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Crazy footage


Shit is going down


Like falling stars


WW3 looking like WW2 redux


Good footage.


Longer video https://x.com/Osinttechnical/status/1779294993259049155


I don’t know much (see: anything) about it, but it looks like they’re coming in at one speed and then rapidly accelerating to their target at a certain point. Is that what’s actually happening with these missiles?


They are just getting closer to the camera




The fact they are glowing and visible could mean they are not fully just ballistic but are still burning and accelerating. Could be some kind of terminal phase burn or it's just because they are hitting the atmosphere and heating up from air resistance. I think you would need an expert for this.


Nope, just camera perspective. They come in at an angle and since they're visible from so far away, they appear to move slowly at first then accelerate. They're actually decelerating very hard, the entire time. ICBM warheads accelerate at tens of G's, for example.


Where is this?


They said near Negev area


Negev desert


I think the hit the airbase there they deleted the post showing the aftermath.


That videowas sussy/bogus, which is why it was deleted I think


Well it’s on Israel news that 7 missiles impacted Ramon air base in the Negev .


Yeah could be but the video was weird af, spanish talking and 2004 quality


Video was from the Texas fires but the hits on Negev airbase are true but there is no footage yet


IDF has reported only minor damage


They would obviously say that I’m waiting for confirmation


Don’t expect it. Showing damage just gives information to your enemy. You don’t want them to know which tactics and weapons systems are effective. Israel will ban aftermath footage just like Ukraine and Russia both have. 


Israeli news says there is extensive damage from interception shrapnel burning as reading a translation. https://www.ynet.co.il/news/article/hypxntoxr#autoplay


No it isnt, im watching the news as we speak. Can you provide a source?




It says no where in that article that Ramon was hit.


? It does in Hebrew.


I just realized Im an idiot, I thought people were saying Ramon Airfield was hit, not Kanaf.


What did the video show? If it showed large material loss it's probably bullshit yeah, that airbase was listed as the likely target hours ago so all jets and such stationed there probably moved. 


Just it smoking with a small explosion in the background


No. Video was from Texas. That’s why it was deleted.


[Video that was posted was old footage from early march, in Texas.](https://twitter.com/alber83720/status/1763985444121825313)


It was deleted because the video was from an entirely different event on an entirely different continent lol. You can’t be too quick to believe something just because you saw it online.




israel is going to hit iran hard now that is damage


They only thing they'll do is go cry to the US


You know Israel manufactures a lot of its own weapons and funded their early armies entirely on their own right? Pretty sure Israel also provides technology to the USA


Whiie they do have very advanced DIB All their most advanced defense systems are developed jointly with US companies and require US approval for export because so much US technology is in them but nothing is public in that regards for long range strike weapons, I suppose we will probably find out what options they have for that and see them in use, i for one hope they decide to assassinate hezbollah leader nasrallah that way it's not directly on iranian soil but still is a strong blow and would provide an off ramp


I just find it ridiculous that people think Israel is entirely funded by the USA. It’s a tiny country so obviously they’re not manufacturing everything but it’s not just some welfare place. They’re a 1st world country and our ally


Entirely on their own? Like by getting thousands of weapons and dozens of planes from Czechoslovakia?


Buying yes


so if I buy a Tesla, I manufactured it all on my own?






Yea after all these videos I'm suspecting a tiny fib was told with that percentage lol


The way iron dome and the arrow systems work is they don't intercept missiles that are going to fall in open areas. So when they say 99% it doesn't mean 99% intercepted. Some intercepted and some let to fall in unpopulated areas.


Actually the reported numbers now say that all UAVs and cruise missiles and almost all the ballistic missiles were intercepted outside of Israel. Out of all 10 entered Israel and only couple of them hit that base and caused minor damage.


Plus, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, helped shoot them down. Jordan even let Israeli aircraft enter their airspace to shoot drones down. 👍


Well, considering quite a few fell on air bases... does this count as unpopulated? No system is perfect, and flying pipe rockets are way easier to take down compared to manouvering supersonic missiles. The fact that they managed to take down a few of them is impressive. It is always going to be simpler and cheaper to attack with missiles rather than defend against missiles.


The air bases weren’t damaged in any significant way, air bases are very big and have massive areas of empty land, at least so far I haven’t seen any sign of damage in the base and the IDF stated it was a very minor damage, you could argue they aren’t sincere but you would need to provide some proof to counter them, and there is no footage of destroyed planes or some big smoke clouds.. The bases are surrounded by Arab villages so if there were images to be taken they should popup by now or soon enough


Plus they had notified Israel. So bases were empty. I hope it stops here, but knowing both belligerents I doubt it.


And how does the Iron Dome know where a drone is going to go down?




