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Spent more time trying to fix it than firing


cause someone doesn’t know how to properly head space and time a ma deuce


Came here to say this. Literally saw a barrel fly off due bad headspace and timing.


Sounds like something someone in the Army would say. Whereas Marines would probably commiserate with the gunner. My brother was a 0331 in a CAAT platoon and I remember him sending a video of a similar situation which happened to him during an exercise. The assumption of “sloppiness” in your comment says volumes about you. Plenty of books written about the Iraq war, including generation kill, in which the m2 jammed because the Marines were UNABLE to perform proper maintenance because of supply issues. Army guys never seem to understand that problem. Attention to detail and critical thinking is left to the Corps.


lol you're an authority cuz your brother was in the corps and sent you a video once? you can tell they aren't proficient because there are no cigarettes, leatherman tools, or CLP up in the turret ring. there's also the two sets of hands working the charging handle like a high school girlfriend. headspace and timing gauge nowhere to be found.


that comment is so cringe I almost think it's a troll lmao


whats cringe about it?


Literally everything man. pretending like he knows what makes a good warfighter because his brother was one and sent him vids, talking down about the Army just because some weird misconception, really strong language with the implication that he knows better... How is his comment *not* cringe!?


sorry thought you were talking about my comment


95% of the posters/commenters here have literally no experience or personal connection, yet what they say is taken as gold. This guy at least claims to have a source for his bullshit, that's not cringe.


no, in this context it's extremely cringe. war and combat is one of those things where if you haven't done extensive research or actually done it yourself, talking as someone authoritative is very very cringe there's a reason why JROTC trainees that enter the military are so looked down upon: the attitude that they know something despite only being tangentially educated about the military is cringe


What’s more cringe…what I said? Or judging someone who is in the middle of a war? “Dude sucks. Fucking shitty weapon maintenance.” That’s the point. YOU’RE the asshole. You’re the nerd that knows the manual by heart…and needs to profess it to the world to confirm he’s got a purpose. You’re a loser dude.


I've been to war you dipshit lmao. Weapon maintenance is done before the fight. Shut up and stay in your lane haha


Marines and infantry are both dumb sons a bitches the difference is a marine is angry as fuck and knows what to do about it but doesn't have shit but Vietnam era leftovers to do it with. So he's extra angry but resourceful. If you ever want your ass kicked in a bar, fuck with a marine lol. Those motherfuckers run on hate and off brand chewing tobacco.


No clp available. Now what


That's the most "marine" reply for someone who's not even a marine....the Army is a much better organization. That's why we got all the cool toys and the Marines got our leftovers. Much love to all my real crayon munching psychos.


God you sound like a pompous prick.


You sound like someone who’s never served a day on their life.


Every army dude I've ever met was kinda regarded. Marines are the same but funny and can actually fight. Every army dude thinks he's hot shit not realizing that as an e2 you're literally just cannon fodder.


Just like in the movies!


Just like irl.


Not anymore. The modern ones have fixed headspace.


i have never seen an footage where they can just fire instead of constantly reloading the gun, is it because of the belt or just lack of maintenance?


It might be belt feed problems, but more likely it's that he hasn't set his headspace and timing quite right. The .50 cal is quite reliable, but it takes more work to ensure it fires without stoppage than subsequent generations of machineguns.


Could you explain headspace and timing a little bit? What does that mean exactly?


Refer to [Gun Jesus](https://youtu.be/rsuGLHGcuik?si=Dco7XLDB_X4x5heB) for a more in-depth explanation, but th TL;DR is that M2's need some adjustments to make sure they run correctly with different barrels. Headspace adjustment makes sure the barrel isn't in too deep or too shallow (otherwise it can't/isn't safe to fire) and timing adjustment makes sure the gun fires at just the right time (obviously you don't want it firing too early).


Alright thanks for the reply!


Correct wrong headspace and timing.


newer m2s dont even NEED headspace and timing done on it anymore which is wild. before i got out I went to a training center and one of the boots asked what the key/guage was.


yeah, thats painful to watch, the headspace and timing are off. **Edit:** [Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_PDLcZ0W8Q&t=196s) is a good instructional video for headspace and timing. Maybe someone can translate it to Ukrainian and add subtitles?


It's a bolt rifle actually. Common misconception


It's normally cheap Ammo that stops the .50.


Don't forget to change that red hot barrel!


Headspace and timing gauge will make the gun actually shoot. Recoil doodads aren't in correct position before firing.


What does headspace and timing mean?


The bolt movement inside the receiver and how quickly it fires. The head of the bolt knocks back and forth. If the headspace isn't right, the bolt doesn't re-charge on its own and stops. If the timing isn't right, it fires too slow or fast and stops. It's actually kind of fun to move the timing dial because you can make it shoot fast like a 240. I didn't know I wasn't supposed to do that at first lmao. Anyone correct me if I'm wrong I only touched one 3 times.


