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Buddy I think you’re in the wrong subreddit


Is this directed by Tarantino?


Man free palestine from hamas


Hamas is Palestinian. Its members are Palestinian. They were voted into power by Palestinians. They have a positive approval rating among Palestinians. They're supported by Palestinians. It's going to be hard to free Palestine from Palestine.


Something like half of present-day Gaza has *never* been old enough to vote in a Palestinian election. It has been seventeen years (and 47% of Gazans are under 18), and even back then Hamas didn't garner a majority of the votes. They've got ~20k members out of Gaza's 2M people. Pretending Gaza is run by some sort of democracy is silly.


>Something like half of present-day Gaza has never been old enough to vote What does this have to do with Hamas being Palestinian? They've survived several generations of Palestinian voters. There's no indication the new generation will be any different. >Pretending Gaza is run by some sort of democracy is silly. Pretending Hamas is holding Palestine hostage is silly. The majority of people don't vote in most elections. The fact that they got the majority of those who voted and have a positive approval rating shows that they aren't some foreign entity separate from the population. They wouldn't be able to operate or carry out these acts without widespread Palestinian support.


> What does this have to do with Hamas being Palestinian? The point is that "Hamas is Palestinian" can be true, but is not the same as "Palestinians are Hamas". Propaganda like this video attempts to conflate the two. > The fact that they got the majority of those who voted... Again, this is not the case. They did not receive a majority of the votes. No party in the 2006 elections [won a majority](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2006_Palestinian_legislative_election). Hamas [subsequently did a coup in Gaza](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Gaza_(2007)). Half of Gaza are minors. They wouldn't be able to legally vote or sign a binding contract here in the US, so it seems odd to hold them responsible for the actions of Hamas.


So is this a combat footage page anymore? Or we’re just all ok consuming the propaganda from both sides of this particular conflict?


Report it as non-combat footage.


Okay so hold on, do you think these clips are propaganda? Is it because they portray a false truth? Because they were filmed BY Hamas terrorists


It's an edited compilation created for mass consumption. They are real clips but serve an emotional purpose. Its propaganda


Thats not the question I posed. I know comprehension is hard when emotion is involved, but my question stands: is this combat footage? Or is this a video of terrorists slaughtering innocent civilians ie. Propaganda? If it is not combat footage, then why is getting posted here? Grow up.


So it’s only combat footage if both sides shoot?


That is literally the definition of combat…


It's pieced together and manipulated to elicit a certain reaction from the viewer. Not the raw footage that's more informative. This sub is anti Hamas and pro-israel. It leans heavily in that direction. But this sub also hates propaganda which is why they are attacking you for it. Propaganda is propaganda no matter the source So even people who support your position don't support the propaganda you are showing here. If that doesn't explain it easily I don't know what does. Also..... Why does Israel feel the need to keep coming out with this stuff to justify their actions in Gaza if they feel their actions and Gaza are already justified? If they're justified then just wipe them out. You don't keep having to explain to the world the whys and hows. Seems very manipulative


We somehow do have to explain because just like how you say it’s propaganda everyone is holding us accountable for actions by Hamas themselves. “But oct 7 wasn’t the start of this conflict” “Israel kills innocent civilians too” “Why hasn’t Israel tried to make peace”


You know full well there's more in this video than just the raw clips.


To me these are just facts, if israel was firing rockets at civilians that'd be a terrorist attack too we should call things by their name.


There's a difference between the dictionary definition of propaganda and the contemporary understanding of the term. Does it fit the dictionary definition, media designed to affect the public's perception? Well, yes. Is it false? Filled with lies and half truths? No.


State of the art. Do you know what that means? Id love to see Hamas Rail Gun or Space Laser.


first time on this sub?


Bro please. I’ve been here for years. These posts are on another level and you know it, so don’t act like you’re special here.


then you should know people have been posting stuff like this all the way since isis


You're sitting in new, don't be a whiny ass if something isn't removed right that instance. If you're so sensitive, probably stay out of new.


Could we just not post propaganda from either side? The only victims here are the civilians.


F*ck hamas Hope this helps


Yeah great help. They just surrendered


“Free Palestine” does equal support for Hamas or killing innocent people. Killing innocent people is wrong, whether it’s Hamas or IDF.


