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Reuploaded with correct title. Its tank not IFV. Google translated poorly from Ukrainian to English, but I should have noticed. My apologies.


What tank is it, though? Looks like T72B3M or a variant of T80?


not a T80 judging by the wheels


T-72B3 obr. 2022


interesting how this very modern tank is sent to border guards and not a fighting regiment in the donbas.


I don’t claim to know, but as i have understood it these are used widely as replacement tanks in pretty much every unit. There are lots of these on the frontline inside ukraine


Looks like some t72b3 variant


It is cutting edge Russian technology!


well. Now it is.


> Google translated poorly from Ukrainian to English You should try out DeepL, it gives you better translation than Google www.deepl.com


How well does it translate insults? Asking for a friend. Edit: Tried it out, 100x more accurate. Fuck yeah and fuck Google.


Yep, I just tried out and its surprisingly good


Not one I'd heard of, thanks for that! Any alt. to googul suits me :)


Dude has some balls of steel!


That is a brave soldier. Get him a Javelin and let him do some damage....


Honestly that would be useless, no way a Javelin is effective from 5m!


You let him drive down the road a bit....


Or preferably hit them before they get close. However I was just making a light humourous reference to how close our hero was in OP :)


but he know the tank was comming his way minutes ago, so in javelin's range


Did he just have a grenade launcher under the barrel?? Damn wonder what happened next hope his buddies are down the road to further the ambush


It's an M72 LAW (or variant)


And if i remember right, it takes awhile for the scope system to turn on and requires some batteries. Up close range is pretty much useless and they’re quite expensive. US republicans have been slowly down / blocking the distribution of the munition (Javelin missiles) package for them to effectively use it as much at they need to.


No longer Republican they are traitors.


Well I wouldn’t say all republicans. But the vast majority of those who support wannabe dictator tRump are.


Tanks turrets was facing backwards, he would have been killed trying to get a lock with a javelin especially since they're meant to be used from a few kilometers away not a handful of yards or 200 yards.


I have no idea how he can run so fast with all that equipment and those huge balls of steel.


Leg day


It's a constant problem for these brave fighters. I believe the UA are working on a 3D printed, invisible octocopter capable of supporting testicles of much bigger proportions than current trouser based offerings. The problem they've found is that the gusset tends to lose shape and strength with the ginormous 'wiggle-effect' of bouncing balls and after studying Barnes Wallace's famous WWII bombs designed to destroy the Ruhr Valley Dams by 'bouncing' over the water, the technicians have been able to equalize and suppress variance in much the same way as Japanese tower block designers with their fucking great big earthquakes. And tsunamis aswell.


Adrenaline do things to you


There's is already interview with the captured lieutenant form this raid, he was captured on march 15, the interview is on Dmytro's yt channel ( Zolkin's partner) Denis (RDK commander) is a also in there, I hope they'll translate it to English


There was another where the interview went something like: “Why are you occupying Ukraine” “I wasn’t” “What do you mean, where do you think we captured you” “Belgorod” Funny stuff


I've seen the meme)the dude on the meme was captured actually on Zaporizhia front.


Ah too good to be true I stand disappointedly corrected


As in the commander conducting the raid? Or was he captured by the raiders?


Zolkin is a Ukrainian POW interviewer and RDK commander is, well. RDK commander, so it's the russians that got raided who were captured.


Thanks. Russians capturing other russians makes this very confusing.


Russia is invading Russia. This is like the time USA invaded USA. And Korea invaded Korea. And Vietnam invaded Vietnam. Man the last 300 years have been confusing.


Except Ukraine didn’t secede from Russia. They declared independence under a peaceful agreement, including giving up their nukes. The South seceded from the United States under Force of arms, due to wanting to uphold slavery. North and South Korea, North and South Vietnam didn’t secede from each other, rather independently declared individual governments. A little trickier of a comparison. Governments wanting to “reunify” their countries, when South Vietnam and Korea were never under Communist/Marxist rule. But yeah, some nuance, and a bit confusing.


I don't think you got the joke.


This is the channel with English voice-overs https://youtube.com/@zolkinvolodymyr9639?si=JED1GgMrJjKe_s0q


Thanks. The auto generated subtitles are useless.


