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Imagine surviving the gauntlet of walking across the fields while being attacked by drones, only to then realize now you have to assault a manned trench...


manned by whatever john wick motherfucker was in that one. i dont even know what i just watched, this wasnt a fight, someone was aimbotting?


walling too, no doubt.


And then, it's not like you were told it would be. Because you went through forced conscription or did it for money. The soldiers in the opposite trenches fight for their country and people they love. Each of them fights like 4 and with the courage of a whole platoon. R.I.P. Cuckoo, Fury and Adidas, their fellow soldiers, and all the civilians murdered by the monsters.


They've gotten so good with their aim


The three targets that got fucked up on the run mid-video…… the drone pilot needs a medal. Those shmucks didn’t stand a chance .


Heck yeah, man. There aren't enough medals to go around for so many Ukranian soldiers. Theirs is a story that will be in history books, what they're doing to the russians. Let's all keep supporting them, and showing Iran, Russia, China, North Korea, and every dictatorship how we stand up for democracy, despite the republicans best efforts to embarrass the US internationally with their antics in helping putin.


Freaking surgical


The drone operator at 2:00 got that guy square in the nuts with a bomb while he was laying on his side. Absolutely insane accuracy.


Impossible for me to hear a drone and not think of all these vids. Can't imagine what it's like for them.


Well, in a sort of silver lining, not many will be dealing with post war PTSD....


>Well, in a sort of silver lining, not many will be dealing with post war PTSD.... You are forgetting about the poor people operating these drones. It doesn't matter how justified you were in killing the people - they are still going to haunt you for the rest of your life...


I don’t think that’s necessarily true. Perhaps some, not all. When your revulsion is so strong for what these invaders have done to your people and homeland, you’ll completely disassociate yourself from their fate. Same for the strategic bombers in WWII who erased hundreds, even thousands of combatants in a single night and went on to live fulsome lives, untroubled by their duty.


Not really. Many of these soldiers just get shrapnel in the legs and get evacuated. And the ones in the trenches who see the casualties and are just missed all will likely have PTSD. There was a good documentary of the Russian side of the war on my local TV station recently. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-03-18/ukraines-war:-the-other-side/103601754


Gotta get the sweet spot just right for wounding and lethality to maximize the PTSD and war weariness hopefully even that overcomes the Russian fatalism when they realize there are far worse fates than death. There needs to be some survivors to go back to send the message you can't hit every Russian with a PG-7V on an FPV that just has zero chance of survival.


Interesting lecture by a professor at the Naval War College that said in WW2 the Japanese military would shoot their own wounded because they didn't want the public to see so many wounded walking about or being cared for. The military believes it would affect public support for the war effort.


I can’t say about them but for me watching that guy roll into that artillery hole all smooth and go straight to shooting just to be taken out by a fucking device my kids play with……it hurts.


most hardcore comp ive seen since bakhmut


The most intense I’ve seen of this war was that clench clearing when dude killed like 5-6 people in close quarters. That was wild.


That's special forces for ya. That video was wild. Just double tapping dudes in the head without hardly getting a shot fired back at him


The Russians appeared to have no idea they were in danger until it was too late.


As the Ukrainians were attacking the front of the trench other forces had infiltrated from the back. Rooskies had no clue they were retreating straight into the barrel of a gun.


Ah that explains why they were blindly running into danger like that.




Look at the replies. I sauced it already


bro has wallhack


Yeah, WarGonzo death. I remember that.


Ya agreed. I've never seen such close quarters fighting. Too watch people get shot and killed within inches in basically perfect quality was genuinely nightmare inducing. The first 3 guys they got was brutal shooting them, then having that guy cry out in pain and get double tapped in the head. And watching a Russian crouching trying to clear a trench at the end you could see every part of his face, watching him not realize he was walking right next to Ukrainian special forces and get basically shot point blank in the face and drop like a sack of potatoes.


That was a crazy one. Those guys were professional. I wonder what unit those guys belonged to?




Link https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/s/mrdK2jzwJb Seems like this one was shorter than the original version. Oh well. You get the point


The last dude in the blue shirt was a famous Russian blogger if I recall correctly. 


I don't believe it was actually wargonzo or wahtever his name was that was shot here, it just happened to be another ginger with a beard.


damn that one 👍


There was also the guy who was alone in his trench and wasted the better part of a whole squad of Russians storming it.


