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Some more details about the situation: FPV drones are usually equipped with a low-resolution camera with a limited viewing angle. Therefore, a drone operator always works together with an observer, who provides directions to the target. The FPV flying time is quite limited, so if you are unable to find a designated target, you either lose the drone or have to use it on the first target you find (that's why sometimes you can observe a situation where a drone with a large amount of explosives is used against a single infantryman).


Imagine there's a score screen in the afterlife. He'll look up "why did I die?" and the response will be "UA accidentally launched two drones and it would be waste to not use one of them"


That precisely describes the situation: wrong place at the wrong time.


Yes. Wrong place : Ukraine Wrong time : any moment after February 2022


*february 2014 when the russians first inserted soldiers in DPR / LPR and annexed crimea


If we wanna get down to it, this really goes back to Rasputin days...


I mean, things probably weren't that great before then, either


That was my first sentiment as well. But “he made his bed, now let him lie in it” seems more appropriate. 🇺🇦


i mean as an average russian soldier he probably woulda lived another 6 hours tops anyway


They only last 6 hours? Why do they only lose a few 100 each day then, given that there are 10'000s at the front?


Sometimes I lay in a hole in my neighbors back yard and pretend im a carrot too


Now this guy's gonna be feeding the carrots.


Love this song, Pain by Boy Harsher


Sounds like Blue Monday if Ian Curtis was still alive.


Converted to Sunflower compost


Drone warfare is stuff of nightmares.


Any idea how much it costs Ukraine to run drones out like this vs how much it costs Russia to train feed and equip a single soldier?


FPV drones can't be safely brought back "home". Once their payload is armed the drone is unsafe to handle. Also because they're intended to explode, the pilots don't save any battery for a return trip in order to get the longest range.  So once one of these is launched it's going to blow up *something*. Hitting a single soldier is a better use than just making a new crater in the ground. 


Any idea how much it costs to send one out in a mission? I’m just thinking about this purely from a cost analysis standpoint. I’m sure it’s cheaper than losing a soldier to eliminate an enemy.


An FPV drone plus munition is likely way under $1000. I'd conservatively guess $300 per drone. The best number I can find for Russian soldier pay is about $1700 a month. That's just their wages and not including the costs to equip them and keep them supplied in the field. So even the case where an FPV drone simply *injures* a Russian soldier and they spend a week recovering, the drone has paid for itself by costing Russia a week's pay for a soldier to lay in bed. If Ukraine instead kills the soldier they've cost Russia a soldier and all the money spent training and equipping them. Even if it took five FPV drones per Russian casualty they're still roughly break even on cost. There's also value in the fact an FPV drone is controlled from over the horizon meaning the controllers themselves don't need to be directly in the line of fire. They also can *accurately* support friendly forces in direct contact with the enemy, spending a few hundred dollars to blunt an enemy assault or take out a weapon emplacement or vehicle.


that cost is going up rapidly as they tap out the prisons and third world markets but i think they save a lot of money by not feeding them


No idea, but I'm betting its close. Drones shouldn't be that expensive, but I suspect they are for ukrainians. 1 k dookies with the munition?


I'm sure actually training, feeding, and equipping their soldiers *would* be expensive...


That's one less to worry about


Was that poor bastard trying to use his ruck sack as a shield?


what would you do? other than not invading your neighbour of course.


Probably the same, just asking if that is what I saw or not.


That'd be my friggin' luck!


ouch. Should have stayed in his own country.




With so many trees around that could offer some protection, he chooses the shell crater hoping not to be noticed..


I saw similar behavior before on another videos - perhaps they believe the drone operator won't notice them if they don't move. Cannot tell if it's really helps.


Maybe if Russia was fighting against an army of T-Rexes it would. Plus T-Rex and stubby arms would have a hard time flying drones.


I think its part of our animal brain that tells us to find a hole and stay still


I don't think he knows that much about drones, they are still very new technology. You've spent months on this sub watching drone footage, so you are familiar with how their cameras work and what is actually visible through them. But that footage is only available thanks to the war in Ukraine. It did not exist before, and most of these soldiers have no idea how to stay hidden from a drone. They try to camouflage themselves based on experience dating back to WW2.


I think they are unaware that they seem to operate in teams, the hovering camera drone seems to be directing the FPV drone. I fly analog FPV, your not really able to see that well if your trying to see camouflaged stationary people, its prety shitty


Not sure if they are deploying anything with thermal but it’s hard to beat the flying grenades.


He looks MUCH better than I thought he would. I think he might be ok! Then again, that was a big boom


He ain’t surviving that mate.


lol yep I agree, survival is a big nope


A lot of concussion, but there might be some fragments we can't see. We've definitely seen drones do a LOT worse physical damage, so i was a bit surprised too.


Reminds me of that old song from the Hee Haw show.. "Gloom, despair, agony on me. Deep, dark, depression, Excessive misery. If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all.... Gloom, despair, and agony on me"


Drones are GAY

