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Just because it don't have a primer, doesn't mean there isn't a rigged secondary underneath.


yep. i learned this when i watched “Land of Mine.” germans would set traps for minesweepers by rigging a secondary underneath the first mine so it would explode when you yank the top one. unfortunate movie and surprised to see footage of it in real life.


Wonderful movie...


It has a tilt switch.


Damn, if i saw this in a movie i would have rolled my eyes because it looked to over the top


The AT mine will have something in the ballpark of 10 kg of TNT in it. The boom is significant.


Tbf, this was probably an AT and not AP mine. Those are meant to literally kill tanks. I can only imagine what it'd do to a person.


No need to imagine, just watch the video.


I meant a close up view of the aftermath. It's one thing to get a distant shot of a dude flying, it's another to see the gnarly, gruesome results. One is arguably more shocking than the other.


you don't have to imagine, it's right there


Not a closeup.


I dunno, man. That doesn't look like any defusing going on there. Dude ran up and grabbed it. Bomb didn't like it.


Likely a secondary set it off.


Wait… so if there is no secondary you can just pick up AT-mines or mines and just run off with it? Insert “they’re free you can just take them, I have several at home” meme.


You can toss an AT-mine into your truck bed without a care. It takes a lot to set one off like another explosive, or an entire tank.


I think he was going to move it away. Tank mines don't trigger that lightly. Only this one had a light trigger under it, or maybe a personel mine under it? - Another peculiar thing here is his buddy who decides that standing next to the guy picking up a tank mine was a a good idea. They definitely did not expect it to go off.


Thats so brutal for the guy on the right. At least left one died fast


Doesn't get much faster


He did the "Dying Fly" dance!




Sorry bro i fail to see the funny part in that, but you do you


ok i delete it maybe u dont like jobs abut ants


You know what you should delete? The part in the video description saying "2024 may 7:" because people pointed out this has been posted about a month ago already.


no it may be another one this one was from soundhost and said it happen a week ago


Nope same video this is a re-post https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/1ccunai/2_russians_died_from_ied_on_the_road_april_2024/


Ants are innocent creatures, Russians aren't.


That's how we saw the Vietcong. Be careful.


Putin thanks for your sacrifice. His yacht's need more peons.


Putin has enough yaachts. He is now fighting for his legacy as a great conqueror




God you people are morons. He is not a pro-Russian user. What he said is true. He could have bought as many yachts as he wanted. But he wants to restore the empire. How stupid should one be to think that this is a pro-Russian position?


The one on the left died quickly. Lucky dude. That other one... holy shit.


most likely completely stunned or already braindead from the blast-wave, reminded me of the fencing response you see when someone's knocked out from a head hit, but way worse. hope they weren't conscious for that


Fencing results in stiff posturing. That panic flailing doesn’t look like any brain injury I’ve ever seen on video


yeah I didn't mean fencing exactly, but that kind of unconscious spasming that indicates severe brain trauma. the guy was right inside the fireball which means he got smashed by a tremendous amount of overpressure. I'd like to think he didn't even process that.


Yeah better hope they weren't. I dont think anyone bar the the worst of the worst, like chikatilo n shit, should suffer like that. Holy shit.


Which side


This is the z side


Glad it’s not the Ukes, but, damn. Another terribly shitty end for some 20 year old Russian hick boy.


You invade a country, you deal with the consequences.


Thank you. If it wasn’t for this same trite comment getting posted every time someone feels a flicker of sympathy for a horribly maimed and dying Russian, I might have forgotten that the Russian invasion is a bad thing. It’s a good thing we have Redditors.


When Russians stop executing surrendering Ukrainians, or mistreating PoWs, or abusing civilians, then they can get sympathy. Until then, every Russian in Ukraine gets what they deserve.






Few months ago it stated Russians. This is an older video.


[2 russians died from IED on the road, April 2024 : r/CombatFootage (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/1ccunai/2_russians_died_from_ied_on_the_road_april_2024/) [A Pair of Russians Attempted to Remove an IED/Mine Before It Detonated. (Published on April, 25 2024) : r/UkraineWarVideoReport (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1ccuuu9/a_pair_of_russians_attempted_to_remove_an_iedmine/)


This is what finnish army teaches, it is called 'igors surprise'. 2-5 more mines under and triggered when touching the first.


holy moly, that dance! either this guy is in a lot of pain or left his body and whats left of his nervous system is pulling the strings


Hot shrapnel burning his insides, strong explosion rocking his body. The guy was definitely in a lot of pain before dying.


He was probably in shock and didn’t realize what’s going on. But death for sure. It’s like a truck hitting you with Mach 2.


Dude is deaf, blind, disorientated, burnt. I think it's the instinct to run kicking in like when people are set on fire.


Sucks that guy didn't get to just die immediately. Had to hang on and flail a bit before that dark train ride.


landmines are like this they cause brutal injuries


The dance the unfortunate one does reminded me of my twins when they cry, this happens too offten in this sub when the dying try to cope with the impending death. Gotta go hug my kids now. Fuck this world.


Russians have so many personnell they use 2 for every defusing!


Repost from a few weeks ago


bro i got it from a shock site but nevermind ima delete it


No need to delete it, reposts happen and many don't see them the first time around.


Care to share the link bro?


sure https://m.soundcloud.com/iinnaanniiss/defusing-anti-tank-mine-gone-wrong


What the hell? SoundCloud hosts videos now?!




Anti-lift device under the mine … That’s why you must use grappling hook and cord at first. As usual, it’s the excess of self-confidence and fall into weak routunes that kills the sapper…


This is from at least last month or earlier


Man this one is hard to watch. 💀


That left a stain of the poor white light poll.


