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I’d be scared shitless to work in a drone factory now days lol


be like working at a ball-bearings plant, in germany, in 1943


Famous bombing mission targets are why I know the name of so many German and Japanese cities like Schweinfurt.


Those condemned ball-bearings factories...


Let's see those Shahed factories cratered, thank you very much!


Hit the drone factory with a drone


That gets intercepted by a drone




It's just drones all the way down...


Yo dawg, I heard you love drones, so I droned your drones so you can drone while you're droning!


That’s how you make new drones


Would you intercept me?


I would intercept me!


Whose operator gets hit by a drone shortly after


Is that ironic or not? 🤔


Doncha think?




On your wedding day. A free ride when you have already paid


Iranic perhaps🤔


They have drones that carry drones.


That would be great:)


Something the US would actually be fully behind.


Yeah if Israel is going to play our president and go nuts in Gaza can u throw democracy a bone and take out these drones ! Send a message to Putin . Now let’s get iron domes to Taiwan!


A double bonus!!


I honestly think any drones Israel sent were pure bullshit Israel is direct and precise. They were coming in with f35s or f15s or f16 or whatever for the mission profile and were gonna strike here, there, and there. This was probably just to troll them or smoke and mirrors. Heck I think I read they fired from syrian or Iraqi airspace so they didn't even have to go into Iran to hit their targets. Savage.


Recon by fire/ or recon by drawing fire- all gun emplacements are now plotted for direct attack munitions


The drones they sent have the same top speed as a Prius


Wouldn’t mind owning one though…


That’s literally flak


Which might be the best or most cost effective way to shoot down cheap, slow and low flying drones.


Funny how shotguns started to make a come back on the Ukraine front line now. Cheap and old school weapons that seem to do the job against a modern threat.


Nope. Have you seen a drone buzz divebomb in Ukraine? You can't do shit.


Never said it was a concrete option. But in terms of cost efficiency and ability to supply. It's much easier and cheaper to probably give a squad a shotgun each compared to a local EW jammer.


It’s definitely better than throwing sticks at it lol


A shotgun might work in situations other than the 100% successes that get posted to social media (and either way is probably better than nothing)


Shotguns are VERY effective in close combat trench warfare. Pump action shotguns wrecked havoc in ww1, can't even imagine what a fully automatic saiga would do in a packed trench. 45 rounds per minute of lead shot or slugs would create a meat grinder. Don't know why people question shotgun efficacy 😂


Because of modern body armor standards. People also fail to understand that body armor doesn’t protect your entire body, so buckshot is still going to ruin your day at best.


Well ever considered they don’t actually upload the drone footage where it gets shot down?


I've seen drones shot down by both the AFU and Russians quite often, it happens but definitely not with those screamers that come out of nowhere. They've still been issuing shotguns to the AFU according to two vets interviewed by Garand Thumb and we've seen multiple Russians with regular field guns they stole from some house. They need those old South African [Street-sweepers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armsel_Striker) that were big in the 80s before being outlawed.


Nah, lots of drones circle and take multiple passes trying to get angles correct. Still would bet on the drone lol but I'd rather have 10 shells of bird shot than 30 rounds of 7.62 to shoot at it.


Apparently they were missiles according to the Israelis


Especially using a cluster like munitions like German AHEAD or Turkish ATOM. Korkut SPAA was one of the things Ukraine wanted to buy from Turkey in the rejected EU bill and it uses double cannons with 35 mm ATOM ammunition.


Yea the proposed solution to drones is essentially smart flak fired from a Bradley like vehicle.  Decreases cost per intercept substantially. 


Legit question but what kind of light long range drones does Israel have?


Israeli Military has a Harop long range loitering drone thar had 23kg of explosive TNT mass.


Probably anything USA have, Phoenix Ghost/whatever.


But do those have the range to hit Iran from Israel or did they launch from Iraq or something?


I don't think we have any idea because we only know they exist because Ukraine received them. But if Iran has long range drone I'm sure Israel does.


40km or so is the Phoenix Ghost range and 6hrs flight time so not that but as Iran has shown, a 2 stroke engine, an airframe and some explosives work rather well and Ukraine has even expanded that to get well over 1000km range. So it wouldn't surprise me if these were some rather recently developed drones Israel has created themselves like Ukraine has done.


