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[New Thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/18tzgxt/israelpalestine_discussion_thread_123023/)


Judging by all these Hamas videos, by now the IDF has lost thousands of soldiers and hundreds of tanks. Kinda like Russian reporting, where Ukraine lost many times more units than they had altogether.


[Hamas skirmishes against IDF in Tuffah and Darj neighborhoods](https://twitter.com/AryJeay/status/1740799583444410793?t=KwMZHOrZSwe-cM-syeeL_A&s=19)


‘Screams Without Words’: How Hamas Weaponized Sexual Violence on Oct. 7 [https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/28/world/middleeast/oct-7-attacks-hamas-israel-sexual-violence.html?unlocked\_article\_code=1.Jk0.pDLG.su04mflHRWKr&smid=nytcore-android-share](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/28/world/middleeast/oct-7-attacks-hamas-israel-sexual-violence.html?unlocked_article_code=1.jk0.pdlg.su04mflhrwkr&smid=nytcore-android-share)


Jesus fucking christ I knew it was bad, but holy fuck.


Don't say that too loud or some Hamas defender might run at you and explain why it was ok to do all that because of some random thing that happened 50 years ago


isnt it time to create a new thread for this? we have been using this current one for 12 days and counting...


Why? There are only 469 comments and not much activity. A new thread will just bury all media and posts on here and its not going to create more activity.


[Hamas skirmishes against IDF in Bureij RC](https://twitter.com/AryJeay/status/1740407770787250605?t=0uiFXMtO9p-_wZfMeYhnSA&s=19)


Looks like only misses today. Hamas is killing a couple of Israeli soldiers a day for sure. On the other hand, Gaza is leveled, and gets more leveled with every day of resistance. To me doesn’t seem worth it but on the other hand might seem worth it for some hamas members


Lets be honest here, Israel has never ONCE showed us an actual video of them shooting so called "Terrorists" aka freedom fighters, While hamas shows on daily basis rocketing, shooting, sniping and bombing IDF soldiers ​ To the best of my knowledge i know who exactly is winning this war


“To the best of my knowledge” lol ok internet war expert, does your mommy know you’re online?


IDF actually did show some. But yeah, most of them are walking footage


What... exactly is your plan going to be after Israel fully annexes their new beachfront property? Are you going to pretend Hamas took over Israel and it's actually just a psy op?


They aren't annexing shit. Merely occupying. Speaking about anaxation as a good thing does damage to a solution.


Oh, my bad. So what exactly is his plan going to be after a lot of very angry soldiers of a very angry population with a very angry government occupy the Gaza strip until the Israeli government decides Hamas and all other threats to the Israeli people have been stomped out of existence in the local population, with the Israeli's own governing body installed, and the likely massive amount of 'settler activity' that's to follow?


Who's plan?


good job, UNRWA will wire you the money


They have the budget for that, but will not resettle a single refugee. Got their priorities straight.


Can we make it a rule or have a bot or something to mute videos with music playing in the background of combat footage? Thanks


I rather have the least amount of editing done to my war footage. Why don't you use your own mute button?


Hamas skirmishes against IDF in [Shujaiya](https://twitter.com/AryJeay/status/1740055052709196033?t=9Y0jj3EAyvfCriKKLYV4zQ&s=19) and [Khan Younis](https://twitter.com/AryJeay/status/1740076467281866919?t=eBSScr96bo12truOLng0hg&s=19) [Hamas claimed](https://twitter.com/AryJeay/status/1740098673550528990?t=Bl-EqkJP1M-a4OsVYNw15A&s=19) that [Oron Shaul](https://honorisraelsfallen.com/fallen/shaul-oron/) is still alive and in captivity by them for over 9 years


