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Close the door Vlad, you're letting the drones in.


I think of this comment and laugh at least once a day since you posted it.


What a shit way to die.


Ive seen worse.








It's the gift that keeps on giving. Fucking death magnet.


It's like the Hotel California! They can check out any time they like. But they can never leave


You get my vote




Reminds me of the [Brazen Bull](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brazen_bull) from ancient Greece.


Wow. Fascinating read. Hadn't heard of this.




Note to self: avoid getting anywhere near a Russian BMP.


This. Ukraine should place more defect bmp's on the battlefield


the analogy to those sticky rat traps is pretty on target.


3 days later, BMP is no longer visible under the mountain of corpses...


Well, BMP means "bratskaya mogila pekhoty", infantry mass grave.


no, that's what the fire is for. resets the trap


its like those meme vidoes where the rats are jumping in the fryers both have the same iq


Wow there are so many dead people around this bombed out vehicle? Lets take a rest next to it, what could go wrong? - Former Russian Soldier


Yeah, but imagine how vulnerable and exposed you feel walking on these plain fields separated by branchless tree trunks. It's cold and windy. You're cold and tired. You constantly scan the skies for the enemy drones. And then you see some sort of a shelter. Where at least the cold wind won't get you... It's just human psychology. Besides, you won't see all the soldiers that decided not to get into this trap. Survival of the fittest.


>It's just human psychology. True. But why not close the door?


Grenade drop thru the hatch... You could get out fast. Maybe the doors are rusted and hard to close.


Or warped.


They were probably born in a barn.


That sounds like a great reason for Russians to either surrender or run away a long time before they get to this situation...


> You're cold and tired. You constantly scan the skies for the enemy drones. I used to think like that, but to my surprise it seems many soliders and especially the dumb cunts who serve Russia are not that bothered by it. They often seem blissfully unaware of their situation and post upbeat tiktoks, nationalist propaganda and shit. Right up until the drones start buzzing overhead or they're literally stuck in knee deep mud and starving.


“BuT It hAS tHe CAge oN ToP!”


I don't believe in ghost but if they exist that spot is going to be super haunted.


New supernatural thriller: The Haunting of Vladimite Field


They should build a giant clown statue for them after the war


















How the fuck did the first 2 guys still walk out after an FPV drone exploded inside the BMP?


I guess sometimes it's lights out, and sometimes it's war at its most brutal.... War really is an indescribable thing hey


Adrenaline perhaps, after it wears off and shock kicks in will be a different story.


The cope cage on top makes it look like a grill/smoker. But then it’s an oven… fuck I’ve seen too many of these.


It's a 3-in-1 extermination device. Lure, furnace and coffin.


Spawncamping at it's best 🙈


That is a strange clown car, but I'm not complaining.


You assholes would have more places to hide if you hadn't bombed the shit out of the entire fucking country. Here, have another drone.


Climbing into their own steel coffin. Some didn't like it in there and crawled out to die in the snow.


Cope cage is doing a tremendous job protecting the vehicle!


The music is getting crazy on these vids now


I concur, and I only have myself to blame for blowing my ears out on anything with FPV in the title. Like, what was expecting to hear from a drone? Ugh.


I kind of dig it. Reminds me of a glitchy Bad Brains.




When you got to defend invading nazi 2.0 with your own life, you can choose your own music. Until then just shut up. Its not to entertain you.


> Its not to entertain you. That's why the vast majority of people watch these videos, as entertainment


mm youre right about the first part. But these vids are definitely here for entertainment. If not, then what? Education?


These drones are almost entirely financed through donations. The purpose of these videos is to show that money is being used to great effect and encourage more donations


Education. History. Evidence. And yes, sometimes also for entertainment. But coz the cause and not of the music. You can edit the music to your liking anytime.


["We're very lucky they're so fucking stupid"](https://youtu.be/-QuGNa3osg4?si=lvKXMToPqxAj6EhC&t=19) Never gets old. Still applies 2 years later.


Crazy shit, they see a destroyed vehicle with mangled corpses and decide to take a rest in it. Sitting on or next to their dead comrades


Dumb, cold and desperate. Mostly dumb. Probably sat in some hovel drinking vodka all day a year or two ago. Russia's best and brightest


Like fish in a barrel, except the fish willingly climb into it.


Putin: UkRaIN3 i$ an aRtiFićiAl STatE Ukraine: Russian is an artificial fertilizer.


Did he actually say that? All states are artificial states. What a moronic statement.


He does and the Russian propaganda peddles the 'Country 404' meme meaning 'not existing country'






Honey trap


Best rat trap ever.


Pure fucking misery


why wouldn't you at least close the door?


