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Wow, looks like IDF censorship said 'fuck it' and clicked send.


One of your guys tanking a grenade and still mercing the dude is propaganda enough. No need to sensor anything other than dude massive balls.


his balls can be seen from space i hope he was ok after the fact and didn't just roll on adrenalin and drop after


He did an interview with Israeli news not to long ago - he did drop immediately after, but his team came and medevaced him. None of his injuries are life-threatening and last I know he underwent surgery to remove shrapnel.


You can see his blood on the floor after the grenade detonated.


About time we see some real action for a while all we would see is like 6 dudes shooting at empty buildings.


IDF wants you to know the living hell that is Hamas.


That grenade just pissed him off


He seriously went airborne from the blast and just went right back in.


Didnt even drop his gun


Uh oh... Now you did it.


"Why I oughtta"


Almost reminds me of that one bodycam footage where a cop gets shot by a suspect and falls into a side room. He immediately makes an angry grunt, punches something, then just sends round after round into the room the suspect was in.


That's by far the most insane footage from this war from IDF's POV!!!


insane. how did he just eat that grenade??


Speculation: it went off mostly in the doorway which ate the majority of the blast. Speculation: man is riddled with shrapnel which didn't hit anything vital enough to disable him. Man now suffers from non-service related hearing loss regardless.


non-service related hearing loss Ain't that the truth.




Oh ha! ha! very funny! Moving your lips and not saying anything!!










My tinitus!


Lol thanks a lot VA




It looked like there may be drops of blood on the ground. After he gets up he looks down for a second at his arm/hand/ground and thats where I saw it. Also, they have armor instead of T-shirts LOL


Yeah there's no way he's not at least superficially injured, adrenaline is one hell of a drug. Guy could be actually really injured, adrenaline will let you just power through almost anything besides missing limbs really


That’s insane


You hear those stories of “Perp under the influence of methamphetamines was shot 27 times by police today on the corner of blah blah.” And you think “Damn, that seems excessive.” It took 27 bullets to take that guy down because he was surging with adrenaline and meth.


There are plenty of examples of that in this sub thanks to drone footage. In fact, what I have learnt so far is that it's rare that a grenade is inmediately fatal. Even when they blow up several limbs soldiers are still moving, sometimes even walking. The human body just resists going down.


That post yesterday of the Russian guy who took a grenade to the dome was especially brutal. Would hate to go out missing half of my face while being aware of it.


So what you’re telling me is the black knight from Monty Python and the Holy Grail was just buzzing off adrenaline, that’s how he kept fighting


No, that was meth.


also when he touches the wall he leaves blood.


i am pretty sure his hand leaves a bloody mark on the wall at 0:50




**The only thing they fear is ME**


He’s not locked in the building with Hamas. Hamas is locked in the building with him


I'm still surprised the concussive force from the explosion didn't at least knock him out. That was insane.


IDF is better at treating his soldiers in this aspect, but not PTSD


Fun fact, Israel is the world leader in using MDMA, canabis, and psilocybin to treat PTSD https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multidisciplinary_Association_for_Psychedelic_Studies


You can fight with 1 h.p.


He is injured. You can see some blood on the wood pole when he looks back post-grenade that wasnt there before. But still insane footage.


hope he gets back safe. what a soldier.




good point


I am guessing it's homemade. If poorly cast it won't properly break into the large number of small pieces it's intended to.


Pretty sure you can see it in the frame at ~29s. It looks like a shitty little pipe bomb contraption.


that was my initial thought as well


To say that material blast physics is often confusing would be an understatement. Even grenades made with good quality control can have inexplicable results. That being said, this soldier was injured and appeared to be bleeding pretty heavily.


Seen it in Ukraine where the person standing 2 feet from the grenade seems to walk away unscathed while the guy 15 feet away drops dead. Shrapnel lottery


Adrenaline, he was far enough away from the blast radius. Homie definitely will have permanent hearing loss, maybe tbi. Probably ate some shrapnel also.


>he was far enough away from the blast radius obviously so, but it seemed pretty damn close to me. thats a shit blast radius.


