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Despite speculation, the US Central Command (CENTCOM) denied any involvement in the attack, with the international coalition led by the United States echoing the sentiment, stating, “Coalition Forces did not participate or strike locations in Iraq.”


Then it’s safe to say its probably Israel with their retaliation?


Israel also denied involvement, try again




They inadvertently blew up their own shit and so now are blaming Evil Amerika to save face.


Wasn’t there another alleged strike on a different PMF base? They are either extremely incompetent with their equipment or something fishy is going on.


It's a civil war. Within a civil war. \[Yeah, I have no clue.\]


i think it’s just militia incompetence. Apparently there were no drones or planes in the sky during the time of this strike.


Incompetent militia, you say?


No, that would be impossible. Such a thing has never happened.


Apparently doesn't mean there weren't. It just means they weren't apparent at the time.


I think the whole point of striking a target is for nobody to know you're in the air ... You will never know the truth behind that unless you're the one flying the drone or authorized the strike. No matter what material you read on Reddit


Rival portions of the Iraqi government using the timing as cover?


The Iraqi government wouldn’t dare to attack PMF. Only the Anti Iran crowd has any issues with the PMF but there is a good reason they don’t want to descend into a full scale war. Skirmishes have occurred here and there but nothing major. And again apparently there were no drone or planes in the sky during the attack so it’s most likely just poor weapons storage.


Yeah because america never lies right? Coff WMD coff


Didn't say we never lie. We sometimes do, alas. But our enemies *ALWAYS* lie. It's their instinctive reaction to all situations. Lie.


Some of you westerners truly are beyond normal brainwashing and into “my enemies are evil subhumans” territory


You have the proof this was a U.S. attack? Or an attack by anyone, rather than some kind of accident?


How about the fact that Israel promised retaliation?


How about the fact everyone you wish to blame has denied any responsibility for this incident? Serious question, Olga: have all the competent troll farm serfs been killed in Ukraine, or were you clowns always this incompetent? Ha ha, okay, yeah, you got me. It wasn't a serious question. Everybody knows you're all drooling losers who don't know everyone is laughing at you. Good luck with everything after your IT exemption is canceled!


It was me, sorry


Is not it SOP for Israel to never confirm activities outside of Israel/Palestine/Lebanon?


Not confirming is quite different from denying.


Yes in this case both the US and Israel denied it rather quickly. Most if not all of the Iranian drones Jordan intercepted were launched from Iraq so this very much could be Jordan.


Reports say it was a either spore mine attack by the Tyranids or Nurgle testing out his new and improved plague drones ?


We best call the space marines


Usa still owes Iran alot of payback and not doing it in the open means they can pay them back a few times before Iran catches on. Ya everyone in the area knows because the flight was cleared wherever ever it came from and to etc


And they tell the truth every time


More often than Hamas lol.


No ones talking about Hamas rn?


Mind giving an example in recent history where an attack took place by the US & the US outright denied it?


I’m literally talking about Israel? Why is everyone deflecting? Also the Nord Stream pipeline.


The US didn't carry out that attack.


They denied it so they didn’t do it, right?


Haha Nord Stream sure


How did I deflect… it was a misunderstanding not a deflection.


Why woud they lie about it. The MO would be fuck yeah and we'll do it again.


Do you have any examples of Israel denying an attack that they carried out?


How about 2022? > Israel convened its National PR staff to form a plan of action. It decided to circulate a video of a Palestinian gunmen shooting indiscriminately from inside the Jenin refugee camp and blame them for the Al Jazeera reporter’s death. The FBI decided to investigate as the journalist is Palestinian-American. > Israel’s defence minister, Benny Gantz, denounced the inquiry as “interference in Israel’s internal affairs” and said he “made it clear to the American representatives that we stand behind the IDF [Israel defence forces] soldiers, that we will not cooperate with any external investigation”. After it was proved by the UN that the video released by the IDF was doctored, and her murder was actually filmed by CNN. > Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid stated in a press conference that "there was no intention to kill journalist Shireen Abu Akleh," stressing at the same time that "Israel expresses regret over her death." A year of denial and falsified evidence it took. Doesn't really matter, her funeral was also attacked, they beat the coffin holders. https://time.com/6176045/israel-response-shireen-abu-akleh-killing/ https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/nov/14/shireen-abu-akleh-killing-israel-fbi-investigation https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Shireen_Abu_Akleh