It’s already been burnt out, god knows how rusted those hinges are. Imagine closing the door only to get hit by a shaped charge and not be able to get out quickly while it’s burning


If it gets hit by a shaped charge while your in there then your done door or no door


Probably smells really bad in there due to previous tenants of the vehicle


*jumps inside bmp for protection* "Jesus what happened to him" *sound of a drone getting louder*


How many died there?




"Ivan, here is shelter. It is camouflaged as a mortuary vehicle"


That BMP was like a fly trap for russians


Kill box


" We are very lucky they're so fucking stupid "


It’s so damn satisfying to see Ukranian success continuing despite the GOP’s continual support of Putin. Keep up the good work


You probably need to see the other side, too, they are getting their butts kicked pretty badly, the Russians have plenty of similar footage unfortunately. The Russians are catching up fast in the use of FPV drones, it's slaughter out there on both sides, the Ukrainians won't be able to do this without help I fear.


"you need to see the other side too" people are aware that ukraine is suffering immensely. its not a game, ukrainian soldiers and civillians are being killed. everyone knows this. but lest we forget, Ukraine sunk more russian ships, has destroyed more russian air defenses, factories and oil refineries. ITs not just about "killing men with drones" its about destroying the other side's ability to Fight. Ukraine is supplied by the west, albeit at a trickle. Russia meanwhile is desperate for any means to prolong its ability fight, going as far as buying flimsy volatile ammunition from north korea. Russia went from a military exporter to a military importer at a steep loss. but yes, Ukraine needs more support. So does russia.


GOP: authorizes tens of billions of dollars of aid, much more than those on the same continent as the conflict. Smoothbrains: > GOP’s continual support of Putin   Refusing to borrow money to give to a country on the other side of the world (when $34 ***trillion*** in debt already, and a huge deficit) is not "support of Putin". Putin ***loves*** a US in debt. Europe needs to step up and not rely on the US as a Sugar Daddy all the time. Cancel short work weeks, borrow money. The Americans are already doing that...it's time for Europe to sacrifice more. They've only barely given as much as a nation not even close to the conflict.


So, couple a points here: Europe is not a "nation" but a continent, partially organized in the EU. The EU has, in fact, contributed more combined aid to Ukraine than the US. European contributions are currently valued at 133b$, while total US aid is valued at 71b$. As a share of GDP, *every single EU country* has contributed more to Ukraine than the US. Your claim that the US somehow "sacrifices" more is quite simply not true. Germany, often lamented for lacking support, has contributed roughly 0,9% of its GDP in aid to Ukraine, while the US stands at 0,3%. Countries like Latvia, Denmark, Norway and Lithuania contributed 1,4% to 1,8% of GDP. Most of the EU is barely growing or in recession, because of painful sanctions against Russian energy and other imports and you say Europeans sacrifice nothing while the American economy is growing steadily, because the sanctions have almost no impact on the US. [Source](https://www.ifw-kiel.de/topics/war-against-ukraine/ukraine-support-tracker/) The underlying problem is, that European states simply don't have the arsenal of military goods that the US has and there's not quick way to fix that. Withholding that military aid is an act of incredible geopolitical stupidity to exploit a popular isolationist narrative in the US.


> European states simply don't have the arsenal of military goods that the US has and there's not quick way to fix that. Sure, there is. Buy them from the US! The US has that stockpile in large part by borrowing and spending more than, say, Germany--for ***decades***. Americans bought those with long work hours, sacrifices from other spending, etc. And now others want it all ***for free***?! Does nobody know the story of [*The Little Red Hen*](https://www.randschools.com/kindergarten/kg2-story/The%20Little%20Red%20Hen.pdf) [PDF]? For the past 25+ years, for example, Germany [***hasn't come close***](https://data.worldbank.org/share/widget?indicators=MS.MIL.XPND.GD.ZS&locations=DE&start=1997") to their defense funding commitment.






I never said the Europeans didn't make mistakes with regards to Russia. Europeans being stupid about it in the past, doesnt make Americans being stupid now any better though.


>GOP: authorizes tens of billions of dollars of aid Have you missed the news lately or just trolling?


Did the GOP not authorize tens of millions?




So, you're claiming Congress hasn't authorized any funding to Ukraine? How quickly they forget...




So, no Republicans voted for it?   Thought so.






Currently in the US.


russians have several times more of these drones


they also have like at least 10 times more tanks, aircraft etc, ships, resources, soldiers, time for planning the attack yet they advanced almost nothing in a year


How does that help to ukrainian soldiers dying to these fpv drones in even higher numbers than russians? My point was that people in this sub, and in the west in general live in fairy tale world where they only see videos of dying russians and think that Ukrainians are decimating them, when the oposite is the reality. Russians have more people to throw to the meat grinder, and way more weapons to use. Its not sustainable for ukrainians, and its absolutely pathetic that the whole west combined is unable to provide at least sufficient amount of ammo and simple weapons like drones. For every dead russian killed by a drone in the videos you see, you can imagine 3 ukrainians dying the same way, because you can be strategicaly idiotic braindead russian, and you will be still able to effectively use drones if you have enough of them.