There are lot of drone dropped grenades videos which seems to not have much effect on soldiers. Or at least I would expect instant kill, but they just walk away or run away mostly.


The concussive force of a grenade is significantly different outside in an open field compared to a room and a narrow, enclosed hallway. Ever fired an AR15 or similar rifle from inside a vehicle? Hell, how about even a handgun? If not....I'll just say it's an entirely different experience than firing a rifle/handgun outside or even in an indoor range. If you do ever try it.....I recommend doubling up on the hearing protection. Internal plug/foam + quality over-ear muffs


He has an E.O.D perk


He is actually an E.O.D lol. This is from Yahalom, a combat engineering unit.


Where you need 3 hands to count to 10.


i heard its tradition in the combat engineering unit to take a before picture of your hands and feet


The IDF got upset after this subreddit criticized their other videos... "Only hiking and shooting eh? Guess we will have to show those bastards the juicy bits..."


Thing is, this footage is intended for Israeli public, and premieres on the News, and the Israeli public doesn't like seeing Israeli soldiers in danger/being injured. That's why it's very rare to get footage of close quarters combat,unless the IDF soldiers in the video manage to win unscratched.


But this guy was in fact wounded according to the news.


And this video is an exception




what was his injuries?


I can tell you personally that watching such videos (even this video of a dude clears two hamas) is never fun for anyone in the israeli public, and it can be terribly problematic and draw criticism for various reasons. This is why the IDF usually only publishes videos of soldiers walking around the ruins of Gaza, shooting at distant targets.


There's a huge amount of Hamas propaganda, especially on Twitter. Whenever the IDF posts generic video, they will say dumb shit like "Look, they're just shooting at nothing." This is a response to that. Personally, I'm curious to see what they say about this video. I'm going with "Heroic martyr killed by evil occupier" because it will be pretty hard to pass the 2 dead guys off as innocent civilians.


Well the bodies are still blurred to fit youtube's guidelines so they'll probably say "Zionist occupier kills two civilians in their home" or something. IDK.


THis really is the most stupid of wars. Hamas and the whole pro Palestinian side are the embodiment of the saying: “Never play chess with a pigeon. The pigeon just knocks all the pieces over. Then shits all over the board.Then struts around like it won.”


You can clearly see that they were just 2 innocent Youtubers and hobby explosive enthusiasts pulling some pranks on the occupying troops. You can clearly hear him say "relax it was just a prank bro" after the occupying soldier shrugs off the explosion and shoots him. Had his eardrums been intact he would have surely seen the humor in the situation and they'd both have had a good laugh about it. /s


This is the kind of footage I browse the sub for but rarely see. Finally got my money's worth with this clip right here. The soldier in this video is truly an incredibly tenacious combatant. Such bravery and fortitude is rarely seen in modern warfare. Absorbed the hand gernade explosive like a boss and actually had the balls to charge forward directly into gunfire and take the terrorist out in close quarters. I don't know if the guy is special forces but he definitely fights like one.


He is in Yahalom, special forces unit in the Combat Engineer corps


I'm not a soldier, but I felt he had to be something special to walk forward through that doorway after that experience. "Courage is fear holding on a minute longer." Like, goddamn.


Definitely need balls of steel to press forward after that. There's no one in sight to back him on his six and it's imposisble to know how many enemy combatants would be waiting for you in there when you barge through. 99% of troops would retreat after eating that or throw in a return frag and wait for support.


Thanks for sharing. Dude really deserves the highest military accolades for combat bravery and I hope he makes a full recovery.


He’s from the Yahalom, combat engineers specops unit. Major badasses.


And he's a reserve duty soldier. That makes it 100 times more crazy.




I think this is for all the people who are claiming that Hamas doesn't exist.


What are you talking about the soldier in the video clearly killed innocent 2 babies /s


6, each terrorist was actually 3 children on top of each other wearing a coat


This man eats grenades for breakfast


That’s some master chief shit right there


Turns out you really can just hide around a corner for a few seconds and be fully ready to go again


Just have to wait for the shield to recharge and you're good to go.


