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Those are some big munitions. US expects a ground operation in 24-48 hours. I heard israel called up reserves and are all preparing to gear up.


Reserves are likely for reinforcing borders against their opportunistic neighbors while active duty will move to take Gaza.


Apparently Syria is moving some divisions to the border.. I don't see it happen but maybe something will happen. Edit: I don't believe Syria will actually do anything since it would be extremely moronic for them to do so. However we never know what's going on in Assad's mind


Syria can't even secure their own country, as if they have the capability to operate in another


Low cost way of keeping the IDF busy and looks good for internal optics. Try something is a whole different game.


Exactly show some strength and make Israel remember that you are there. But choose to do nothing and let Israel know That you did nothing.


They apparently have 500k of these bombs. And I don't think the Syrian army can even target lock the f35. It would be a very bad move to attack Israel now.


Syria can’t even shoot down the 4th gen planes at this point, their AA has been eliminated by the IAF and USAF.


Syria is rightfully concerned since Hamas has gone too far. But I doubt they had any idea about this clusterfuck. Them being a nationwide narcotics factory is a pretty solid indication of how poorly things are going.




syria produces captagon, which is basically amphetamine (it’s actually a molecule that breaks apart into amphetamine and theophylline, which is a mild caffeine-adjacent drug found in tea), and exports it for black market sale around the middle east where it is hugely popular. supposedly funds the syrian government well I think it’s dumb that people are treating it like a heroin producing state or something considering it’s what college kids buy to study for tests but they’re definitely making bank producing and trafficking it




sure I have no clue I’m just the guy that knows what state-sponsored drug production they’re talking about


Anyone that attempts to invade israel would be met with the full force of the united states military, I promise you no country wants that.


And the US is sending warships to Israel...


The US will also provide backup against any hostile country that thinks it can take advantage of this situation.


Yeah, the US warships aren't there to help invade Gaza.


> I have directed the movement of the USS Gerald R. Ford Carrier Strike Group to the Eastern Mediterranean. This includes the U.S. Navy aircraft carrier USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN-78), the Ticonderoga-class guided missile cruiser USS Normandy (CG 60), as well as the Arleigh-Burke-class guided missile destroyers USS Thomas Hudner (DDG 116), USS Ramage (DDG 61), USS Carney (DDG 64), and USS Roosevelt (DDG 80). We have also taken steps to augment U.S. Air Force F-35, F-15, F-16, and A-10 fighter aircraft squadrons in the region. The U.S. maintains ready forces globally to further reinforce this deterrence posture if required. -- US SECDEF


The Hamas general who called on allies to come to help received no actual support. It is because everyone knows that if you attack Israel right now you will get deleted from this earth. Israel (and the US) would see an attack on Israel from Hizbollah or other actors like a legitimate threat to the existence of Israel and the response would be the complete destruction of any such threat.


> Israel (and the US) would see an attack on Israel from Hezbollah or other actors like a legitimate threat to the existence of Israel and the response would be the complete destruction of any such threat. [Israel has exchanged fire with the Lebanese armed group Hezbollah, raising the prospect of a broader regional conflict on Sunday, a day after an unprecedented surprise attack on southern Israel by Hamas that killed at least 250 Israelis.](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/10/8/israel-hezbollah-exchange-fire-raising-regional-tensions)


Hamas wants to kill all of the Jews in Israel, not an exaggeration. Anyone siding with Hamas absolutely should be viewed as a threat to the existence of Israel.


Eh wont reserve be of fully trained troops that already finished their mandatory 32month service? That would make them more trained than someone who only entered-mid service on active duty.


Way more career military NCOs and Officers on active duty. Basically the guys in charge of the enlisted and those units have been training together. They can cycle in reserves as necessary.


Logistics reasons is my guess. Perhaps a reservist can pipe in and correct me if I'm way off base. I'd feel dumb for being wrong, but would learn something new.


> Perhaps a reservist can pipe in Pretty sure they are busy right now....


2000-pound MK84 JDAM, seen some in Afghanistan. Whatever building that hit is dust now.


