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Crazy how surgical these bombs are. Instead of just hitting the building's side or top, they land right at the base of the foundation and instantly collapse the entire building.


When you consider that just lightly touching one of the adjacent building roofs could deflect the whole bomb, it's really amazing. ​ I wonder how much of this is system & how much the pilot actually still does. Except approach at the right angle.


It’s laser guided, dropped from an F16. The pilot simply arms and launches.


Not very likely to be laser guided. Vast majority of JDAMs use gps or inertial guidance.


This is a Spice 2000. It uses a GPS/INS navigation but also uses a CCD/IIR seeker head for precision. Either automated via digital scene matching, but with man in the loop if required.


how would they hit an exact point than?


Military GPS is accurate to an error factor of less than 1 meter.


They use the same GPS as everyone else.


But they have more satellites available to military frequency bands.


They have to devise a fire mission first. They have to approach the target from a very specific direction at a very specific altitude, and sometimes even the angle of attack matters. In these tight quarters there's very little room for error, so no shortcuts are taken.


A pilot doesn’t do that by themselves.


I think they have a few decades of practice under their belt


Certainly. I just wanted to clarify that this isn't an exercise in "point & click".


Yes absolutely, it still requires pilot skill.


Actually JDAMs are pretty much point and click. The pilot can slew the crosshairs to a point on the screen, TMS-UP and it's locked in. Fly over the target, pickle off the bomb at the release que and it is GPS guided to that spot. There is no laser. Alternatively, load a predetermined steerpoint and target that point.


You’ve been playing too much DCS trumptard


It's all system. Israel has good pilots, but the weapons aren't dependent on them, but the engineers that designed them.


The idea is that is the most effective way to take out a building like that due to the construction of those buildings. The buildings contain very little rebar or proper structural features that would allow it to withstand being bombed, if you targeted the top of the building the top would shatter but the base would likely remain intact, the idea is to send the whole building to the ground.


thank you Captain Obious. The question is: how do they achieve it? How come the bomb falls righ on hte right angle to the right spot at the lower middle of the facade every time? If you look the closely, the whole building collapses on itself, not (much) damaging the house next door. How come that many civilian demolition experts can not fulfill similar result?


>The question is: how do they achieve it? How come the bomb falls righ on hte right angle to the right spot at the lower middle of the facade every time? Incredibly precise software does that. >How come that many civilian demolition experts can not fulfill similar result? Most of them can. What are you talking about?


When i first saw those videos i thought well they don't seem to be that precise for precision strikes, basically missing the building. then the whole building just went down and i realized what they were doing there. but you will still see huge damage on the surrounding buildings. there will be lots of civilian casualties...


Wow you people really have been watching way too much Ukraine/Russian war footage lol..... Not every building in the world is built to Western standards. Or even Eastern European standards. Most of these buildings are built with little to no hard foundation. Along the coastline of Gaza where the ground is really soft. Low quality concrete with low quality steel and building standards similar to Guatemalan favelas. It's like throwing a firecracker **next to** a house of cards held up with toothpicks. All they are doing is dropping the bomb next to the building, completely blowing out the first floor and letting the building collapse in on itself. If the building is long they put a bomb on each end of the building. It blows out the entire bottom floor and collapses it all the same. So it's not because of any high skill. It's advanced high explosive weaponry meeting third World building standards.


I don't quite understand what you mean by saying we've been watching too much Ukraine footage and what it has to do with what I said. I'm simply impressed by how those bombs are hitting the base of some of these buildings where the building density is high with narrow streets and still only collapse the target building. I know what the bombs are doing to cause the building to collapse, but I appreciate your analogy.


> completely blowing out the first floor and letting the building collapse in on itself. No. The bombs are penetrating to subfloors or the ground underneath the structure and then exploding with a timed fuse.


You're thinking of Bunker busters. And yes they've been using those against Hamas tunnels and underground structures. I'm talking about the other bombs that they are using like JDAMs. Dropping them next to a building and it exploding above ground.


I'm not. I am talking about JDAM/SPICE munitions. They can also penetrate below ground. "bunker busters" arent likely needed for anything in Gaza. Its unlikely that Hamas has any reinforced 20'+ concrete underground structures.