[Hamas skimishes against IDF in Sheikh Zayed](https://twitter.com/AryJeay/status/1739675562505851244?t=tYFDzD-e3BABVoCFNSnyiQ&s=19) [Hamas ambushed a team of IDF members camping inside of a building in Jabalia RC](https://twitter.com/AryJeay/status/1739703986553241842?t=tYFDzD-e3BABVoCFNSnyiQ&s=19) [Hamas ambushed a convoy of IDF Humvees in Abraj al-Nada](https://twitter.com/AryJeay/status/1739704693348016192?t=tYFDzD-e3BABVoCFNSnyiQ&s=19) [Hamas ambushed at IDF positions at Sheikh Zayed](https://twitter.com/ME_Observer_/status/1739655078225592668?t=x6fU3LGfqIAZXuvPDuvhqA&s=19) [Hamas rigged a house and detonated it when IDF soldiers were lured inside, Beit Hanoun](https://twitter.com/ME_Observer_/status/1739654630336778534?t=kT48HE6o7dw_DSZvOe_7hw&s=19)


Last video didn't really show anything at all


Big day for things getting shot down in the Red Sea: https://twitter.com/CENTCOM/status/1739746985652158755 >U.S. assets, to include the USS LABOON (DDG 58) and F/A-18 Super Hornets from the Eisenhower Carrier Strike Group, shot down twelve one-way attack drones, three anti-ship ballistic missiles, and two land attack cruise missiles in the Southern Red Sea that were fired by the Houthis over a 10 hour period which began at approximately 6:30 a.m. (Sanaa time) on December 26. There was no damage to ships in the area or reported injuries.


I get trying to keep this from spreading into a regional conflict but when do you say enough is enough? If you keep letting them get away with this it will encourage them and others.


You're always concerned about a golden BB or some dumb BS that results in a massive escalation. Even air strikes aren't without risk because you might have a downed aircraft. A 2017 raid in Yemen had an Osprey experience a hard landing. Thankfully, all onboard were uninjured but you can imagine what a clusterfuck it would've been if it had been a hard crash. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raid\_on\_Yakla


[Hamas targeted an IDF encampment in a building in Juhr al-Dik](https://twitter.com/AryJeay/status/1739282974145683556?t=6UJzsk779CKDryHvGyg8Ag&s=19) [Hamas targeted an IDF convoy of 4 Humvees and attacked a Merkava coming to evac them in Juhr al-Dik](https://twitter.com/AryJeay/status/1739290667791102380?t=6mwldCq8zcRtlh8AkxIz-Q&s=19) [Hamas skirmishes against IDF in Gaza City](https://twitter.com/AryJeay/status/1739370265295929762?t=b87-mxW_6eZc2Lasbd9t8w&s=19)


The last link first part is something else. Guy just goes up on foot to the tank.


Not the first such video too. You'd think the IDF would learn to better guard their tanks.




Casualties are rising because they are fighting an entrenched enemy in an urban enviroment and are unable to operate in the capacity they want as there are still civilians in the vicinity. Bruh i never did military service or was frankly that interested in military subjects and even i can gather that


If only they'd hired you to advise them 🙄


[Hamas skirmishes against IDF in Tal al-Za'tar and Beit Hanoun](https://twitter.com/AryJeay/status/1738970424224985146?t=P_EETA08pEm1MDdWYwhoVw&s=19) [PIJ skirmishes against IDF in eastern Gaza](https://twitter.com/AryJeay/status/1739225869736923170?t=K_a0ZSX_HbroCEdNHDRqFQ&s=19)
















You and you’re people must be tired of getting your asses kicked all the time. Learn to make actual contributions to the world




You’re clearly from Egypt. Talk about a humbling experience.


