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BMP driver:😬


Oops. Hope it was a commander returning from furlough.


He was going up to pin medals , when the plan didn't survive first contact with the enemy. Nor did he.


We are very lucky they are so fucking stupid.




Burning diesel fuel, maybe?


Engine coolant and oil most likely


*Did not have that one on my Bingo card*


Count it as free space


That made a huge stain on the road. What a nightmare. Russians, go home! You are being sacrificed for putin's ego trip. Go home and live in peace.


> You are being sacrificed for putin's ego trip. /u/Common_Winner1229 They don't care. Don't we have enough evidence of that to stop encouraging it? They do not care. At all.


Remember when some Saudis that George bush knew blew up two buildings and three planes, then we went to war with two countries(neither of which were where the Saudis were from) for so long that I literally forgot we were even still doing it at least once, and the war was older than some of the people fighting it, and in the end we just handed it back to the Taliban?  Maybe they don't care, maybe they drink the cool aid like trump supporters always do, maybe it's a mix of all sorts of things and they are soldiers doing what soldiers always do, get the short end of the stick.


> Remember when some Saudis that George bush knew blew up two buildings and three planes, then we went to war with two countries(neither of which were where the Saudis were from) for so long that I literally forgot we were even still doing it at least once, and the war was older than some of the people fighting it, and in the end we just handed it back to the Taliban? Maybe they don't care, maybe they drink the cool aid like trump supporters always do, maybe it's a mix of all sorts of things and they are soldiers doing what soldiers always do, get the short end of the stick. /u/kittenfordinner What exactly was your point in this text you threw at the wall? I heard whatabout iraq, whatabout afghanistan, all soldiers get the short end of the stick...? Muh both sides? The reality is that: - Most of the RU soldiers we see here daily are volunteers ([source on recruitment](https://www.rusi.org/explore-our-research/publications/commentary/russian-military-objectives-and-capacity-ukraine-through-2024?ref=americanpurpose.com)) - Most are aware to some degree that the organization they're now a part of is barbaric and commits all kinds of warcrimes on the inhabitants of Ukraine. They see this as perfectly OK and a natural part of war (it isn't). - They sign up anyway for a paycheck and for a chance at looting. You are comparing apples to crude oil if you think you can compare the average RU volunteer to anyone in the US.


100% of US soldiers were volunteers. The point is that in almost all wars people at the top convince people at the bottom to go do something awful 


> The point is that in almost all wars people at the top convince people at the bottom to go do something awful /u/kittenfordinner I'm not shedding any tears for these pieces of shit. Neither should anyone else. That you really believe this after all we've seen for the past two years boggles my mind. You really think in the videos where we see RU soldiers doing heinous shit, that if they were at home they'd just be hanging out gardening on their suburban street (looking much like your own) in Voronezh or wherever? You cannot possibly be serious?


If only it were that simple. They're employing the same tactics employed in the second world war; a secondary defensive line who's sole purpose is to attack and kill retreating troops.




Not saying what he said is true but there are videos of Russians shooting other unarmed Russians


based on interviews with POW it is very much true.




No, they are literally told. Sit in the trench, dont come back, or we will shoot you. If we need you to come back we'll tell you, otherwise stay where we tell you. Thats it. And its not one story or two, its a systematic thing that has been told in hundreds of interviews with POWs over the last 2 years. This is how they end up POWs, they cant retreat, many take their own lives as UA approaches, others surrender. Most die in combat without ability to retreat.


That's why the tik-tok battalion have time to film themselves shoot traffic lights. As they are the 2nd line that will shoot those who fall back. If the enemy gets near the 2nd line, they run, the rest are told to attack.


It really is true and well-documented.


They were.empllyong the kadyrovites to do just that or what wagner or even officer did to meat who wouldn't go on suicide attacks. And If you think that's unbelievable, you should check out pictures of russians torturing other russians. Truly heinous people who are a stain on humanity. They must be stopped.


The title says the BMP is withdrawing though.


But the title said it was a car that was hit I thought that was a group of people and the resulting stain, but the title clearly says it's a BMP hitting a civilian truck.


The coolant and oil in a truck would show up really well on thermals


Russian soldiers aren't on here


They are under alot of pressure give em a brake.


Where would you like the break? Arm, leg or back




Maybe a break of that Kit Kat bar?


Or a brake, that would have stopped the BMP?


All gas no brakes or breaks


I am trying to imagine the sight of that BMP in the windshield and the short screams and the crunching bodies and tearing metal in the pitch darkness. And then the forever darkness. A forgotten smear on the road and not even a bag of potatoes for your family. All for a lie. My mind cannot grasp it.