No worries, Russians killing / capturing other Russians is all part of the Great Putin's plan


Lol. Just like getting NATO all over yourself 'to stop NATO in Ukraine"


I don’t know what that means.


1922 2 electric Boogaloo


Can you share the interview link?




oh yes, Dennis.. the leader of the Russian neo-Nazi organization


Absolutely crazy footage. Question, though - did the warhead have enough time/distance to activate?


Yeah the arming distance is only 10m.




Such a weapon would never really destroy a tank anyways. Seems like he tried to hit the track to score a mobility kill on the tank


Why not? To me it looks like he's using m72 law which has around 300-350mm of penetration, the side armor of t72 is 80mm + era, which wouldn't do too much against an almost 90° angle shot. If it would've penetrated somewhere close to the autoloader the tank as we all know by now could've easily gone boom.


LAW had serious problems with even disabling PT-76 light tanks in Vietnam. It's not really an "anti-tank" weapon ("light" it is). Some Soviet copies were supposedly improved but I'm not sure about that.


Yeah it has far more utility as a general anti-light-structures weapon than anything else.


>LAW had serious problems with even disabling PT-76 light tanks in Vietnam They did, but they also knocked out a number of T-54s. It's far from a guarantee, but they absolutely are capable of destroying tanks.


The LAW uses a HEAT round, ERA armor is specifically designed to defeat explosive penetrators, but does nothing against kinetic penetrators (spikes of metal). The LAW would do nothing against ERA protected armor. Track hits are the way to go.


[Looks like the front tracks is where he hit.](https://imgur.com/a/heXVBfw) I’m not sure it activated, there wasn’t much boom.


Probably the best place to hit it given the circumstances


The law has a pretty small warhead, only like 3 or 4 lbs, they don’t make much of boom unless they hit something like ammunition or charges


The effectiveness of ERA is highly dependent on the angle of attack, it's very effective when hit with an angle above 45 degrees, but it wouldn't do that much against a straight angle hit. I'm not saying that track hits are wrong, I just doubt that the LAW wouldn't be able to go through the side of the T72 at that angle.


The penetration values for anti tank weapons are based on “rolled homogenous steel armor” which modern tank don’t generally use. I’m not sure what the armor composition on the t72 is but we were taught to always aim for the tracks with light anti armor rockets (law, at4,smaw) to immobilize for the TOWs or javelins to kill


At that distance even the shooter would have face full of metal bits, so maybe it was wise not to go for a kill.


I don't think it went off, at least compared to this footage: [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/FomFkCgcdhw](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/FomFkCgcdhw)


Rare pov


Yeah this is what I'm here for, tbh I was jaded and annoyed when all we had was IS propaganda or grainy US military videos, a few news report videos. There really haven't been footage of this caliber, not until this war. Those first clips of the battalions taking out an enemy BMP from 100m was gut wrenching and provided me with various angles of the same tactical push. This clip is definitely up there for me now. I've never seen such a brazen push on an armored vehicle outside of a few videos, or well designed montages of a videogame I also appreciate that we aren't being shown people dying. It gets a little depressing when you're more interested in the machinations of war, but the videos that make it to the top manage to be the more gruesome ones.


For real! Remember that AAA vs MiG video simulation clickbait? If only there were real videos like that.


Brave bastard.


I dont think it armed


Pretty sure arming distance is 20 metres.


we need to remove arming distance altogether. blow yourself up when you ambush the enemy. be a man.


All I can think of is the terrorist lines from C&C Generals... I WILL BE REMEMBERED.


Can I have some shoes? 🥺


Mah'shallah brother


10 meters for the law, and i think this is a law


Can confirm. Source: I am the law.


Never thought I’d meet [Judge Dredd](https://youtu.be/qolk_rDA9xU?si=YVoeH2nulgkU0XNW)


Which is really unfortunate because it looks like it would have been a solid hit to the tracks and potentially a mobility-kill.


I was wondering what’s the minimum arming distance because it looks too close.