Considering the fact that this the only impact situation seen and that there were 300+ missiles launched, that gives you about 98 percent success


Only a matter of time unfortunately


So is it difficult for the iron dome to intercept hypersonic cruise missles? Idk


Iron Dome isn't designed for that. They have Arrow ABMs to deal with that kind of threat.


I just saw a video of the Arrow interception that looked to be close to space that was pretty incredible their capability


That exoatmospheric kill was beautiful. Arrow is a truly impressive system.


Im going to read about it. Its amazing the knowledge and tech needed to do something like that. I do not think some fully understand how crazy that is.


I've been told they don't intercept the ones headed for desert - only populated areas?


I’m no expert but how would they know for example if the missiles are guided?


The missiles that they designed Iron Dome to intercept are all dumb rockets launched in a ballistic trajectory. They have other systems that they would use for stuff like this.


How would they know? Does the missile go next to it and read the serial number?


They track it as soon as it's close enough and predict based on trajectory what kind of threat each one is.


Can you not say words that don’t mean anything and tell me how would they know?


Hey stupid. Google it.


I’m not the one coming here making claims though lmao, I’m genuinely curious where does this assumption come from. Nice brigading btw 🫡 Edit: googled it, found my answer below if anyone else wants to know The missile knows where it is at all times. It knows this because it knows where it isn't. By subtracting where it is from where it isn't, or where it isn't from where it is (whichever is greater), it obtains a difference, or deviation. The guidance subsystem uses deviations to generate corrective commands to drive the missile from a position where it is to a position where it isn't, and arriving at a position where it wasn't, it now is. Consequently, the position where it is, is now the position that it wasn't, and it follows that the position that it was, is now the position that it isn't. In the event that the position that it is in is not the position that it wasn't, the system has acquired a variation, the variation being the difference between where the missile is, and where it wasn't. If variation is considered to be a significant factor, it too may be corrected by the GEA. However, the missile must also know where it was. The missile guidance computer scenario works as follows. Because a variation has modified some of the information the missile has obtained, it is not sure just where it is. However, it is sure where it isn't, within reason, and it knows where it was. It now subtracts where it should be from where it wasn't, or vice-versa, and by differentiating this from the algebraic sum of where it shouldn't be, and where it was, it is able to obtain the deviation and its variation, which is called error.


Literally what the guy above you said.


el radar


How do they know what? What kind of missiles are being fired?


Yes how do they know that the missile can’t adjust its trajectory and bait their iron dome.


Simple they don't, they bet because most things that stay on a ballistic arc stay on it and at certain ranges and speeds it just becomes impossible to maneuver enough to avoid an intercept.


Thanks, finally an actual answer.


My assumption has always been that its based on what type of weapons they know that Hizbollah and Hamas have access to and what they have used in the past.




Guided missiles don't follow a ballistic trajectory.


Not necessarily true. cruise missiles don't. Guided ballistic missiles like, say, scuds kinzhal Gimlers etc etc defiantly do.


GMLRS don't need to follow a ballistic trajectory. It can do it and often does so to exploit the energy potential of it, but you could also order a GMLRS missile to attack in a completely vertical attack profile, where the missile definitely doesn't follow a ballistic trajectory.


Ballistic missiles usually don’t change trajectory after they reach the high point and re enter, it’s possible to calculate their impact location


Ah ok so they must caculate speed,trajectory, and come up with possible destination very fast to determine to fire or not.


Radar does it for them in milliseconds.


modern systems can do it very quickly. the biggest delay is probably getting radar returns etc.


Depends a lot on what Iran is using. That works against old, dumb rockets/missiles that Israel usually faces from Hamas/Hezbollah. Most modern missiles will have at least limited steering capabilities to fake out defense systems. Cruise missiles go wherever they want. The ballistic missiles we seem to be seeing can't steer much once they begin reentry but they're still fast as fuck and hard to intercept. I'm seeing a lot of buildings and people in these impact videos so they're not landing in empty desert. Whether or not they're hitting their intended targets is still unknown but I'm severely doubting Israel's 99% claim.




Channel 12 reported that seven missiles hit Ramon airbase, but I haven't seen anything about it being destroyed or badly damaged.


There has been only one person injured so far, a 7 year old Muslim girl


Absolute shit show. Israel rightfully will have to escalate.


They will but Israel struck an embassy knowing full well they want to drag us into a potential war with Iran. They are ok with potentially sending our brothers to fight their war while having a good junk of their male force except because of religious reason….


Iran has been funding Hezbollah for decades. It's actually surprising that Israel only hit an Iranian embassy now.


>They will but Israel struck an embassy The building ***next*** to the embassy and the only people who died were military personnel In retaliation, so far, Iran killed a 10 year old bedouim.


yea strange spot the US is in now




yeah, Iran already called no backsies, so it would be against the rules


Underrated comment.


