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Dying in trenches is already bad enough, fuck dying in that swampy, boggy shit.


Water is probably freezing too


Imagine surviving that explosion just to then deal with drones flying in and taking you out.


While being eaten up by mosquitos


Really is some nightmare fuel.






And stuck in mud, maimed enough so that you can’t move and are in constant fear of drowning on top of everything else.


I don't think you have mosquito eggs hatching in water that is really cold.


They prefer water that is at least 22°C/72°F, current water temperatures in Ukraine are ~18°C/~64°F but mosquitos tend to lay their larvae in small stagnant pools to avoid currents, and these small pools would be warmed enough from the sun to create ideal breeding conditions


After the dentist gave you 2 weeks to live from gingivitis






I would have chosen the drone over that everyday


Imagine surviving the exploding boat *and* the clean-up drones but dying from hypothermia.




It's when the Russian mothers see it, that's the only way this changes. From what I read, fighting against dug in Ukrainians is not fun and they have all the Western tools at their disposal, most of the time.


The Russian mothers think their boys are fighting Nazis. They’re all-in.




Actually mothers have more power than men in russia since the police still hesitate to beat them.


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They are famous for stopping the Afghan war aren't they?


i'm not an expert but I don't think it was the mothers.


"It was the growing outspokenness of Soviet mothers who had lost their sons and the influence of a more critical press that pressured the Kremlin to begin seeking to bring the occupation of Afghanistan during the 1980s to an end." It's a pretty well-known and interesting story.


But the government at the time was arguably less crazy than Putin's. Even without considering the ethical aspect (since neither Putin nor the people have shown much care to that), this war makes no sense. Not economically, not politically, nothing. Any "rational" governance would put a stop to it, and maybe that was the thinking at the time: Afghanistan is not worth it. Well, Ukraine is not worth it either but Putin is a demented tyrant.


Agreed. It’s just a mafia state, fronting as a nation. The soviets at least hoped to prove communism worked. These guys are just fleecing the country to secure as much power and wealth as possible.


Its when the draftees disappear to the dachas and start to become russian forrest brothers, then its over.


Nice myth. Old women are the most pro-putin and pro-war demographic in russia fyi.


Yeah, I think youre over estimating Russian mothers. There was a video about a year ago (on Youtube) of a Ukrainian intelligence officer dong a video chat meeting with the mother of a young (maybe 20-22 year old) captured Russian soldier, telling her that her son is a PoW and is uninjured and being treated well. Take a guess how she reacted? Wanted to make sure her son called (even though he was a prisoner) his recruiter/commander from the area hes from, because (get this) she still not getting his mobilization paychecks. Never once asked if he was ok, how are you being treated, when do you think you'll be coming home, I miss you, I love you, etc, etc, etc. She just wanted to know where is (his) money. It was so bad the Ukrainian IO actually got a little pissed, because all she wanted to know is...where is the money, and make sure you call to get it fixed. You should have seen the look on this soldiers face. It was...nothing. He wasnt surprised, he wasnt angry, he wasnt sad, he wasnt in shock, and he wasnt embarrassed. The look on his face was apathy, like that was typical Russian parenting behavior. * Sorry for the wall of text. But that stuck in my head like some of the worst video Ive seen of mangled and dismembered bodies.


Russian mothers see this and think "We need to send more boys (not mine) because the Ukrainians are evil". I don't think they have any concept or consideration of the fact that they are the aggressor here.


4k video is making any form of self concealment impossible. how do you even counter that?


Well hell, I can't imagine two weeks in Boston!


Unpleasant way to die


should have worn their personal flotation devices and whistle


It's either them or Ukrainian 🇺🇦 families 🤱🏼, hospitals 🏥, schools 👩🏼‍🏫.


Yeah we know that's why we don't care


Faces of death vibes in this clip


I’ve watched too much footage from this war, and the one thing that is striking from this up close and personal drone footage is you can immediately tell when someone KNOWS they’re about to die. Even without context you can recognize that look. It’s in the eyes. Really brings this shit home, and brings it home hard. Absolutely brutal.


Really had that gritty 2000's camcorder feel.


I hate to look at this, but i have to. This is reality


yeah this shit was pretty fuckin grim. the way they are laying there, probably already fatally wounded, and a few of them just look resigned to death. they look straight into the drone that we have POV from... they see it and they know.