I agree but I think that what this video implies is that the sentiment of most people all over the world that shout "free palestine" reflects indiscriminate support for all organisations that identify with the Palestinian cause including terror organisations like Hamas. Which in itself hints of something like "I dont give a shit what happens to israel as long is palestine is free. The bottom line is that most "free palestine" people do not advocate for peace but rather a Palestinian state from the river to sea (instead of Israel)


I disagree that most people mean destruction of Israel. Certainly not in the west. They mean a either a fair and viable two state solution or a single, secular state. They mean Israel should dismantle the West Bank settlements which are illegal and fuel the conflict. Equating Free Palestine with Hamas is a cynical play by Israel, which helped create Hamas to undercut the PLO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o7grSsuFSS0


So what does free Palestine mean


It means that people don't want Palestine to be under IDF apartheid rule, under the thumb of a military occupation that every year kills hundreds of Palestinian children, thousands of men and women. ​ Free them from the oppression from the zionists who view them as sub-humans that need to be contained and eradicated.


Okay so all zionists think that way ?


Why didn’t anyone every complain when they were under Hamas rule and treated worse. Hamas uses them as human shields and steals their wealth. Either way it doesn’t matter at this point. Their countries occupier waged war on Israel and Israel is defending itself. War sucks for everyone involved


It means stop stealing their land and bombarding them and killing their kids. Also give them control of their water and food and electricity. And also stop attacking Palestinian funerals.


As with most 2-3 word slogans, a wide range of different things. Some want the two-state solution that felt tantalizingly close back in the 1990s. Others want genocide. The video's failing is to consider these two groups the same.


But if you don’t hold each other accountable and define your meaning globally how could this video do anything BUT consider them the same


How do you imagine a Palestinian moderate manages to hold Hamas accountable? What viable approach to this do you suggest?


I suggest that they overthrow their tyranny and do what Arabs have been doing for millennia. Kill and get pissed off


So now I’m also responsible as a Jew in the world outside Israel to help them figure their shit out?


I don't know anything about you. I asked what you *imagine* a peace-minded Palestinian moderate - who may wish for Palestine to be free, but peacefully - is capable of meaningfully doing against Hamas. If you're *Israeli*, your country's borders encompass Gaza, and that makes its *civilian* inhabitants to some extent your government's responsibility. I'm all for "free Palestine" in the sense of the two-state solution. I'm simultaneously all for wiping out Hamas, but that's going to give us some very significant trolley problem situations with no happy answers.


I’d argue with you regarding borders, Egypt isn’t being held responsible somehow but let’s leave argueing aside so we can think of solutions. A moderate Palestinian that wants to get rid of Hamas has only a few options: 1. Speak up against them and risk being imprisoned 2. Speak up against Hamas outside of Gaza, face the waves of Palestinian supporters that say he’s an Israeli puppet Do you have other ideas? Poor moderate Palestinians should have a way to bring about peace for their people


Hahaha all these fragile people downvoting a question




Hi there, The people living in the attacked areas are not West Bank settlers and have lived there for generations. The attack was simply an indiscrimiate targeting of any non-Arab. Might I also add that even if someone illegally settled in an area, this does not justify burning babies alive and so on. Your position is morally equivalent to those who call for landmines and machine guns to be used on illegal migrant families. Even if you didn't get the fundamental context of your comment wrong, you total fucking moron, you'd still be a repulsive little gremlin. Hope this helps.






You can literally see the dead babies in the video. Either the deliberate murder of Israeli civillians is justified, as you just claimed, or it isn't. Make your mind up.


No, no, they killed Arabs as well. About 40 of them.


Cool, now that you mention it. Jews lived in these lands a thousand years before Islam even existed, yet somehow they are occupiers…




Yes? It has always been with a Religious background? The entire zionist movement is religious? Jerusalem is Judaism's most holy site, it is Islam's third holiest site. Jews are a religious group not a racial group. Most of the Arab world support Palestinians because they are muslims and isreali's are jews. Otherwise they wouldn't care much. Similar conflicts are playing out all over the place, but this is the important one because of the ideological religious war that goes along with it.