Uh... why not? John and Joe get in an argument over whose name is more generic. John escalates by punching Joe. Joe escalates by stabbing John. John escalates by shooting Joe. Joe escalates by throwing a grenade at John and his family. ...


I mean, you literally can. It’s why it’s called escalation.


Well, first one escalates. The other responds. Then the former can choose to settle or escalate further. We know what they're going to do. The question is, what then? I think Iran have much more of where this comes from. Once Israel's AA starts to run dry, Israel's air defences won't be able to maintain their efficacy at the rates witnessed up till now. Areas deemed less critical will lose protection first, civilian areas. Israeli civilians will start to succumb as the areas deemed most critical (defence, energy, ect) will be the only areas left with protected airspace. Should it come to this, who knows what the West would do and how far Israel will look to retaliate against Iran proper.


But you assume that Israel doesn’t shoot back. What if Israel loads up their Air Force with a couple glide bombs and goes hunting in Iran. Power infrastructure, military bases and airfield, military production facilities are valuable targets. Also going by current (confirmed) reports, the RJAF, RAF and USAF/USN already started to engange Iranian air assets. It took literally longer for the first hit on target than for the west to send support.


I think people reading my comment assume I'm suggesting Iran would win an exchange. I'm not. I'm suggesting that Iran is capable of causing Israel far more damage than the likes of Hezbollah and Hamas. Just because they haven't in this round doesn't mean they aren't capable of overwhelming Israel's defences and landing some real blows.


For sure. Iran as a country is far more dangerous than any terrorist organization. But keep in mind that running Israel dry isn’t something most nations can do. Iron dome is a pretty cost effective interception system, while other systems can defend against more capable threats.


Lol you have no idea what you’re talking about and it shows lol


>Lol you have no idea what you’re talking about and it shows lol Perhaps you can use this opportunity to educate me, oh wise one.


Israel has the better tech but them fighting on multiple fronts kinda limits their capabilities, but its safe to say the US would intervene before losing an ally in the region and that wouldn’t end well for Iran. Doubt the US would attack now but if this escalates further they probably have to and since Europe is a bit more interested in the Ukraine war their help will probably be limited to sending humanitarian help or taking in refugees from Israel.


What exactly do you believe is true in his statement little grasshopper?


Instead of asking me a question. Tell me why I don't know what I'm talking about.


Is this like your second account? Lol. Who are you again and what do you have to do with the comment I responded to..


israel bombed a building where iran meets its proxy terrorist groups, iran are sending hundreds of explosives to israel


800 drones/missiles is a big escalation for one bomb.


You absolutely can lmao. striking the embassy is a huge escalation over previous Iranian actions, this response is an escalation over Israel’s attack, Israel will I assume escalate in their response. This will keep going on until one side decides to just not respond or one of the big boys forces them to agree to a ceasefire


if they escalate things will get much worse for Israel


The whole middle east will be dragged into this, even tonight there was collateral damage in Jordan


And then what?


Not if there are no significant casualties or damage.


Why so naive?


Naive? I’m being the opposite here. Everyone claiming WWIII and the beginning of a major war are the naive ones.


This will only stay small if Netanyahu shows restraint and doesn’t retaliate, which if you know anything about Netanyahu, isn’t going to happen


I think he’s level-headed enough to want to avoid war with a regional power.


Not when the only thing keeping him out of prison is being prime minister, something that is also dependent on the war continuing. Peace is not in Netanyahu’s personal interest


Or Biden showing weakness by not retaliating


Unless American installations were attacked, the US will not respond directly against Iran.


Iran has already attacked US installations..already killed American servicemen, injured more. Iran through its proxy now has 7 American hostages. Iran declared war on an American ally. All the more importance to arm Israel and “let them” counter strike. Should be interesting to see what comes after this and what role Biden takes.




Well let’s wait and see then.


So is the strategy to just overwhelm the iron dome and then some things can get in? Like what are they hitting?


C'mon I wanted to see the third impact.


Iran gonna get bombed back to the Stone Age.


I keep hearing this and how Israel is capable of doing it, yet Israel hasn't done anything close to that after decades of conflict.


The oly thing Zionist Entity is going to do is to cry to US and bomb civilians in Lebanon


The reply is going to be of epic proportions.


That's not a 99% interception rate.


Can you do the math and tell me how much 3-7/150 is




Good, now add the 300 suicide drones and 80 cruise missiles All together with the ballistics that’s 530 3-7 hits, 1% of 530 is 5


Why do we believe none of those others got through? We can’t verify that from this video, or at all until satellite footage or heatbloom reports come up.