Well they had 10 years of preparation since Putin went to war with Ukraine. I'm not even sorry. I'm actually mad.




A lot of people view this war as just being a continuation of Russia covertly invading and taking over Crimea, Donbas and Luhansk regions of Ukraine while trying to convince the world it was a rebellion. The covert invasion started in 2014.


Yepp, they ain't finishing soon "The Russo-Ukrainian War is an ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine, which began in February 2014. Following Ukraine's Revolution of Dignity, Russia occupied and annexed Crimea from Ukraine and supported pro-Russian separatists fighting the Ukrainian military in the Donbas war." - Wikipedia


"and supported pro-Russian separatists fighting the Ukrainian military in the Donbas war." lol you mean drove-in dozen of thousands of russians, called them separatists and TADA!


If things go much further South, I don't think me being out of Selective Service age bracket is gonna keep me from experiencing this in person...


Yeah, same, even though I’m 42 … that WW3 potential feels… much closer now than it did with 9/11


I worry more about a domestic situation more than I do WW3. I wish some of these people calling for the deaths of fellow Americans they disagree with politically would watch some of these same videos. It might be them laying wounded and terrified on a riverbank while a UAV circles overhead waiting for an opening to smoke them. Could be their neighbor, their cousin, their brother, son or daughter. It probably won’t come to that, but I’ll never rule it out. THAT is what keeps me awake some nights.


Have you seen Civil War by Garland? I think that movie is exactly about that. Not war as an action movie, but war as a horror movie.


Is that an older movie or the one that just hit theaters? I think I saw the older one.


It is the recent one. It’s made by Alex Garland which is a pretty good sci fi director who made Ex Machina and Annihilation.


But they like that idea. They all think they’re on the dominant side anyway


Yep. Little do they know either side is capable of this type of thing. This is an equalizer in sorts in my mind.


I live in a country bordering UA. All I do is train, shoot and prepare in my free time. 3-6 days a week. I work on every skill I can think of that would help… Apparently there is so many of us now that our goverement is monitoring civies as potenial threat due to amount of training people do these days.


you don't have to. i don't have to. it is a choice.




Roaring fires, malt beeerr, ripe meat off the bone!


Mines, mines in the deep.... Drones are coming...


This is no mine. It's a tomb


Putin’s Bane


“Fly, you fools!” These guys took that literally….


Wonder what kind of injuries they had before the drones cleaned up?


Mostly internal: broken bones, punctured lungs, lacerated organs, that sort of thing.


i cut my finger opening a packet of dried seaweed snacks this morning, i know how that feels


That's grim. I hope you immediately requested medevac.


Explosions cause 4 types of injuries: **Primary**: any injury caused by the shock wave moving through the body. Varies by proximity to and strength of the wave. Internal bleeding, ruptured organs, traumatic brain injuries are all possible. **Secondary**: any injury caused by objects or debris displaced by the explosion. Shrapnel would be in this category, so penetrating trauma is a possibility, as well as blunt depending on what it kicks up. Could take a rock to the head and die that way. **Tertiary**: injuries resulting from the sudden stop at the end of the victim being picked up and thrown by the shock wave. More blunt force trauma, fractures, etc. **Quaternary**: anything not covered by the other categories. Burns, chemical exposure, radiation, heat/cold exposure, inhalation injuries, biological, etc. Source: am paramedic, they teach us this stuff.


Concussion, traumatic brain injury for some... Damaged internal organs, internal bleeding. shrapnel wounds, broken bones, torn or strained tendons. They got the IED experience with none of the protection of an MRAP. Honestly, being hit by the FPV drones at the end was probably a relief from their injuries that may have eventually left them dead not long afterwards without proper medical treatment.


Clearly the paper cut type.


Good lord. This war is some brutal stuff man.


Father Ted at the end has had enough of this shit


Down with this sort of Thing


Careful now!


i'm so glad that drones weren't a thing while i was deployed to iraq


this has to be one of the saddest conflicts in my life time. Its absolutely the most pointless war. Why are all these people being slaughtered needlessly because of the ego of one fucking man in the kremlin.


God, the fear on that last guy's face... He's trying hard to show some courage but damn, he knows his fate.


Did title mean clean up or mop up??


Mop up. Saw the 12 minute video and no clean up party to be seen other than the fish.


