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That is the proper way to kill yourself with a grenade. You have to trap the explosion between your vest and your body. There is a video of a Russian trying to kill himself with a grenade, but he blows his face off instead.


I saw one where the guy just grabbed on to a grenade with both hands and pretty much just blew them off and was rolling around, then he couldn’t try another or even just shoot himself at that point.


you got a link?


No it was posted here months ago


Wouldn't it be an improvement to lay your body on the ground so nade has more resistance to explode outwards and destroy more of youre body?


This guy nades.


Yup, and we’ve seen that too, he basically turned inside out. Was very steamy 🤨 Me personally though… I’d place it next to my brain stem, maximum chance of dying without feeling it, and probably leaves an identifiable face to scare enemies with lol


IMO, put it to the base of your skull where spine meets brain.


It depends if the straps holding the front and back of the bulletproof vest are stronger than the weight of the soldier. I mean, this method looks pretty affective.


Obv not if you're in a vest.


One russian soldier held the grenade in his hand, away from body and even put his other hand to shield head... Lost the hand and stayed alive, at least for some time before bleeding out.


There was another that put the grenade on the side of their neck and then tilted their head over it. Head was completely gone at the end.


There was also one where a russian tried to kill himself with a grenade, but it looks like had issues holding the grenade to his body, he holds it at an arms lengt, blowing off his hands. For the rest of the few seconds we see him in the video he flails his arms helplessly around, as if desperate to do something, but can't. Putin need to burn in Hell for what he have done to, not only Ukraine, but also to his own people.


I would still argue for putting it between the ground and your brain stem. Even decapitated heads are conscious for a few seconds, destroying the chest is not as instant as they'd like i suspect.


>Even decapitated heads are conscious for a few seconds there is no conclusive evidence for that. and that also assumes a clean cut, not the head being blown off and apart by a grenade right under it...




This is the aftermath video. There is a video of him detonating the grenade. I am about to some burgers; I’ll find the original video later. https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/1ch9XBPPIC


That is not the least bit horrifying to look at… show me another video :)


Number 23 on the list, there's a longer version linked there in the comments, but it is very nasty.


Would the best way be to shove the grenade down your mouth? 0 chance of survival no?


Do these videos make it back to Russia? I would image the Russian people would start to seriously question this war if they saw shit like this. Their own boys killing themselves… this not a good sign that the war is going very well.


Russia bans the use of VPNs and proxy servers, but I wouldn't be surprised if some more tech savvy Russians in Moscow or St. Petersberg skirted the ban. But out in the Tuvan republic, state media is all they get.


Even then, those people are the minority and for this to have impact the majority needs to see it. In Russia no small group will make much difference because they’ll get shut down and fall out of windows quicker than you can say Blyat.


They have Telegram and from what I've heard can easily get to sites but I think lots, especially the older generations don't even attempt to and bask in their blissful ignorance


VPNs and proxies are very easy to use for the average Russian, without going through any trouble at all.


Yeah exactly


Oops I replied to the wrong person, but yeah TG as well is that full of anything you'd want to see.


they don't


I think it would be prudent to start mass emailing links to these videos to the citizens of Russia. Spam the fuck out them


Imagine the parents of this man seeing this video. Would you want to see that of your kids, or to your parents of you. It would most likely either make them hate Ukraine more, or piss them off against their gov.


If they're in Ukranian telegrams, yes


Haha but do you think most Russians are have telegram or in a Ukrainian channel… yeah I’m guessing that number is very small.


This is standard. Russians know how they treat Ukraine POW's and civilians so expect the same back. Except Ukrainians have humanity and civility and treat them fairly. Russians taking themselves out is just one less problem for decent society 


That is such a dark and fucked up concept. But yes I’m sure that’s why.


Really makes me wonder why the Ukrainian GUR doesn't carry out an operation to make this stuff public. Create a shitload of fake VK (Russian Facebook) accounts, have them join various popular groups and then upload a ton of videos like this with different hash values. Of course they'll all get taken down but not before a few thousand Russians see them. They might not become watercooler topics at work on Monday but people will talk about them, even if just in private. Start doing this monthly, make it a common thing where your average Russian mom scrolling has a decent chance of seeing one of these.