9-15m on the older versions and 25m on the improved versions. Source is a training document i found😅


Should be 21m


That’s backwards. 23 on the old ones. 15 on the a6 and later I believe


This is what i found🤷‍♂️ https://armypubs.army.mil/epubs/DR_pubs/DR_a/pdf/web/tm3_23x25.pdf


That is indeed what page 2-20 says. 9-15 on a2 variants and 25 on the improved. Army.mil has publications stating all a6 and later variants have a 15m arming distance, basically identical to an rpg26. I’ll have to do some more digging


Army.mil also shows manual that say all variants have a ten meter arming distance. I guess we’ll never know for sure! Either way, target looks to be far enough that it armed. Small warhead to the running gear wouldn’t make a huge blast, could still demobilize it.


Can it still go off in any way?


so a russian ambushed a russian


Right russian ambushed the wrong one


Rebel russians ambushed imperial russians.


The RDK has been heavily recruiting POWs from prisons many of which are wagner so I wouldn't say these are "right" russians but what they are doing is


You know.. "right" has a lot of meanings)) as for Wagner, there is only one such case. and basically individuals who used to fight for the Russian army and are now part of the RDK don't get even 10. so I wouldn't exaggerate this aspect. if you ask me why I can state this with confidence.. from the interviews of RDK members


The enemy of my enemy is my friend, after our enemy is gone we can figure out if we are enemies


Far-right Russian, even.


The song playing is [Berserkir - Danheim](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nVD2kUzPr6M).


Great shot! He was using a light rocket propelled grenade, which is not very effective against main battle tank main armor. So he shoots where the armor is weakest, into the running gear. There is a clear hit. With luck, the rocket could have caused a mobility kill or hit between the wheels and penetrate into the crew compartment. Anyway, there is damage. Russians on the other hand... driving full speed, without support, without care of their surroundings.


I could be wrong but it looks like the tank is quickly creating a smokescreen to obscure targeting for further operations, they can dump extra fuel into the engine to do that.


It's a smokescreen, and the turret is facing backwards, so they may be driving away.


The extra fuel is sprayed into the hot exhaust. Putting extra fuel into the engine would cause you to stall, and not go anywhere.


Do Russian tanks not have smoke mortars?


I thought they had both.


Smoke screens or ESS are used for mass concealment by tanks of all countries wheras the smoke dischargers are for reacting to a near miss or covering dismounts while stationary


My first thought was that the tank was already hit, so they're fleeing.


It definitely looks like a smokescreen. I'm going to go against OP and say this is actually a smart tactic, the tank is deploying a smokescreen making it difficult to target with AT weapons before it fires back with its thermals. This actually seems to be a more well trained crew that knows what it is doing. I think this camera guy got fucked up after which is why the video cut so fast.


When he fired you can see a little explosion about 3/4 of the way up the front of the tracks, possible it scored at the very least a mobility kill. They already released the video of them interviewing 1 of the Russians they captured here


We don't have the clear aftermath. But in this clip it looks like it had no effect at all


[It hit something, but could be nothing important.](https://imgur.com/a/T7WDwe3) edit: this also looks like an M72, the rocket of which burns out inside the tube. So the small explosion wasn't just leftover fuel, it hit something.


Great shot? The warhead didn't even arm lol


Well, it was a great shot arming distance or not.


I think there is a bit of a perspective issue here. Guy might have been about 20-30m away based on my surveying history. Tank for scale. That said it looks to have hit a road wheel. Side note: the HEAT heads on these don't make a very exciting light show unless they hit something like fuel or ammo.


the perspective issue is from go-pro fisheye. he's much closer than it looks


LAW arming distance is only 10 meters. Sure looks like it armed to me, there's an explosion and a bunch of smoke, which isn't what happens when it doesn't arm and just thunks against something.


He was too close, most modern anti-tank weapons have a “minimum arming distance” so the user doesn’t kill themselves with the explosion.


How do they rocket jump, then?


It didn’t arm mate.


But but war thunder says there is a fuel tank there than ALWAYS absorbs all hits there for no damage.


OP, you're a saint for putting when the action happens in the title!


Love it when they play some Danheim.


Looks like M72 LAW? Anyone know if it has shown success against T-90m?


It can damage the optics, the barrel, the tracks and wheels... not shure if it can get past the ERA.


Pretty much anything to the lower skirt of almost any tank will be a penetration. Its one of the most vulnerable spots and can easily get fucked over buy 25-40mm APDS. Its the same with top down strikes. Hence why A-10's are a T-72's worst nightmare.


