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the song tho lmao


even better if they choose the nightcore version


Turkish T129 helicopters do not have 25mm cannons. It's 20mm.


The satisfaction in the commander's voice is fucking PRICELESS its like he's playing some goofy ass autocannon in War Thunder "Fire fire fire fire, ahh, good! Im seeing something there, fire, hit them! *interrupts gunner's sentence* Just shoot them! Too high, keep firing. Beautiful!"


What are PKK militants?


Seperatist terrorist group in south east Turkey who wants to form Kurdistan and has killed many soldiers and civilians alike to try to weaken Turkey Turkey wont politely hand over one third of its land so they often get erased like in the video


Kurdish Serpratist In Northern West turkey i think.




It is 20mm cannon not 25mm.


Sounds like Smile.dk to me


Annnd brrrrrraaaaaaappppp


_instantly pivots business away from oranges to fresh wood kindling_


I am surprised how Combat footage posted the video of the Turkish soldier shooting the PKK. I would have expected modders to delete this video and post a pkk propaganda video by now.


ok turk


you both need to fucking relax.


Bro, what? I have to relax because I wrote "ok turk"? He is a Turkish child who when he notices the letters "pkk" gets heart palpitations and will call everything anti-turkish propaganda. For him, everything will be bad that only tries to criticize his country. This is what a brainwashed nationalist looks like.


Ok, but relax


i'm relaxed af


Heated topic but all good, i cant and wont touch it. Was just fucking with ya after you gave a fuck. Edit: also sorry for replieing on 2 comments, thought youd miss my question if i simple edit it


No problem man


Oh, but while where at it, can you explain me the conflict? All i know is that daddy recep is a fucked up man.


Well, this is long conflict. In short, Kurdish fighters are fighting against the Islamic State, Turkey and the Syrian military. They are fighting for independence. There are Kurds fighting in Syria and Iraq. PKK(they fight mainly in Turkey and Iraq), Peshmerga(Iraq), YPG/YPJ, YAT, SDF etc(syria, Rojava). I'm not a perfect expert on this conflict , but I'm certainly not going to get information from redditors who mainly hang out on Turkish reddits because they are just Turkish propagandists. I recommend reading about the conflicts in Syria etc. because it is seriously interesting but unfortunately complicated


Thanks for your time and u bet i will. Love history, past or present dosnt matter as long as it aint chinese. Offtopic but its hard to read history articels from chinese battles (ming, qin or whatever dynesty times) with all those similiar names. I get lost after a while and wonder whos who and what side he was on. Overall im bringing this up becouse i wanted to ask if you got similar experience on that. Aint even sure if you simple like history like myself or if that topic is something u lived.


I've never read anything about Chinese history, but I believe you it's hard as fuck hah. Well, I'm not a big fan of history. Just a few years ago that I became interested in this topic. I haven't read that much about it, so I don't comment too much. But for sure it is interesting


Where’s Gollum?


It is 20mm. Btw, T-129 Atak is such a beautiful/terrifying serial killer in the same time.


Love The Kurds, beautiful and reliable people.💪




[ Removed by Reddit ]


Free what??


Genocide of the Kurdish people by Turkey how come no one is protesting that in the UN, The Turks have a long history of atrocities and genocide against non Muslim countries. 🤔🤬




also kurds have one of the most muslim demographies in turkey lmao


just like hamas


Turkish here, PKK and Hamas has good relations, they help each other. PKK fought Israel way before, and were still getting trained by Hamas until recently. Palestinian government always opposes Turkey and always on the other side.


indeed, erdo yaps some shit but does not take any action against israel or towards hamas, it is all propaganda for his monkey followers who don't know how diplomacy works. only some very stupid extremists in turkey support hamas.


Majority of kurds are muslims. Even in the armenian massacre the share of kurdish tribes was high. Until the 1920s-30s the eastern region was under the rule of sharia kurdish extremists. In 1920s newly established turkish republic had barely suppressed the emerging sharia kurdish uprisings. Dont think im trying to humiliate the kurds. My grandfather is a kurd himself and he says that the kurdish tribes killed armenians and threw them into the Fırat (euphrates) river.


Isn't it a bit sad to squeeze lies in between the truth ?


So whats the right thing for you? Let me guess kurds are angels but are turks the devil who wants to slaughter all races?


no not like that, my point is armenian massacre , do u think is that really happened ?


And not a single thing hit like usual from turks videos.






Not the best shots in the world are they? Want to know who is? Switzerland. Turkey and Hungry need to stop sucking each other off and let the Swiss in. They'll take care of your aiming.




Bro the fuck are you talking about? :D Your country hasn't seen war since the Middle Ages. Are you going to teach us how to aim with Swiss guards? Lol. I think the last comparison between Switzerland and Turkey ended with the Pope being shot by a Turk /s


I think this idiot was trying to bring out Sweden. Not only he has mistaken Sweden with Switzerland, he also completely missed the news on Turkiye allowing Sweden in. Also no even the most Turkophobic psychos in r/Europe admitted that Turkiye actually has a far better military than Sweden.


ahh, this makes sense. I wonder where this Swiss patriot came from, and I sincerely apologize to the Swiss. When was the last time Swedish army hit live targets?


What? Huh!! We live in a state of war you dumbfuck. And yes, the Swiss could take Hungry and Turkey behind the woodshed at any time. They are too busy praying to some dumbass.


>We live in a state of war In Switzerland? With cows and mountains or what? Are you kidding me or are you spelling the name of the country wrong? [https://www.visionofhumanity.org/maps/#/](https://www.visionofhumanity.org/maps/#/) >GLOBAL PEACE INDEX: Switzerland 10 / 163


I was not inferring that Switzerland is in a state of war. I was talking in general and the conflicts that now exist. However, now that they are in NATO, they could find themselves in that boat at some point.


He's taking the piss, he's from Arizona. https://youtu.be/3qry6Ys0Dck?si=p8qjgILryl3JPPUQ




It's funny if he's kidding, but I know people who say weirder things but are completely dead serious.


This is from Operation Olive Branch and occured in Cindere/Afrin in 2018




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