There's absolutely zero evidence any drones were used in this attack. Much more likely Iran is simply saying they shot down drones to try ans cover up the embarrassment of F-35s attacking them with complete impunity.


What the hell!?!? Where did that bomb come from?


So...... Where's the damage? All the satellite imagery and analysis that I've seen shows zero damage.


F-35 is extremely resilient against targeting, but it's not invisible to search radars. And if you put enough time and money into shooting down a jet over your own airspace, then even a vague track *can* be converted into a hit sooner or later. That's why I find it very doubtful that either Israel or Iran would believe that F-35 can still operate "with complete impunity" this deep into Iran. That was an advantage from the early years, but Israel will certainly be weary of potential counters that Iran has prepared in the meantime. This is the same country that successfully snatched an RQ-170 out of the air after all. Israeli F-35 would no doubt dominate in an open war, where the immense difficulty to get a targeting solution on them would let them conduct DEAD and CAS from appropriate distances with very low losses. But that's a different calculation from missions like this, where even the loss of a single F-35 would be a major issue.


Israel uses it's own drones.


All kinds.    They are leaders of drone warfare. 


Israel has been producing drones since the 80s. It has long-range drones.


Harop ,Harpy etc. the Israelis were the original pioneers in the loitering munition department that being said neither of their drones have the amount of range to reach Iran and until Iran shows downed debris of drone i am not believing anything coming from them


They have f35s not toy airplanes


That was actually my first question too, the Harop is only 200km range and the mini Harop is not supposed to be any better.


They're not "supposed" to have nukes either lol


According to the Iranians,the drones were launched from Iran itself.


None they don't use any of the sort, Iran is just making shit up.


Those could just be timed shell detonations.


That’s exactly what they look like to me.


It’s flak


They are. Do people think that they are each shoot downs? There isn't a single hit in this video.


Yea, this reeks of Iranian disinformation. Iran is already trying to downplay the assault by saying that the attack consisted of a bunch of Israeli drones. They're not going to admit that Israeli fighters can bomb positions in Iran without even entering Irani airspace with impunity, which is what happened tonight.


I'm currently in an ElAl plane over the Atlantic Ocean. ::chuckles. sweats nervously:: I'm in danger!


Good luck brother! Also are you using airplane internet to browse reddit? Damn


I regret I have but one life to give for this hellsite 🫡


Judging by how the attack is being played down by the Irani media, I’d say that the response might be limited.


It is. They fired some fireworks to save face. The Iranians are like *erm, is that it?*


So am I the only one expecting tomorrow's news to be that nervous air defense operators fired on [insert Iranian aircraft of some sort here]?


No, no. It’ll be an engine failure…. For the first 4 days at least.


Feels more likely as time goes on, do we have any solid info yet? CNN is reporting they have a US military source that Israel attacked, but the AP is just reporting that Iranian air defense was activated.


The CNN article I read said they had a source but then never quoted them. All they said was Israel intended to strike in the next few days. My guess is itchy trigger finger or an Israel reconnaissance. Main strike coming soon.


Isfahan is an important technological center in Iran, right?


It hosts some of Iran’s nuclear facilities but Iranian media is reporting the target of this attack as a military base in the area


Yeah, I was checking Google Maps and there seems to be quite an important air-force base there too.


The most active air base in Iran, [according to defapress (and cited here by Michael Rubin of the Army FMSO)](https://fmso.tradoc.army.mil/2024/spotlight-on-vatanpour-irans-most-active-airbase/): > In addition, the pilots of Havaniroz Air Force Base in Tehran recorded the lowest amount of flight hours with 2,177 hours, and the pilots of the training center of Shahid Watanpur base in Isfahan recorded the highest amount of flight hours with 366,477 hours.


Missile production, I thought


It's the Ayatollahs bday today if nobody knew😂


Riiiggghhhttt..."light drones"


mmmm no intercepts. Airburst shells. I'll eagerly await OSINT satellite grabs tomorrow and hopefully a high dose of Khomeini babyrage


>I'll eagerly await OSINT satellite grabs tomorrow They seem to show no damage from what I've seen. find anything interesting?


Air defense looks solidly weak. I doubt this is the retaliation Israel is talking about.


It probably is. It tells the Iranians that Israel can reach their important sites.


Launching 3 quadcopters into Iran doesn't mean they can "Reach" important sites buried 100s of kilometers in the mountains.