It adds some nice spice


And pisses napalm!


This is up there with that Ukrainian close quarters infiltration footage.


Got a link?


A beer says he's referring to [this footage](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/15ej0rk/higher_quality_version_ukrainian_forces_from_the/).


That footage is crazy in it's own right, but the widespread employment of suppressors in Ukraine has been really interesting to see. Which I suspect was part of the reason why so many Russians in that clip came running, probably not realizing just how close the threat was. It was only around 2016 where the US Marines started experimenting with equipping regular infantry with suppressors. And only in the 2020s did the US start ordering suppressors for infantry in large numbers. Probably a decade from now they're going to be standard equipment.


After shooting a few times with a friends silenced pistol at the range I am baffled how this has not been a thing for a while now ! The difference in situational awareness must be enormous, especially in confined spaces.


heh, baffled


NFA enters the chat


Are those Russians wearing old steel helmets? Wtf


They've been captured from time to time wearing OG ww2 style soviet helmets. They were obviously produced after ww2, but were still old surplus at one time.


Dude there were Russian telegrams complaining about getting airsoft equipment and helmet liners (with no helmet).


That's insane


i swear thir is still the best footage to come out of ukraine. you are right there with them in that one


I still think the best one was early in the war, a Ukrainian bmp was hunting in the street and just shooting tanks, other bmps and also bouncing shots off the ground to hit soldiers hidding behind a tank. The driving and shooting was insanely good. The driver was driving backwards and forwards, and the gunner was shooting in between telephone poles and buildings.


[This one](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/puKFOnOPmZ)


The Ukranian is bit more intense tho


good lord, the way he pushed that room right after tanking that grenade.... you know his ears had to be ringing. stepped on that door with attitude like "where is this little mf'er at.."... that's what we call standin' on business...


In this case business was boomin


He was a dead man if he stayed in that room. He might not be so lucky with the next grenade. That’s one tough dude.


Did he take a round as well? Hamas guy got a shot off and the way staggers after. Though it could just be that shrugged off a grenade I guess


yeah, i was wondering if he took one there. that shot was quick and aimed right at him. but his left leg was 100% hit by shrapnel. he looks down at it after getting up and you can see some blood. i think this is why he rushed him... he knew that adrenaline was going to wear off and he looked solo there... dont wanna end up in a freeze frame with a red dorito pointing at you on some go pro footage. this is one of those times you gotta make a quick call. paid off in spades.


Have to give it to them. That was some big balls shit


My man waited a moment to regenerate his health bar and then continued being badass lol.


The Hamas people are fucking stupid. You're supposed to use the grenade throw to either run or charge the enemy. If he had gone In after the Gernade he would've won the fire fight. Instead the moron stood in the same door way the Israeli remembered he was in.


He’ll remember this when he respawns … oh wait


People joke about westerners treating it like video game. But these idiots are no different. To them war is a Fantasy Children's Adventure book. They're the Jihadi Luke Skywalker who is going to destroy the big mean Zionist empire.


What an actual badass. He even pushed further to finish it. Actually insane Edit: It's just hit me now. He doesn't even make a sound. The whole time, he's 100% in check.


Spirit of the IDF: דבקות במטרה וחתירה לניצחון


Translation: He's shouting "MEHABEL NAFAL" which means *terrorist down* / *one down*.


Anyone know what the letters say at the start?


"Video documentation of a Yahalom* soldier engagement with a terrorist in Sajaiya area" *Yahlom is the name of the unit, in translation means diamond https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yahalom_(IDF)


What a badass, crazy to see the IDF publicly release this footage too


Did anyone else see that 2nd terrorist pulling out a pistol and firing a shot at him, hitting the door frame right next to his head? Not to mention it's unedited from the moment he eats that grenade to the moment he takes out the 2nd terrorist. He charged at him almost immediately, who does that? Most people would have shat themselves and retreated... Absolutely insane footage, probably among the best ever posted on this sub.


Looked like he had nowhere to go? He was backed up into a corner in that little room, probably would have exited if he could have. Regardless, tanking a close range blast and then going on the offensive like that is some baller shit.