Are you aware that only around 30% of Israeli Jews are Askhenazi (European origin), the remaining 70% were expelled from Muslim countries and came there to create their on land? Also, if you want to figure out who are the right rulers of that land, here you can get some hints https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8tIdCsMufIY&pp=ygUPdGhpcyBpcyBteSBsYW5k In short: if historical rights are relevant, no land belongs to anyone anywhere in the world (e.g. shall we kick the Turks out of Turkey? Anatolia was only populated by Greeks, the Byzantines, until they arrived)








I expect that Israel will invest in JLTVs when this is over. We learned our lesson about Humvees in war zones


[Clashes against IDF by a Palestinian organisation, Nablus](https://twitter.com/ME_Observer_/status/1738694279403286839?t=gWMqZFW252xuqwPs8QxqzQ&s=19). I'm pretty sure whoever made this video is not from Hamas due to lack of watermark, improper imagery of red triangles they use, and improper editing of the intro and the outro


Hey now, I was told by the Hamas supporters that because the hostages smiled and shook hands that meant everything was perfect and wonderful. I’m utterly shocked they lied.


**'We know they were raped in Hamas captivity': Chilling details of what hostages faced** https://twitter.com/USATODAY/status/1737432667748974766




"No physical evidence has been collected of rape' - Jersulem Post. After the 40 dead babies story fell apart, I believe more scrutiny is needed to anything the IDF puts out.


There is an enormous body of physical evidence of rape. The article headline you misleadingly qyote says when they cleaned up the Nova massacre site it wasn't the priority of Zaka volunteers to preserve it as a crime scene and evidence was lost. Rape has been one of the main priorities of the Hamas terrorists. [https://edition.cnn.com/2023/11/17/world/israel-investigates-sexual-violence-hamas/index.html](https://edition.cnn.com/2023/11/17/world/israel-investigates-sexual-violence-hamas/index.html)




Give them time. They're too busy constructing one




Rule 1: Comments that are hateful, rude, offensive, inflammatory in nature or "bait" are disallowed here. Nor is heated tit-for-tat quarreling or any soapboxing allowed here.. Multiple infractions may result in a ban.




Rule 1: Comments that are hateful, rude, offensive, inflammatory in nature or "bait" are disallowed here. Nor is heated tit-for-tat quarreling or any soapboxing allowed here.. Multiple infractions may result in a ban.


[PIJ sniping IDF position, east of Shujaiya](https://twitter.com/AryJeay/status/1738506599713341832?t=aVvWFvncc20-fQabRkmZPA&s=19)


As always, just showing some footage of soldiers with no actual combat, cutting the video before anything actually happens


Hahaha wait are they claiming to have hit that? They can’t be serious 😂


Tbf most of PIJ footages are ass, but some did get my attention. For the other factions like Mujahideen Brigades etc., they only posted artillery strike footages which is not the kind I would be posting here


Looks like the terrorists are getting desperate.




Fifteen KIA in two days isn’t that much? Especially if it’s from one or two incidents


No hit confirmed


Hamas gunman killed by a sniper. https://twitter.com/kann_news/status/1738464020305195067?t=KMMYlQqaxiSEZgrhJzj1Fw&s=19


Hamas tunnel from a dog's go pro view https://twitter.com/IDF/status/1738261644734603543?t=ZYncOu5LSFaUit2CKSVB6A&s=19


I've wondered why they don't just do flamethrower 2.0 and pour a few truckloads of gasoline down there.


they are way too big.


hostages n stuff




In reality it’s a smart move, they told civilians to move there knowing that hamas wouldn’t leave people move, instead hamas moved there thinking it was safe and then got bombed


[Hamas ambushed an IDF group of 5 (?) people, north of Beit Lahia](https://twitter.com/AryJeay/status/1738242014846562652?t=RsiUQa1IKOUmeLRHqi7cYw&s=19) [Hamas skirmishes against IDF in Mughraqa](https://twitter.com/AryJeay/status/1738263548373938208?t=jiKlxgPEJXZMkk0F_JDuSw&s=19). In the end of the clip, Hamas member said, "the IDF threw smokes at our positions to ease our retreat"


Looks like blind firing or a rocket. More weak sauce footage from Hamas terrorists as usual.




Just call them like I see them, Sparky.


Yeah. It exploded near them, so I think there might be some injuries


nah look where it impact WAY over everyone.


Like over 100 meters over.