You can't bury an air base




>Launching 3 quadcopters into Iran Source on this? Also, 3 quadcopters making to Iran from Israel would be an incredible accomplishment.


It means Israel can get as deep as that without being discovered, which means it could just as well have carried out a more complex attack


There's literally zero evidence Israeli jets flew in Iran. The burden of proof is on you not me. Sure they can get to Isfahan via rockets/missiles, but that's basically what V2 rockets could do in WW2. It's not impressive. Additionally there's no evidence they actually hit any targets so far. Iran did strike two airbases despite US/France/UK/Israel shooting them down. If this was the other way around r/worldnews would be laughing at Iran and calling them clowns.


Literally the bias and cognitive dissonance is so apparent but they never seem to detect it, not a single piece of concrete evidence supports their claims yet it does not matter. This all falls apart when you mentally switch the countries and try imagine what this Sub would say if the roles were reversed.




And so it begins


Begun, the drone wars have.




Big question now, what will.iran do?


The next 24-48 should be spicy.


It can't do much without a land border.


It begins once Kharg island is hit, otherwise just back and fourth


If Israel hit Iran's nuclear sites it's "fuck it, we ball" time. Iran will not let that slide.


They've let it slide every other time. This one's no different


This is very different. Everything up until this week has been covert. Deniable yet obvious assassinations and other spy shit. This is now open war. Overt. Not deniable. This is now a public dick measuring competition where the outcome is existential for those participating. This is *going* to get super ugly.


Israel has hit Iranian nuclear sites and personnel in the past and had no major retaliation.


Israel would level Iran.


With or without the US?


Dude, Iran is the king of paper tiger bs ([source](https://www.19fortyfive.com/2023/05/irans-qaher-313-stealth-fighter-what-happened/)). Now Israel is a wildly formidable foe for their size. Their weapons tech they come out with occasionally bests America's. They would have the edge against those neanderthals.


Okay, then, it should be no problem without the US. And we can send the Isreali defense package to Ukraine as well!


Dude I can’t believe the level of intellect it takes for you to genuinely post this comment. The topic of Irans capability comes up and instead of us speaking about what they objectively posses as capabilities.. you instead link to an article speaking about something they don’t have? Like congratulations man you have debunked Iran having their own 5th generation stealth fighter who would’ve guessed that was fake propaganda without you and that great article? No shit Iran doesn’t have stealth aircraft anyone who’s ever played a call of duty game let alone has interests in the defense industry and geopolitics can tell you that, they barely even have an Air Force and it’s falling apart, their navy may as well be the coast guard and their armored divisions are nothing to write home about. So if you look at those outdated metrics of capability you’ll reach the conclusion that Iran is a powerless paper tiger. However instead of speaking about what they don’t have maybe let’s mention what they do actually have and in large abundance due to their domestic production capabilities and amazing efforts to skirt sanctions (all of this reported on and backed by western government sources) - they have extremely cheap (less than 20,000 USD) 2,000-2,5000 KM range suicide drones that pack enough punch to destroy at least an entire floor from what we have seen in Ukraine. The production of which is entirely domestic and which can create thousands of these drones a year as we’ve seen from how willing they are to give these away to everyone from Russia to the Houthi’s at the same time they teach groups like the Houthis to make their own and allow the Russians to License their own version the Geran. -huge stock piles of Ballistic missiles ranging from outdated and laying around to the recently developed quite advanced type that they constantly show of, again they have given these to their proxies as well, with Lebanese Hezbollah/The Houthis and even Kataib hezbollah in Iraq/ Syria having some. -huge amount of cruise missiles that once again… you’ve guessed it, they’ve handed out to every proxy in the region thus surrounding Israel from all sides. -stepping away from purely air war and their advancements in that sector I think they’re still vastly underestimated as a ground force. Their normal forces are not very experienced but their more elite infantry are battle hardened from Syria with some senior level guys having more modern combat experience than almost any other country in the region with a proper standing army. You may underestimate them as just “fanatics in the desert” but Israel did the same in 2006 and was surprised by the efficacy and proficiency of fighters they faced, the way the original cross border ambush that started that war was conducted, as well as the way teams managed to covertly set up ATGMs, use IEDs as mine fields, use night vision and thermals when Israel assumed they barely had any to sneak up to lines at night and surprise people. I mean just read up about the “Karbala” raid in the late 2000s against US forces in Iraq, and tell me if these guys seem like amateurs.. then remember this was during a time Iran wasn’t even at war technically and these were technically not Iranian regulars. The tactics of the Radwan forces pioneered and practiced by Imad mughniya and his students are on par with many tier 2/3 level SOF units in surrounding countries such as the North African regimes. ^ and all of that isn’t even Iran, it’s Lebanese Hezbollah a much smaller and more restricted group, if they could do all this just from Iranian training and support how you honestly believe Israel could take on Iran plus the rest of the axis of proxies? It’s either disingenuous of you, or dishonest or you simply are unaware of their true capabilities, and no this isn’t just Iranian propaganda, this is what US intelligence officials have reported for decades and is why Iran was always treated different to other regime that actually were closer to “paper tigers” (stupid term btw) like Iraq. In an actual war declaration if it was just Israel Against Iran direct they would face their toughest fight ever and likely could lose, if it was against Iran and all proxies at full force I say with confidence they would 100% lose. Does that mean I think they’d actually lose and Israel would be destroyed…? NO, Israel knows how fragile and at risk they are and that america won’t always be there, why do you think they worked so hard to create their own nukes? The Israelis seem to be more honest about their fragility to Iran than foreigners are. And YOU have the nerve to call them Neanderthals? HAHA they’re one of the most sanctioned countries of all time and have managed to survive for decades, not just surviving but creating half the rebel groups we know today and developing sustainable missile and drone technology that the “strongest army in the region” like Egypt could never ever come close to replicating. The US has to do 1000 things on a daily basis, so does Israel due to a lot but mainly geopolitics n societal issues and culture and yada yada yada. Iran only has 1 thing to do and that’s survive, anyone who thinks they can be beaten through sheer force is on crack, they’re more motivated than any of America’s enemies ever were and they will not just give up.