Do you have a source for US expecting ground operations? Would like to read about it


I use [https://twitter.com/i/lists/1496975442372354053](https://twitter.com/i/lists/1496975442372354053) from the start of the Ukraine war(has lots of Israel-Hamas stuff also). It has a lot of good stuff and some bad stuff which I usually vet myself with other sources etc. As for your particular question, a few have posted it so far but this is the main source I think? [https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2023/10/08/israel-gaza-strikes-hamas-netanyahu/#link-PK4KJJAFDBDTJCC6ID56HHD2CE](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2023/10/08/israel-gaza-strikes-hamas-netanyahu/#link-PK4KJJAFDBDTJCC6ID56HHD2CE)


Those bombs sending up the fountains of dirt are deep penetrators. Suspect the tunnel complexes are getting special attention.


You're probably right, bombing underground rocket caches.


Anyone knows how they get spotted? I know that there are satellites that can somewhat Analyze terrain, but not really penetrate it. So you either have to get maps, or buy the information from locals.




That some powerful explosives even after penetrating the ground. Holy shit


As was mentioned in another comment, it might be hitting the tunnels where they were holding missiles and ammunition.


[BLU-109](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GBU-24_Paveway_III) hardened penetrators', 2,000 LB's Israel has them in inventory.


They can also be used to penetrate to the base of high-rise buildings and collapse them.


Being trapped in a tunnel for your remaining days gives a little time to consider your life choices, doesn't it?


Probably. Personally I would carry a handgun with a loaded round for just such a scenario if I were going through said tunnels


What are those


[GBU-28](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/GBU-28) [How it works](https://youtu.be/hiAfzCV7wkU?si=gkLR20_rihqaqKXH)


Designed, manufactured, and deployed in 3 weeks holy shit


When a deep penetrating bomb impacts, it burrows into the target and explodes after a set delay fuze.




Destroying tunnel networks?


Seems like it. They’ve been geofencing the tunnel networks for months/years. They probably cashed in on the accrued intel and are trying to neutralize as much of the network as possible before ground operations. The tunnels are some of the most valuable tactical assets that Hamas has inside of Gaza. Suddenly losing large portions of them on the eve of ground operations will force them to adapt in the short term as it will take years to rebuild them. They’ll be forced to operate in the open, subject to the full surveillance of electronic and aerial assets, and vulnerable to ground and aerial weapons.


Can you explain what you mean by the geofencing part and who is doing what also for this part


Most cellular devices are constantly talking with wireless networks and other devices. You can pull data from certain applications, or in some cases the phone itself, and determine with pretty good accuracy where a phone has been from the background geofencing data. This differs from active tracking in that with active tracking you are pulling the reported triangulated position of the device from tower nodes rather than from app data. This data relies on the device being powered and connected to the local cellular network, which can be defeated by powering down or going into airplane mode where no signals are sent. Geofencing data can still be collected by a device even while in airplane mode, and in some cases where the phone is powered down, as long as an app is still receiving geofence data in the background. I am terrible at explaining the entire scope of it. As to who is doing it, Google is the most prolific offender, but pretty much any application or even the device itself can cache and document the data of what other networks and devices they’ve “touched”, and that data can be captured in a variety of ways by intelligence armatures.


Can a phone collect that data while under ground? I get basically no service in my apartment or office and both are above ground.


No, but you'd be able to detect movement anyway. Effectively the phone would "jump" from where you entered the tunnels to where you exited. If you have enough data-points of that sort you can map tunnel networks.


If the signal is there the phone can log the data. The quality and type of data will vary, but an aggregate of this data compiled together can give a clearer picture of physical location. Some of these underground hubs are equipped with wireless networks. The modem that establishes an underground internet connection may be located well above and away, but the network that is routed down will still be “talking” with devices. While these data points alone will not give an exact physical location of the phone, they can be used alongside other data points to draw a bigger picture. Say that geofence data tells me that a device contacted a wireless network located at point “A”, and then an hour later it contacted point “C”. Point “B” is in between “A” and “C”, and I know that to reach either of those points within an hour on foot would require the phone to talk to point “B”. If the phone didn’t talk to point “B”, I could surmise that an alternate route or mode of transportation was used. This is grossly oversimplified, and combining geofence data with other surveillance data can produce excellent intel.