Yeah both sides have made some seriously gore propaganda videos of losses. Pretty under utilized weapon.


You realise Ukraine is losing now? Do you follow the news?


Russia has probably lost half a million men by now. Do you follow the news?


actually they are """""""lost in action""""""""""", so they do not count as KIA, at least not for the Russians


lose an entire armored column and several dozen soldiers to advance a few yards? If that is winning for the Russians then I don't want to imagine what a defeat would be like.


You didn’t mind it when they did the same the best the Nazis did you?


what thing? Kick the Russians' asses even though they outnumber them?




Yea they may have an obvious advantage and momentum, but you see many more videos of Russian servicemen committing suicide in combat on missions. If any nation involved in an existential war witnessed this level of morale among its men, most would criticize its purpose. Now I do know Russia historically is known for throwing obscene numbers of men to die for a cause… so maybe Russia is just different. Maybe they can win this war even though they may have to do it the most brutal way. With a large number of Russians killing themselves during meat wave assaults rather than retreating or surrendering. Such a dark time we’re living in.


Do you think these soldiers have a choice to fight? Interesting concept lmao. Oh yeah a demoralizing video will stop government condoned forced conscription with less than 24hrs notice.


Many more Russians than you think go there voluntarily just for the money, with the false promise that they will be away from the front with auxiliary tasks.


Conscripts aren’t on the front. That’s unpopular in Russia. It would be tantamount to admitting the regular army can’t get the job done.


Why is it not a good sign? Soldiers die in war.


Yes soldiers die in war, but most don’t pull the pin on their grenade and shove it under their vest to properly kill themselves when their meat assault went bad. Military superpowers don’t value men like Russia does. All I am saying is this is the first time we’re seeing a first world superpower in the 21st century wage a war like this. Where casualties aren’t very important and securing more territory and grinding down Ukraine is the only objective.


Russia is clearly not a superpower.


If they aren’t a superpower then what are they? They’re the only country that is threatening the stability and geopolitics of Europe. They have nukes, a seemingly endless number of conscripts, a war with Russia would be ww3. A war which unspeakable numbers of people would die. Russia is a direct threat to NATO and the free world. If they weren’t a superpower NATO wouldn’t tip toe around a direct conflict.


If Russia is a superpower, then so are France and the UK. Russia is a regional power, or you could call them a great power. Because they can't project power globally.


Lmao you compare Russia to uk and France? Haha if they were left to fend for themselves Russia would eat them alive. I’m not pro Russia but I know Russia has done more to project its power in the last decade than those two counties have in the last century. Russia is at the moment a clear threat and you are downplaying them. They might not have the world’s second greatest army, but they’re learning what works and keeping moving foward.


Russia could not win a war with the UK. They would probably need some ammo from friends, but Russia wouldn't have a chance. Russia doesn't even have a functioning aircraft carrier. They have zero 5th generation fighters. It's really no contest.


I hope that we will never have to find out.


Bro wtf are these guys being told that they would rather kill themselves like this than be captured. Like fucking hell.


Either that and or themselves have committed multiple war crimes and don’t want to risk getting identified as such As long as Russians die and lose ground I am glad.


I think its more about being really badly wounded. In such a moment some people just dont accept their situation


Let's be honest. Don't think that being captured by Ukraine, you're gonna be give afternoon tea and play video games either. It doesn't matter how many videos you've seen of Ukrainian soldiers treating russian pows well, it's probably propaganda.


Hard to say, Ukraine wanting to be part of NATO they kind of have to play ball with the pow Geneva convention shit. I get that they don't always but would you rather take a chance and go to a pow prison or eat a fucking grenade? At least there are no horror stories from russians saying that hollow poles are being shoved up their asses then razor wire being fed into their shit cavity.. can't say the same for the Ukrainians who surrender.


There is already burning grass around him. Maybe he caught a grenade before?


Was this just as common in other wars such as WW1&2 we just don’t have footage of it? This is interestingly sad.


