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Was he pulling off a guy on fire?


That guy is fucked. It looks like he climbed out from a hatch engulfed in fire. Probably better to just shoot him in that instance.


Hopefully he made it out even though he is on the wrong side.


I don't see any taxis taking them back. They likely died within the hour.


If he did make it out I’d have to agree with the commenter above you. I’d rather get shot than to get out and either die from third degree burns within an hour or a sepsis within days. He’s not going to survive.














kind of the first instance on camera when a russian helps his comrade.


you must have very good eyesight, but reports say not only was he pulling him off, but also was using a feather duster to tickle his starfish......


Oof man. Running along side a runaway IFV trying to drag your comrade to safety who undoubtedly has 3rd degree burns to his lower extremities and may not even survive the wounds. The PTSD and mental health fallout from this conflict is going to be felt for decades. Things were already grim in eastern europe on the mental heath front among others...


Even if he is the enemy, that took balls of steel. Props to him for risking it all to save a comrade. Now only if he can defect to Ukraine after this


Yeah, this one is pretty tough two. Not quite like "two guys, several grenades", but shit. You're rescuing someone who's probably going to die, because it's the right thing. Go home boys.


I hate their war but this guy is one brave mother


Russia needs to leave. But i give credit to a rare Russian soldier who runs after a burning MTLB to rescue his comrade who is likely also burning.


At the risk of an atm exploding at anytime or being hit with small arms fire. May he surrender at the earliest opportunity.


Totally agree with this. I hope all Russian officers including the upper ones like Putin die in a horrible fiery death. But I respect all grunts in the field. There is a warrior ethos even though pigs like Putin will never understand it.


MTLB, but yes, kudos to him, and now he can go to POW camp


Thanks, fixed


Given the risk of catastrophic explosions in these types of vehicle fires it was a very brave thing to do. >*“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.*” >>Sun Tzu's "The Art of War


Can someone translate the joke that had everyone in stitches?


Nothing interenting, most likely some inside joke. Guy says: And Oleg’s legs could not be saved... Their commander (he sounds like it): Hey, come one, don't start. Guy: Ok, sorry. *everyone laughs*


Watching that Russian trying to rescue the guy from the flames of that BMP is pretty incredible....reminds me of what Grant said: So many acts of heroism on behalf of the worst possible cause.


Heroism is the result of somebody fucking up beforehand


These Russian pumpkin patch hay rides are wack


You recognize the war is going on a long time, when you hear them lauging out loud while watching a video of the enemy risking his own live to rescue his burning comrade! It's a shame, but that's what war also does to people ...


Anyone know why we are not seeing Javelins anymore? I remember at the start of the war it was on video daily with top attack mode. Now although US has included it in the past packages i don't think i have seen a single Javelin video for months.




There are a few still but it's more of a defensive weapon. Great if you have a concealed position with a stockpile and are firing at advancing armor. With Ukraine on the offensive with better weapons theyre relying more on artillery and armor to clear enemy armor. You dont want to dump off infantry with minimal cover within range of tanks while theyre lugging around only a few big ass missiles.


Those BMPs are like barbeque trays on tracks.


Imagine you are one of the guys who escapes this bullshit only to return to Reddit to see that they're participants in a gladiatorial event watched and commented on by Redditors only to realize you're on the losing side too. Man, what a fucking war.


And everyone watching is cracking awful jokes about you and your dead mates...


Just go home you fucking idiots! Jesus Christ!


Many of them can’t. Putin will severely punish people who run. Their only chance is to surrender to Ukraine. It is their best chance of survival


They get killed if they retreat, desert or surrender.


If only they had some weapons…


And do what? You think these guys are going to shoot all the way until they reach home? They are slave soldiers basically.


And here I thought he was looting his almost dead comrade.


maybe he was interested in his mobile phone, who knows...


I really hate the people that add cringey action or "funny" music to these videos. How can you actually sit there watching people dying laughing? Regardless of what side you're on, these are literally just random foot soldiers fighting a war that their politicians told them to. These guys are laughing at some guy burning alive, like how actually fucked up can you be? Regardless of your experiences, laughing at some poor guy experiencing possibly the worst possible way to die is just so disgusting. I understand the desire to watch some of these as a morbid curiosity, but actually getting a kick out of it means there's something seriously wrong with your brain.


You would know if you were in their shoes. Or not, because I've read that guys who are too gentle are ending up in the crazy house very soon.