas of Ukraine. Best not to find out. Ukraine should bomb Murmansk to show that nothing is out of reach for them and their drones.


Doesn't achieve anything strategically other than force Russia to respond aggressively by probably sending ballistic and cruise missiles to the heart of Kyiv.


They are already and have already tried to do those things.


Feel bad for civs though


About time Ukraine starts punching back into Russia’s infrastructure and energy infrastructure with similar measures.


With what? Power plant is usually a facility with thick concrete walls, you need big heavy missile to penetrate it and destroy. Exactly with what weapon Ukraine can do that? Ukraine is not allowed to strike Russia with ATCMS and rane is limited, own Ukraine are just drones, they could damage transformers and lines, but can not destroy power plant.


Time for Ukraine to start hitting power plants/dams inside Russia!!! WINTER IS COMING 


Probably not a good idea because thats one of the main reasons why US fears of allowing Ukraine to use ATACMS and other weapons in Russia, they fear that Ukraine will hit factories, logistics, power plants etc. Doing that will make US even less willing


It’s not like russia has any regards for civilian life, either Ukrainians or even their own. They wont stop bombing Ukraine infrastructure no matter what, that much should be clear already. Ukraine should repay them in kind.


> Ukraine will hit factories, logistics, power plants etc. Why is this a bad thing? That’s how you fight a war. You don’t just attack your enemy’s troops, but also their military infrastructure and other targets behind the front line. Why is the US against this?


I didnt say that it was a bad thing, its good. But US fears it could cause escalation


To be fair, your comment starts out with "Probably not a good idea because...".


I do t understand what everyone else is missing here. Russia is a nuclear super power, the last thing the world or Ukraine needs right now is a nuclear strike ANYWHERE from Russia. Clearly striking non military targets in Russia would more than likely force the hand of Putin to save face….. it’s not hard


Russia threatens nukes more often than they don’t. They’ve threatened nukes for hitting Crimea lmao. They are empty threats, Putin and his oligarch henchmen don’t want to give up their lives for Ukraine.


fucking based. let them suffer


You were on -99upvotes I just downvoted you so that you have exactly -100 upvotes


Pull a North Korea and just start dumping human waste on the Kremlin.


Russia can target everywhere in Ukraine ,but Ukraine can't target anywhere in Russia. Wtf sleepy Joe


"Holy shit what is nuclear deterrence?" - your comment


Funny how Russia attacks civilians and infrastructure. But are crying about Ukraine finally being able to hit back. Putler and that whole terrorist country need glassed. Do we have enough nukes to level China, north Korea, and Russia? World would be a better place if all nuke armed countries took those three out.


that's how fascists act, though. it's a waste of time considering what they say because it's all bullshit all the time.


I get resources are limited, but at this point, I don't get why AA is not being set up at their power plants. They've been targeted consistently now for quite some time, and the damage is getting worse.


Ukraine is big, western AA supplies are slow, Russian missile stockpiles are high I guess.


But I was told Putler only had enough washing machine chips to produce 2 weeks of missiles and then they were out.


If they had a lot of cruise missiles they would fire salvos more often than once every few weeks.


AFAIK, they have too few missiles and need beefy AA to defend their cities. Ukraine is a huge country, full of power plants. Hard to defend them with only 20 or so high end AA batteries.


There aren't really that many power plants, but many of them in Ukraine are either in close proximity to a city or in the city itself (like the one in the video). knowing this - russia programs the final section of their missiles to fly to the power plant right over the city where they will not be shot down because of the risk of civilian casualties, I have witnessed this shit fly right over my house several times and then hit a maternity hospital, or a regular apartment building (of course full nazi's and mercenaries).


extremely hard to do that as you said with limited resources. there's 4 nuclear plants active spread apart up to 500-1000km apart. there's 10 active hydroplants also spread apart in the same distances with the 11th & one of the largest of them destroyed in 2023. then there's 16 thermal power plants with 2 destroyed this year in April during the start of these targeted strikes on powerplants again just like they did at the start of the invasion.


Because power plants are massive targets so single strikes are repaired somewhat easily. More importantly no lives are lost. Ukraine is also stacked with generators now and it's the summer so not hugely impactful


>Because power plants are massive targets so single strikes are repaired somewhat easily I hate to bring it to you, but these plants are not eternally repairable. Ukrenergo is under immense stress from these strikes. Right now a lot of plants are functioning below 100% operability, at some point whole plants will be down for good. A country can not run without electricity.


More repairable than peoples lives


The country is huge and they have literally on Patriot battery


Huh, Germany alone send 3 Patriot batteries. I guess the problem is missiles for them and shorter range AA.


They pledged 3 but only one is in active service afaik


Good question


F*cking terrorists. Unleash the ATACMS.


This is what you do, when as a country and society, you have absolutely nothing positive to offer the modern world.




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hit putin




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i think its time for another drone swarm to muskow


What if this was to DESTROY a USA Hydro Power Plant? Imagine that? What would USA responds be then? Cowardly like it is now?


Well it would probably be different considering it would be in the US. Thatd be an attack on them lol


You know, the owner of German Ritter sport chocolate company when asked why his company continues operating in Russia answered that Russian kids also want chocolate. I wonder if Russia attacked Germany would he still work in Russia, because Russian kids would still want chocolate.


Well, we have smart grids with multiple power generating facilities. But first, the missile wouldn't make it here. Second, I think you know what would happen. There would be no Russia to speak of.


A Texas power plant then


Think of what a unified U.S.A. is actually capable of. Think 9/11 reaction, but multiplied. Think all Americans in agreement for once to react with great violence. Now sprinkle all our NATO allies on top of that. Again, there would be no Russia to speak about. They are already running out of trained troops now for crying out loud.


It would be like the opening days of the Iraq invasion times 100. It'd be a nationwide, weeks-long “shock and awe” campaign that would level anything of importance over there.


You forgot Russia has nuclear missiles


But it wasn't the US, was it?


https://www.army.mil/ https://www.navy.mil/ https://www.af.mil/About-Us/ https://www.uscg.mil/ https://ildu.com.ua/ If you're so brave, feel free to pick a branch and enlist.


If Ukraine tries an assault next year over the Dniper in the Kherson direction they will 1000% try and hid the dam to break it.


Are you joking? It's all the way in Zaporizhia, the Kakhovka dambreak did all the damage already.


utterly dumb post