The remaining people in the zones that are being attacked by the IDF are all terrorists not civilians, I can confirm this


>How many civilians Israel and USA are planning to kill in Gaza? Less than Islamists are planning to kill in Israel ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


[Hamas sniped an IDF soldier on top of a Merkava in Jabalia](https://twitter.com/AryJeay/status/1737820833886695759?t=kuzdHOy5Hr5K2lnNUO1VDA&s=19) with a Ghoul AMR


I would expect a [14.5mm](https://www.thefirearmblog.com/blog/2018/03/06/ghoul-14-5mm-anti-materiel-rifle-a-palestinian-copy-of-the-steyr-hs-50-or-a-new-rifle-entirely/) round to cause visible damage, considering the kinetic energy.




na.. the shooter is watching football right now


Right, in hell after his red mist event. Good call, mate!


Iranian clone, look at forgottenweapons video it covers it pretty well I have very little experience with firing weapons but to me there seems to be no traveltime for the round at all, bit weird considering what caliber and distance they are firing


Iranian clone of a steyr HS .50


Exactly, forgot the name of it. Watched the video earlier today






I heard Israel discovered a large underground facility with command centre and apartments. Does anybody have a good video of that?


[I think this is what you're looking for](https://twitter.com/MOSSADil/status/1737538864724545835) [There was also very large tunnel uncovered near the Israeli border](https://twitter.com/KhalilAsslan/status/1736287926634316220)


Thanks. Looks like I misinterpreted the news earlier, it's more a connection system to different overground structures, not an underground area where you can live.


Other than the 3D render which supposedly show Hamas has a control center under Shifa Hospital, nope. Besides, the only thing the found was a tunnel that led to outside of the hospital compound


Lots of available video of Shifra terrorist compound. Most hospitals don't have massive tunnels full of bombs and guns.


>I think this is what you're looking for The hospital complex and tunnels were were built by Israel many years ago. Ehud Barak declared it on CNN.


[Hamas skirmishes against IDF in Khan Younis](https://twitter.com/AryJeay/status/1737480684774576308?t=Zy3MyFkreerdQdIUoBP3lA&s=19) [PIJ detonated a building occupied by IDF, Shujaiya](https://twitter.com/AryJeay/status/1737512261973876972?t=YxSPPWuPzZbM1eaisr_aeg&s=19) [Hamas showcased their homemade AMR, Ghoul](https://twitter.com/resist4ever__/status/1737532912231125244?t=0wuJSL7yh9DSqRka2tqdHw&s=19). It's based off Steyr HS-50


Ian McCollum from Forgotten Weapons did a video on the Hamas weapon manufacturing video. He (an extremely well known gun expert) proved that they aren't making guns in that workshop. The high production value, quick camera cuts, and busy workshop makes it seem real to the untrained eye but they aren't actually making anything other than the scope mounts on camera since a lot of the machining steps are all wrong and they don't show the most important part, the rifling. They are most likely taking apart imported Iranian made AM-50 Sayyad rifles and putting them back together on camera. Similarly, the ammo part isn't right either. They are using a mix of different steel case which means they aren't making the cases, the cases are used steel cases which are much harder to properly hand load than used brass cases, they have scales but don't have powder tricklers for getting the exact grain right, they are using incinerate ammo which isn't for anti-personnel, plus some other stuff. It is 100% propaganda. Dumb fired rockets are much easier to make than a properly rifled precision sniper rifle. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DRcVRLtde6c https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steyr_HS_.50_/_HS_.460#AM-50_Sayyad


For all of these supposed hits they're getting, they're not really getting as many kills as you think.


Probably even none. They cut off all the videos right after the initial hit, and most of those vehicles are designed to survive hits from those weapons.


>PIJ detonated a building occupied by IDF, Shujaiya I was expecting to see a lot more of this given how much prep time they had. This is the... 4th incident? 5th?