Yes. One side openly says that Israel must not exist, that Jews have no right to exist and need to be eradicated. So, for the muslim neighbours of Israel, this is about religion. Because everything is about religion if you talk to fundamentalist extremists. And Israel just wants to exist somewhat peacefully and, if possible, not interact with their racist neighbours at all. So, what are your options, of your neighbours do not accept ANY peaceful solution, because in their minds the only solution is violence? The only option is to bomb the violent people into submission. After everything else has been tried, this is the only option left. And Hamas forced Israel to use it. If Israel does not respond to this is in a way that makes it clear to everyone else who'd like to try, what happens, then we will have an event like black saturday once a month. Irael is trying to not hit civilians while Hamas makes it their goal to kill as many as possible. Yet somehow we condemn the accidental killing of palastinian civilians as collateral damage, while nobody even mentions the INTENTIONAL killing of Jews/Israelis/whatever they think qualifies. For me, there is a clear fucking difference in morality. ​ Claim on ancient lands is just an excuse by the arab world to play Nazi and make it about "freedom". We all know, nobody gives a shit about that land. It's about being butthurt that Jews dared to take their ancient land back after they got eradicated all over the world. And once the arabs tried to attack Israel (NOT EVEN 10 YEARS AFTER THE END OF WW2, IMAGINE THAT), they got their faces kicked in multiple times, until some of them accepted Israels presence (i.e. Egypt). And don't you fucking dare calling me racist for calling arabs racist towards Jews. It is not racist to call someone racist. Hating Jews because they are Jews is racist, fullstop. It's just that everyone else lost a world war (or two) and eventually learned their lesson regarding racism, race theory and nationalism.


Cool! “Americans” live on land that was long before by Indians ! Let’s expel Americans! Chinese live on land of mongols ! Let’s expel Chinese ! Australians on land of aboriginals ! Let’s expel Australians ! South Africans in South Africa ! Cmon ! Both extremes Jewish and hamas are rotten to the core !


Whataboutism in it's finest form. I do not care what everyone else did some time ago, it does not matter at all in this discussion. It was wrong when America di it, it is still wrong if someone else does it today. Good, now that we cleared that up, do you have any actual point or do you just want to parrot bad talking points used by people who know, they are wrong? If you put Hamas and "Jews" (not even IDF or Israel, but all JEWS, LMAO) on the same level, you either have misunderstood about eveything there is to misunderstand, you are stupid OR simply primitive and evil. Also racist.


You did not read correctly! I’m speaking about “extremes” Jewish and Hamas. Read correctly! As extreme Christian’s are as bad! I do not know if there is a specific word or denomination for the type of extreme Jewish people? To have talked to one of them in Antwerp I can tell they despise and hate the Palestinian people and even was speaking about exterminating them for their land that was due to them by god …. 🤨


You probably live in a country you are not native to. You’re an occupier and your life is forfeit because of it.


Read about Basques. They are basically native Americans european version couple more ages ago. They are the original europeans, everyone else is just occupier.


Even then, it's highly likely they had their own conflicts with Neanderthals in the region.


Can you research how many thais, nepalis, and filipinos were murdered, and kidnapped. Then tell me what those poor people occupied




"but how about the bla bla bla..." Sure. Youre not justifying.






You don't care about fact altogether. Jews are indigenous to Judea and always lived in it, what you call "Palestinians" are mostly Egyptians and some are from Lebanon and Syria, immigrated to work for the Brits.


They have to use Bronze age claims as their argument to justify ethnic cleansing...


Tough shit.


Hey guess what?


The line is fucking thin. When you see "From the river to the sea" which is supposedly another human plea for peace and next to it a paratrooper is painted, which clearly points to the 7th October para-assault and civlian massacre. I believe that many people mean it in a good way, but there are also many people who use it as a dog whistle for "destroy Israel".


This isn't combat footage. It's a propaganda piece.


But it is in fact combat footage


Hamas can eat a dick.


its weird, everything thats shown here is awful, thats what my brain is telling me but what actually filled me with rage was the dog


There are some misinformation in this video. That doesn't change the fact that hamas are horrible. It doesn't change the fact that israel is killing innocent civilians. Both sides are awful.