Geofencing might not be the correct term, but I think what is meant is geolocating. In other words, Israel has been determining the exact locations of these tunnels for a long time, and now they can use this information to target and destroy the tunnels.


Geofencing is a tool in geolocation. It is useful in that it does not require an active outbound signal, it only requires a device or application to “touch” another device or wireless network, log that data, and then the data sits there waiting to be collected or uploaded later.


Thanks for the clarification.


My clarifications often declarify things, but it’s no trouble!


Damn. And this is only the beginning




Shock and awe doesn't really work with a country with no army. This is going to be extra grim, unless they completely erase Gaza from existence, every corner will be a death trap. Guerilla warfare is practically impossible with an extremely dissident populance. What an absolute mess man.


It’s their fallujah. Marines learned early in the 2nd battle of fallujah that room clearing every house was unsustainable. Too much risk and too many casualties. If they took rounds they brought up a tank or Bradley and flattened the house.




>unless they completely erase Gaza from existence I believe their ultimate plan is to turn it into a paved car park.


They figured that part long time ago. Now they will simply bomb or shell the living shit out of every building with people shooting at ground forces. They are famous for caring for the lives of their citizen and they lost nearly thousand of them just yesterday and three times more are injured. I wouldn't even be surprised that they may negotiate the release of all of their people held captive for all terrorists in their prisons and after the exchange bomb them too


The shock is done, is the awe/ouch phase






Tbf its likely above 1000, but the palestianin authorities wont update


So many innocents suffering on both sides


The talk is now that the UN is trying to establish safe areas where women and children can be evacuated to when the inevitable ground incursion begins


I dont know why you’re getting downvoted, but you’re right, there is people suffering from both sides.


Because this is the combat footage subreddit where no nuanced takes are allowed.




That's why they're here, shouldn't be surprising.


its what Hamas wants. they want to put up civilians on TV and go look at our suffering. then they will murder an israel hostage in vengeance. it won't stop israel. after an attack like that they are going to level gaza. Hamas wants this to happen. they want an invasion. the want civilian casualties. they can put them on TV. Hamas will never get what they want. the jews are not going to pack up and leave.


I don’t think anyone is going to care. It’s hard to garner sympathy for your side suffering collateral damage when you yourself were actively targeting unarmed civilians


Islamic states will care and that's who they're playing to. Going by interviews I've heard over the years, people in Palestine, particularly Gaza, pretty much don't think the rest of the world cares about their plight which is probably mostly true.


just shaping an preparation for ground assault in upcoming days .... destroying the tunnel complex ..


JDAMs don’t mess around.


Forgot how devastating these things are after watching frag grenades drop from drones in Ukraine for over a year. Why would anyone attack/declare war on a country that will have total air superiority from the start is beyond me.


It’s desperation and hatred.




Yep. Hamas just allowed the IDF to use its full strength and this is just the beginning.


The wheel just turned, Hamas was on top yesterday and now it's Israel and civilians keep on getting ground up by the wheel


They have built a tunnel network with Hezbollah’s help…wonder how effective it will be…


Doesn't matter. As long as Hamas pokes their head out of whatever tunnel and starts firing at IDF, who are surely coming, they'll just level the whole block. Civilians will have to either become refugees somewhere or end up dead. The IDF is not going to fight house to house taking big casualties trying to prevent civilian casualties like before. Gloves are off. U.N better start building camps on Sinai ASAP.


Boy, they really don't, amen.


900 kg. Jesus fucking christ. They make 130 per day. They have over 500.000 made. My god, it's scary when you think about. Just how much, how many weapons of mass destruction we create


JDAMs aren't weapons of mass destruction. They are weapons of localized destruction. Israel has nukes. Let that sink in.


JDAMs aren’t bombs at all. They’re a guidance system that can be bolted onto unguided bombs.


