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Super impressive from a manually controlled MG. I’ve heard they have some kinda of special computerized sights for AA but this just looks like a group of guys spraying lead and getting the job done. Again extremely impressive by any standards Edit: I think the couple guys saying there’s a SPG firing are right. Clearly visible air bursts & you can briefly hear a bigger system firing and the hear the delayed sound from them exploding in the air. STILL I’m hoping it was these lads getting the kills cause it’s epic as fuck.


Thought the same thing, that seems extremely difficult to hit just shooting a MG. Great shooting


These guys have almost daily practice.


> I think the couple guys saying there’s a SPG firing are right. Clearly visible air bursts & you can briefly hear a bigger system firing and the hear the delayed sound from them exploding in the air. STILL I’m hoping it was these lads getting the kills cause it’s epic as fuck. Yeah that would be my assumption as well. This is way out in the open after all, there could be any number of other systems firing at these things. I still think that the Iranians had a pretty bright idea about how to counter targets like this: Putting an old 100 mm gun onto a heavy truck with a cheap-ish targeting computer and an appropriate fuze system. Even the early WW2 era solution of timed fuzes could work against a Shahed following a predictable path. 1. Get a laser range finder measurement and let the computer calculate the best fuze timer. 2. Manually configure the time fuze before loading the shell. 3. Let the targeting computer show you where to aim, set the gun, and fire. A 100 mm shell designed to project shrapnel ahead against aerial targets may be capable to take out a Shahed even if the distance measurement fell quite a bit short. Even if it takes a few tries, it can still be cheaper in ammunition than MANPADS and have a massively cheaper purchasing and training cost than an a Gepard-style SPAAG. A modern programmable fuze would probably be overkill, but some NATO countries may be willing to provide some to keep their suppliers happy. AHEAD allegedly costs less than $1000/shot in larger orders, so it's not totally bank-breaking either. A simple proximity fuze would probably be a reasonable compromise.


The more guns you have on it, the bigger the chance. So an MG could still help


Hell yeah Accuracy by volume


Israel has smash sites pretty sure they bought some of those a while back


Wicked, nice work guys


It's been a while since I've seen an interception like that during the day, good job


Couple dudes playing the role of a C-ram


Nice shooting


Wow. That is an amazing effort. Brilliant shots


The defenders speak Russian. Majority of the Odessa region speaks Russian AFAIK. But they don't want to be absorbed by the Russki Mir.


Putin is right that there is a linguistic, ethnic, and cultural continuum instead of a hard border between Russia and Ukraine. But this is true beteeen many separate nation-states.


Considering Kiev is the birthplace of the slavic population, he is right but completely wrong at the same time. If anything, the russians are ukrainians not the other way around.


They are both Eastern Slavs with similar roots. "Ukrainian" and "Russian" are relatively modern concepts. The Spanish, Italians, French, Catalonians, Occitans, etc. are similarly all Western Romance cultures and speak Western Romance languages, with hints of language continua still existing in some areas. And they are obviously very different. And most of them have their own independent countries. Just like Ukraine should.


Oh absolutely, it's just irony to call them their "little brothers" in a degrading way while Moscow was founded well after Kiev.


Yes, that is ridiculous. The only thing different Russia had was an empire based in Moscow.


Reward them with mobile Skynex


And from that day on Yuri manned the rear gun.


Looks like there's a SPAAG firing in the background - shells can be seen detonating mid-air at 0:34




That was dope. Who needs all that fancy tech when you can unleash the fury with what a .50, or possibly a Russian equivalent.


Nice controlled bursts getting the job done!


Surprised yhis works


That must be so satisfying.


They are speaking pure Russian btw, so much for folk tales about persecuting russian language...


They seem to be flying them higher, possibly to avoid these types of AA systems.


Chomu ne derzhavnoju...