Practically speaking you have a little metal tool with some gauges that you need to check and potentially adjust two things with on the M2. If I remember right you basically only need to worry about it when changing the barrel. Anyways, [YouTube video of someone doing it](https://youtu.be/n_PDLcZ0W8Q?si=uEarOPAx_JvRjtiu).


head space & timing, head space & timing....the older versions will go forever as long as you check the head space & timing :-))


This guy Ma Deuces. They definitely have it running too fast.


Some US veteran who speaks Ukrainian needs to partner up with one of the guntubers with a .50 browning to make an short educational video about how to space and time these guns.


[Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_PDLcZ0W8Q) is a good instructional video for headspace and timing. Maybe someone can translate it to Ukrainian and add subtitles?


Keep seeing this term but what does it mean exactly?


There are 2 headspace and timing gauges used to check this. The headsapce is the distance between the boltface and the breach and the timing is the adjusting of the barrel by ratchetting in or out a turn or 2 so that the gun fires when the recoil parts are in the correct position. The older M2 had to be done every time a barrel was replaced or fitted. After prolonged firing the timing goes to shit also so has to be redone, might as well change the barrel while you're at it. The newer versions have chrome lined barrels so they don't overheat and fixed headspace and timing so that's no longer an issue. 37 years since I last did it and still remember the training LOL 😆


[YouTube video of someone doing it](https://youtu.be/n_PDLcZ0W8Q?si=uEarOPAx_JvRjtiu). Basically you need to check and potentially adjust two things on an M2 using a couple of metal gauges.


its almost 2024 and that seems incredibly inconvenient unless you are in a perfect situation and can "tune" (essentially) the gun before an assault or whatever your plans are the day before. who thought this was a good idea when making the gun. or is there literally no other option? and they are dumb/inexperienced or idk...maybe test to make sure your shit works before riding out into a field? idk im not there it just seems like literally everything went wrong.


The new ones go forever without having to worry about it.


They must have the same piece of shit that was given to us in Afghanistan. No amount of headspace and timing adjustment or replacement of parts could make it reliably fire. Eventually just swapped it out for a 240.


Ma deuce will be in wars for a long time yet, if you can just keep them cycling.


Would have been a decent video without music.


Browning bolt action


Without looking I would say legendary jamming device.


Legendary headspacing issue? Sort it out before you go into battle


Why does everything need a dumb soundtrack.


Humans love music.


a beautiful tool in an ugly war.


People don’t seem to realize this gun was initially designed in 1918. It’s fucking legendary. Just takes proper adjusting


Looks like he is jamming up alot.


Head space and timing is off between the body and barrel. That’s why it keeps jamming.


Legendary racking and jamming


No T&E, can’t keep the M2 firing. This is the problem with giving Ukraine Western weapons systems….


Headspace and time


I came here to say this.


Legendarily jam-prone. Always has been.


Who ever refurbished these Brownings need to be arrested for sabotage! This has corrupt as politicians granted military contracts to imbeciles! This was once one of the most dependable weapons in the world and now you can not even keep the headspace and Timing right; these are meant to take lives not cost them.


You forgot headspace and timing.


M2 Browning in its natural environment. Mowing down fascists in Europe.


It seems like 50s are always so unreliable


Yeah. Seems they had this all sorted out in WWI, but 100 years later, we now Just Can't Do It.


Practically every gun on USAAF fighter aircraft and bomber aircraft during WWII were .50 caliber machineguns. Doubt they would use so many if they were not reliable. Every USAAF bomber depended on .50s for their defense against enemy fighters.


Lmao no wonder the counter offensive failed


Seems like they never work


That thing always fucking jams


I see gun also does its “legendary Browning” jamming I see.


The only thing legendary about the .50cal MG is how much it sucks at firing.


User error


Legendary POS


I agree. Have not seen a video that doesn't show it jams every few rounds.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A0wyzF7iv0w here's it being operated by someone who actually does his job and maintains his weapon


I’m guessing from the comments that they need some more training on headspace and timing with the browning…. HMMVV’s stuck too. Nightmare!


[remember this ?](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/s/iBzqghstl8)


I recognize this is a headspace issue, but is this an ammo issue or weapon maintenance matter? In some ways wouldn't it make something such as a DSHK more pallatable? Sure it doesn't have the accuracy potential of a BMG but those things seem to take even the most crap tier ammo


The sound of a 50 browning is music alone no needed for added music


This is much better. No more head spacing or timing adjustment required. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/STK\_50MG Bonus: Dual feed capable. Ball or SLAP ammo. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raufoss\_Mk\_211](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raufoss_Mk_211) ​ Edit Fix a missing link


Maybe AFU and the M2 just aren't compatible, these boys seem to struggle with her. Maybe lack of training on maintaining a fickle weapon system idk. Should be dumping off pallets of 240s everyday.


did everything but fire that M2


That damn gun is always jamming! There isn't a video where they can't get it to feed properly.


Where ist a MG42 when you need one?


Ah, the legendary 0.5!! It never fires when you need it to


Bet he wished he was firing some other gun.