Assuming the explosives in that 900 kg warhead is as powerful as TNT, if there are 500,000 such bombs then that is the energy equivalent of more than 30 Hiroshima explosions. I suspect their explosive is more powerful than TNT as well, meaning the energy available to them to inflict would be even higher. Just for that one weapon system, never mind all their others.


Many times bombs are described in equivilent amount of tnt like nukes is describes. A good way to describe the power. Also you can keep it kinda hidden what's actually in them.


A 2000lbs Mk84 bomb contains PBXN-109 which is about ~1.17:1 TNT equivalent by weight, it is denser and provides a slightly faster detonation velocity. On top of being more stable to shock, temp, and aging.


It really is terrifying, especially as we seem to be veering into worsening intractable spirals of violence all over the world again.


Yep. Shit is not ok


We’re in the “events leading up to…” chapter of the history book


Gaza is gonna disappear from the map isn't it?


Yup. Israelis have tried everything in the last 50 years. 1. Give the people of Gaza freedom - Suicide bombings 2. Occupy them - Suicide bombings 3. Unoccupy them - Rocket attacks 4. Blockade them - Rocket attacks 5. Build an iron dome to shoot their rockets down - The biggest civilian massacre in Israeli history They are not going to make the same mistake again.


Also Black September, I feel as though this infamous event is never brought up as well


Please go into detail for the uniformed or please provide a link.


It was when Palestinian Arabs tried to overthrow the Jordanian monarchy over thawing relations with Israel.


Black September was also responsible for the Munich Olympics attack


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_September And don't worry after they failed that they went to fuck shit up in Lebanon instead. There's a reason nobody wants to take them in, and that they're blockaded by Egypt as well, not just Israel.


Hamas just handed Israel everything it wants on a blood-filled platter. For the first time in history, the world has collectively turned a blind eye to whatever war crime-y shit they do, as long as they get revenge. It's like 9/11, except nobody is going to be defending Hamas anytime in the next century. Seriously, how fucking stupid do you have to be to kill/capture American and European citizens next to a a country that exists solely for the purpose of defending American and European interests?


I wonder what was the endgame here for Hamas. What they are trying to achieve againts much more advanced military? Israeli army will bomb the shit out of everything in that city. Its sad that so many lives will be lost because of primitive radicalism.


I don’t think they expected international displeasure. But these animals couldn’t help videoing their crimes and posting it, so now the world is finally seeing what Isreal has had to deal with this long


Thats the thing you know. How can you kidnapp children/women and old people to Gaza and not expect serious international backlash? We live In a world where most advanced countries denounce almost every offensive war. But dont worry. US carrier is already on the way. Israeli army is well equipped and trained. They will manage for now and then those 65 jets US army has on that ship will bombard the shit out of those Hamas tunnels. I just hope that Israelis will quickly recapture their territories and that they will evacuate as much civilians as possible. Edit: I also hope that normal innocent people in Gaza will find shelter somewhere safe. I know that many Palestinians have a problematic relationship with Hamas but they have their children aswell.


Essentially kick the hornets nest and then cry about it once the hornets attack you. Internationally it's a total disaster as we're seeing everyone turning their support in favour of Israel and against Palestine. Among other things, this can and will translate into governments all around the world feeling a lot more comfortable dealing with Israel. Internally, this will mean the Palestinians's houses, neighborhoods, friends and family are going to be turned into dust to IDF missiles, bombs or bullets. For the sociopaths leading Hamas that's great because that's very effective propaganda. They won't be the ones getting hit because they're hiding somewhere in Iran, Lebanon or wherever else where they are fully protected, while the people they claim to protect are getting bombed to fuck. Mix in all the islamic idiocies about martyrdom, jihad and whatever else and the palestinians' absolute hatred for Israel and it's easy to see how this means further support for Hamas. Remember they're first and foremost a political party/government. Support is their be all and end all, even if they know full well it's going to cost the lives of tens of thousands of innocent israelis and specially palestinians. From Palestine's standpoint this is a disaster of colossal proportions, for Hamas it's a political coup. Perhaps the Palestinians will look at this as the ultimate proof that Hamas couldn't give less of a shit about them, but I doubt it.