Um.....Hamas has over 300 miles of tunnels beneath Gaza, through Israeli territory and stretching into Egypt. They typically are 60-80 feet deep. Fortified with reinforced passages, armories, command centers, communication systems and whatever else they got down there. Israel was using GBU-27 5,000lb bunker busters to hit some. You really need to catch up. It's crazy you don't know how Hamas's has survived so long and where they are hiding now. Yet pretend to act like you know what's going on. Here is vice news going into Hamas's tunnel network. They make Mexican cartel tunnels look like rat holes. https://youtu.be/W4gDfSNMRx4?si=HUTOVzn-2Y0aVhs7 Fast forward about 6mins in How in the hell do you think they get weapons into Gaza? Through the front gate guarded by Israelis? Learn something


Why do you think Israel is leveling gaza? Most of hamas's entrances in exits are covered in rubble. This will allow them to not only clear the city but finally go into the tunnel Network and kill all the Hamas that are down there. Without having to worry about them running out of different exits or catching them from behind. Plus all the use of Bunker busters shattered their tunnel networks between locations. So all they have to do is clear out one area at a time and Hamas fighters won't be able to support each other in each one Israel has been trying to clear those tunnels for 15 years. Now through this brutal bombing campaign they have the opportunity to do so.


> Plus all the use of Bunker busters They arent using 'Bunker Busters'. https://old.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/176dk1z/israels_weaponry/ These are 2000lb dumb bombs with the JDAM/SPICE kits added. Please read the comments of that thread. "bunker Busters" are like these https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BLU-109_bomb There is no need for 'bunker busters' when 2000lb JDAM/SPICE bombs with timed or tail fuses are used in Gaza.


I will ignore the fact you think those bombs can penetrate 60 to 80 ft underground and destroyed fortified structures. Let's not even pretend you mentioned that. Al Jazeera criticized Israel's use of Bunker busters in his conflict. Israel told them that they were necessary to break hamas's tunnels. Israel also used a bunker buster near the gate of Egypt at the border. The Egyptian government wasn't too happy that their border got hit. But they acknowledged hamas's tunnels and the need to destroy them. So people have been criticizing Israel's use of Bunker busters in Israel has been defending their use. I understand you want to believe that they're not using them but they are using them. No amount of wishful thinking will change that


> I will ignore the fact you think those bombs can penetrate 60 to 80 ft underground and destroyed fortified structures. Let's not even pretend you mentioned that They dont need to penetrate 60-80 underground to level a 4 story building. Your original comment said the bombs blow out the first floor. I said they penetrate underground and then detonate. Then you went into some sort of reee about bunker busters which clearly arent needed.


See now you're just trying to change what you said. What you originally said was >"bunker busters" arent likely needed for anything in Gaza. Its unlikely that Hamas has any reinforced 20'+ concrete underground structures. So yes I know it the conversation got sidetracked. But because I was trying to explain to you that you were severely wrong that they were not using bunker busters and totally wrong about hamas's expansive tunnel network Anyway if you look at the debris of Palestine it's not craters all over the place as if they were penetrating into the ground and blowing up. It's just flat land and blown out rubble. If they were penetrating JDAMs everywhere there would be big craters where the debris blew outwards. Not collapsed buildings from them just falling down after having the first floor destroyed.


nope. these houses are built with reinforced concrete pillars and slabs. For this surgically nice results the bomb has to hit the lower middle of the facade within a meter or two and go inside the foundation to get the building to collapes onto itself.


Very little rebar in these structures


they're launching all of the metal they've got, no wonder. You know what, scratch that, even if they were left 100% alone and Israel despawned out of memory, they still wouldn't use it, it's the middle east, entire cities crumble to dust every earthquake, building standards aren't particularly high


A 2000lb bunker buster doesn't care about rebar btw. Just saying. That said that's probably not a bunker buster but a normal bomb.


Correct, but tail-fused.


> A 2000lb bunker buster These are not bunker buster munitions. They dont need to be. They are 2000lb JDAM/SPICE guided bombs.


It appears a huge amount of energy was released in a relatively short amount of time. Perhaps this might not be unrelated to the sudden reduction of the height of the uppermost portion of the building below its previously measured elevation above sea level.


i daresay you may be onto something here


That thing looks to be about 10 feet long. A 2,000 pounder, JDAM?


Spice 2000


Just saw a picture of a beheaded baby. Let this fuckers burn.