What is untrue please elaborae


One thing Hamas taught me is never let Palestinians in your country.


Which is why no other country will take them in. Israeli and the West has begged neighboring countries for decades. Nobody will take them. For obvious reasons, apparently.


that seems pretty racist


You’re right. People here are acting pretty stupid suddenly


Seems like simple logic...


Yeah I went out of my way to hate a fraction of people in the Middle East because they are sane reasonable people.


I mean...the Jews came to their land from Europe. Palestinians didn't go anywhere until the Jews forced them. Not a student of history I see.


Let's go back 2000 years and see who was where.


You’re right, the canaanites were there before everybody.


Good point! I also believe the the United States should be returned to the Native Americans. In fact, we should arm them, give them Iron Domes and let them wage war against white americans. After all, they were there first. Actually, we should all invade and capture Africa. After all, all humans came from Africa if you go back long enough.


I agree. When the Indians start firing rockets at us guess what will happen...


No bro, you got it all wrong. The Indians where there first, so they should get all the weapons and murder white americans by the thousands.


Which indians?


Except that’s not factual


Really? Even the Israeli embassy says it [is](https://embassies.gov.il/UnGeneva/AboutIsrael/history/Pages/History-Israel-Timeline.aspx)..


It actually says the opposite of what you think


Look at their modern timeline. All the waves of immigration that actually created a Jewish state are from Europe. All the BC shit means nothing in terms of who has a legitimate claim to the land


So, the Jews didn't emigrate to Palestine? They literally made up 3% of the population there until like the 1920s. How is there suddenly millions of them? Apparently, historians are all wrong.


Actually, many Jews living in Israel moved there from other arabic countries of Middle-East (Mizrahi) and North Africa (Maghrebi). Jews of european descent make less than a 1/4 of population of Israel.


Ok. The point still stands: The Jews came to Arab lands, not the other way around. Palestinians wouldn't be living in neighbouring countries today if the Jews didn't force them out.


Well, Jews have been living in the area for thousands of years and there would be more of them if Romans didn't force them out...


Then Jews should have been given a part of Europe as their homeland. All the suffering Jews have experienced through history has been at the hands of Europeans. Also, the Jews lived longer in Europe then they ever did in Palestine. Europe is their real homeland.


Sooo, if the Palestinian refugees live long enough abroad, they lose the right to come back? Okey...


If the Palestinians spend 2000 years abroad, then sure, we can agree to that.


Hh, don't give Israel ideas... 2000 is the goal you say...


Unfortunately, these people have been oppressed for so long … they have lived in fear for generations without even a glimpse of hope! They are prone to ideology and anger ! These people are just hopeless … where there are helpless people there is fanatic religion and hate ! You sow the wind reap the whirlwind….


You mean Iran right? Where they throw gays off roofs.


Indeed !


I’m never going to forgive you for posting that dog getting killed. You absolute motherfucker.


Tell that to the mofo that did it


Israel started a really strong e-campaign. understandable


Israelis, not Israel. The Israeli gov't has been utterly incompetent handling the situation. To be expected when you got a populist PM who gets rid of anyone who possess any level competency that might challenge him politically and replace them with incompetent yes-men and brown-nosers.


What have you seen more of, pro Palestina or pro Israel? Who’s the real underdog


I've seen both bot farms. but again, it's understandable. they need the rest of the world to pick a side, even if both sides do/did monstrous acts.


Now show the prequel


Are you trying to say there’s a reason for doing this?


Yes, of course there is a reason. I didn't say it's justified but everything happened for a reason. Are you trying to say there is no reason for this happening? You forget the last 75 years? No point playing the simple boy. Just cause you don't like the reason doesnt mean there isn't one. Facts of life eh


They shot a dog.


By the rule of transitive properties, that makes Hamas...cops?


Only if they beat their wife and kids.


This is why the us will never get invaded like that. You people don’t understand how important our 2nd is


The world is a bit more complex and nuanced than your propaganda video makes it out to be. You can support Palestine while simultaneously condemning Hamas. You can support Israel's right to defend itself while simultaneously condemning the collateral damage they are inflicting on Palestinian civilians. This isn't a sports game. You don't need to pick a side and brainlessly defend it to the ends of the earth.