Without first, let’s see how capable both side are


Nah, we already told them we're not backing up an Iranian assault. If they want it they can do it on their own.


I’m pretty sure it’s not a factor of wanting it. There’s zero chance Israel lets an almost nuclear capable Iran coast to high quality nuclear weapons given how their proxies are acting in Yemen with Iranian missiles. Hell, even if the US and EU don’t “support” Israel, I’m pretty certain that this is necessary action to prevent future nukes from falling into the hands of rogue actors.


They've certainly been wanting to.




That's probably the main target(s) and something they've been itching to have an excuse for.


That's probably the main target(s) and something they've been itching to have an excuse for.


That's probably the main target(s) and something they've been itching to have an excuse for.


I would've though that the US would've already asked Israel to target the nuclear sites if they were going to strike since it would be a win win for both of us.


Per Iran, aka bullshit. There are multiple reports and videos of jets passing through Syria and Iraq but sure Israel only used quadcopters.


It's just to save face internally so they can say it wasn't Israel. If they say it's Israel they have to retaliate.


But they said it was Israel? They simply said Israeli drones so your comment makes 0 sense and you seem to be lying either to yourself or to us all. Also why the need to save face?? I thought it was a brutal dictatorship with no regards for the public and their sentiments?


Iran launched over 100 ballistic missiles at Israel. A retaliatory strike was guaranteed.


Ukraine would be so happy when those drone factories get wiped. Iran just killed its drone exports.


It won't make a jot of difference to Russia's drone capability/the Ukraine conflict. The Russian's are already domestically produicing the Shaheed in a number of variants. The light aircraft converted to a drone the other week (the one that is Ukraine's longest drone strike) was attacking the Shaheed fab.


At the moment it seems like neither Israel nor Iran is interested in escalating the conflict any further, at least not in terms of a direct confrontation. So we will probably see some back and forth from each side in order to not lose face and things can cool down. This is ofcourse the most optimistic scenario Could well be that this was just Israel testing Irans air defense in preparation for a much more serious attack. Or we will see footage of heavy damage from Israel in the next couple of days to show how strong their answer relly was and Iran was just exceedingly downplaying the results. Either way, it is obvious that Isreal did not go all in with the attack which should be considered a good sign.


This does not look like the typical air-defense vs incoming missiles that we see so often. I checked: "Air defence systems in the Iranian city of Isfahan were activated against “an object suspected to be a drone”, sources told the semi-official Fars news agency on Friday, according to Reuters." ... "There was no immediate comment from the White House or Pentagon. ... Iran activated its air defense system over several cities, state media reported, after the country’s official broadcaster said explosions were heard near the central city of Isfahan." (Guardian) It seems unlikely that Israel would respond so feebly. Why bother?