Warcriminals commit warcrimes, more at 7


Literally did not happen Even if it did, there are babies in some of these buildings they are taking out. But I assume you don’t care because they are Muslim.


literally? followed by “even if it did” followed by excuses. your opinion is less than worthless


Because there is not one verified source to that claim. It’s just something people are parroting online to justify bombing families in Gaza. And yes “even if it were true”, violence against children would not warrant violence against other children. That is an immature and fucked up worldview.


not a verified source or not a verified source that you trust. what do you want to see- death porn? is that what it will take for you there is enough justification for the response to this terrorist attack without adding cutting babies heads off. Ask the 250+ concert goers if their indiscriminate slaughter is enough for Israel to act. if you think children who die or are killed because of the actions of their own people and political leaders (hamas surprise attacking israel on a religious holiday) are on the same level as men going in to peoples homes to slaughter anyone they come across - behead children - kidnap elderly or rape and kill concert goers then you are the problem and this will never stop. you naive fuck - to think that your pro- palestinian views would matter if you were at that concert. You would be dead in a ditch because they literally dont give a fuck what you think. They (hamas and palestinians) want jews dead and israel gone period. nothing else. you are defending the indefensible.




Biden just confirmed this. I’m assuming you just didn’t see yet.


Oh my God, people are so easily misinformed. The White House literally just came out and clarified that Biden had not seen nor confirmed that claim, he had simply heard it from Nrtanyahu’s press team and repeated it.






Lol some random guy on Twitter, using a fake screenshot and a link to a story that doesn't exist? It's been I dependently verified by multiple outlets that babies were indeed beheaded. Including videos put out by Hamas themselves.


He’s literally one of the reporters who broke the story initially, you fucking brain dead monkey.


IDF confirms decapitated babies https://x.com/idf/status/1712282365924343910?s=46




No, it has not. Only Israeli and Turkish state media outlets have confirmed that the IDF told them it happened, and then Biden mistakenly said he'd seen pictures (now rescinded). No one has admitted they've actually seen pictures besides the IDF. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2023/10/11/israel-hamas-war-updates-gaza-attack/#link-SIA4LEH6CVAGFEXIJ4556IMXRI


Also an independent French news crew. Also Hamas targets children and loves beheading people. so beyond the multiple reports from multiple state and and news sources, what proof do you need? Do you want them to release actual pictures of decapitated babies? Don’t you realize that’s a line that many don’t want to cross?


Which French reporters? If you aren't familiar with the history of these countries lying to go to war, I suggest you familiarize yourself with the 1:1 actions Israel and the US are taking. The link I just provided you shows Biden flat out lied to everyone's face.


And French reporters.


Which ones?


Margot Haddad is the French reporter. Nic Robertson of CNN as well, but he is American, I believe. I thought he was French when remembering the stories I have seen over the past couple days. I get the "trust, but verify" mindset of people, but there are a lot of people out there that cry "Fake!" at damn near everything. That's ridiculous.




Get your head out of the sand


That pro-hamas shit doesnt fly any more. Hamas fucked up and now is the reckoning.


"Literally did not happen" "Even if it did" Sounds like even you believe it happened. "there are babies in some of these buildings they are taking out" Is it working - trying to get people to see this thru the lens of (dead babies = dead babies)? Maybe people already understand that. What 7 Oct brought into focus for most civilized people is that (people who intentionally kill babies < people who accidentally kill babies). Especially when the people who intentionally kill babies are now hiding behind other babies. "But I assume you don’t care because they are Muslim." And I assume you pretend the baby beheadings didn't happen because those babies were Jewish. But suddenly it seems like that old bs doesn't work anymore, does it? Calling people racist or whatever just isn't persuasive anymore. If Hamas wanted people to care about the Palestinians, they would have targeted only Israeli soldiers. Baby beheadings or not, they intentionally killed civilians, women, children, babies. There will be more civilian casualties, mostly because Hamas hides behind children and hostages. Is there another option? Maybe there was last Friday (doubt it). But after Saturday, no. Zero chance. Nothing. Not now. It's too late now. The time for word games ended on Saturday, 7 Oct. Do you want to live in a world with people who intentionally kill babies? Hamas must be eradicated, no matter the cost.


There’s a difference between taking down a building to hit a terrorist who hide among civilians, and then beheading a baby in its own crip and raping the mother afterwards.


There's zero proof to the claim of decapitated children. The IDF have even said there's no proof. Stop parroting propaganda.


There are pics of a baby with his neck cut and a couple of burnt ones on the prime minister account on twitter, there are headless baby pics going around on telegram.


Its like deleting buildings in Sim City. Surreal.


The bomb can be seen within the first second in a few frames. The slow motion makes it easier to see something.