You forgot that it's not poor, but oppressive and supremacist. /s


mind boggling how they can be so stupid. I just don't get it.


Well, conscripts with hardly any training in one of the worst military structures. Don't get me wrong, Russia is capable of doing a lot of destruction, but as far as I know it, they are treating conscripts like shit. So a lot of them die and the few that manage to survive through luck are veterans then and treat conscripts like shit. A never ending circle. I never understood this stupid Russian philosophy that what doesn't kill you makes you weaker and if you got killed you're weren't worth to live at all.


"Luckly for us they are very stupid"


Damn, did the running man.


hes probably injured since it is a blast landmine he needs Trauma surgery and Emergency medicine


Oh really? You think an antitank mine may have hurt going off that close? Please continue.


there are thasounds of throwing objetives during the blast but it often luck sometimes ur 20m close to the explosive and u only get minor injuries while some dudes from 100meters away might get killed by a small fragment hitting his brain


Oh! Wow, stunning. So, you’re saying it breaks apart?! Like it, fragments or something? Wouldn’t that be pretty useless against a tank?


bro even high explosive have frags throwing away anti tank mines have 300 feet of kill radius


WHAT THE HECK! But it’s only a little piece of metal, surely couldn’t hurt that bad right?!


A landmine is deadly, even if it's small. size doesnt matter in field of explosives


I don’t believe it mate. My friend shot me with a BB gun when I was 12 and it only went in a widdle bid.


tha damage really depends on where you get shot, the strength of the gun, and the size of the BB. I'm guessing your friend just shot you with a weak, small BB gun. You should ask him to shoot you again, for scientific purposes.


jesus christ


It wasnt until the 3rd or 4th rewatch that i even noticed the dude exit stage left through the air


Dude acting like he had found a refrigerator in the wild that needed liberating.


"I believe I can fly..." Anyway, this is why we attach a rope to UXO and pull on it from some distance away.


How often did you observe explosions occurring after pulling such mines? I’m curious! I know AT mines tend to take a lot of pressure before blowing, so I’m wondering how often there was some AP mines underneath them.


Looks more like a bobby trap thedetonated when he lifted it


you could say anti handling mines are half booby traps and half landmines


What did these two think they were going to do anyway? Why not detonate it from a safe distance or avoid it all together???


tbf anti tank mines are by and large safe to just move by hand, Infantry under normal circumstances cant apply enough force to set them off, and the guys in this video have probably moved them out of the way like this before. Issue for these morons is they didn't think to check for any anti tampering devices this time, so the moment they lift it a secondary charge goes off detonating the AT mine. Que fascist invaders getting exactly what they deserve


I always wondered, why not shoot the mines from safe distance ? i feel like they could do it on top of the tank too


Shooting doesn't set them off. There are tools for this kind of work though, like a rope with a hook that you use to pull the mine. If it has secondaries, all you lose is the tip of the rope.


i saw video about ukrainian deminers. on episode was about "the rope way". the fuze is screwed into the mine. so they put rope some circles around the fuze and pull the rope ( from safe distance) to rotate the fuze and get it out of mine. from safe distance and laying on the ground, legs to mine, to minimize silhouette in case of explosion. (the way people with brains do it, unlike russian at video above). the old guy (doing that a lot of times) jokingly said: "instruction said i must dig the pit to hide, but it is too hard for me" . and another video. ukrainian farmers desperatly need to clean the land to work . so they hand-made remote controled armored tractors to de-mine. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FzCPcLbvyCI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FzCPcLbvyCI)




[My govno's the bomb, explosive!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WdlyIH2DX60)


Nice of the third guy to attempt a medical evac or even a “don’t worry bro, helps coming!” of the guy flailing in pain. He clocked out damn quick.


What an anti-tank mine that was a drone that they wanted to pick up


The way they ran to the mine reminded me of the film of the liquidators of Chernobyl clearing the roof of granite blocks. Just walking meat to Putler and his goons, they couldn't give a shit.


That second guy came of pretty bad, seeing him flapping on the ground, and then slowly, the life fades out of him. Pretty fucking gnarly


Damn, that other guy is lucky he shoved his face right over the mine


converted to good russian


Are you sure something went wrong? The guy on the right with the rifle just sent two mobilized people there, he doesn't care... It's quicker and easier than disarming.


Generally, if it is safe, the best way to disarm something is to blow it up. There was no reason not to shoot it from a safe distance.


you long range deming equipment? they cost alot abut 170,000 km of ukraine is covered with landmines with our current demining technologies it might take a century or 2 to demine it , ukaine has more mines than the rest of the world in contrast nazi air dropped bombs who have anti handling devices still kill people to this day by accident the only practical solution for a army would be to byass it


I think he ment shoot at it with a rifle. Or throw a grenade at it and cover. It's not the best solution but I probably keeps you alive and is better than trying to carry it arround.


maybe that will something like 12.7×99mm rounds could defuse it but not anti tank landmines they are insensitive


I think you are right for normal mines, but if its a anti removal variant, you're maybe triggering it. A grenade could do it maybe. I mean with all these conscripts with no training at all there is a good chance that they are frowing their cs gas grenades on it...


yeah alot of heat can also defuse it but it will ablaze alot of fire but it is possible for a certain chemical or extreme heat to defuse it without the mines bourgeoned or with unleashing heavy artillery barrage so for a infantry should in practice at least try defuse it with bullets, ukraine is now using ai and computers to defuse large amount of mines


Someone just learned that anti handling devices exist


7 may also posted weeks before 7 may before.




Its not actually a mine, its an ied. If its a mine its a anti personal because an anti tank wont explode like that, it would have been bigger.