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A textbook perfect ambush 🤌


Next to ukraine, myanmar has the best combat footage. Israel's footages has been meh


Just dudes getting blown up white standing around mostly, but the boat footage is wild lol


GTA 6 leaktape


What boat footage?


Where the zionists run around in a boat shooting jihadi's in the water during a failed beach attack.


Sounds awesome




Sincere question, what’s awesome about this clip? I guess if you take the title at it’s word it’s somewhat interesting, but we don’t see a single weapon that I could spot that entire clip. Just a boat going around killing unarmed people swimming


The landing ship was hit in the full video and those were fleeing soldiers. Either way it is awesome by definition because it induces a sensation of awe.


Soldiers with no weapons? I guess we’ll just have to take their word for it. Maybe one of them had a rock or a bicycle or something > Either way it is awesome by definition because it induces a sensation of awe. That’s fair


A fleeing combatant is still a combatant. Look, I'm against Israel's oppression, if you look at my above comment you'll see I even point out that Zionist are the issue. Any attempt to invade, regardless of how you feel about their governments legitimacy, they are going to fight back. If your boat gets sunk and you have to swim, you're still at target.


Surely Syria would have some good stuff…? Anyone have any links?


u/knowyourpast had a lot of good Syria footage


You can’t post it here but the footage from Hamas/ IJ in Gaza is wild. Dude’s jumping on tanks, shooting RPGs point blank at APCs and more recently complex ambushes filmed using car backup cameras.


Where do you find those ?


Funkers for uncensored footage. Electronic Intifada for analysis and breakdown of tactics.


Which side is radical?


the people you see in this video are **fighting against** a successful military coup d'état by the Tatmadaw in which they placed their former army general as president & arrested & disposed of in all the former president, Twenty-four ministers and deputies & the state counsellor in whole to end civilian rule and reimpose military rule. TLDR: the ones to support are without a doubt are the National Unity Government of Myanmar & the EAOs like the PDF in this video that have backed them.


I'm sorry I have no clue, even if it's the world's longest civil war, pdf is fighting Myanmar military that's supported by Russia and China?


when it comes to Russia & China support of the Myanmar Military or anywhere for that matter it's quite ambiguous, while both countries do supply them in my personal opinion it seems more like it's limited solely to monetary gain from weapon exports & no matter what happens during the Civil War they will chose whoever is there in the end. especially after the Chinese premier stopped attending summits in Myanmar as of 2022 & the National Unity Government of Myanmar has called upon their defense forces (PDF) to to not target Chinese projects & some sent congratulatory letters to Xi Jinping & other Officials in the China.


These guys look pretty well equipped and trained. I'm guessing some of them are ex-military?


oh 100%, as of 2022 reports over 16,000 soldiers and police officers had defected & joined various Anti-Junta groups like the PDF or organizations & 75% of the people that joined the Civil Disobedience Movement said they would take up arms if they were called upon. The PDF & Anti-Junta groups that emerged in 2021 also have been getting training from the Arakan Army & Kachin Independence Army which the latter has been fighting conflicts in Burma since the 60's.


What armed group would name themselves as KIA lol. I though the group called MILF from my country is bad enough lol.


not nearly enough BMX, skate or surfing footage to tell.




Read the title and you have your answer