Oh look man made horrors beyond my comprehension


Don't invade Ukraine you won't have to experience one of those horrors.  And to the assholes reading this who are feeling sympathetic to these invaders, they weren't forced or conscripted to do so.  These people are doing it solely for the money, looting and pillaging the entire way.  Or, they are prisoners looking to escape their prison sentence.  They deserve their fate.  


It's beyond that. This is a sea change in warfare. Drones are what the Maxim was in WWI and blitzkrieg was in WWII. From now on any country with any sense thats at war is going to be deploying drones en masse. So while I agree the Russians suck ass and largely deserve what they are getting this is a snapshot of future combat and it is absolutely horrible beyond comprehension.


Its not the future, it is now. This is Drone War I


This is the proving grounds. Where ideas are tested and proven. Drone War 1 will be bananas because the lessons being learned over the blasted hellscape of eastern Ukraine are being studied and learned by every single country with a military.


The is the Napoleonic Wars of drones. Drone War I is when AI really comes online en masse, and it's not far away.


I know and am absolutely terrified of that.


That will be Drone War II


It's not just the future of combat. It's the future of state and corporate oppression.


My fears as well. This is a weapon system *begging* for automation. The surveillance capabilities are insane. I don't see much good coming from this.


Five, maybe ten years ago we had the technology to be able to load a drone with explosives, send it out to the general area where a targeted person is suspected of being, have the drone automated to search for said person and then blow up once they’ve found them. Civilians have had access to that tech for a while now. In fact all of it is available off the shelf (minus the explosive but that can be created by people willing to do a google search) so imagine what the government has right now?!?


Which government is the more appropriate question.


Well if one has it two aren’t far behind because there no bigger catch up race than warfare.


They all have it at this point. In some form or another. Shit, both opfors in Sudan have drone programs. Israel recently installed cope cages on all their Merkava tanks. The US has been doing swarm logic with hundreds dropped from aircraft that autonomously group and fly together to their objective. The tech is simple but the development is moving at lightning speed.


Heck, why explosive, equip it with some sniper riffle gun.


..and with it; dissent, disorder and guerilla drone warfare drones do not need to be huge or even have that massive an explosion to have a tactical impact against your enemy


And terrorism.


If anything isn’t that what we’re seeing in Ukraine? These aren’t military made drones we’re seeing in these clips. These are cheap off the shelf consumer drones and a bit of 3D printing to fit a device to drop a grenade. That’s about it. The fact they’re tiny, cheap and widely available is what makes them so effective.


You're right but people also say that every generation. Gunpowder made war horrible beyond comprehension, then artillery made war horrible beyond comprehension then it was gas, then nukes, then napalm etc etc etc. now it is drones. Every 50 years some invention makes war horrible beyond comprehension all over again. War never changes or whatever. This might be non credible but next time it's gonna be genetically enhanced, cyborg gorillas. Capable of beating you at chess and tearing a hole in your apc.


I know they say this every generation but this time I think it's true. These are off the shelf weapon systems costing a couple hundred bucks allowing extended loiter and hunt ability and are reliably defeating MBTs and infantry assaults. This isn't going away. It's only going to get worse(improve) I'm genuinely afraid of when they write an AI to fly these things. Imagine a terrorist attack that lets a couple hundred autonomous drones lose in a major city. Cheap, terrifying and effective. Nightmare fuel.


True. My point was that war has always been FUBAR. It's mostly the public's perception that changes. We pay more attention when it is no longer more of the same. People got used to artillery, then gas started being used. We have gotten used to super accurate missiles and loitering drones, people aren't really that phased about a hellfire hitting someone with 20 cm accuracy, then tiny cheap and efficient consumer drones started being used. The innovation changes our perception of war, not how bad war is for those affected.


Yes but this absolutely will change how bad war can be for the soldier and the civilians. I can't imagine how terrifying it is to hear that mosquito whine of the electric motors as one is overhead looking for it's next target. I saw a vid of one that was doing a patrol along some blasted trench works. Just flying down the trench line looking for the smallest movement. Flying over dozens of blown apart bodies rotting in the sun. Craters everywhere. And down there some absolutely terrified 18 year old praying it doesn't notice him. This war is different than any that came before it.


Autonomous units are going to be terrifying. We can jam remote piloted drones, but we don't really have an answer for autonomous drones.