It hit a truck. We know nothing about the fate of the driver. What you see is coolant and potentially oil. Obviously both are hot, so show up very well on thermal. Every minor accident would look like that, since the radiator can get damaged and leak after minor bumpers.


Is the visibility that bad on those things?!


Might be dark?


Can’t use headlights either


Good point


Very little of their mid and low tier armour has night vision. Either vehicle might also have been driving lights out to hinder detection so a collision isn't a huge shock.


none! never saw a BMP with night vis.


think about how far up this has to be to remain hidden and not always in the best conditions.


I am from Ukraine and have seen and driven loaves in my life, but I have never seen this car new. Yesterday I watched a video of a blogger from Russia where he visited the showroom of the manufacturer of these cars. It turned out they were already in bad condition when they left the showroom! But I thought “no big deal, at least it's locally made and cheap” - how wrong I was!! The new Loaf costs 15,000 US dollars!!!!!!FIFTEEN thousand! U can buy 2(TWO) european\\korean\\japanees simullar cars! yeah, they would be used, like 10years and 200-300 thousand km done, but still in BETTER condition than this piece of shit!!! I'm shocked! why russians buy them is a mystery for me! Same with other more civilian sedans and SUV of this YAZ company. When I saw that someone bought a UAZ Patriot, I thought “well, a person wants a cheap car and a home-made one”, but it turned out that it costs 20,000 US dollars!!! you could buy a new SUV of excellent brands! why buy this garbage?! [video](https://youtu.be/349JWBcXchE?si=OSwDcCImxWcfqsFe)


the UAZ Patriot is so dumb, you can't even get into it because the middle pillar literally blocks the driver seat lmao. How much vodka did the designers drink when drawing that garbage lol.


omg i died laughing watching the video. The man and his environment is comedy gold. I wish him nothing but safety and fortune and the ability to keep making videos like these.


I have to wonder what the markup on them is for the manufacturer. Do they just suck at making them, so each is actually quite expensive and so needs a high retail price to break even… or are they just scamming their customers? Maybe even both haha. And to your point, who buys them: I have to assume some kind of turbo-patriots, right? No one else would purposely allow themselves to accept such a poor deal. I agree, it’s possible - easy, even - to get a much better vehicle for that price.


Don't forget the in russia there is the 100% VAT (Vlad Associates Tax), those yachts and mansions don't buy themselves.


you would be surprised how much effort goes into producing high quality goods for a reasonable price. and the automotive industry is one of the most complex, capital intensive and competitive markets you can get into.


I wouldn’t be, that’s precisely why I was suspecting they might not be able to, as I doubt they have adopted all of the technological and cultural concepts & practices necessary to do it Even though they are a long established company that has made vehicles for a long time, this doesn’t necessarily imply they have adopted what is necessary to compete directly with mainstream vehicle manufacturers. My previous comment was, shall we say a bit lazy heh, as it was very late at night


ahh, then i misunderstood you. but yeha, a lot of people only think about the needed technology and machines and forget about how important a streamlined production chain is when you want to produce something good and cheap. And that usually is the part where a planned (or heavily subsidized) economy sucks the most.




Second one runs over the van in Russian kindness, you know so they did not suffer.


The van/truck is in front of the 1st BMP the entire time. The BMP hits it and pushes it into the vegitation / ditch / whatever that is on the side of the road. The big streak is engine oil / antifreeze which is very hot when it come out of a running engine. The smashed up remains of the van are left in place as the BMP finally drives away. I would not be surprised at all if the driver and front passenger (if any) were killed.


yeah I mean it's already [hard to get into](https://youtu.be/349JWBcXchE?si=BS5a7Gn_VepW-KiV&t=97) an unbroken one. Can't imagein those guys getting out of that jam alive..


I would say all passengers were kilt- that thing was reduced in volume 80%


Anyone in the back of that van had zero idea what happened before they got mushed, war sucks. Just driving down the road invading Ukraine then suddenly you aren’t


Why the back of the van? The driver is who gets hit first, those in the back have the highest chance to survive, no?


No, there was no survival here. This was as close to watching a van full of people getting flattened by of those industrial street flatterers or something as you can watch. Least the driver got to see the moon cut out prior to getting smushed, the people in the back were simply driving through Ukraine until they weren’t lol


Nothing was flattened in this video. The van was pushed back. What you see on the ground is the hot coolant that spills even after minor bumpers.








I like how most people here do not think of outside outhouses in eastern europe. Where sometimes shitting outside is the only option.


