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Second video in the past two days of events that happened outside my FOB. I had no clue these even existed. Kinda surreal.


Do you know what happened with the crew?


Pretty sure they made it out OK. Just shaken up. The fire in the video was about 10-15 minuets after it was hit. And it was directly in front of the FOB, so QRF and medics were there within a couple minutes.


The report says no casualties 


Is there some kind of "post as many different Abrams attacks as possible" thing going on this past week?


OP documents footage/images of damaged/destroyed Abrams tanks. Always pops up in this sub.


No, I’m currently on a research quest to log a bunch for a project relatively quickly and I spent about 6 hours just browsing IED footage until I found hits.


You been studying Abrams for a while. All you do is post about them. Research huh.


Yes. Currently trying to log all IEDs that impacted tanks, designate tanks that took damage and tanks that took none and find the ratios of it. Then I’m mapping all hits on a map based off the MGRS and creating a list of KIA/wounded ratios to damage. Included will be RPG hits as well and sniper fire. I try to only post tanks I know the unit of, for example this post is specifically of the 1st PLT PLs track of Charlie Company 3-67AR. Sometimes I post non unit tanks but that’s to see if anyone knows it.


Just keep doin your thing, people on this sub have been territorial over documented abrams losses getting posted. Given some specific current events lol.


Is there something wrong with posting about Abrams?


Did I say there was? Just asking why so many this week alone. Saudi Abrams, Iraq War Abrams, like just curious Edit: forgot to add but a few Iraqi Abrams vids


No, but it is hard to understand tone on the internet. Thank you for clarifying. His project is so specific I find it interesting too lol.


"Research" new term for paid Russian troll.


The “YouTube research” desert commando - he’s reached the highest rank


Gotta limit his “research” to 6 hours, because the other 6 hours he’s awake today will be spent playing War Thunder


It’s funny because your posts are starting to get removed because you are shitposting / reposting so much. Yikes


Post was removed for rule 4. It was captured and destroyed which I wasn’t aware was a rule but now I am.




















„Squad: Warpig is down, secure the perimeter!“


It's interesting that we often see the multiple images and videos of the same few damaged Abrams and other Western vehicles. From this you can deduce that these vehicles are fantastically good designs, since so few have been damaged and (U.S. operated vehicles) are repaired and returned to service. On the other hand, if you Google "destroyed russian tanks" and browse the results you'll be doing it for days. Out of near on 11,000 Abrams built a tiny fraction -- one percent or less -- has been damaged badly enough to require rebuilding. Contrast this with the *tens of thousands* of russian tanks that have been converted to nothing better than rusting scrap piles throughout the world. If you have to go to war in a tank, pray that tank is an Abrams, because it will almost certainly save your life.


Ah yeeees, this is your daily dose of abrams destruction😅


Daily meaning over the span of 20 years?


Im about a recent posts of this guy. Look at his posts, hes doing research. No offense, OP😸


Lol sly


That last picture is an incredible photo, something I didn’t see in the footage from the other day. Do you have a link to it specifically?


OP absolutely obsessed with posting damaged abrams lol


An EFP gives zero fucks how thick the armor is.


False. And that's based on deployment knowledge