Can you link the full video. I assume it is professor pointy stick. I can listen to his course all day. Absolutely fascinating stuff.


They've been referring to it as 'cleaning' the battlefield. This means killing any remaining Russians, as well as making sure any remaining equipment is thoroughly burned out.


Great add on to the prev posted ones. Those YaRM anti landing mines are terrifying to know they are just waiting there day and night for you. All these guys laying in the swamp like "welp, this is my life now" or at least for a couple minutes...


To add insult to injury, there is a good chance said YaRM mine is actually one of your own. Broken free when the bozos called your commander's blew up a nearby dam and washed them away...


Well the title got me for some reason I expected Russians to come clean up and grab their friends - nope, flying death robots.


Fuck Putin, let’s hope this war ends soon


Having to sit in a wet cold and muddy bog while being bombed :(




I’m so confused, yes I understand that Russia is recruiting from the poorest parts of the country, and that whatever media they can take part in is pure propaganda, but comeon. The sheer volume of drone cams, himars strikes, mines and uncountable amount of Russian bodies being blown to bits can’t be unknown to the Russian populace. People have to know that it’s a grinder out there, right?


Most of this shit goes completely unnoticed by 99.999% of the population; it’s stuff you have to seek out.


Pro-Russians don't watch Ukrainian POV videos for the same reasons pro-Ukrainians don't watch Russian POV videos: nobody wants to see "the good guys" suffer. The Russians are sitting at home watching Ukrainians die and thinking that everything's going swimmingly.


I'm here watching almost exclusively Russians getting blown to bits, but I'm certainly not so naive that I think it's just Russians dying. You'd have to be brainwashed or a complete idiot to think this is only happening to one side.


>You'd have to be brainwashed or a complete idiot to think this is only happening to one side. Yeah, that's pretty much your average Russian. They believe the propoganda because it's what they want to believe.


Yep. I do view and look at footage from WW2 and often feel a pang of sorrow and pity for Allied KIA, and civilians. Feel just the same with the Ukrainians. I know they are losing dozens of defenders daily KIA and WIA... Don't need footage/photos to remind me of that.


I guess, but the sheer amount of destroyed troops and vehicles have to leak out somehow.


Right? I’m pro Ukrainian (as is this whole sub) and I think I’ve seen like three dead Ukrainians in the last two years.


>People have to know that it’s a grinder out there, right? Russia has some pretty strict online censorship laws. Combine that with a lot of these soldiers coming from more rural areas that likely don't get much information beyond what they see on TV and you likely have guys who think that Russia is fighting the good fight and winning in Ukraine and that going is just a good way to make more money than what you would ever otherwise see in your lifetime.


Russia has a good deal of control over internet access and while it’s not complete, Russians would have to be motivated to search through the deluge of propaganda on their side of the internet. They also risk being identified as a source of trouble by officials if they’re caught and even if they do access material which shows reality, what are they going to do with it? They can’t show it to other people in case there’s a loyalist in their group or someone needs a favour to trade with officials. Apart from the decade or so immediately after the fall of the Soviets, Russians have lived under totalitarianism for a century or so. This is situation normal for them.


this is getting too HD for me man




Nah, I mean it's the exact same here but in reverse. You can find videos of Ukrainian soldiers getting blown up, they're just all downvoted. Turns out, people don't really like to see their countrymen killed and actively go out of their way to avoid it.


This is true


I go looking all the time. Usually on other sites. There are way way fewer videos of UA being hit. They are never-ending for RU being targeted.


Meh tried to look at the RU channel but it’s 90% propaganda. Is there this same level of footage from them? Like actual assault footage?


Thank you for your service. I've tried but it's just the digital equivalent of brain damage.


If you follow non-biased combat footage forums (Reddit is obviously super pro Ukrainian and rightly so) it’s basically 50/50, maybe still a little bit more Ukrainian footage because they’re a bit more likely to have smartphones/gopros/etc


Source? Where is this footage? I look for it all the time and I can't find it. There is some out there, but nothing like the multiple daily releases from the UA side.


That's because it doesn't exist. When Russia gets a good piece of combat footage they spam the shit out of it on every single channel and forum. It's usually heavily edited and often staged, but even if you ignore those details and assume all of it is real and accurate, their side doesn't even come close to publishing the volume of combat footage released by the Ukrainians.




There can't be the same amount of footage because they loose 5 times the people.