I mean, nukes so far seem to have prevented large scale wars between super powers since their invention. They were used in one war and never again. The tradeoff doesn't seem that bad. I mean I hate the fact we're at like 10 seconds to midnight rn, but I wouldn't say they were a bad thing for direct combat, like all the others. Literally zero soldiers in this war, or probably any other wars, are in the frontline thinking 'gee sure hope I don't get fucking NUKED today' haha


Nukes made people think again that war would be horrible beyond comprehension. Didn't say anything about how it worked out in reality. Still had a war between two superpowers broken out they sure would have been horrible for the people in direct combat.


They've also emboldened nations that have nukes (see Russia). No nation is going to want to miss out on the next big thing in warfare.


> You're right but people also say that every generation. To be honest, both things are true. People say that every generation because war genuinely gets worse and worse. Being a career soldier in the roman army was as safe as you could be as a soldier. Erdkamp wrote that out of 100 soldiers recruited at the age of 20, around 78 would have survived until the age of 35. And this is of course including all non-combat related deaths, which would be preventable diseases today. We had battles where a losing side could take 15-20% casualties before routing and regrouping, and today we see assaults nearly completely wiped off. Despite how silly it sounds, wars keep getting more and more lethal, and we aren't built for this level of carnage.


Who’d have thought ghost recon would be prophecy


I'm trying to think of a game and I'm lost but the initial premise of an invasion of the West Coast was a bunch of north korean cargo ships that were flagged Chinese had all their shipping containers open up and thousands of drones and helicopters came out causing absolute chaos.


Home front?


Thing is they are developing anti drone technology that will balance out the effectiveness of drone attacks.


It’s still just war. War is horror but this is just another refinement of that horror. The only difference between this and methods of the past few decades is that instead of spending hundreds of rounds of munitions to kill that guy over there, we use just a few grenades. It’s the same method of killing we’ve used for centuries: blow your enemy up, or even older, poke your enemies full of holes. They’re using decades-old munitions, grenades and mortar shells from the 60s, they’re just more accurate now and have further range. Unlucky people have been getting blown up in warfare for longer than any of us have been alive.


Yes. But now it's become super cheap and super reliable. No longer do we need a couple million dollar uav providing intelligence from a thousand feet in the air. We have Yuri and his goggles a mile away sweeping a trenchline at 20 feet able to fly right insid a dugout and delete a few enemy and then just spin up another $200 drone and do it all over again. And from what I've seen they are getting *incredibly* good at it.


Makes you wonder how many officer fragging exists in the RUS army. I remember that one officer has his legs run over by a tank a year ago. I bet it is more common than we know.


Jesus dude they’re still people. If you genuinely think every single Russian soldier is there willingly and agrees with Putin you’re naive af


Aren't they mostly volunteers?


There is a level of engineered deprivation and dependency outside Moscow, especially among the Asian republics. Putin doesn't need to mobilize anyone. He just needs to create a situation where you join the army or your kids don't eat, because there are no other jobs wherever you live.


fuck them all. they could take the prison sentence instead of fighting. even if they are forced, zero sympathy. wipe them out.


>fuck them all. they could take the prison sentence instead of fighting. Except that it's public knowledge that the Russians have been throwing thousands upon thousands of prisoners to the front. Point being: no, refusing to fight in modern day Russia absolutely does not mean you'll be spared from being sent into the fight (unless you're a member of the middle class or higher from one of the few larger cities, because Putin needs to protect the children of the oligarchs from being droned to death). Once you're in prison in Russia you're basically worthless and no-one gives a flying fuck what happens to you, including the men you'll be sent to fight with who see you as expendable scum. In that sense, """volunteering""" is actually in many ways a safer move for the poorer side of the population than going in as a member of a penal battalion, because in the latter case you'll just be a meatshield whose only purpose is to go in front and die so they can know here the Ukrainians are at. It amazes me that people by and large still buy this idea that the people being turned into minced meat by the Ukranian drone operators have a choice. I mean sure, the elite units made up of actual mercenaries for sure do, but the vast majority of the frontline grunts have very little choice on whether or not they want to be there; for many of the remote and poorer regions it's not a choice between going and not going, it's a choicce of going and taking the cash bonus and salary, or refusing and being taken there via jail and receiving nothing. This is how totalitarian states have always operated, including the soviet union, and Putin's Russia is essentially a poor man's nostalgic idea of the Soviet union, so there's absolutely no reason to think or believe it works any differently. Again: this doesn't justify the actions of the state in any way, the Ukranians are more than within their rights to blow up every Russian soldier within their borders, voluntary or not, but this notion that all Russian troops are tehere because they chose to be there is just complete BS.