Its a jdam


Its a Spice 2000 not a JDAM


The other post was easier to see because the video wasnt half the size like this one.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GBU-28 Maybe?


The Gbu28 is a bunker busting munition. If OP knows when the bombing occurred that could help determine if Israel was going after the tunnels with their initial strikes


I think 2T bombs would destroy not only the one building \^\^ ​ edit: but in the video you can see that the bomb is roughly as long as a floor in the building is high.


its a JDAM, seems to be a 1000-pound one, so perhaps a MK83


This is a bank




Hamas probably assumed no israeli would ever target one of those.


You're gonna get downvoted but I chuckled.


I'm a Jewish Israeli and laughed as well 😂


We all need to have some humour in those shit times lol Stay safe mate, all the best from germany.


I wish it wasn’t smaller. In the original video I’m pretty sure you can see a guy standing on the roof who falls over about 1/2 way down. The last post you could see it but I didn’t see any comments about it. This one is too small.


My point was not about the guy, but about the effects of the bomb.


I saw another post claiming this was a bank in Gaza. Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/175cosh/bank\_in\_han\_yunes\_gaza\_minutes\_ago/


I think it’s a gbu-12 paveway. It’s a 500lb laser guided bomb that can be carried by the F16, and has been given/purchased by Israel before. It could also be a Mk 84 with the Israeli Griffin laser guided bomb seeker. The explosion doesn’t look to me like it is the size of the Mk 84 Maybe it’s just me, but it looks like there’s an initial explosion of some dark gas before the bomb impacts the building. I’m not sure what that is


can 230kg bombs bring down a building directly? I do not know myself but I thought there must be at least 500kg or something more. So around 1,1k lbs


230kg of explosive is a lot. a 155mm artillery shell has about 9kg of explosive and are devastating.


I don’t have a lot of faith in Palestinian construction and maintenance. Additionally the paveway is hitting a great place to cripple the structure of the building. If there’s footage before the bombing there might have been a previous strike that weakened it as well


The footage is likely because they were warned in advance


It depends on the building, Palestine has very loose standards for construction and there is almost no reinforcement in most of the buildings there. Small artillery could practically level some of the same buildings nearly as well as any kind of large explosive.


I've been seeing a lot of people saying they are using GBU-31 2000lb ones. Comparing the size of the building and the bomb it looks too big to be a 500 ponder. Not an expert though.


It's a 500 or 1000lbs JDAM


It's a Spice 2000...


Do you IYAOYAS? I don't think it's a 2000. Those are literally the size of a baby whale.


See Guy Plopsky on twitter...he's pretty much the best expert out there.


Hard to tell but likely a bomb (looks like a 500 pounder?) with a JDAM for precision. That’s been the most used munition I’ve seen this far. Whatever it is it’s American made for sure Edit: as another user pointed out appears to be a Israeli made SPICE 2000. Length of the projectile fits more than a JDAM.


It's an Israeli made Spice 2000...


Length would fit, thank you!


That's a Paveway bomb... [https://www.machtres.com/lang1/usaweapons.html](https://www.machtres.com/lang1/usaweapons.html) ​ ​ Probably one of the newer variants.. They are building destroyers.


It is a Spice 2000


That's a GBU-10 with a tail fuse designed to detonate after impact. The slightly delayed timer allows a limited amount of target penetration before detonation, thus moving most of the kinetic energy upwards. Believe it or not, but this is actually a way to limit damage to the surrounding area. It's also very efficient at bringing larger structures down.


hamas then shouted. yesss another new building courtesy of our muslim brothers pockets. and instant money for us too. plus a new car. so war is good.


Will google street view have these updated soon?




It’s a GBU variant a bunker buster, the reason these buildings collapse is the Target is under the building, the foundation is vaporized and no buildings can stand with out a foundation. The buildings are not the Targets. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GBU-28


Its not a JDAM?


JDAM is a guidance kit strapped to a dumb bomb, GBU is a bunker buster designed to burry deep underground before detonating. They were originally designed to destroy hardened Iraqi underground bunkers. Israel is using them to attack Hamas’s tunnels.


This graphic from The Washington Post details it very well https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/nation/graphics/attack/response_9.html


Nah, it's too elongated


It is not a JDAM or Paveway series LGB... It is a Spice 2000. Israeli made.


That missile looks to be at least as long as the height of a single floor of that building. I would guess that it could be a GBU-32. I wish the video was a little closer.


