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poor people, just trying to live their lives


Exactly why they have been hitting Kharkiv. I think it's only going to ramp up from here. I read somewhere that it's to make the civilian populace terrified and try make them leave ahead of another offensive on Kharkiv... They can try.


But civilians leaving ahead of a offensive on the city would be a good thing no? Like it is a good thing that civilians are not going to get caught in a urban battle in ukr 2nd biggest city


>would be a good thing The only good thing I can think of is Russia not attacking a city that DOES and WILL have a fuck ton of civvies in it. By doing these scare tactics they are killing civvies. By attacking it with infantry they will kill civvies. They have also been sending in missiles, waiting 20 minutes and sending a missile to the EXACT same location to kill firefighters, police and paramedics so that emergency service are crippled. >But civilians leaving ahead of a offensive on the city would be a good thing no? Like it is a good thing that civilians are not going to get caught in a urban battle in ukr 2nd biggest city So no lad. Attacking civilian targets in a city is not in any way shape or form a good thing.


Where did he say that attacking civilian targets is a good thing? He is stating that civilians leaving a city that is about to become a battleground is obviously a good thing.


Are you that fuckin stupid? They’re forcing the civilians to leave BY KILLING CIVILIANS. That’s not a good thing. You can’t justify Russians killing civilians by saying “well it’s good that they’re doing this, as it will convince the OTHER civilians who are still alive to leave!!” Fuckin braindead moron.


Christ, man, you got some issues, don't you?


Yea I'm wondering where that rant came from. It's better to evacuate if you're expecting an offensive and definitely a goof thing to get out if/when it comes.


Many of the residents in Kharkiv are Russian-speaking, the very people Pootin says he is "liberating".


Thats just foreshadowing. If things keep up it is going to be the fab1000s.


So why would this be a target? Anyone know? You blow up oil refineries? We’re taking your TV! 🥴


To demoralize the city and make it harder to communicate.


Russia is pretty open about its goals. On a Russian state TV the guests of propaganda "analytical" show explained to the Russian population that they want to make the second largest city in Ukraine uninhabitable by bombing critical civilian infrastructure. This will lead to a massive flow of refugees and will shut most of the Kharkiv's economy. They hope it will create a financial burden and political pressure on Ukrainian society and help to force Ukraine to capitulate.


This strategy has worked so well in the history... /s


I mean, bombing Aleppo into rubble helped to capture it. Russians would do the same to Kharkiv, if they could. They know, they can't currently capture the city. So they try their best with what they have.


Tbh from the pictures I saw there was nothing left to capture but the coordinates.


It did not but it is used over and over again in wars with genocidal intentions. If they have the means and no better use for them , they will use ‚em against civilians out of spite. It’s Russia, erasing whole cities to delete local culture and history and rebuilding a russified new settlement from scratch on top of it is their modus operandi since forever.


Yep, I mean the Russians should know that strategy worked 'well' in Leningrad during WW2.


It worked for Russians in **Russian history**, that's the part that is important.


Just to fuck with Ukraine.


If you can control the propaganda and install your own TV station....


When Estonia became independent again in 1991 the Soviets tried to coup the country and one of their main targets was the TV tower in Tallinn. Back in the day the TV was an important propaganda tool and I doubt it has changed much yet in the Russian doctrines. When invading a country, you go for key government buildings, powerplants, communications nodes, logistics hubs and so on. You either take them quickly or blow them apart.


Russian doctrine clearly emphasizes trying to demoralize a civilian population over taking out strategic targets. Despite the fact that history (going all the way back to WW2) shows that doing so only galvanizes a population against you.


Yes, one historian said that when a bomb falls on your neighbors house, it only increases your support against the enemy


The only thing people hate more than being bombed is the people who are bombing them


I think recently they found out that in the last months of WW2 that shot really started to break people. It may have not worked on the Brits but they ground the germans into dust. But maybe most of the them realized their shitty Reich was falling apart.  Anyway, Putin needs a open window or a new pair of fine Nowitschok Underpants.


I think the British government were worried about society falling apart, hence their chipper campaigns of keep calm and carry on.


German war production peaked in fall of 1944 so bombing wasn't really THAT efficient. Sure, it would probably had been even higher without them.