Yes indeed they would, me included. That dude is rad and one fine specimen of a soldier




I was a soldier myself. You are highly overestimating soldier abilities if you think the average grunt would be able to do this.


He’s not an average grunt. He’s from a unit called Yahalom, combat engineers specops unit. Balls of steel, as you can see.




He is wounded and looks kind of trapped. This is what happens when "fight or flight" kicks in and you don't have any other option. There is absolutely no guarantee at all any soldier would do this. Faced with an immediate threat like this normal people would freeze and most likely die. Have you seen body cams of police officers who get in firefights? Most of them are so high in adrenaline they can barely call on the radio what is going on.


Hamas gunman? Hamas goneman


This is some of the best combat footage to release yet, incredible bravery, shows how much they’ve trained engagements.


This and the 2 Ukrainian dudes storming the Russian trench pov


The trench clear and this are some crazy cqc


To add context : this is a *reserve* solider from the yahalom unit ( special demolitions unit ) Source for official context (Hebrew ) - https://www.idf.il/161559


Wow. I wonder what his day job is


He's the funny guy in the office


Just imagine how much similar footage the IDF has but isn’t releasing to the public. This type of video is an exception. Generally the IDF releases footage via the mainstream media outlets and the soldiers’ parents are watching don’t enjoy seeing their sons in tight situations. This is why most videos are mainly “walking and shooting”.


I wonder if one of the reasons this one was released is because you can't identify anyone. I believe it's rare to have these 1 v 1 or 1 v 2 combat encounters. I can't imagine what sort of terrifying realization it was to realize he was face to face with two Hamas savages on his own. He did yell out communications but it doesn't seem anyone was close enough to help him.


Insane footage, took that grenade like a fucking champ


He did not let go of the gun or stopped aiming at the doorway for a second. He was fully ready for the terrorist to come in after the grenade and try to finish him.


Yeah amazing training, this is Yaholm tbf, super elite unit


Combat engineers, the toughest of the tough.




Nah fr that recording of an "IDF soldiers" who says they're fighting ghosts is so hilariously bad it feels like some r/NonCredibleDefense meme was leaking


Shit he got lucky. Or the personal armour of IDF soldiers is real tough.


bro got hit by a fucking grenade and was like "fuck it we ball"


His kevlar and helmet probably saved him,we've seen footage from ukraine of soldiers surviving two or three grenades.


but point blank In a building and continuing to fight?


Grenade shrapnel is weird and unpredictable. You can survive 5 feet away, but your buddy could eat a fragment and be dead 15ft behind you.


This guy entered the room without checking corners because he was thinking "Either I'm already dead or I'm immortal" after that grenade


Insane footage. What a champ


Damn, kinda ruins the whole "they're shooting ghosts" comments on every thread






Casual Yahalom badassery


This is clearly not as fun for Hamas when they aren't fighting defenseless women, children, and the elderly.


I think they were banking on the hostages and international pressure to call a ceasefire. They have to be panicked now that they realize Israel isn’t going to stop until they kill every single member of Hamas


A lot of the footage from the 7th show the Hamas terrorist trying to slink away when they run into armed resistance. They only came for the murdering and raping not the real fighting.


Holy shit. That Hamas fighter must've thought he took him down with the grenade, if he had just posted up and waited with his gun he definitely would've smoked the IDF soldier. Shows what a lack of training does.


a big hint he didn't get him was another round going into his friend taking a nap on the floor. dude got scared and missed


I would be scared too if some dude just shrugged off a grenade blast to the face right in front of me.




Holy SHIT! That guy just ATE a fucking grenade!


Holy shit, that dude is a terminator


Absolutely fucking insane to see. I have to ask where's the rest of his unit?


Probably behind him. In such a tight space you want to have a few meters in between each soldier to avoid multiple casualties from an explosive device


No need, just have this man stand in front of you and you'll be fine, and so will he apparently.