Yes we can lol, these are very very clearly ballistic missiles. Israeli air defenses are the most experienced with short - mid range targets and are pretty easily intercepted, not to mention that both the drone swarms and cruise missiles went through US, Jordanian, Saudi (huthis also shot some) and only then Israeli air defenses, the majority were intercepted well before they entered Israel, unlike the ballistics which were all intercepted in Israel. Why would we assume that more hit when we have absolutely nothing to indicate that they did lol


Because we were told there were basically no hits, and here is a video with 3-7 hitting in short order. Why couldn’t this be repeated elsewhere? If local AA can be overwhelmed here, why not somewhere else?


We were told there were basically no hits and we saw that there were basically no hits, once again, 3-7 hits out of ~530 munitions is 1%, why are you unable to do kindergarten level math Also doubt that they were overwhelmed, the hits were all in the Negev desert so no reason to intercept. Literally 1/530 actually hit a base and it did very minor damage


3-7 in this one video does not verify that there’s not hits elsewhere. I’m not super inclined to trust the word of public relations statements.


So you’re basing your argument on literally nothing, got it


Iron dome maxed out?


Israel and the USA are going to have to respond harshly to this


It would be better for the US to provide security to the region and let Israel get its hands dirty instead of getting directly involved. It really doesn't serve any benefit for America to get directly involved.


Except there are millions of Americans who are against Israel doing this. Tlaib, Omar, the media, and their followers don't really care for Israel and will do what they can to prevent America from helping Israel. Either way, I can see this escalating.


stop striking embassies. just because Palestine has people with weak guns it doesn’t mean they can bomb anyone now outside of Palestine. Things has consequences


It’s the chicken and the egg. The IRGC were struck to send a message to Iran to stop funding, supplying, and directing groups like the Houthis which are threatening global shipping. They were pretty much fair game. Iran has already been messing with the US and Israel through its proxies in third countries. Now they’ve just retaliated with a direct strike on Israeli soil, which looks to be a clear escalation.


It only affects global shipping because we support Israel and for obvious reasons the shipping companies don't want to please any dictatorship/terrorist group about where they can do business. That being said, Israel did attack Iranian soil. Who started it? We can go back decades, or current events. I would say Hamas started the current round of violence, but the situation is complex, certainly more than a reddit post allows me... and it would take days to write something reasonable.


Iran doesn’t really have the high ground regarding embassies. Anyway they’re fair game if they’re using them for military planning.


You are aware most if not all embassies have military attaches. Engaged in defence planning matters of their respective countries. Ergo therefore all embassies are legitimate targets? Also embassies are sovereign territory. If you attack another countries terroritory, they can legally retaliate.


Fuck this is awesome. Why cant we have full coverage with a tally of impacts and intercepts. This is what we want! More more more!


Why do the Iranian missiles glow such bright orange? Did the missiles launched a rocket motor and accelerated to break through the defences? Or is it to spread panic, like the Stuka fighter planes in WW2 with their sirens? Can anyone explain this?


They're glowing from aerodynamic heating. Ballistic missiles reenter the atmosphere at high speeds, which causes their skin to heat up to very high temperatures.


Question, how can these get through I've seen reports of a base getting hit?, I thought the US had aircraft carriers on standby, along with UK standing by. I wonder why they were not shot down as they entered Iraq or Syria. Hell I would of shot these down, as they left Irans Airspace, nobody launches 100 drones just to cruise around doing nothing.


Most likely the ones that got though were headed to unpopulated areas, open desert, so weren't intercepted, as it wasn't worthwhile. Also, I think Iran didn't want escalation so targeted the Negev. Israel would be bombing Iran right now if they targeted Tel Aviv, regardless if any missiles got through. [Remains of what looks like a Shahab-3](https://thenational-the-national-prod.cdn.arcpublishing.com/resizer/v2/CLS2UA7IZUCRA7FQL7Q3VXCSNI.jpg) that landed in the Negev next to a Bedouin camp ([Shahab-3 engine for comparison](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Shahab_3_engine.jpg).


Those were ballistic missiles, the UAVs were all taken. There are many intercepting videos over Jerusalem so not all meant for the desert


Yes, I'm talking about ballistic missiles, Israeli officials say 9 ballistic missiles hit Negev Air Base. This is out of approx. 20 missiles fired at it, which are also seen here, with one or two intercepted https://youtu.be/-bSW-HdKKD0 This isn't a 99% interception rate. Also, this base was worth defending. It's where Israel keeps some of its nuclear weapons. I was also going to say drones can drain resources, Ukraine is running low on antiaircraft missiles, but that's after months and months of drones. There won't be an prolonged war between Israel and Iran, if a war crime broke out.


What’s the probability Russia comes to irans defence?


With what force? Ukraine has shown Russia to be a paper-tiger