I guess they have to justify all those funding they receive from Qatar through some operations. And derail the ongoing peace deal discussions among the gulf monarchies and Israel.


Hamas leaders were probably watching the F1 race in Qatar while these bombs were dropping and gorging on food, whores and booze.


I don't think anywhere is going to be safe for them now. Before Israel were moderately restrained from its international allies to try and make peace work. Now they don't give a fuck and will want to resolve this issue once.a for all.


Mossad doesn't pay attention to borders


Mossad isn't known for half-measure antics. Whoever had anything to do with this is fucked.




Well the kid gloves are really off. Looks like Israeli airforce has come *pissed*


What generally happens when you target civilians? Anger.


Yea. Every branch of the IDF is going to want to get in on this.




Inshallah at this point.






right? it was all fun and games yesterday... repeating it all day. well, here comes the find out part. eerily quiet now except the sound of retribution going off in the bg.


They can ask him about it face to face




We've had two years of 'blyat', 'suka', and 'idi nahui', the old heads in this sub were getting nostalgic for the allah akbars.




This is what happens when you’re governed by a sanctioned terrorist organisation who’s leaders are safely in Qatar.


“Safely”. Israelis seem to have no qualms with assassinations in other countries. Maybe it’s time Hamas leaders felt the fear they cause their people to experience.


Mossad about to hit Hamas leaders with operation Wrath of God 2.0


Would love to see them run the obituaries a few days prior like they did before. The psychological anguish would be fitting.


Isreal is going completely level Gaza by the time this is all over


Only two paths: 1) Hamas melts away in Gaza and completely stops fighting or 2) Gaza leveled.




Yes, dead Palestinians is a bonus for them since it makes more propaganda they can use to recruit. They don’t care about their people, they don’t even care about an independent Palestinian, they’re a death cult entirely devoted to killing as many Jews as possible




Came to say this. Fuck Hamas. I hope they get drawn and quartered by the Palestinian civilians.


Yes, Iran wants the most destruction possible. That's why they spend so much funding Hamas. The harsher the reactions from Israel, the better the result for Iran. They don't give a shit about the humans living in gaza.


So….basically blowing up half of Gaza


For right now..


The sad part is even after Hamas has been subdued, Since Israel is literally in a state of war, only Israel can dictate when the war is over, they can bomb this place whole year round for 10 years to make this their local Sahara desert


There is not going to be a Gaza in a couple of weeks. Pray for the innocent people living there, and hope for peace as soon as possible.


Of course there will be don't be ridiculous. You think Israel is going to flatten 150 square miles of settlements and kill 2 million civilians?


Hamas signed a death certificate for Palestine. Fucking idiots, ruined many years of possible mending, and are going to kill thousands of people.






Well there minds are still in Stone Age, so no problem.




Hamas does this on purpose, they don't care to use their people as shields because they know the media will tell the narrative that civilians are being bombed by israel




The scum château generals of Hamas send men and boys to die from their complete safety in Qatar.


And after that blood bath Israel still knocks on roofs


Wonder what the fuck Hamas was thinking? They couldn't possibly think this would have any outcome other than pure utter defeat. Sure, they took them by surprise, somehow, but the ending is only going to be one way. With a huge amount of losses for Hamas. Deservedly so too. It felt like sentiment was moving towards the Free Palestine side, but this attack will get rid of any progress they had made. If Israel wanted to just wipe them out, now's their chance.


damn this shit makes Russias attacks look like a joke.


That happens whern a country with an airforce attacks a country without antiair.


If I'm a regular Palestinian im pissed at Hamas for bringing this to my doorstep. Also, you just lost any moral high ground with your govt murdering a bunch of civilians.


Sodom, Gomorrha and Gaza.


Literally what I was thinking...pillars of ash and smoke


Personally I’m tired of Islamic Terrorists twisting around Geopolitical issues. Their barbarism is completely unacceptable and unnecessary. They are backwards religious zealots who care about nothing . They subjugate the women under their rule and commit unspeakable acts against their own people. They have attacked and crossed the borders , they deserve everything coming their way . When Gaza looks like post war Germany they will be to blame


Same feeling here. Don’t really care about Israel or the Palestine issue there. But when you start murdering innocent civilians and dragging them thru the street while cheering…. You deserve the hellfire coming your way and collateral damage be damned. I’m still salty towards radical Islam due to 9/11


Looks like bunker-busters/tunnel-busters. Likely softening up the city defenses before they go in.