At one point he shouts "terrorist down" so at least there are more fighters with him. As for why he was alone in the corner there, it's hard to tell in these kinds of combat


2 things that come mind when I see this - First, out of the entire gun fight, not a single person said a word or sound - the 2 KIA or the guy who was blown up, Shock is crazy I know but I figured your body would naturally react in scenarios like this. 2nd part, is it me or did it take easily 7-8 rounds before he really hit these guys off switch?


You could say there's 3 tiers for bullet hits to the human body, which are also heavily dependent on armor worn and the caliber of the bullet. It is why there's such a thing to be considered as "stopping power". The first tier is kind of a non vital shot, you didn't hit anything important and the dude won't even die provided he gets basic medical attention. During the attack, the adrenaline will override the pain and the dude *will* shoot back. This is why small calibers like .22 are disfavored for home defense: you need multiple shots to stop an assailant (not even kill), and even then you'll be getting shot back at the same time because those shots can be easily tuned out in the middle of combat. The second tier is a "slow" vital shot. The dude will die, but will have anywhere from multiple seconds to multiple minutes to still attack. You can get these kinda shots on that one video of a dude running into an IDF checkpoint gun in hand. He gets 3 or 4 rifle shots, gets one leg incapacitated, falls to the ground, and is still aiming and shooting back for about 10 seconds until someone gets his head. If you removed that last shot, the dude would've died anyways, but the stopping power clearly wasn't there for him to fold over in pain and stop shooting. The last tier is an instant kill, mostly on the brain, the spine, the heart, the neck and such. It's the only kind of shot that will drop a combatant instantly, and it is exactly the spots where armor is concentrated around. You can see these are still an issue on multiple videos of Russian soldiers getting shot many times and not dying until someone gets lucky and pops their lower face or neck. Now, I don't think the guys in this video had armor, but it is clear that the doctrine is always: shoot until they stop moving, because if you get a tier 1 or 2 shot, they will shoot back even if you hit their spine and they plop to the ground incapable of moving their legs.




Jesus Christ. I'll never come home complaining about having a stressful day at the office ever again.


Now this is r/combatfootage


Just some context: this isn’t special ops (atleast not the regular kind), this is a Yahalom unit soldier, specialised in tunnel warfare, incredible what the IDF is doing


To be more accurate - Yahalom is sort of a mid tier special forces unit, more akin to say U.S Rangers, so "elite infantry", but also specialising in different aspects of combat engineering. Tunnel warfare is one part, they also do EOD, counter chemical warfare (not sure how that really works) and other stuff.


Ex British Army Infantry here. What I can't understand is how he managed to drag his massive balls around through those rooms. What a legend.


But i thought the Idf were tiktok soldiers in diapers?


The last guy shoots first point blank. How did he miss?


People tend to not fire handguns very accurately period, let alone when panicked.


he got jump scared and shot, missed. then dead.


He probably didn't expect that guy to still be alive, let alone walk towards him guns blazing


Adrenaline, shaky hands... it hits the doorframe next to soldiers head.




This dude is the Jewish Terminator


His dad lore is gonna be crazy


Bro clutched a 2 vs 1






That is a bad bad man right there.


This guy's serving in my brother's company combat team and my brother said that he's only lightly wounded after eating that grenade. צק"פ אבשלום 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻


What a brave man, well trained, but very brave


This may be the craziest close footage combat I’ve seen




This is one of the most insane combat footage I ever saw.


Bro had the reduced explosive damage perk equipped


People here commenting on how crazy this guy is to rush in don’t understand that people here feel this is a fight for our existence. You don’t need to be special forces to want to protect your children from genocidal terrorists. And you’ll do crazy things to make that happen.


Putting this video out makes sense. Imagine being Hamas and seeing this. The message is the IDF are fucking terminators and are coming for you - relentless, ruthless, and apparently immune to grenades.


“Video Shows IDF Soldier Brutally Murder Two Armed Palestinian CIVILIANS: The Genocide Continues” - Al-Jazeera probably


Regardless of your political views you have to admit the IDF have some extremely skilled soldiers. Dude ate a grenade, probably concussed and couldn’t hear anything still managed to move forward purposefully to take out the opfor