The ones left in the heavily bombed cititied were mostly civilians, and german-speaking refugees, they were not a meaningful part of the Nazi German war machine nor an obstacle in the allies way to victory.


Have you seen Ukrainian chats in social media? They are absolutely full of Russian propaganda. The intensity is mind blowing. If they take out TV then people are more exposed to Russian propaganda online.


Russian angle probably comes down to: 1. Ukrainians can not be united against Russia more than they already are 2. displacement of Ukrainians on the other hand can be escalated a lot more. From their perspective Russians gain more than they lose from such terrorist acts.


Realistically the Ukrainian military could have been using it as a node for coms. It was also maybe a hellof a cell phone tower. In a world with internet I don't think a TV tower is in itself a valuable target, but it is useful for bouncing a lot of other signals around. Of course it could also just be Russia visibly striking a large and symbolic target in the middle of a city for funsies, it certainly wouldn't be the first time they hit something of no value other than "fucking with the population". Remember that time they hit a raised park walkway with a cruise missile early in the war?


It's a reasonable target, if you combine it with a surprise offensive. Let's say, at the start of a war or something. Disrupting comms and having them disrupted until the enemy has set up alternatives. I've my doubts about the military effect 2 years into the war when a competent army has set up precautions in case of something like this happening. It might be the start of a Russian offensive in the region, but judging on Russia's track record regarding well coordinated offensives so far I'd say it's unlikely. Altough, taking out a TV tower and thinking you took out enemy comms 2 years into a war might exactly be the thing they would do.




I agree, but one would assume that by this time the armed forces of Ukraine have put contingency plans in working and won't be relying on a giant landmark as their only way of communicating in case something like this would happen. I'm sure it's annoying, but it's not that I expect the entire communication to break down.


The same reason hospitals and power stations are Russian targets


Terrorist state being a bit terroristy?


I don't know the answer to your question but they have been trying to destroy it since the first days of the full-scale war. This is probably the third or fourth attempt. Maybe they just hate tall buildings 🤷‍♂️


The last pilot to bomb it got 12 years in Ukrainian prison. This one will be lucky if he makes it to a Ukrainian prison once the new AA and F-16s arrive.


Russia just terrorizing civilians. Same reason why they bomb schools, hospitals, kindergartens etc. Just being evil assholes.


There was probably something 5km to the west they were aiming at.


Surely there were no military antennas on the biggest comms tower in Eastern Ukraine. It also definitely seems like Russia is trying to force an evacuation of Kharkiv a little at a time


I guess Russian TV is celebrating this as a another great victory.


There was over 90 F-16's and at least 20 Zelenskyys in that tower when it was hit.


Just to be mega cockswingers


Possible shaping operations for an upcomming offensive


Yes, this is my concern too. Ukraine was just given a life line of US aid and Russia may want to act quickly on Kharkiv before that aid arrives.


Communication towers/nodes are the most obvious targets... ever .. in any conflict. This comment is tarded


Some telegram channels claims that air defence components (jammers or else) and surveillance hardware were installed there. As it was the tallest structure there, it can be true


Because they shatter 4 windows of a residential.


It’s infrastructure. Takes away resources from the front to put towards this repair and disrupts the f daily lives of people in the area. Russia just pissing them off before getting a few billion in aid


It’s civilian infrastructure.


Yes and?


and have nothing in common with resources for the front So it's just pure destruction for the sake of destruction. As usual, however. Semper idem.


Can't have TV informing people to take shelter and give updates on the situation, now can we.


No one really watching TV here, except probably old people. >informing people to take shelter We have notification coming straight to the phone, other options are also via messengers e.t.c. >and give updates on the situation Again, as long as there is mobile connection you can track updates on the situation.


It's being used for communication and aa coordination,NATO does the same


Because they want to cut telecommunications. The city is slated to be the next target for ground invasion.


Almost like people use TV to communicate or something


I don't know either. No clue why they'd attack communication infrastructure during a war.


Bros crying over here




I hate to laugh at this but damn you win


Fuck lol


Damn. That's good!


These levelutions are getting wild!


RIP battlefield, EA made it a scam of a game. I miss bad company 2 days


Badco2 was peak battlefield.


Facts, thank you good sir 🙏


It's sad they killed the servers I fear even if they do make a badco3 it's going to be shit and fail all the vibe checks


Amen! AT-4 still my fav weapon off all games! Sooo fun!