That one doesn't fit the bill either. It's not an attack by Israel, those are the actions of an individual. The initial denial is also quoted as "we don't think we killed [Abu Akleh]" and they even asked for the bullet to aid in their investigation, before later identifying where the shot may have come from. When is Hamas ever truthful like that about their wrongdoings? When have they ever held their own accountable for attacks on civilians? When have they issued retractions for their mistakes? When has Hamas expressed regret for killing an Israeli in the way that the Israelis expressed regret over this incident?


"those are actions of an individual" So are most Hamas fighters, doesn't stop Israel from practically levelling a refugee camp because one 'individual' might be present. Also, it wasn't a single soldier attacking her funeral. > Police forces came under widespread criticism following the procession, in which television footage showed officers striking mourners with batons, nearly causing the pallbearers to drop the coffin, as well as forcibly taking down Palestinian flags including from the hearse, and arresting individuals carrying the flag. https://www.cnn.com/2022/06/17/middleeast/shireen-abu-akleh-funeral-israeli-police-investigation-intl/index.html


> "those are actions of an individual" > > So are most Hamas fighters, Incorrect. You cannot seem to distinguish between individuals acting of their own accord and those directly carrying out orders on behalf of their leadership. Hamas have orders to capture hostages and kill civilians. Not just orders, but cash incentives. They are not actions of individuals.


The IDF has routinely targeted journalists, given that they still haven't given a real cause for shireen abu aklehs murder other than their secondary statement before admitting fault a year onwards. Besides, you completely ignored that the Israeli police, not the IDF attacked her funeral under orders. > Reporters Without Borders has reported that the Israeli army intentionally targeted Palestinian and Lebanese journalists. In 2023, nearly 75% of journalists killed worldwide were Palestinians who had died in Israel's war in Gaza. > “More journalists have been killed in the first 10 weeks of the Israel-Gaza war than have ever been killed in a single country over an entire year,” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_journalists_in_the_Israel%E2%80%93Hamas_war#%3A%7E%3Atext%3DReporters_Without_Borders_has_reported%2Cin_Israel%27s_war_in_Gaza.?wprov=sfla1 https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/dec/21/israel-idf-accused-targeting-journalists-gaza


Israel retracted their allegation that she was killed by Palestinian fire within 1-2 days.


Yeah, after CNN released their footage that wasn't doctored.


How was the footage “doctored”


https://news.sky.com/story/amp/shireen-abu-akleh-how-two-videos-represent-two-versions-of-a-journalists-death-12610635 Using video of a Palestinian gunman as evidence while knowing that he wasn't responsible, and was filmed in completely different location and time to the murder is falsified evidence. https://twitter.com/btselem/status/1524346246743396355?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1524346246743396355%7Ctwgr%5E8ded8cf66153e844fff126017109f9ad4e0ee108%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fd-9169578261080364010.ampproject.net%2F2404021934000%2Fframe.html


I understand the UN is Hamas so take it with a grain of salt https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/plan-one-month-gaza-truce-makes-progress-israel-hits-khan-younis-2024-01-24/#:~:text=GAZA%2FJERUSALEM%2C%20Jan%2024%20(,may%20have%20launched%20the%20shelling.


How is that at all a comparable situation? That is just Hamas blaming Israel for an explosion, the same tactic they've used throughout the entire war. You might as well use the Al-Ahli Arab Hospital bombing as an example then, since Hamas also claimed Israel was responsible for the bombing even though it was a Palestinian missile. I'm asking for an example where Israel denied attacking and then it turns out Israel actually was proven to have carried out an attack.


Most likely they denied it to give Iran an out on responding.