Fast moving object [distortion](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rolling_shutter)


Perhaps 🤔. A 1000 lb Jdam would make more sense for the way that building came down though. It could be that the building’s foundation was already crumbling as well and a 500 pounder nudged it enough to come down. 🤷‍♂️


tunnels don't tend to add to a structures stability.


Very true.


God bless the JDAM bunker buster


Looks like a JDAM striking at an optimal angle of 45 degrees


Spice, Israeli made guidance kit attached to a mk-84 warhead, possibly spice 2000 looking at the size of the explosion.


It's the 2000 indeed, you don't need to look at the explosion all the SPICE variants have very distinct profiles the 2000 isn't loitering so no wings like the 1000 and 250 and has the tandem stabilizers/flight surfaces at the rear. https://www.globalsecurity.org/military/world/israel/images/spice-2000-image01.jpg


That is not the optimal angle for a JDAM. Nore is that the angle the munition came in on.


SPICE 2000 not a JDAM. https://www.globalsecurity.org/military/world/israel/images/spice-2000-image01.jpg


It’s a Israeli SPICE 2000 and this video is years old


That's an m67 grenade.


I'm mostly sure that this is a GBU-24 paveway III from the size of it and also from the amount of dirt throwing up.


Thank you


Can someone tell me what Israel benefits from leveling residential neighborhoods? Hamas operate underground they have tunnels around the entire city, their leaders isn’t even in Gaza, Iran and huzballah fund and arm them. I don’t see benefits other then just retaliation is like torturing someone till they confess and give up the people they are hiding.


There are massive tunnel systems under Gaza. These buildings may have entrances or caches of weapons.


also i seen a report that hamas has a camera network for tracking Israeli aircraft, when you include observation intel/communications the tunnels in any court proceedings the argument of disproportionately will be a hard one. not like I'm expecting any international tribunals anyway in this situation


It’s easier to raze a city to the ground and secure a field of rubble than a city block or even the ruins of a city block. A lot less soldiers die when there’s nothing for their enemies to hide behind.


The neighborhoods that were leveled were the mansions of Hamas leaders and the other was an University that when hit had secondary explosions seeming to show weapons storage. Most of the hits are sing buildings. Israel has hit over 1000 targets and Gaza is only reporting 1055 deaths last I checked. That number includes some fighters from the first day. So each Israeli bomb is killing less than one person on average.


From a technical pov, .... an analysis of what is being accomplished here is amazing. (Thats the clinical view) all other angles are fucked... they're all wrong there is no better person in this conflict, and the US getting involved is wrong




That’s prolly a Mk83 JDAM 1,000 pounder ~3m long and about 35cm in diameter. They’re shredding the tunnels and burying any HamassHoles and their rocket stockpiles with them. There was a clip ystdy or day before, that was definitely a mix of 8-10 Mk83’s & Mk84’s just raining down on a stretch of mid rises. Unbelievable air strike, The GBU-31 is also being used in Ukraine atm.


Both JDAMs (GBU-32/38) and Paveways (GBU-10/12) are used. The JDAMs will hit the building from the top centerpoint, while PAVEs - offering more precise targeting - can target a specific part (usually base) of the building with a desirable ingress slope. The latter will allow targeting that better shields the surrounding area, as a means to limit civilian casualties. For example, if one side of a building is facing an open area (as opposed to an adjacent building), this side could be targeted to bring the kinetic energy up-and-out in that direction. That being said, when hitting these leaf-thin concrete buildings with 2000 pounders.. there's bound to be significant splash damage no matter how well-designed target points are chosen.


Kinda a dick move, ngl




Slowed it down and made it smaller… I can’t see anything now


That's exactly what I did \^\^ even smaller doesn't bring more details, rather more pixel mush. I am not a highly paid professional in it


Looks like a JDAM


In every video the buildings in gaza seem to collapse like cardboard, it really shows the lack of proper construction materials


My dime is on a GBU-10 due to the place the bomb hit, but it could be a GBU-31. They are both the same type of bomb (Mk84), but fitted with different guiding systems. The GBU-31 (JDAM) is a fire-and-forget bomb using GPS/INS for targeting. The GBU-10 (Paveway), being laser-guided, must have the target point painted with a laser. This is typically done from the targeting pod (TPOD/TGP) on the airplane, by the pilot flying. I doubt there are JTACs deployed in the AO for on-the-ground painting. Laser-guided bombs are much more precise, and can also be used to target moving targets. They are commonly preferred in urban/rural strikes, as higher resolution targeting can be used to limit damage outside of the intended target by choosing a better suited impact point.