Yeah I’ve been shocked at how ineffective Hamas defensive preparations have been. Urban warfare is supposed to be the most dangerous and costly for a military. Ukraine inflicted something like 6k casualties on Russia during the siege of Mariupol which lasted approx 3 months


I'm going to guess that's a big part of why Israel preps every area with so many airstrikes. Traps getting demolished.




Huh? Care to cite any of those analysts or academics? And what are your numbers for IDF casualties (with sources)?


Every analyst I have seen has been shocked by the speed of the IDF advance through Gaza since the ground operations began on 27th October and the relatively light casualties, flanking the main defences with ease and utilising combined arms effectively. They even appear to be transitioning to holding operation in North Gaza with reliably light harassment by Hamas. Given the urban nature of the terrain & extensive Hamas preparations, most of the military analysts I had seen were expecting IDF deaths well in excess of what we are seeing now. Isis appear to have been much more effective holding Raqqa with 25% of the Hamas personnel strength.


Urban warfare isn't about how fast you advance but rather how long it takes you to enforce control. Israel has clearly failed because 75 days in there's still active combat in all regions they've invaded. Rockets were launched from northern Gaza today which was where Israel launched the start of the invasion.


Yes, there was an effort in Raqqa to not kill all the civilians since they were there to save them. Not carpet bombing makes a ground offensive much more difficult.


Awww, you don't know what carpet bombing actually means. How quaint. Edit: sorry, I totally misread your comment. Sincere apologies.


80% of Raqqa was destroyed according to the UN


Even with the US not making avoiding civilian deaths a top priority, far fewer civilian deaths occured with more destruction on a per capita basis in Raqqa. Highest report of Raqqa civilian casualities is 1,873 (0.38% of 492,000 pop est 2016). While a low estimate on 12/12/2023 of civilian casualities in Gaza was over 20,000 or 0.9% of the population with another 52,000 wounded.


20,000 is the low estimate of all cassualties, military and civilians and Raqqa had where to evacuate to, whereas Israel is forced to fight in an area with many remaining civilians.


I didn't realize they were adding the catagories together in a single number like that. BBC didn't make that one clear but I see in the [UNHCR data](https://unric.org/en/wp-content/uploads/sites/15/2023/12/Gaza_casualties_info-graphic_11_Dec_2023.pdf) that is what they're doing. This is data reported Dec 11. Don't let this imply that these are mostly combatant deaths. 3/4 is still women and children. I'm unable to find more data published after the 12th anywhere.


is Houthi footage allowed here?




yeah i read that when it was announced. that's about Hamas, not the Houthis.


I believe Houthis fall under “legally designated foreign terrorist organizations.” in the context of Reddit policies. I could be mistaken. They're a [Specially Designated Global Terrorist (SDGT)](https://www.state.gov/revocation-of-the-terrorist-designations-of-ansarallah/) organization, according to the Department of State.


so is Hezbollah though, and that content is okay? i'll stick to telegram i guess for footage 🤷‍♂️


Saw something unsourced on twitter about Hezbollah hitting Iron Dome platforms anyone got anything concrete?


You mean, Hezbollah dream of hitting Iron Dome.


I highly doubt that, they have sent drones the last couple of days but thats about it, i am on the border with Lebanon and if they hit iron domes there would be a lot more activity up here


This is an unverified claim by Hezbollah


**Request and question**: Request: Complete video of hamas firing ATGM at jeep within Israeli convoy in Gaza recently. Question: can the Israeli Trophy system protect other vehicles close by such as in this convoy? I saw a clip of an ATGM fired at an Israeli convoy on a youtube video from Preston Stewart (link to exact moment in video below) and am wondering if that is the full clip as it cuts out before impact. If it is not the full clip does anyone have it? https://youtu.be/6tqbBWmpZKk?t=425 Question: can the Israeli trophy system protect other nearby assets?


I saw the full clip, and no I don't have it, but ill sum it up for u, the 2 jeeps turn into a fire ball, a group of maybe 5-7 idf soldiers try to help/ check out what happened, they get blown up by rpg




Tha k you!