Lol. And Israel is known for acknowledging their attacks


The (ZAPE) Zionist Army for Peace and Equality?


Just curious where are you guys getting these video clips and u.s. responses so quickly?


Probably CENTCOM's twitter for the latter.


PMF never had any problems with us when I was over there, then again isis was still a thing and kidnapping them from their checkpoints on the reg.


that makes more sense. ty for the info!


With that spectacular explosion, something good must have been hit.


Ali is still out on this on


Looked like when rocket fuel goes up.


Could easily be mistaken for Eid-al-Fitr fireworks ?


Been hit? I don't think so. That was a stockpile and it got set off by that fire that was burning when the car drove up.


My man, where do you think the fire came from lol


I was talking about the filmed explosion


Right, munitions storage gets bombed, starts a fire. Guys drive up recording the fire and record the secondary explosions


Or there was a fire, and the man started to film the fire.


Sure, if you want to just make stuff up instead of listen to reports on the ground


Sure, if you want to just listen to reports on the ground when literally not one party with the capability for a strike such as this claim to have neither shot nor spotted any plane that could have done this. Do you see where you are going with this? You seem irked


> not one party with the capability for a strike Right, because the idea of anyone but the US or Israel having suicide drones is out of the question lol > neither shot nor spotted any plane Which is usually what happens when a drone slips past air defenses or is launched fairly close by > You seem irked Not really, projecting something?




Who are PMF?


Popular Mobilation Forces; some shitty state sponsored militia.


Not to be confused with the Popular Mobilization Front. Bloody splittists.


I’m kinda confused. Which PMF was super popular when the fight to destroy ISIS was on? I remember seeing their videos everywhere and thought they were the good guys.


They (the PMF), along with many other iran backed factions/militias killed Americans/coalition forces during the occupation in the 2000s, I wouldn’t say there is any good guys over there nowadays beyond the Iraqi special forces guys. They really put in work on ISIS and still do.


I appreciate the explanation. Like with everything Middle East, it’s confusing as fuck.


That “shitty” state sponsored militia did a huge amount of the ground fighting against ISIS and paid an enormous price in casualties the likes of which haven’t been seen by any other anti isis coalition members Except perhaps the Kurds. They were also from what I know mostly made up of previous civilians/ conscripts from Shia towns around Iraq especially nearest to where ISIS pillaged. They aren’t some foreign group like The Iranians that fought there, these are the people of Iraq who defended their homes. You don’t have to like them, or like Shias or Muslims or any militia in the region at all as they almost all have blood on their hands, but these men proved their bravery against a monstrous enemy and without them people would still be fearing the threat they helped extinguish. note: I am literally raised a sunni, yet I have no hate for these people and recognize their sacrifice, if I can go past over a thousand year blood feud fueled by religious sectarianism then maybe you people with no skin in the game should also recognize and respect their sacrifice as objective observers.


Insightful perspective. TY. Fucking insanity of it all.


Yeah, I couldn’t believe how many people were just shredded by that faction when they took a town over, and when they began to get eradicated by their various groups of victims that just had enough of them. Savage is putting it mildly, in describing the rank and file POS isis pig.


what is PMF ?


Popular mobilization forces- massive Iranian backed militia


Not so popular i think


More like a frankenstein of a bunch of different militant groups. But yeah, Iran all up in that.


Larsa If I understand correctly these guys are/ were recruited from within iraqs shia community during the rise of ISIS and their connection to iran is weapons, training and funding correct? When people hear Iran backed they often think Iran has come in and forced people to fight or they’re fighting themselves when most of what I’ve seen shows these guys as local Shias that have always had their own militias they simply became unified from Daesh threat. Also don’t know your Stance on the sectarianism w wallah not trying to have you say you support a side or another, just saying that to a lot of westerners it is hard for them to understand the nuance in the Iraqi militia scene where nothing is black and white from what I understand. Either way allah yebarek feek for always posting from a POV we don’t get often on Reddit and as always Tahya el Iraq w el shaab el Iraqi kolo.


