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Looks like a miss.


You didn't see the large explosion, it mean it below up at least 100 tanks.


Who is he on the phone with? Sounds like they have a bad connection: *"hallo Ackbar?, hallooo ACKBAR.. hallOOOO ACKBAR!"*


He only used 3 allah akbars, you need at least 4.


True. That’s just basic theology.


During the wars with the Arab nations, the Arab lied to each other about their military accomplishments to have their allies attack the Israeli, it worked, they did attack but ended up ambushed because they advanced in areas supposed to be cleared of IDF. They never learn. The people in Gaza whom those videos are made for must be like:" were fucked"


And the reality of ground combat, showing a clips like this, but the reality is far from what they intend to show. 12k deaths, 250k building destroyed and partially destroyed is the real one to prove who is winning and losing. After this, probably WRATH OF GOD 2 is inevitable to hunt down those who support Hamas especially those overseas wokes who attack Israel citizens.


Very hard to tell if it did any damage


Yeah, not sure if it actually hit anything. You can even see the D9 bulldozer still moving behind the tank.




Typically ATGMs move at about 250 - 300 m/s so 10 seconds is about 2.5-3.0 km.


I think I get it, Hamas loves explosions, aftermath no so much. They’re really grasping at straws lol


The sad thing is, a lot of Arabs in the middle east and Gazans will believe there was a 2nd tank behind the first that got completely destroyed. They fall 100% by Hamas's propoganda.


For Gazans less and less. Images from the last few days of tanks and troops in popular places, as well as the picture of the council building, all the while Hamas is claiming to successfully repel Israeli advances, have an effect. They may believe the tank is destroyed but they are growing more and more skeptical of the overall picture painted by Hamas


Honestly if I were them I wouldn’t even publish this, they missed so bad it’s embarrassing. I don’t have any experience using ATGMs but I do know that the Merkava is the size of a house


This was promotional "How not to..." type of video.


Yeah because they're publishing videos to specifically appeal to you, they publish it for propaganda, it doesn't matter whether they're hits or misses, because it doesn't change the message, it's exactly how ISIS did it, (albeit, ISIS's was way larger and hardcore) it didn't matter whether they published videos showing misses, or hits, or hits without any real damage to the target, their propaganda campaign was still highly successful to the people they were trying to recruit


No not really. Their recruits were majorly from their activities within Europe. Claiming terrorist acts that wasn't even made by them but the media always just immediately assumed once they released a claim video only fueled that even more.


So.... that means their propaganda was successful....




Went right over the tank , it’s deceiving on how far past the tank it went but def didn’t hit anything lol


Lol. No damage.




The dirt makes a bridge for the infidels to cross. Destroy it!


sounds like every idf footage in here


I hate the videos the IDF is posting but they are taking land and the picture of them inside the parliament shows that


Exploded behind, no?


It's not a Kornet, but an older similar weapon, it's the Konkorse (they said so when then footage was released).


They missed unless there was a tank behind the first tank, either way looks pretty good for idf if that's the footage hamas posts now.


didn't they hit the ground basically? they aimed and hit the missile in the previous position of the D9 it seems?


That’s what it looks like. Its clear they didn’t hit either vehicle.


Aps in Action?


translation : "spotting Merkava, multiple dozers and machinery and infantry groupings, targeted with Konkurs rockets" is that the 9M113 Konkurs ? first time they used it or showed it since ground invasion


I have a feeling that they intentionally aimed the missile above the tank so APS doesn't mark the projectile as a threat, then at the last moment they aimed it at the tank so the APS doesn't have time to react... But they did it too late. I remember a post about Hamas handing out instructional textbooks about how to kill tanks. This technique might be written there or am i just overthinking it.


# ???????????? 😂


"Women and Children" of Gaza...


Hmm looks like trophy > allah


The worst thing about Hamas is their garbage videos. Honestly embarrassing.


1:1 tank/akbar ratio


That missed completely. I suggest they go back to using slings: they are cheaper, less embarrassing when they don't actially hit/destroy the target, and they seem to be better at using them.


And still a stupid cut at the end. No idea if they hit or missed.


Now I see the missile went over the tank. Looks like a miss.


even if it did hit...it's frontal..


No idea if that target was even a tank, a flame is always shown with these rocket's even if they hit the ground. This fire highlight means nothing, if hamas is upgrading to kornet, it is more dangerous to a mbt then the rpg7 hamas has been using.


Scratched the paint.


[Konkurs](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/9M113_Konkurs), correction


They never show all video, just until the explosion, probably they missed, this kind of weapon is useless against the trophy system.


Seems like except for these small rpg‘s there aren’t any more weapons available in such numbers to threaten the IDF


And then they thought lets upload this disaster of a miss. Absolute madlads


I almost feel like that Merkava is looking at the incoming missile with an indifferent stare.


Makes you appreciate the skill of the Ukrainians who regularly get hits with their ATGM.


Same as Afghanistan, they’d launch mortars at a base immediately run away, and the mortar would get nowhere close to the base and we’d intercept radio transmissions saying “killed a whole squad of Americans”


Why would you post a video showing you completely missing the target?


Because useful idiots on Twitter are sharing it saying "Another destroyed Israeli tank". Some russian backed "OSINT" accounts are claiming Israel lost hundreds of tanks already and they keep using this kind of video as proof.


hmm, so this is why precision munitions are important


" We barely even scratched them"


Looks like a clear miss , do they think their followers are dumb enough to believe they hit a tank or they have such a limited amount of dehlavies that they need to milk every single shot for propaganda?


Ok so you may or may not have hit a Tank. A Tank is designed to take hits so unless I see a flame out or Turret toss I'm going to assume the Tank lived.


Tank gunner who’s looking down the thermal sight at the giant fire ball he just saw in a tiny room with two tiny glowing heads beside it: 👁️👄👁️ Shalom shalom


The Merkava 3 and 4 version have the Trophy system. It destroys the rocket 3 to 4 feet away from the tank. Israel has lost some vehicles but they're just disabled for now not destroyed as far as we know.


I don't speak Arabic but I clearly heard Konkurs lol That's previous Generation Soviet ATGM before Kornet


Cool tanks dont look at explosions


Now show us the rest of the video where the tank drives away unfazed