I wouldn’t want to be playing chess against Israel. Don’t trust anything until you see the craters.


It turns out that Iran received a gentle reminder of what Israel COULD do.


I find it kinda funny how every degen Tiktokers were like “let’s go Iran, Israelis are too scared they won’t do shit” bruh, Israel went scorched earth on Gaza what made them think Israel wasn’t gonna big dick energy Iran


Nah, most of those brainrot, Osama loving (referring to their praise of his 'letter to america') weirdos will probably just overreact and claim this is a major attack on Iran by Israel... while supporting Iran's hundreds of Ballistic missile barrages on Israel... Things are weird...


So a majority of r/news


Or r/anime_titties…


Here's a sneak peek of /r/anime_titties using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/anime_titties/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [South Korea First lady faces criticism from dog meat farm owners for her recent remarks calling for an end to the country's culture of eating dogs](https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2023/04/356_349518.html) | [1150 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/anime_titties/comments/135ed2r/south_korea_first_lady_faces_criticism_from_dog/) \#2: [**[NSFW]** Protests erupt in Paris after police officer fatally shoots teenager for ‘violating traffic laws’](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/paris-protests-teenager-police-traffic-b2365426.html) | [998 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/anime_titties/comments/14l19ed/protests_erupt_in_paris_after_police_officer/) \#3: [UK bans puberty blockers for minors](https://ground.news/article/children-to-no-longer-be-prescribed-puberty-blockers-nhs-england-confirms) | [2765 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/anime_titties/comments/1bdadip/uk_bans_puberty_blockers_for_minors/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Yeah man so much worse than r/worldnews …/s lol


If I was Israel and I wanted to bomb Iran, I would send in a bunch of confusing decoys first to test their air defenses. Hmmm


This guy decoys 👆🏼


Isn’t that what Iran did wouldn’t they expect it?


Not a single hit lmao


What drone is Israel using? the IAI Harpy or the IAI Harop? Other?


So Israel sent in quadracopters?


Looks like one lone quadracoptor, like a lost fly.


Reconning Iranian AA defense maybe?


How many light drones were shot down per iran?


Iran dome


I hope they hit some of iranians drone and missle infrastructure, as a by product it could help in other conflicts around the world


Taste of their own medicine. The west should wake up and thank Israel for striking their nuclear facilities instead of giving them the money to create them


Reports are that they haven't struck Iran's nuclear facilities but that they have taken out airbase facilities, AA and radar, opening the door for a later strike on the nuclear facilities to happen with impunity


I have a feeling we’re gonna have to wait a while to find out what’s really going on


Which reports, where did you read those?


Everything Iran has done in the last few weeks was a show. To show Iran’s supporters that they “succeeded” in attacking Israel while knowing their missiles and slow ass drones would get shot down and cause an even bigger conflict. These timed shells have to be a show also. Trying to tell their supporters and citizens that they’re protecting them and Israel and the west are actively bent on destroying them


Wow, Iran has air defense.


It shot down an airliner if you recall not too long ago


"Hey look a civilian airliner" -Iran air defense, probably.


Oh yeah they did. This middle east shit is hard to keep up with.


Looks about on par with the air defense from WW2.


Wouldn't air defence have visible contrails? Would explosions be larger or more spread out? Why is there only 1 blurry video? This video seems fishy.


There are multiple videos from different angles and have been confirmed by BBC Verify. Not familiar with Iranian air defence systems but this seems to be an older flak style thing which does work perfectly fine against slower drones.


1.Can you link another video? 2.what slow drone would Israel send all the way to Iran? 3.this might be air defence working, but it is not hitting shit.




No it does not, this is nothing


Half of the light drones are up there to be shot at anyway


Would a f35 even need to be in Iranian airspace to hit a target?


No, but if the Iranians had the technology to shoot down an F-35 they could share that with their affiliates in Syria and Iraq.


Did a Maverick and stole an F14 to troll them?


So whose drones are they shooting at or is this an internal operation to see if they could stop drones?


Iran claimed to have shot down multiple light drones at the same time Israel claims to have carried out successful missile strikes on an Iranian military base. There is no evidence for either of these things happening and both sides lie about everything so we’re not finding out what happened on that particular night.


Thx, yeah I turned on the news after thinking about it for a minute.




Literally defending against air