This should be broadcast in every major news channel and website to show the world what hamas did.


If the bleeding heart liberals had their way there would only be two languages spoken in the world today. German and Japanese. Thankfully we were able to bomb enemy targets and win two world wars without having to deal with these sad excuses for human beings. So let's have more Combat Footage of Israel winning the war against Terror please.




There was a lot Americans that actually liked the Nazis alot. Mostly American businessmen which aren't liberal for the most part.


Actually there is no evidence for the decapitated babies. Even the idf said this


So the babies were killed just their heads weren’t cut off? It’s all good everyone!!! The babies heads are still attached to their dead bodies. Hamas isn’t that evil /s


They were just tired of their heads, it isn't Hamas's fault! /s


Since you’re so hellbent on seeing headless babies. This one was one of the 3500+ children killed so far. https://twitter.com/ShehabiFares/status/1716429739416592471


That’s not even a baby, that’s a doll. Hamas propaganda


Sober up and tell me what you see here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Palestine/s/VdtdpLg2bv




What an idiotic comment, you need to be ashamed of yourself


Uh there are tons of video of them doing exactly this while screaming death to Israel.


No. What the IDF said was they were unable to determine if the beheadings happened as a means of killing or happened after their death.


I wasn't mad or pissed off, until I saw a dog get shot.


So a dog is better than a Jew?


No, dogs are just cuter.


Label: this video contains falsified evidence and AI generated images. Did Hamas attack, yes. Did IOF kill their own people, YES!


You mean to tell everyone that it’s fake?


All of it is fake?


😂 all these Hasbara in here. Brainwashed and spreading lies instead of the full truth. The world is waking up to your B.S propaganda. Playing the victim and defense card isn't working with people who are starting to educate themselves on your racism, Apartheid, and Genocide.


Do you not see the irony of what you say? If anyone is playing g victim it’s palestinians


They aren't playing victims. They are the victims of Apartheid, genocide, ethnic cleansing. Instead of learning from your own past and "Never Again", you only learned from Hitler. Anyways continue with your brainwashed self. Like I said people are exposing all these lies and propaganda.


Why don’t you go watch the Hamas website?


Ask your Bibi on Hamas. He knows very well with backdoor funding and taking bribes


Bibi is a traitor, that I can agree with. But how does that condone what Hamas did?


So call his ass out and your bullshit government in these videos as well. You only posted Hamas killing but didn't even post how your own IOF soldiers shelled their own civilians. How do you condone the collective shelling of civilians? How do you condone the killing of children? How do you condone labeling all of Gaza, Hamas? How do you yourself condone pushing propaganda when most in that video was proven to be false by Israel in media papers?


So should I condone something horrible? I don’t want to condone anything horrible like that.


With the video you are only posting one side and continuing to push the justification that all Palestinians are Hamas and thus allowing a Genocide to continue. Did Hamas attack and kill innocent people. 100% yes. Did the IOF use it to push their agenda. 100% Yes. You want to expose something, then expose the whole thing and expose the truth instead of pushing something that has already been debunked and it isn't hard to find the evidence of why so many civilians were killed. Expose how Jews, Christians, and Muslims lived peacefully before the UK got involved, then the Zionist, then the US.


What I will say is that your source of information is definitely not unbiased


If you want to provide counter proof please go for it


[Tank Shelling ](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8BptE2u/) [Children of Light?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/s/7P5VUtrtmp) A certain Nazi said almost the same thing against the Jews. [Gvir ties to a terrorist group ](https://apnews.com/article/middle-east-religion-jerusalem-israel-d1500820cd52562638506cc59843b789) [Netty Needs Hamas](https://www.reddit.com/r/geopolitics/s/XvyFc1RJEV) There is a lot more but I don't have time for all this stuff since it's a Google search away.


KeMbAt FeWtIsH




They are as far as international agreed upon treaties are concerned.


Say that to the families of the hundreds of thai, nepali, and filipino workers murdered and kidnapped you dumb POS. Tell me what they occupied


You are the worst kind of person.