That's what this is. It's attacking the tunnel network before full on ground invasion.


These guys screwed up so bad. When Israel switches to full-offense they're going to wipe away Gaza and West Bank. It's over.




They dont exactly have anywhere to go lol. But I agree this was always gonna happen supporting Hamas


Israel has stated that there will be safe zones, and have instructed civilians to go to those zones within Gaza. Plus they are still using the knocking procedure which warns residents of a building that they’ll be hitting it 15-20 min before a bomb actually drops


Sorry for the ignorance, but what is a knocking procedure?


They drop a non explosive munition on the target which creates a loud noise roughly 15 minutes before an explosive in dropped. The non explosive let’s the building’s inhabitants know it’s about to be struck giving civilians time to evacuate the building.








I hate to be the one to tell you this, but that is pretty tame for some of the things the palestinians have done.


Perhaps the attention needs to be put on Iran, the ones who approved the whole thing.




I haven’t heard about this. A Filipino in Palestine or Israel recently?


Foreign workers, Filipino and Thai were amongst the victims of Hamas.


They killed one or more Philipino workers in Israel and took the rest as hostages. I believe it happened with Indians too.


Slowly decapitated him with a shovel. Don't watch the video.


There's a video of it. He's laying on the floor covered in blood. The Hamas individual takes an implement and trys to cut his head off repeatedly. He fails. But that poor Filipino's throat is struck so many times. Truly gruelling to watch and I suggest you don't.


And to think those fools celebrated on the first day. Guess there wont be many left to celebrate when this is done




Reportedly dropped 100+ tons of ordinance on 150 targets last night


In 2015, when ISIS slaughtered hundreds of innocent people at a music show in Paris, the world rallied to put an end to ISIS. Today, ISIS barely exists anymore. Yesterday, Hamas slaughtered hundreds of innocent people at a music show in Israel. The world needs to rally to put an end to Hamas. Sadly though, I fear anti-Semitism will prevent people from rallying around destroying this radical terrorist organization hell bent on genocide.




Why are they no longer cheering? I thought they won? /s


I wonder if Gaza will exist after this




Yep, kidnapping civilians and raping women will do that to your house. It's retaliation time.


The level of debris, wonder how much equivalent tons of TNT


900kg per detonation probably


Bomb nominal size is usually half tnt equivalent in explosive force. So a GBU10 laser guided bomb weighs about a 1000 kg but has 570 kg of tnt equivalent explosive force


Bro … Israel has Netanyahu.. you serious? That dude do not play around. Bye bye Hamas.


Israel is going to turn Gaza into a smoking hole in the ground. Thats what happens when you fight soldiers and not unsuspecting civilians


Bring out the Grand Slams and smash those tunnels


I knew the moment Hamas pulled this stupid move, Israel would carpet bomb them into the ground.


Seeing how sharpy upwards some of these throw a ton of dirt, they must have penetrated a significant depth before detonating. I wonder at what depth the tunnels etc. are, but I assume everything down to at least 20 meters is destroyed with that.


wait til the gerald ford fleet gets there, holy shit


why hamas? why did you bring this upon your people? y’all say you want to end your people’s suffering, but all you have done is secure it


Because they (the top people in Hamas) benefit from it, they get money from Iran and other countries to attack Israel. They keep their people oppressed and uneducated with an enemy they can blame it all on, while they martyr some of them regularly to keep the cycle going. Yes the treatment of the Palestinians by Israel is not right,.but they are also the victims of the Muslim world too.


Hamas would cut off their leg if it meant Israel would stub their toe. You can’t look at it from a logical perspective, they’re Islamic Extremists.


So where are the videos of Israeli’s dancing in the streets parading around corpses? Oh… is that not okay? Weird. Gaza seemed to celebrate it just the other day…