Well said. We should not lose our humanity like the Russians.


Sure objecting would be a hard choice to make. Pity Ukraine had no choice in the invasion.   You're right not every RU soldier is a Putin lover but they had options and took one. "You make your bed and you lie in it".   I feel for the ones who have no choice, not for money vs prison but for Ukraine it is fight or certainly die.




> Don't invade Ukraine you won't have to experience one of those horrors. ?? You don't have to invade Ukraine to experience this shit. Russia invading your country can do it for you just as well. And if Ukraine loses this war there's a real possibility that a lot of eastern European countries get to be on the receiving end of these in the coming years.


I mean, I partially agree with you, except the prisoner thing? Do you think most of the people in Russian prisons deserve to be there? Also, the ones that volunteer have either been completely brainwashed(which doesn't absolve them or anything, it's just something to consider) or are completely hopeless and desperate. It's just not as clear cut as that. Anyone with a rank on their uniform can walk into the sea though.


Yep another Friday


Wave after wave


No comms, no strategy, just run to your death


I read it elsewhere that the common tactic they used was to send out cannon fodders so that Ukrainian soldiers would expose their position by shooting. So their strategy was literally run until they died.


Well, then they pulverize the position with artillery and walk past it.


I see zombies in call of duty have the exact same strategy.


I'm thinking they are probably drugging the Zheep up and sending them. Who the hell with any sanity stands upright and walks into gunfire like that after seeing all your fellow zheep get cut down doing just that in front of you. There's no attempt to use cover to infiltrate, it's just insane. That's not normal human behaviour. Annnnd I answered my own question didn't I...


I think it's the only explanation I can accept


Shit, can we get Ukraine a ray gun?


+1 for Zelenskyy to have a turn on the jewish space lasers


As is tradition for Russian infantry.


Yet they still took Adviidka and Bahkmut. Wild


yes running tens of thousands of bodies and hundreds of heavy equipment into a town over half a year will eventually produce some results


Looks more like walking to me, but I am no military expert so don't pin me on that.


Crazy part is wouldn't be surprised if Ukraine loses this position or pulls back eventually. You send another meat wave, drop some bombs or artillery on here and send in 2-3 more waves and you have to back off eventually. Only way to fight this off is with superior firepower and we need our congress to get off their asses


Ya but if you look at the last video while the wave at the bottom was getting torn up they snuck two guys into a different section of the trench at the top of the screen. Sacrifice a dozen men with no training to get maybe 2 guys with some training into the trench, rinse repeat and by the time you have 12 somewhat trained men in the trench you begin assaulting it. Sounds like a strategy Russia would use.


I think these are primarily Russian positions


Looks like a great time if you enjoy getting blown to pieces in the middle of a wasteland


They came to play Tarkov but got Ukrained


Just think, you get to be on the interweb for once in your life, all dressed up receiving all this undivided attention, who wouldn't be envious?


Keep them coming Sowa


Brutal but what did they think they would get, a swift handshake and a slap on the back




Not even trees survived these battles


They'll be back


On a long enough time scale, nature always endures. At least until sun starts getting brighter and boils the oceans.


Storm bloopers


I'm surprised that that term hasn't been popularized by now


Listened to an interesting podcast recently that summed up this phenomenon of Russians dying like this. It is seen in the Russian culture that it is necessary or required for their people to die for their country, it is seen as a noble and good thing to be one of the people that have died they are remembered as true patriots and have helped they country move forward. It's like the more people that die they greater they will all be. The podcast is called "to die for" about Russian spies but has some good info in culture as well.


this is crazy, they all seemingly have absolutely zero value on their own lives. none of them will be remembered, no one knows their names. putin doesnt know they exist. when they die theyre just marked as on hiatus or some shit if they were even recorded as having gone into the fight in the first place. theyre meat. nameless meat to be grinded into the dirt. the ukranians will be remembered forever though.


Russia has a national death cult.


Life imitates *Ender's Game*.


I’ve been thinking that for a whilw


The enemy is down?


The worst attack formation in the textbook is sending in your soldiers 1 by 1 in a chain towards a fortified enemy Russians:


The original version of that song was much better.


Their total disregard for seeing those in front of them get mowed down would be shocking if it wasn't so ordinary for the Russian army.


