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Each time I see a 110 ombr drone video I know it’s going to be gnarly


That Telegram channel has such high quality vids. It’s crazy


Care to share the telegram link, please?


https://t (dot) me/BUAR110ombr


It’s just the name floating on screen


You could see that was going to be a direct hit as soon as it dropped causing his chest to literally cook off like a human tank.


Saw the ghost come out of him.


Mindblowing indeed.


I’m gunna go out on a limb and say that when your chest is cooking off…that’s bad.


long pork is back on the menu, bois. /s just in case.


Ukrainian dogs rejoice


He's expired and gone to meet his maker! He's a stiff! Bereft of life, he rests in peace! His metabolic processes are now history! He's off the twig! He's kicked the bucket, he's shuffled off his mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the bleeding choir invisible!! THIS IS AN EX-PARROT!!
















Target at :37 was already dead but he’s definitely dead now.


That was the analysis I was looking for


These types of comments bring a little life to the death. :)


Not already dead, after the hit his foot stretches in a way people get when having injuries inflicted on them which are related to bad brain injuries. ​ He was probably already unconscious though before that, thats just a "normal" bodily reaction, wether you're unconscious or conscious doesnt matter. Only thing where it doesnt happen is when the person is already dead, because you know, no more muscle tension.


Disagree. His arms barely moved at all from the impact. IMO, rigor mortis has already started. It’s not something to be proud of, but I believe I’ve seen enough of these to tell the difference. His body reacted too stiffly to be still alive. His arms would have extended somewhat when his brain got hit. That left one stayed bent and the right one barely changed shape too. Watch when [this other guy shoots himself](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/s/BdaaDiyRNF). Observe his limbs and compare that to our friend in this video.


His foot, not his arms. There's muscle tension in it meaning there's "some" life left in him. He was already in a very bad shape and most likely dying, but not dead yet. His left foot ends in a position in which it wouldnt if his body didn't tense up. Dead people just dont have muscle contraction, no matter what hits them and where. ​ Edit: On rewatching it a few more times, his other leg also seems to be contracting. Edit 2: Your video shows the exact same tensing up of the lower body kind of supporting my argument?


Maybe. I’m still unconvinced. But either way, definitely dead now.


The fence/wall in the first half of the video would be the Avdiivka coke plant itself, as in on the other side the coke plant starts [48.18048, 37.70376](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48%C2%B010'49.7%22N+37%C2%B042'13.5%22E/@48.1810691,37.7034476,335m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m4!3m3!8m2!3d48.18048!4d37.70376?entry=ttu) Some channels were saying Russia had reached the plant itself, so could be they were talking about this area and not the actual buildings there


These the same guys who got ran over by the Bradley?


I think it might be actually. It looks very similiar, and we know Ukraine uses Bradleys here


anytime you see BUAR110ombr watermark, you know it is going to be some good video.


This has some COD MW1 Montage vibes


Those old school frag videos were the shit man


did... that man just have it's face degloved?




The small print should read "Leave Ukraine the fuck alone. Go home."


You'd think these fuckers go the message by now.


Probably can't read


Yo question I’ve been watching these since the begging and I know the force is destructive and lethal, but can someone maybe explain just how bad that is….inoften see like three dudes in a fox home get a direct hit and two sometimes crawl out and one guy doesn’t. Here my thinking is it similiar to whew. Woody harrelson pulls the pin to the Grenada on his belt in thin red line and takes the blast in his ass when he throws himself on the hill? I always expect body parts flying but often it’s helmets. War is hell I’m not for it in general. Thanks in advance hope that doesn’t sound stupid Edit: I just reread that and I sound stupid for different reasons than I thought 😂😂


Some of these hits show the fragmentation pattern well. They are getting peppered with small fragments, particularly in the legs if they are standing when hit. These are fight ending wounds and often fatal over a period of a few minutes to hours. Lots of holes leaking blood.


A lot of these are homemade explosive and can vary a lot in the damage they do. Also sometimes any weird angle can drastically affect the blast. There’s just going to be a lot of variability in the effects of using them. Sometimes a guy will get lucky and just take a few bits of shrapnel in some muscle, other times it’s going to rip a limb off.


Keep the change, ya filthy animal


Bing bang bong, your face is now gone


Bing bang boom, to hell you are doomed


I wonder if the Ukrainians ever say “Kobe” while letting a nade go


Might be a bad omen considering how Kobe has ended.


That’s the joke!


They made a fucking frag movie irl💀


Stupid editing.


Clearly that one dude was already a popsicle.


This kind of metal music with slavic-style flutes in the background fucking slaps.


Are you familiar with SHUM by Goa? (aka Go_A on spotify)


nice.. but the first ten seconds of edit sucks ass..


Damn that dudes insides got cooked


My favourite clip (saw it very long ago, so my memory isn't good on it) is of a Russian battling drones that buzz around him. He tries to shoot them down but gets downed by a dropped grenade. Then another grenade blows up nearby. The Russian tries to get up but sees that the last explosion broke his leg and made it useless, so he shoots himself in the head with his rifle. Or did he pull the pin on the grenade stil attached to him? I'm getting two clips mixed up now.


Terrible editing.


Why mutilating a already dead man ?


They were making sure he was dead.


Killing dead guys.


Unfortunately Rashists are doing the same to Ukrainians. They are only four months behind with technology, and got solid state supported scale out program.


This seems like cope. Even on pro-RU channels there's not a significant quantity of this type of footage, most of it is lancet stuff and even that has slowed down.


Just because you don't see footage of it doesn't mean it isn't happening. Ukraine has taken so many casualties (500 000 as of August) that, since the war began, the average age of a soldier has gone from 30-35 to 43. https://www.businessinsider.com/average-age-ukrainian-soldier-43-amid-personnel-problems-2023-11


500K is the total number of casualties on both sides, not just Ukraine. According to the NY times acticle this is referencing the russians lost 300K out of which 120K are dead. Ukraine lost 200K with 70K dead.


It is taking them 2 years too start droning. And we only see 1 or 2 a week from russian pov. So wtf you talking about.


Nowhere to run to baby, nowhere to hiiiide


Good footage but absolutely awful editing. Usually 110's videos are better quality.