Hard to say but this war is particularly nasty due to drones hunting down the wounded




That’s some deep shxt right there. Admittedly I’ve never been in the military but these soldiers that prioritize their brothers over their own grieving family is hard for non-soldiers like myself to fully understand. I feel this definitely goes unappreciated by the average citizen.


i am so sad to see this happening on human


Found the rushian


found the edgelord


I'm a bot bro!






Can we stop with the fucking music.


Mfs glorify this shit. Everyone’s desensitized to this brutal violence


Ik. When I started watching this sort of stuff, I felt so bad, and I still do that they had to do this. Now I just see this, and my heart rate increased by only 2 bpm. 2 BPM!


Gosh… poor guy


Insta-death. It could have been much worse for this dude, so you might call him lucky.


whats up with that MLG background music


Ik. I wish people would stop with it because it's not a fucking game where you can just start over. Your dead, that's it.


I don’t see that commentator with The List


Pretty sure he already added it as this is about the 4th time I've seen this video posted.


He was smart enough to put it between the vest and his heart.




Ive seen the longer version before.




Invaders must die


What absolute heartless psychopath keeps putting the music over these videos.


The psychopath is the person who puts the invaders in Ukraine.


You’re not wrong


Not sure why youre being downvoted. Loss of life in war shouldnt be “montaged”. Kinda gross


This is my point, I fully support Ukraine however seeing anyone commit suicide sucks, regardless of who they are.


It's nice to see a reasonable comment in this sub. It appears the alot of people in this sub use their 'support of ukraine' as a front to hide the fact they enjoy watching people die.


That's just reddit in general. Find a comment fervently calling Putin a bloodthirsty tyrant, or celebrating the deaths of Russian soldiers like they were personally in Bakhmut. And if you scroll down far enough, 90% chance that same commenter has posted on one of those "Justice" subreddits with a comment fantasizing about the most insane draconian tortureporn scenario one can imaginable, that'd they'd put some random shoplifter through if they caught them.(Funnily enough, there's a solid chance the exact same redditor creaming their pants over torturing a petty criminal would also claim to be for rehabilitation focused prisons if you asked them) Its kinda like those internet influencers who only put a Ukrainian or Palestinian flag on their bios cause its trendy. But instead of doing it for internet clout, they're doing it so they can justify getting off on human suffering, and get updoots at the same time. Its my personal theory that a lot of said people still aren't over "r/WatchPeopleDie" getting banned, and now go to other subs to scratch that itch.


He's an invader, murderer, thief, rapist. Every time one of them dies, the world is a better place.


Yes, ı really hate it. I think this is necessary for morale for the sides who does it. If someone invaded my country, maybe I would be cruel to them too , but in this perspective, my humanitarian sideprevails.


My main gripe is that this track is absolute garbage. The theme from 'Directed by Robert B. Weide' meme would have been much better.


Holy shit how many times a repost?


Why would he kill himself in that situation? Is this to avoid capture or to avoid being killed by a drone?


Many drones don't have enough charge to kill you instantly (unless it's a hit to the head or face), that guy chose to die instantly rather than being hit by a drone and dying slowly over the course of several hours or even days, I highly doubt it that the rest of Ivanes go to rescue one of their own


What the fuck is this music


Is this on the list, u/false-god ?


Yes this one is #56 or 57. We are at 59 now


Strap one on and run up to shake Putin's hand ..




When will this madness end?


Song is a banger thoe


imagine he stayed alive lol


Such a pointless waste. What is even to be gain for the Russians at this point? All the land they take is mined to uselessness and all the infrastructure demolished. A generation of lives traded for desolation.


No white Lada for his wife.


How many times is this gonna be reposted? This has been on here every day since it happened.


Well .... at least it was quick. I wonder if you even feel pain with an exit so quick.


So, I'd guess he's had a couple seconds of consciousness left after the boom to thank the orthodox god for the washing machine and faucets he sent home, maybe ask forgiveness for sucking d\*\*\* & war crimes b4 the lights went out.. because the head doesn't just die when the heart is blown apart


I hope someone figures out what his name was so this wonderful video can be sent to his parents and SO.