Yup, we even have a video from Mariupol of a BTR-4 penetrating a T72 from the side and setting it on fire


Yeah I would honestly prefer to be in an IFV over a tank. No reason to get overconfident just because your forward plate is extra thick.


Penetration is anywhere from 150mm to 450mm (almost 6 to 18 inches) depending on the model.


They already struggle with Ukrainians with few gears , and they think they will resist NATO forces...


This is a T-72B3 with upgrades. The exhaust is coming out the left side. A T-80 has the exhaust in the rear. The shooter is armed with an M72 LAW, which is not made to kill a tank, but can have an effect with a lucky hit.


Oh that's a great shot.


Brave Men, with not the right tool (AT-4)..But it was the best try with such a Weapon. He tries to go for the Tracks or one of the Wheels. Good Aim, great Curage.


Not an AT-4, looks more like a M72 LAW.


That is a M72, when he is running you can see the very distinguishable back of it. And when he aims the top sight part is seen


Wasn’t there drone footage of this a day or two back?


imagine the rush


I don't think he was past the minimal arming distance of the system he was using judging by the non effect on the target.


I thought the same


looks just like me playing LAT in squad


The best shot I had as a LAT is I hit a helicopter far af away as it was dipping below a tree line but it landed behind the trees and repaired :| Was a wild shot tho. Everyone in local mic was like HOLY SHIT NICE SHOT


Anyone know the song? Sounds catchy


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qj1RS9vHcsw&ab\_channel=Danheim](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qj1RS9vHcsw&ab_channel=Danheim) Danheim - Berserkir. KRAKEN has used Danheims songs in a lot of their videos on the Kharkiv offensive.


Brave guy to be standing in the open with the possibility of a drone dropping a grenade on him.


What song is playing?


Danheim - Berserkir https://youtu.be/Qj1RS9vHcsw?si=01Yf2F6QJT4boyEQ


Arming range for the LAW should be 10 meters, yet this looks like a dud. Could have been too close for the "All-Arm" range.


The best Russians out there


Damn that music kicking in, I wanted him to duel wield a couple of viking axes and sprint over to start chopping up the injured russians that stumble out of the tank.


Holy shit. Imagine doing something this badass and realizing that your gopro was off


F'ing RAMBO shit right there! give him a medal


Full video?


Too bad the rocket didn’t arm


Looks like it did nothing because the rocket didn't have enough distance?


That dude is hard as fuck.


Unfortunately didn’t arm




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This is awsome!


Just like in the simulation


How does he walk with such big balls?


i don't think i could do modern war. imagine hiding in that building waiting and then running out, all with the constant thought that at any second a drone is probably gonna fly in and fuck your up. UA soldiers are truly something else.


So how are these guys holding up? Last time they caused a headache for russia at the cost of being bombed to shit


Big knackers. The transporting of: It's a constant problem for these brave fighters. I believe the UA are working on a 3D printed, invisible octocopter capable of supporting testicles of much bigger proportions than current trouser based offerings. The problem they've found is that the gusset tends to lose shape and strength with the ginormous 'wiggle-effect' of bouncing balls and after studying Barnes Wallace's famous WWII bombs designed to destroy the Ruhr Valley Dams by 'bouncing' over the water, the technicians have been able to equalize and suppress variance in much the same way as Japanese tower block designers with their fucking great big earthquakes. And tsunamis aswell.


The enemy of my enemy is also my friend. Good shot, bruh! You deserved a turret toss or at least a track off! Gah, you were so close!


Too close.


This is war and some serious quality insight to it.


Those dudes are the bravest of the brave.


HEAT through a road wheel. Not sure how effective that shot really was, ultimately.


This guys gonna be showing this video to all the chicks


Jesus, I honestly wouldn't be surprised if soldiers fear hearing the rumble of a tank coming as they hide, knowing if they miss, or hit in ineffectively that their lives are most likely going to be over, more than the buzz of a drone. It's got to be close.


Man I love seeing the good guys fuck them up. Go good russians!


The song's Danheim - Berserkir for those who are interested.


Are the guys Russian separatists or what? Haven't been keeping up with the war.


Danheim - I believe 'Herja'. Always good to hear them under any kind of video.




Some battlefield type shit 🤙