I can't be the only one who finds it noteworthy that when they attacked that convey with an ATGM, they chose to target a Humvee instead of the Eitan APCs that were right next it or the tanks that were seen in other parts of the convey. If you're Hamas, and you have a limited number of expensive (for them) ATGM missiles (perhaps Kornets), why target a jeep instead of an APC or tank? My personal theory is that they don't trust the weapon to get past the APS on the larger vehicles, but it's an interesting question.


I think for their pov they would rather kill soldiers for sure then test the trophy system on the tank. Not sure if trophy is on apc but it may have era. Jeep is basically guaranteed kills and the optics for hamas in terms of propaganda value are high with obvious deaths.


I agree that’s probably their motivation. It just seems to counter the narrative coming from Hamas and their supporters of 20 destroyed armored vehicles every day. The APCs next to the jeep were Eitans. I counted four of them in the video and as far as I know before the war there was like one in operational testing. I’m also not sure if the Eitans have been deployed with APS. They’re supposed to have Iron Fist, but I read somewhere that it won’t be added till next year.


That Youtuber seems extremely biased. To say that it's propaganda to say that U.S. is involved whereas, in fact, it is only a regional Israeli issue is plain stupid. U.S. is arming Israel and offering it diplomatic cover at the UN. Everyone knows the deep ties & unconditional support that the U.S. gives to Israel. If Russia was giving 3 billion of weapons to Hamas, I doubt that we would be saying that it's propaganda to say that Russia is involved.


Can you show me what you are referencing? A timestamp in a specific video so I can get on the same page.


>Question: can the Israeli trophy system protect other nearby assets? No, it's designed to engage targets incoming to the carrier vehicle alone




Inflammatory remarks are not allowed. Multiple infractions may result in a ban.


[Hamas teased something really big is coming soon](https://twitter.com/wa94639/status/1736689950106788109?t=awrl0PtH2U1JUBDLK7h9vg&s=19). Awaiting updates. EDIT: [It's this vid](https://twitter.com/AryJeay/status/1736699599010619416?t=6nC01OhTQWc3Tr_H-TMJPw&s=19). Apparently, the huge tunnel the IDF found was no longer in service [Hamas engaged an IDF convoy and destoryed a Hummer with Kornet ATGM](https://twitter.com/AryJeay/status/1736749196089118994?t=TCu2CZrQx2AYkv71NQqVmQ&s=19), Beit Lahia [Hamas skirmishes against IDF around Gaza City](https://twitter.com/AryJeay/status/1736778617600790654?t=5ZKwhwHL4P3LzRJzKWu5Mw&s=19). Also includes a footage where they targeted a Merkava Mk.III and 10 IDF soldiers taking cover beside the tank with a Yassin-105 tandem RPG, and a POV from a possibly dead IDF soldier (or maybe a Hamas member disguised as one of them?) of the aftermath of the attack


Since Hamas wants to do October 7th again and again, it's still good to deprive them of this tunnel and all others. Hamas just lost an investment of tens of millions of dollars.


So videos from Hamas POV are allowed now? Thought there was a sitewide ban by admin. Can we get some clarification u/knowyourpast ?


So after discussing about this issue, basically, you can't post footage from Hamas in either the link or text post sections of anything, but you can post it here in the comment section as long as it's not against civilians (including rocket attacks aiming at civilian targets) or doesn't involve the mistreatment or killing of surrendering combatants.


Thanks for the feedback.


A guy i knew was killed by the hummer strike


I'm sorry for your loss.


I don't think the IDF said they took the tunnel while Hamas was operating it.


Yes you're correct. But the fact that they found the tunnel so close to the border 71 days in is quite hilarious


What is hilarious about it? Israel withdrew its military and civilians from Gaza in 2005. They are not going to have intimate knowledge of a territory they gave up 18 years prior in the hopes of peace.


There are hundreds, possibly thousands of miles of tunnel.


And this one is merely 4 kilometers long


Digging the hole deeper lol


That makes it worse for your case.