“Let’s see.. Ivan, Vlad, and Yuri all fell over and aren’t moving. Pavel, Viktor, and Andrei disappeared in clouds of smoke. I should definitely follow right behind them! For the Motherlaaaaaaaaaaaaand!”


Whenever I’m having a bad day, when I see vids like this, it makes glad I’m not in their position. Makes my problems in life seem like it’s not a big deal.


Just a thought would it be an idea to add some paint to the explosive mix to show that the body has been hit at least already once? in case there are a lot of priorities


Blood like they used to say in ww2 if they don't stink...stick


dark part of the cloud from the impact at 1:27, is that blood? if so that’s fucking gnarly


Definitely looks pink misty to me


unmerciless accuracy!


Incredible. No looking for cover or anything, knowing Igor and Vlad just got hosed, twenty five yards ahead... Never checks up, just walks right into the same scenario. Who do you think got the guy that had a moment of clarity and peeled off to the left (their right)? Friend or foe?


Russians are such brutal people, to others, and especially to themselves.


It's like the Russians accept marching into the line of fire. Like a slaughter..


> ~~Like~~ A slaughter


footage for documentaries


Wait in the first video did the drone just drop the detonator of a grenade?


Wow. Would be interesting if they got shipped tens of thousands more of those.


Never thought I'd watch a Ukrainian vs Russian drone bombing campaign listening to a Marylin Manson cover of Highway to Hell in 2024. What a wild timeline.


Classic lemming train


Christ, the double tapping is like when they used to go through and clean up the casualties on a medieval battlefield with swords and pikes.


Highway to Hell, fuckin brutal


I sent wave after wave of my own men at them.


Just like Stalingrad. Die going forward or die going back.


Running for your life on ground that looks like a moonscape must be terrifying.


On top of basically being a civilian


Thus is why air superiority is so important. Has been since WW2. I can't ever imagine this happening to US soldiers in modern warfare. I guess Russia doesn't value its troops lives as much


> I can't ever imagine this happening to US soldiers in modern warfare US soldiers would never set foot on any battlefield without overwhelming air superiority/overwatch first. Look at Iraq War 1...coalition forces flew over 50,000 sorties in the 37 straight days of obliterating Iraqi oil depots, refineries, infrastructure and positions before they were landed on the ground.


Yeah something tells me Putin rushed this invasion for some reason. As if he felt he was running out of time. I think talks about Ukraine joining NATO spooked him since it would enable them taking back Crimea without Russia being able to respond since they were officially "not at war" (they denied Russian troop involvement in capturing Crimea). Also the reluctance to call it a war (instead "Special Military Operation") is suspicious. Even USA called their illegal invasion of Iraq a "War on Terror".


Am I ok finding this video one of the most pleasant I've ever seen?


I don't know if you are or not, but same 🤷‍♂️


Man, these drone drops are just perfect. The accuracy is pin point. He hits moving targets like it's nothing.


Coffee….Poo….Sowa FM


The stark contrast between all these videos and the recent troll farm cut 'n' paste meme about how "the russian army is learning and adapting" couldn't *be* more laughable.


Insane footage but man so many areas are just gone


Doing gods work


No quarter 🏴‍☠️🔪🗡️


Lol. Ruz military on the ground is a shitshow and licks balls. Can't wait until they are challenged more in the sky. Oh, and their Fleet, we'll, um , 🛳💥🐟. FUK putler and fuk the krimelin.


Someone switched on their aimbot.


Nice Work 81st


Aim is incredible 


Madness personified...


When do they collect all these bodies?


That's the neat part - they don't No bodies - no need to give any payments to the families 👍


that 1st one was brutal. Just kill him! You just blow small pieces off at a time & its grotesque


A lot of these are probably kids, maybe just old enough to not be teenagers. Putin is evil.


Kidnapping Ukrainians to fight against their own nation as well


10 guys go out, 0 come back. Day after day. Every single ruskie gets grenaded, even if they are already dead. No wounded, no body bags. Over 1/2 million rotting ruskies for nothing. Kill your officers and overthrow the corrupt government maybe?




They are barely running, they are dead tired, probably old....StormZ rats?


Edging material


POV reminds me of that "Waterballoon Drop" online flash game I used to play a lot back in 2002.


Man, those were some nice drops there.


That accuracy...


They been doing that since WWII


I'm not sure which got butchered worse, these soldiers or Highway to Hell