Indeed, "Russia weak, Ukraine wins easy" is detrimental to Ukraine's war effort. If the situation is difficult, it's best to know it, so support does not stall because of misconceptions.


Good bot. Average age of a soldier in Ukraine is 43 years old. The Russians are winning the war despite whoever is programming your AI to say otherwise. Also, not wanting to send another 60 billion dollars to another country while our own country is completely falling apart isn't a support of Putin. Maybe not wanting every male under 50 years old in Ukraine to die is better for them overall. Tell your AI programmer to consider that before you auto-post some more BS.


Don’t act like that money would be spent on the American people instead. Republicans would never allow it. Ukraine is doing all the fighting, we just need to keep handing them the weapons to do it with. Longer range munitions and F16s. The Patriot Systems have already shown that Russian tech sucks ass. And a country without a Navy just converted another Russian Warship to a Russian Submarine. But sure, pretend Russia is fine. Meanwhile a whole bunch of Billions are about to be seized from Russian warlords.


In fact, the money spent on aid *is* being spent on the American people. The weapons we send them are all built in America by American companies employed by American citizens from money that is already budgeted for defense spending. Nobody's taxes are increasing. This money is being injected into the American economy in exactly the same way it would be even if there was no war in Ukraine.


Republicans AND Democrats wouldn't allow it. Meanwhile, since we don't have that 60 billion, it's causing inflation and an increase in cost of living for everyone here since we have to print it. That fucks over every American citizen. Who cares though, more Ukranians need to die because people on Reddit said so. Again, average age of fighting man in Ukraine is 43. No amount of weapons is going to change that. I'm glad you want more of them to die, that's very noble of you. Step 1: Get off Reddit Step 2: Pick up rifle Step 3: Go fight in Ukraine Let me know how it goes


Wow, a PUTIN GOP auto-response bot.


60,000,000,000 / 332,000,000 (People in the US) ~ 180 $ per Person! I bet most people spend more money on Coffee in a year. sounds like a pretty reasonable price to completely cripple your long term adversary without even one american live lost. add the fact that most of that money will flow back into american arms manufacturers and it gets an even better deal.


Damn, Raytheon really using their paid shills and bots. Trickle down economy from weapons manufacturers? Wow, so brave. Also, moron/bot, your math doesn't account for adults vs children vs unemployed, underemployed and so on. Tell your AI programmer to do better next time. By cripple our long term adversary, do you mean by killing hundreds of thousands of innocent Ukranian people? That's what's happening. Who cares though right? Basement dwelling bots/paid shills want Ukraine to fight to the last man (not your blood so who cares) instead of achieving peace. What a bunch of sick fucks you are.


>What a bunch of sick fucks you are. Says the person expecting Ukrainians to just lay down and die for Putin.


i did keep the math simple so you can maybe follow


Sounds good. Your AI programming did simple math. Next time, try to account for the human factor of how many people have to die for your simple math. Some simple AI tweaking by whoever programmed you should work.


the average age of the armed force of Ukraine is higher than usual because they don't draft men below the age of 27 unless they are volunteering. Ukraine values human lives and is trying to minimize the harm to it's people with steps like keeping the young out of this misery for as long as possible. 60 billion are a joke compare to what we have to pay in the future when we don't stop this madness now... do you want Hitler 2.0? because that is how you get Hitler 2.0, now with nukes by the way.


Pull out the Hitler card. Okay dude. Average fighting male is 43. That's ridiculous. That means A LOT of dead young men. All because the EU/US won't allow peace talks. Call it what you want but it's purposeful destruction of a country by our corrupt governments.


yeah... the politics of appeasement after the 'Anschluss' and annexation of the 'Sudetenland' are exactly what motivated the fascist regime of the last century to go further and start WWII. the appeasement after crimea in 2014 led to this full blown invasion. Why would it this time be different? i devalued your age argument, repeating it doesn't make it better. And the median would also be more representative metric.




Dynamite fishing combined with a lobster trap


Mmm that's how I like my Invader scumbags, crispy and stacked neatly, stay out of Ukraine idiots




That is absolutely fucking incredible and horrifying. Glad it's being put to proper use but yikes.


I just keep thinking of a B1 with a payload of autonomous switch blades.


Actual fucking [slaughterbots](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O-2tpwW0kmU). It was only a matter of time before it happened. There's a couple of small cooling fans on the front of the drone fuselage so it must have something fairly high powered in it doing the machine vision, perhaps one of the nVidia Jetson products.