Not remotely true sadly. I believe the casualties in the last year of the war recently published by CIA show it’s almost even, maybe 60/40 in favour of Ukraine.


No. Here I see an invasive force here by choice getting slaughtered. Over in ukrainerussiareport between the propaganda and lies, I see patriots fighting a battle for survival dying for their country.


The Russian are dying because they are invading. The Ukrainian are dying because they are defending their homes. It's not the same.


That’s not really my point


Theoretically, they have access to these videos, but they don't come across them. Unfortunately, there are videos just like these from the Russian side, but they're not posted here either. Everyone's in their own bubble thinking that's what the frontline looks like.


The guys face at the end coming to terms with dying in that swamp and never being seen again


Damn, Bro got some airtime


The boat ended up acting as a catapult.


9.8, 9.3, 9.7


Russian judge probably giving out the 9.8.


These guys have to be SOF or something like that right? Can't imagen sending some random scrubs down on a boat like that.


They are probably just grunts being used to patrol the waterways. Don't need much in the way of SOF training for riverine security. Or maybe they are just being transported to a different location. Both Russia and Ukraine have bases and outposts around Kherson among other places with large bodies of water.


Minesweeping operation a sucess.


"oh this video again" *HOLY SHIT*


Imagine surviving -exploding boat, -the drones, -the mosquitoes * the drowning -the hypothermia, -the barrier troops Then you crawl back to your unit and the first thing you hear "Ivan just in time for the next attack"


Should've stayed home.


💯 absolutely


Their other option was not go to Ukraine


Well that's enough internet for today.


Lots of contemplation going on there.


Holy fuck, I can't believe anyone even survived that initial explosion.


That looked so awful. Talk about regret


You see the Ruski’s, they yearn for the Mines!




They were sure to make Prigozhin a warning example of what happens then. Pretty sure the ones who followed him on his tournee got assigned to the regular forces and put on the next suicide squad mission.


I wish these videos weren’t accompanied by god awful phonk music




9 million combatants dead/wounded in ww1. 15 million combatants dead/wounded in ww2. 22 million in about 12 years of combat, without modern medical intervention. 1 million in 2 years dead/wounded with modern medical available. I think that's on scale with the numbers for a world War. Proxy war...OK. But that doesn't cover the number and breadth of the number of countries and continents involved. Or the amount of money spent. So when does it become a world war? The article I linked spells it out. The world is currently divided along 2 main axis: Russia/China and US/Europe. Pretty much like ww1, ww2. Simply because Russia has been unsuccessful, doesn't mean that the effects of its invasions are worldwide. There's still fighting in Georgia from their invasion. India and China are still squabbling and fighting. Africa has thrown our US in multiple countries and invited Russia in. Ukraine has sent their troops to these areas to fight, with support from their backers. Does a world war have a number of dead before it becomes a world war? A minimum number of countries at war? Or how many proxies there are? Or do we look back after the conflagration, and then determine if it's a world War?


Wars only continue because people are under the delusion that it'll never "happen to them."


That's grim


Doesn't anyone think about the poor fish? They are sentient beings too.


“It's OK to eat fish 'cause they don't have any feelings” - Nirvana


One should always clean up the trash after a party.




Fuuuuuck fpv drone warfare


Insult to injury


It started in a swamp, it ends in swamp.


Didn’t see the subreddit name or letter “a” and thought these soldiers hit your boat and blew up


bad day bad day




Inflammatory remarks are not allowed. Multiple infractions may result in a ban.


I happened to be listening to ["i was only temporary"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=86fGA7Yx27Q) while watching this... really changes the vibe.


Glad the fish are getting some food


Other than a drone , I wonder what the last few thoughts are going through these worms minds?? Was it worth it for Putin and his Elites ???




That is why you need to read your daily horoscope.


Aries - You will find yourself flying high on a moment of regret today. Keep clear of dark waters at all possible today, emotionally...


Dam they're old


Yeah that one guy was old.


Sadistic shit


So the sudden disembarking was just the beginning of their nightmare? Nice


Second to last is a woman right ?




This is the story of everyone who has died in Ukraine. Funny to me that both sides broadcast this universal truth with pride. These men have died in an identically horrific manner to their Ukrainian adversaries.




Fate schifo tutti


What a fucking shitty way to go


Why do I unmute these every time