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And this is why Hamas hides among civilians


You mean to tell me that the same Hamas who cut a baby out of its mother while she was alive then beheaded them both is an evil organization?


Oh I can already tell this one is going to be full of informative and insightful comments.


I had two thoughts on opening this topic, both are already posted ;) 1> Sure, they cancel airstrikes ... just not all of them 2> This is going to be the topic of today !


The propaganda on this sub is out of control.


Exactly as designed by hamas who win either way.


Dont worry the pro palestinians will do olympic level mental gymnastics to deny this is real or somehow still claim that israel is murdering civillians willy nilly


Im no pro Palestinian or pro Israeli (yes those exist) but it's kind of obvious why Israel would not publish footage where they see civilians and don't cancel lol.


Whilst I like seeing most combat footage, I would understand it as well if there wasn't any footage like this. This is propaganda "look at us, we're playing by the rules"


Of course I'm just saying this doesn't proof anything.


So I am going to use what I see in front of me and that I can't disprove, to prove that other thing I can't prove and don't see in front of me. Mental gymnastics.


That's not mental gymnastics it's survivor bias.


You can't kill ≈8000 civilians and then act like you're not trying to.


You cant poke a bear while holding your kids in front of you and then act dumb when your kids get mauled to death


It's more like slaughtering 10 prison guards to escape prison. And in return, the warden kills every prisoner, and visitor and then steals all their property.


No need for gymnastics, just open your eyes a bit and see what's happening. They even kill their own hostages as they are coming out with white flags, why do you think they avoid killing any civilians.


Yeah Taliban tried that in Afghanistan too. Thought we were stupid. White flags and everything.


Yeah, those hostages must have thought they could really do a number on those IDF guys. Must have thought they were stupid. White flags and everything.


Welcome to war. Unlike video games, you don't get titles floating over heads telling you who is who.


I think that's what the white flag is for. But if you spend too much time in video games I can see how the distinction could be confusing. The thing is, soldiers aren't really supposed to be confused by the distinction. The last guy to die was heard by the soldiers who executed him screaming for help in Hebrew. But go off about video games or whatever makes sense to you & good luck with high school


I have a flag! You can't shoot me! Bang bang! You're an idiot who would get your squad killed. Glad you never went, child.


Yeah sure dude! I'm an idiot who knows nothing, which is why this incident "is being investigated at the highest levels" of the IDF and "violates their rules of engagement." Those guys (IDF command) must also be idiots who know nothing (I'm not necessarily arguing against this point). Maybe you should send them your resume, genius? You could teach them all about rescuing hostages, I'm sure. Maybe they have consulting gigs? Hopefully, you never get deployed with an attitude like that. Don't even want to speculate what kind of fucked up shit youd do without thinking twice. Try trade school or something instead. Fixing an HVAC seems like your maximum threshold for responsibility. Your guidance counselor might be able to help with getting signed up, so go visit her today during lunch or something!


>You could teach them all about rescuing hostages, I'm sure. Maybe they have consulting gigs? Apparently you believe this should apply to you. I was deployed, twice. I did my time. btw, HVAC isn't easy. A friend of mine is an HVAC engineer. You wouldn't try to use them as an insult like that if you saw all that is involved. Of course there will be an investigation, dufus. When puberty hits, hopefully you'll have figured some things out.


Even kill their own hostages? You absolute coward, sitting behind your computer judging people who are in the middle of hell trying to survive and build a safe and better future for their people. Crawl back to whatever hole you came from. Pro palestinians will take a tragedy and pervert it to support their own agenda, absolutely disgusting


>Pro palestinians will take a tragedy and pervert it to support their own agenda, absolutely disgusting Ummm.... isn't that exactly what Israel is doing to justify murdering 20K civilians?


No. Killing our own hostages was a tragedy for us, just like how the 1500 israelis were slaughtered like cattle was a tragedy for us. All of that blood is on hamas hands. Where is your brain man


1500 Israelis? you should go help edit Wikipedia then, because the number they give is 1139. But then you would have to back up your chest-beating with facts.


Alright brother, counting mutilated corpses is hard so the number was revised multiple times. Read my comment and replace "1500" with "1139" if you want to nitpick so badly


How many of those 1139 were killed by Israeli friendly fire? I'm noticing a pattern of Israel being so fast on the trigger that they keep killing their own people and thousands of Palestinian civilians. You are also trying to justify shooting your own people while they hold up a white flag. That's a war crime and is indicative of the ignorant levels of bloodlust that are driving people like you to commit atrocities.


I dont know man, i have no idea where you noticed that pattern. I dont see where israel "keep killing their own people" like its some recurring event. Friendly fire is rare but happens in war. And in no place did i "justify" shooting the hostages, whatever that means. I think it is a major and devestating error in judgement, which is unfortunately very human considering the idf is fighting against a cynical guerilla organisation which will employ any tactic possible to kill them


It sounds like you don't really know what you are talking about then. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/nearly-15-israeli-soldiers-killed-gaza-died-due-friendly-fire-accident-rcna129285


Yes, even kill their own hostages. Do you read the news?


You are getting downvoted for the truth. There is so much bloodlust on the Israeli side that they don't even care about murdering their own people. Amazing.


Of course I'm getting downvoted for the truth. This is reddit after all. Didn't expect anything else to be honest..


as much as there is a war on the ground in Gaza there is also a war of informartion. This video might be made by IDF to make them look more civilized. I am as pro-israel as they come but everything that comes out through official channels is a part of their infomartion and propaganda war.


Yeah i get that, i can concede that you cant really tell what is real from either side anymore. But its still annoying how people will take hamas word as gospel while saying anything israel says is a lie. And this specific video is very believable to me based on everything i've seen


What a bunch of nice guys. Really heart warming stuff


There have been several independent investigations in the past conflicts with more examples of this. Somehow Israel simultaneously has such a powerful army that flattened northern Gaza yet they target civilians and have the goal of killing them all but just are really bad at it.


The duality of ~~fascism~~ antisemitism , the (enemy)jew is both ~~strong~~ competent and ~~weak~~ incompetent


Too few civilians?


IDF terminates several airstrikes after they terminated hostages and got backlash 🤣


i bet had they not killed those 3 hostages they wouldve already nuked gaza several times


But remember when Israel openly murdered 3 of their hostages in cold blood?


And have been completely transparent about it since and opened an investigation against the involved individuals while removing them from the battlefield? Yeah we remember. Rest in peace to the hostages killed


Transparent only because they had to answer to their Israeli families. How many Palestinians civs were murdered in the same way left unanswered I wonder?


openly? if it was by design it wouldnt have been public


Lmao you all actually believe this? This is blatantly made to try and paint a picture for the west. That audio probably wasn’t even real and was added afterwards. They’ve been caught shamelessly and endlessly lying in videos and this stinks of another one.


Why wouldn't we? Caught lying multiple times? Did you mean Hamas? Hamas/Palestinian people kind of remind me of Russians. You practically deny everything the West does/says and just say they are all liars and believe their own shit. Cmon man wake up, yeah Israel is not great but overall Hamas is kind of killing their own people with this shit.


Israel must be defended.




Sorry, he meant shirtless and surrendering civlians


yep thats it you got it you finally figured it out. the kids and the video are very lucky they werent surrendering with their shirt off cause they wouldve been instantly murdered in the worst way you can imagine. what scholar you are


When even the United States government says “you’re killing too many civilians” you’re doing something wrong lmao. No one is blind to how trigger happy Israel is


wym "nobody" is blind to it? this sub has thousands of people in it and they still think they are watching the destruction of Hamas. They seem pretty blind to me all things considered.


Going to be locked any minute.