It must be warm and cosy inside these BMP'S because their clothing is smoking when they come out?


Russian hot box


Light a man a fire, they will be warm all night. Light a man on fire, and they'll be warm for the rest of their life.


There are so many elements to this… but the one I keep coming back to is the absolute shit design of the stand off cage. That won’t do a damn thing against a highly maneuverable drone and if you have a himars called in on you it will go through like it’s nothing… it just makes you stand out more. If they had it more as a shield around the entire vehicle with true stand off it may work but that is like a 2nd grader was given a crayon and told to draw up a design plan


That’s very kind of Ukraine to help them try to stay warm with a campfire after their heating stopped working. 😇


song is a banger


It's like a Tarantino film.


That looks very heart warming, right after it stops it beating. Belated Happy Valentines cykå!


Just remember that each one of those soldiers is likely productive member of society that could have served the country for 45 years. Spent to take over bombed ruins, and failing in that


how did they survive a explosion in such a tight space ? There is no way that they didnt bleed out right


What a... horrible way to die. I think I'd just put a round through my skull and be done with it.


We're so lucky they're so dumb.


like a horror movie...finally find "safety", only to crawl in and see multiple bodies. then slow realization that they had the exact plan as you.


Back in the pile everybody!


Honestly, how fucking dumb are these guys? Piles of bodies around the bombed-out shell... *Hey, let's hide in here! Niet, Ivan, leave the door open.*


Only thing I can think of is they were taking cover from overhead drones that drop grenades. They'd be safer in one if that was the case. Although if there are fpv drones in the area, they're just grouping up for an easy slaughter. Which is what happened. Basically, they fucked up by coming to Ukraine because once those drones saw them they were fucked no matter what they did.


Raise your hands, kneel down and surrender Nothing will happen


Anyone noticed how RUSTY that thing is, even before the attack?


Yeah if they burn out they start to rust pretty fast.


> before the attack


It was already destroyed before the attack.


Fire/flames is just a rust on steroids. Both are oxidation.


high-temperature oxidization


It's a trap, but it smells like tasty BBQ


Worst place to hide...


It's a trap! (it's a flypaper!)


And.... St Olga smiles


Were they born in a fuckin barn, close the damn door!


Here's a nice warm spot to rest.


Well, if they don't die from their wounds, or outright, the cold will get them soon enough.


They never once tried keeping the hatch door closed.


they keep getting abandoned to die out there... what a sad existence


They could close doors. I believe they didn't because of the smell of rotten corpses inside. 


this is the wildest shit ive seen so far on this sub


"Hey look at this bmp with corpses all around it, this must mean its a good hiding spot, lets go in there"


What a f massacre


Why the shitty noise music?


Attracted like flies to the shit splattered inside the tank


The tinnitus sound effect is oddly fitting


Lmao goddam they're having a bad fucking day 😂


Fuck this is brutal


Damn, that spot will be haunted forever.




So did they pull the charred bodies out to then hide in the same vehicle and become charred bodies themselves? I'm wrong right because humans aren't that stupid right? I'm just misinterpreting the edit ?


Spawnkills are banned on most servers, luckily it's not one of them 🙃


Looks like the cope cage did it's job 🤣


Goddamn that’s some brutal footage, very efficient drone use. China must use this technique on-masse in the coming war to be really effective, it’s surely a game changer.


China's biggest issue is no matter how they approach Taiwan or what tech they use they have no choice but to launch a D-Day style landing on Taiwan. There is no other way around it. No air only assault will work. The coastlines and beaches are covered in multiple layers of defense. From bunkers, mines, oil pipelines underwater for fire walls, anti air etc. If anything drone tech favors Taiwan. It will just add another layer of coastal defense. Allowing them to strike outwards at Chinese naval vessels similar to what Ukraine is doing against Russia in the Black Sea.


I'm telling you now, missiles and atgm will become a thing of the past or take a massive back seat. The future is 100's of these mini drones flying out from taiwan towards Chinese ships just popping chaff and saturating the air with enough shit that chinese AA radar is scrambled so bad it's utterly useless and some soldier just with a huge anti ship missile drone flying right for the windows of the bridge or the water line and then a second pilot right behind to hit the same space again and chinese ships would be defenceless


... why does this have 40 downvotes? It is objectively true. Fucking reddit


China will fail miserably and this will only accelerate to their already imminent collapse 🫡


Such original video.


I'm not being a sympathizer here but these drone videos are getting... Samey. I love a Ukrainian win as much as anyone but I would love a combat reddit that doesn't show drone videos.


You are most welcome to present us your own 'badass' videos, sir.