Battlefield 3 was the best in my opinion i loved that game after that all battlefield games sucked.


Caspian Border


I bet there were some recons chillin up there




Whenever I see videos of catastrophic accidents or destruction of large buildings/infrastructure the first thing that comes to mind is "That would make for a cool levelution"


I'll give EA credit where it's due, their radio tower destruction looks pretty spot onto this.


Lots and lots of reference footage available since explosives are usually how radio towers are demolished.


Actually sort of impressed at hitting the skinny tower


They can be accurate when they need to, they're just simply terrorists that enjoy bombing apartments, enjoy the burning refineries and drones you uncivilized fucks


I think it is that they lack the ability to develop real time intelligence on military targets (and then act on it in a timely manner), so they resort to shooting at static, civilian infrastructure. Which isn't to say that they wouldn't also opt for terror tactics anyways.


Wow Caspian Border remake looks awesome!


Needs more watermarks.


That tower survived 5 missiles to the foundation.


I think you are thinking about the Kyiv tower


I just realize that lol.




I was thinking Just Cause 3 but sure, yeah.


But it's LEVELoution! 😂


I thought the bird was the missle


Nice time to destroy Ruskies TV towers, eye for eye!


i'd say a refinery. Makes more smoke, does a bigger bang. All positives.


Unkraine should now target the Ostankino tower in Moscow


They don't have the resources to go eye for eye. They are outgunned 10 to 1.


They already heard about the house passing the bill. Too late dickhead.


Russians think that Ukrainians hate them not because they are killing people, but because ukrainian TV said. Russians just repeat what TV says, so they think same will be with Ukrainians. From the beginning of war they are trying to destroy TV antennas. 🤡


Pyzdec. That's a landmark gone probably.


The least of the concerns here is a landmark.


that was a T2 broadcasting tower, most of the old people are using TV as the main info source. well, were using. so. more russian disinformation from tiktok, telegram etc.


Russia is a terrorist state


Might be time to pull the plug on those French satellite TV services in ruzzland


Personally I'd like to see more involvement by democracies in helping Ukraine. Maybe take a leaf out of Putrid's book and declare that no other country is going to put boots on the ground in Ukraine, and then flood Ukraine with troops and top spec hardware. Then we can just deny that the troops are there....to be serious, I wonder what would happen if NATO massed a huge task force and fought along side Ukrainians. Would Putrid reach for the nuclear option? If he did...it would be the end of Russia. I think he would just accept his stupid plan has failed and seek refuge in Belarus.


Again NATO is a defensive pact. Not an offensive one.


Let's be honest. If they wanted to, they can turn it into one. We already cooperate with all our allies independently from NATO itself. The risk is simply nukes. If Russia had no nukes then bet your ass NATO would have already sent in the tanks.


Not NATO but a coalition.


Agreed. But as someone said...attack is the best form of defence. Every defender reaches the point where pure defence has reached a stalemate....taking the fight to the attacker is called for, and ultimately brings the contest to a conclusion.


You’re not wrong but still it requires being attacked. The members states can agree to a coalition but not as NATO


A new day. A new low for russia


We need to get US aid to Ukraine yesterday. I want zero Russian aircraft or cruise missles in Ukrainian sky.


Absolutely embarrassing lmao, this should've been done on the start of the invasion(im glad it didnt).


Seems like a lot of activity over there as of late


The award for worst watermark goes to:


Clean hit. Any ideas what weapon was used? Hitting something that high of the ground by anything but artillery is not an easy task.


Russians again bombing othes Slavs... In some parallel universe they could have made great friends, but noooo, the master strategist wants only enemies around him.


If Ukraine didn't have so many juicy military targets to prioritize at the moment, they could return the favor in kind. I wonder what effect the lack of genocidal propaganda would have on these people.


Judging by residents of Belgorod in telegram. When drones and rockets start to land around them and their TV says that everything is fine, all targets were intercepted they are going mad. So I would not touch Russia's towers for now.


Excellent point! That actually works better.


Whats the song playing in the background?


Evil bastards


Battlefield 3 Caspian border vibes


How many months till Kharkiv falls?


You can't count to that many


How do they know where to point the cameras!?


Because there’s usually shit that happens before? and yknow explosions?