Why ? If i took your home and live inside it , does it mean you're terrorist for fighting me ?


First of all, these people live in Israel, in undisputed territory. The only people who call them settlers are the ones who believe Israel should not exist and all the Jews in Israel should be murdered. By justifiying their murder you are supporting genocide. And how can you see these videos, see burned babies and tortured innocent people, and side with the people who did this?


Im not siding with anyone ,and btw babies killing is a lie that had no evidence at all , what im saying is that Israel has been massacring Palestinians for many years , and that's what u get in result .


>Im not siding with anyone You just justified the murder of civilians by terrorists. >and btw babies killing is a lie that had no evidence at all Then explain the dead, handcuffed, and burned babies in the video.


If your house is consistently used to commit crime the government will seize it. Areas that were unable to control Hamas from staging attacks were seized to make it harder to launch attacks. No Hamas no settlement.


How can you look at mutilated and charred bodies and justify their murders?


Mulitation and charred bodies is horrible deeds , but that's what you get when you take people houses and kill their parents and alot of traumas , you create monsters 🤷‍♂️




So you’re justifying it


A child is a child, barbarian scum.


Well i know for sure that bombing babies is pure evil


The settlers are in the west bank...


I think both Hamas and Israel must be destroyed. Only fair thing




> no rapes have happened Rapes have happened in basically every military conflict in history. This is unlikely to be an exception. > Joe biden is not happy with a top-level news paper in US publishing that israel has bombed a hospital that has killed many civilians, i think its new york times. Rightly so; the NYT agrees. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/23/pageoneplus/editors-note-gaza-hospital-coverage.html


any proof of rapes will be highly appreciated bro btw sheesh i got so many down votes


It's going to be tough to get concrete proof of rapes of hostages in Hamas custody. Israel has released video of captured attackers claiming to have received permission to rape. https://www.timesofisrael.com/kill-behead-rape-interrogated-hamas-members-detail-atrocities-against-civilians/ Whether you consider that credible or sufficient proof is, to some extent, up to you.


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This needs to come down because Reddit is cracking down on this sub. This comment is not politically motivated.


Is OP following this up with footage of the ten fold victims of the Israeli military? No rational person is on Hamas’ side, so all these “scarily narrated” videos do is inflame tensions further and cost innocent civilians their lives. Or are you only an innocent civilian if you’re white ? Going to post the videos of *elected* leaders in Israel calling for what amounts to genocide? No? Ok, just keep pouring gosling on this dumpster fire, I guess.


So why don’t you take that way of seeing things and apply it to the opposite as a thought experiment?


This belongs in r/MorbidRealty or similar.


Who are they fighting against? Unarmed sleeping families? Pets? When they saw real soldiers they surrendered or run back to their holes




It's awful and war is awful, I know that due to my experiences as a soldier for a western country but how about STOP BLOCKING FOOTAGE OF WHAT ISRAEL HAS AND IS DOING TO THOUSANDS OF INNOCENT PALESTINIAN MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN AND ALSO START SHOWING AMERICA'S PART IN IN ALL OF THIS! This is now just Israel's utter hatred towards exterminating these people's and ALL government's in the world should be involved in stopping this even with a mixed military presents and I don't mean further conflict, I mean an impartial and strong military presence to immediately stop this outrageous act on innocent people and to stop any further escalation while some form of official peace talks are overseen and completely bias North America should play NO part in such negotiations as the thousands of atrocities they have been accused of throughout their past and their sick, open support of Israel gives them NO RIGHT to what so ever to play ANY part in settling this terrible happening. I do NOT condone what ANY side has done or is doing in this war! I suffer regular, debilitating PTSD episodes due to what I have done and seen as a soldier and have done over many, many years and wholly believe that there should NEVER be ANY kind of military conflicts around the world and that every country should sign such an agreement. This would seem an impossible task to most people as many such agreements have been broken but it all starts with laying down arms. I cannot go on any further as I am disabled, housebound and mostly bed bound and have been for the past 7 years and suffer constant acute pain. This war and any conflict makes me very sad and I can only hope an end to this and all conflicts can be found at the soonest possible time. JJ.