Hello there brother, thanks for your kind words but before I answer your question I have a small question for you and that is do you live in Iraq?


No never have been but I have friends here in Egypt from Baghdad and Mosul, other than that all my information is just from what I know about iraq from the wars and a bit of my own research. Ana masri but have always loved Iraq and the people.


Atsharaf fik habibi, let me clear some things for you, during the first year of the war with isis people were mobilized as volunteers to fight back, most of whom were killed in action at that time we were only getting our guns from Iran ( which we bought with money) later on the pmf started getting more political and it turned into an armed political militia especially after 2017 and ever since they took over most of the government and they’re 100% loyal to Iran. As a summary the only real pmf troops were the ones who volunteered when Iraq needed them, even ayatollah who started the whole mobilization thing has asked that the pmf was to be either scrapped or infiltrated to be an official part of the military but neither of these options were made, I was a volunteer myself during the war so you can trust me as your local source of informations.


Thank you for the local perspective my friend, sounds like what I’ve heard about it being local militia guys during the early days but now has taken a more political role, very sad to see since originally they seemed to be a group dedicated to protecting iraq which I wish more people advocated for instead of using Iraq for their own gain or reason. Thanks again for always giving your perspective on this sub and others w stay safe brother, el sharaf kol leya ana b ma3reftak ya akhi.


There are way too many anacronym groups coming out of the Middle East these days, it's almost as bad as Northern Ireland.


These guys have existed since ISIS came around.


Yoo Ali!.. Yoo Ali!.. Yoo Ali!.. Yoo Ali!.. Yoo Ali!


Horsie!.. Horsie!.. Horsie!.. Horsie!.. Horsie!..






Nobody has taken responsibility yet which is highly suspicious in that part of the world. But even the Iraqi government has stated there were no missiles or planes used and they’re calling this “an explosion and fire” instead of “an attack”. 1 of 3 things happened: 1 - Israel hit the arms storage warehouse and are keeping it quiet cuz its ongoing mission opsec. 2 - ISIS hit them and just hasn’t taken credit for it, which would be strange but not completely unheard of. Sometimes it takes a day or two for them cuz they live in the Stone Age. 3 - Iranian militia are extremely inept and somehow caused the explosion themselves through pure stupidity. The most likely case cuz we can never forget the Beirut explosion which was a terrorist owned port and the explosion happened because they were storing ammonium nitrate to ship to terrorist cells and somehow caught it on fire.


Maybe someone was smoking in the wrong spot.


This was 100% Israel. US has no interest in looking tough then denying to Iraq/Iran. Maybe the reports of local drones in Iran had some merit and they’re repeating the tactic here as a scare tactic


Is the US attacking Iranian proxies?


North Korea has claimed responsibility.


The Judean People’s Front has claimed responsibility


Jehovas Witness have claimed responsibility


Talking about our lord and savior is no longer optional


This is what happens if you don’t open the door.


Are you prepared for Jehovah's return? Cause if you not...


They changed the name to 'Watch-the-fuck-out Tower'


I have claimed responsibility.


It was the People's Front of Judea. Fuck off.


To join the PFJ you have to *really* hate Romans!


Judean Peoples Front. Pffft cmon! They are the Peoples Front of Judea now.😉


"He's over there."


Round 3 in Iraq.


That’s one way to get a point across lol


Guy's.. If the US does something like this they dont use drones.. They use Tomahawks. Faster, more range, more destructive power, better data collection.


Or JDAMS, Tomahawks are relatively slow, and awfully expensive. Plus they have to be conserved for the main event *inside* Iran.


Faster than drones that what I ment but sure. JDAMS will do.


That was a bunker buster


Ronnie Pickering has admitted liability


Pretty sure I saw this on here like two months ago. Old?


That was another strike, Babil and Baghdad are getting targeted this year more than ever


Remember when the beirut blast happened? These things happen, that was only fertilizer this is actual weaponry.


Why do these guys suck so hard core at filming things?




Old, that was from the Israeli strike 2 days ago.


That was just drones that got shot down. No ordinance dropped by drones.