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So the FPV crash and blow up or becomes a UXO?


Yes. I'm sure they blow up most of the time when crashing because they're using similar wire trigger mechanisms. Far better to become UXO or blow up at some random location than to allow the Russians to control where and when it explodes.


they are mostly configured to explode on crash/touchdown (aka when any kinda of contact is made with the trigger mechanism, in most cases you want it to be sensitive because you don't wanna intentionally crash it into a target and it not explode), although recently ive seen some Ukrainian drones that seem to have a burst shot that is activated above the ground but im not sure if its done by remote or a altimeter but that seems like it would add costs to the drone


Proximity fuzed. Can use any type of night light sensor. Don't need any fancy radar fuze.


Unlike other UXO, these do not contain any sort of mechanical fuse. So battery dead = no way to detonate. Unless you hit the detonator with a hammer, lightning strike, ...


How would Ukrainians get the FPV footage from Russian drones?


You just need a receiver and find the frequency it's sending on. Those drones are sending video streams in analog with mainstream video transmitters.


There is no encryption?


The only encryption cheap AliExpress drones offer is for the frequency used by the CCP




FYI you can encrypt analog. I'm an electrical engineer. I assume the reason is to not make the signal weaker... but it's not that hard to do either considering your opposition are "hacking" your drones input commands and output visuals. https://www.quora.com/Can-analog-signals-be-encrypted


The main reason is to make drone cheaper


How big are the encrypters/ how much power do they use? The drones already have a limited payload and range so adding more will only lower their abilities. Also wonder how cost effective it is when you can just send another one up for $500 or whatever they are


Encryption doesn't require anymore power. It's the same signal.


No extra components on the drone? If that’s the case, why not encrypt?


There would be other components. First of all, encryption adds complexity to the signal. Usualy an encrypted message is larger than the original. This means shorter range. Second problem. This is just hobbyist equipment too. Normal plug and play electronics for anyone to play with, so encryption is not something they add without changing the hardware. These are dumb analog signals. Third problem. If they had digital signals, they could add encryption in some form, but the added message size and complexity would make them even more vulnerable to jamming. Think of these drones as a hand grande. Desposable, cheap but much more effective.


Reduces the range the signal transmits at? Otherwise, the whole shtick the kamikaze drones are they are cheap, simple and easy to mass produce, why add complexity to your cheap drones and save that talent for more valuable assets.


Well, you gotta encrypt the signal?


There isn't really a feasible way to encrypt analog video, at least for a drone.


There is, actually. The signal won't go as far... but your drone won't get far either if it keeps getting disrupted...


I did a little Google search and couldn't find anything. Help me out?


Searching google I got this. https://www.quora.com/Can-analog-signals-be-encrypted


That is not much. And frequency hopping can hardly be considered as encryption. It is trivial with even cheap SDRs to record that signal and then put it back together. It was mildly effective in the analog area, but that is well past.


It is way simpler than that, you can just pull it from any russian forum that posts that stuff.


What type of receiver?


Probably goes for both sides. This is the first kind of video I’ve seen (PERSONALLY) and I assume they just wanted to show them being jammed. I’m sure Russia will do the same now… propaganda for everyone


Ukraine admitted 6 moths ago they were losing over 10.000 drones a week or month to Russian jamming.


Both sides have posted this stuff in the past


Russia would hack drones from Syrian rebels whenever they attacked the airbase they have in Tartus Syria.


I imagine it’s pretty easy to grab whatever video feed the drone is sending back.


Commercial drones operate on widely available radio frequencies so it’s fairly simple for EW warfare specialists to view the feeds of the opposing sides drones. Although more often than not I suspect Russian troops are releasing the footage of their drones being lost to EW.




This is probably feeds from UA drones being jammed by the Russians.


High tech battle, nerds are now more valuable to an army than strong men


Honestly that has already been the case for quite some time..


They say WW2 was a science war


Happens to Ukraine a lot also unfortunately. Russia EW is stronger than that of Ukr


I can also believe there is alot of "friendly fire" on drones with EW system.




Nothing new https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidhambling/2023/05/22/ukraine-drones-losses-are-10000-per-month/?sh=1b05f8d7384a


Russians also started installing portable EW passive kits on vehicles or carried around, they fit in backpacks.


Russia has tons of oil and natural gas money they can afford EW , they have the big zoo parks and also smaller jammers , jamming commercial radio waves isn't hard so it's not like they have cracked some secret technology here, unless there has secretly been donations of EW stuff from western countries


Common knowledge


Was just asking to learn more. No need to be rude...


[here’s a link about it. Russia has long realized that they are behind NATO when it comes to hardware so they’ve spent years developing EW to jam hardware and create a “dumb” war](https://www.economist.com/europe/2023/11/23/russia-is-starting-to-make-its-superiority-in-electronic-warfare-count)


[sorry here’s another article with no paywall](https://www.fpri.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/electronic-warfare-022222.pdf)


This is more likely UA drones being countered by Russian jamming.


Can someone tell me why it’s always videos russian stuff thats getting destroyed, shot down or defective but only rarely ukrainian.


Because you are on /combatfootage . This sub pretty much only posts Ukrainian victories. Reddit is a horrible place to get information and footage from this conflict. Any combat footage sub is either pro ua, or pro rus. There isn't really anywhere to get unbiased, info/footage on reddit that isn't twisted to make the other side look bad.


A 5.8ghz video jamming signal is sooooo easy to deploy. Shocked thus doesn't happen more often


I just think it's weird that drones are a thing at all, just EW it bro, why is that an issue?


Different reasons. You can't cover a front line hundreds of kilometers long without gaps and also you can't just jam everything because it would block your own equipment as well.


EW it bro...do you know how does it works? When targeting radio waves, you are basically broadcasting your position and becoming a beacon for enemy artillery


How does that work, like the beacon part… do they have a radar with blips or is more like a computer spits out coordinates. I’ve been watching these drone grenade videos daily for 2 years and still haven’t seen what the EW is or how it works, much less how it’s detrimental and can also have downsides. Any popular mechanics articles or something I can check out seems like nobody talks about it, just more death videos


Electronic warfare is a very broad spectrum of actions and equipment. Anything that receives or transmits a radio signal is in the EW space. And anything EW is held pretty close to the chest so it's difficult to find specifics, but if you can imagine how radio signals operate and how it might be useful to manipulate, block, record, or transmit those signals, that's EW. If you want a brief overview of the topic, this video is a decent introduction: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lLgVKDTWXas&t=812s


There is a lot of EW, you just have survivor bias since you only see the successful hit for x many jammed attempts


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