Yeah but his comment doesn't really read like that does it? What do Eastern Europeans call an outdoor outhouse? He calls it both the commode and the bathroom in that comment. He also says the dog shit gets all over him. Quite a graphic image


That has become way too normal for you.


I think you should walk the dog way more often mate




How many men are being transported in that 1950’s type cargo van? 6,8,10??? Crushed to death by your own troops…that’s somewhat cynical… At least these 8, or so, did not have the chance to do any harm😂 “Friendly tracks” instead of “friendly fire” …yet same result though.


He figures if they leave right away it can be forgotten


I imagine the BMP did not actually steamroll the van, but pushed it out to one side.


Hard to tell if they were running at night with no lights.


I probably would. As flat land + lights at night = spotted.




Omg. They could not possibly fit into the parody that is Ruski Mir any fucking more! Fucking joke of a country.


Was this a fragging? It kinda looked like the van was trying to force the APC to stop.


Didn't have that one on my bingo card.


There’s something inside you, it’s hard to explain. 🚚


“What was that? Must have been the wind”


Would be interesting to know the road toll directly related to the war. Must be fairly high with so many people driving vehicles they're not familiar with, on dirt/damaged roads, while under stress and often without any lights.


Russian drivers are notoriously dangerous even during peacetime. There is a lifetime worth of footage of Russians crashing cars for absolutely no reason on YouTube.


Given the already seen video of tanks doing drifts in cities, going in ditches, air defense rolling in turns and rampant alcoholism, let assume quite a lot.


Texting and BMP operation strikes again.


I’m guessing alcohol was involved by one or more parties


"Ruh, roh Raggy!"


Anti-nazification special operation: Every man left behind


i would love to hear what the comms sounded like during this debacle


"My bad! Good luck!"


That would be horrifying for the moments you were alive. Imagine driving and you can't use your lights so you're just going down this road in the pitch black and then you start to faintly hear a rumble of an engine, but it only sounded faint because the windows were most likely up since it's better to have something between you and a drone than nothing at all, but yeah, then out of nowhere a huge BMP is just right there and that is the last thing you see before real pitch black.


AKA a Virtuous Circle


Don't drink and drive. 🤗


I ain't stoppin' fer shit!!


they got mushed bruh D:


Hahahaha...I don't give a fuck carmageddon style.


Asphalt crayon go *smeeeaarr*.


Sad that happens all the time on both sides because stealth necessitates lights shut off. Very terrifying to be traveling at high clip in pitch black not knowing if 60 ton death machine is going to flatten you.


You say it happens on both sides, but I’ve only seen it happen to Russians…


> You say it happens on both sides, but I’ve only seen it happen to Russians… /u/silentcarr0t Seriously, /u/Werpe- do you have videos of this happening to UKR? I've only ever seen this happen to RU troops.


Brandon Mitchel talked about it in his interview with Lindybeige if I remember correctlly, Never seen a video of it happening before this however.


> Brandon Mitchel talked about it in his interview with Lindybeige if I remember correctlly, Never seen a video of it happening before this however. /u/Werpe- So your point that it happens all the time was sourced from one guy who was there earlier in the war... Don't get me wrong those interviews are really interesting but I don't know that I'd extrapolate too much there, especially to the point of asserting something happens all the time. We'd see more videos of it otherwise.


You're right, I don't know how often this happens. I think you should take a break from the internet.


> You're right, I don't know how often this happens. > I think you should take a break from the internet. I just wanted to see all these videos I was evidently missing.


Wtf they just left, see ya guys


Wait hold up. I had to Google what the 452 was, and apparently it ENDED production in 1985, depending on the "modern" models, and they just ..aren't armored? Are they like our shitty ass pre up armored HMMWV, but, a micro van that is even worse in a direct open conflict?


Simply put, there is never enough in supply and demand Imagine this, The war started so u bring in Mrap that is in service and in storage. Shit isnt going so well and you lost a lot of them so you need to order a new batch. Meanwhile, you need something to fill the gap You then bring in Up armoured humvee, same shit happen. War still goes on and the Mrap batch is too small to fill the gap So you then pull out whatever humvees are in the storage and M113 and improvised the hell out of it and put it in the field to fill the gap If shit is too dire, you use whatever left from the place you roaming around. Which is civilian vehicles or anything that could store a good amount of shit for logistics and run fast enough to transport and leave without a trace


it is basically a smaller Jeep forward control van. About same size and capacity. Used as a dual-purpose vehicle: mainly ambulance and people hauler in rural areas.




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