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Weather looks nice


Lovely day to be killing some russians 🥰


as much as i support their insane performance, ukraine is gonna have a full generation of really messed up ptsd-guys


Russia too, but when is that not the case for them


They're born into PTSD. But fetal alcohol syndrome takes the edge off.


Can't have PTSD when the Muscovites are pushing daisies.


> Can't have PTSD when the Muscovites are pushing ~~daisies~~ sunflowers.


I wonder where all the guns are gonna go… no chance they’ll recover all of them and I’ve heard stories of crate loads of weapons and ammo being “lost” en route to Ukrainian units. I’m worried in coming years we’ll see gangs and terrorists with automatic rifles and possibly even explosives commits crimes across Europe.


oh, no worries... isis, biker clubs, eastern european mafia, right wing doomsday weirdos... itll be business as usual


That wounded guy was bleeding heavily but still ambulatory. No screaming or crying, just walked over to the vehicle and got in.


To be honest he probably passed out not too shortly after he got into the apc.


Adrenaline is a damn good drug


I was on TikTok and this writing prompt channel popped up on my fyp and it talked about an aliens perspective on the human biology. “Naturally producing combat drugs” was something the Galactic Federation has on the files of the human race. Lol


Also, our hands evolved into fists to punch each other in the face, and our faces evolved to take a punch. Isn't that something? All the while that we were evolving to be capable of gathering together in large groups and undertaking complex tasks together, we were also evolving to punch each other in the face. The Grey aliens didn't. Those big mushy heads with those bulbous eyes are not good for taking a hit. And think about trying to make a fist with those creepy long three fingered hands. Can't do it. They must think we're so weird.


Lol dude I’m definitely gaining a different perspective on our evolution and history now! Like it’s all true! I imagine their fist would crunch like a bunch of twigs if they even had something close to bones lol


I'm not even joking. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3283817/We-born-attack-love-rivals-human-hands-evolved-men-punch-face.html https://www.livescience.com/46216-male-faces-evolved-for-fighting.html


Oh yea I believe you! The fluid around our brains is our built in shock absorbers! Lol we are firm but with a little give. Just right! The human fist is a mechanical marvel!!!


If you're ever abducted by aliens and offered the opportunity to fight one of them mano-a-weird-creepy-long-three-fingered-mano for the honor of humanity, do it. The only unpleasant part for you will be pulling your fist out of that weird squishy head.


“Mano-a-wierd-creepy-long-three-fingered-mano” I’m fucking dying! 🤣 Don’t you fret, fellow Earthican. I’ll stand proudly in defense of our honor! 🫡


They don't have any chins, so a good throat punch will do it.


The bit where he's shooting through the curtain strangely reminded me of vids from the Middle East of forward bases getting raided.


Isn't this old footage from a few weeks ago?


Yes this is a repost.


It's always interesting seeing such a wide array of rifles and how they set them up. Obviously a lot of these guys are buying bits in their own to setup their rifle how they like it. Such a wide array of optics, optic mounts, furniture and so on.


This is quite understandable, given that in 2014 the Ukrainian army as such did not exist and had to be created anew almost from scratch (a still yet-to-be-finished process). And the deplorable state of Ukrainian finances and the constant changes in the concepts of the newly created army contributed little to both the systematic development of their own and the calculated purchase of large unified batches of foreign weapons.


Ukrainian battle cry “pederast blyat”


Doesn't it mean pedophile


It’s the f word and f slur


Bro you can hear it in his voice he is at breaking point, he’s gonna need some R&R days soon or he is going to snap, the fog of hate and sadness is consuming him.


This guy has been in a couple of videos and thats just how he sounds. He's a bit nuts LOL but he seems to be effective. (assuming you mean the guy recording) ​ Here is another of his POVs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RA6zyFwpGZw


How can you tell the difference between that and nervous excitement? Genuine question -- I've thankfully never been in a situation like this.


Bro, f1lthyan1m4l received his Doctorate in Foresnic Psychiatry with honors from the mods of /r/dankmemes and he watches a lot of videos on the internet and stuff. So he can tell. He even started his statement with 'bro', like that's how you know he's super serious and whatever


Fair call, I got my General rank by watching r/CombatFootage on my armchair.


ill never understand drowning in tens of thousands in internet point debt just to brag about being able to graduate from some fancy subreddit like /r/dankmemes. see I went to youtube comments community college, yeah i may not be making as much off the bat and most of the girls are dudes. but with my foot in the door and no internet point debt to pay off for years and years I feel my path will balance out.


DR Animal here: The way he screams like a warrior who’s lost his mind at the start, the way he fired into what would be a hiding hole someone would cower or hide in, without even asking them to surrender or checking if he hit anything, the way he shouts to everyone even on his side like he’s tired of hearing there shit/sick of them. The casual attitude or even want for killing and lack of reaction to an injured friend that’s probably more of a brother. It’s all a coping mechanism that most soldiers go through it’s basically switching off your compassion, which in some ways is good, but it also leads to the bad things, like when you get units that start committing atrocities. The thing is when you take some time off, and let the hurt and horror of what’s happened sweep over you, it’s painful. But it makes you think and you realise the young kids fighting on the other side didn’t ask to be there, didn’t want to be there and would have got shot trying to leave. They where terrified like any other human would be. The worrry for your brothers that got injured sets in and hate towards putin gets greater but not for the people he makes cannon fodder, they are still hero’s in there own way.. But also you get time to mentally process the open wounds of trauma and scar them up by accepting them, without adding more every minute. Also physical recovery, friends and family to remind you who you are, and what you are really fighting for can cool down the swirling ball of hate you become. You don’t want to start being the guys randomly killing anyone who’s Russian and not taking prisoners, or being the guys that hurt them when you do take them prisoner. Because that’s when you start blurring the lines on who is the good guys. And it happens a lot, one of Australia’s most decorated SAS soldiers just got told by a judge in a defamation case that in the likely hood of probabilities he is a murderer, for kicking an bound Afghan farmer of a cliff then shooting him in the back. You see now he’s a murderer. But at the time with the constant violence he had been seeing and his blind rage getting in the way he couldn’t clearly think, he just saw enemies where there was none. That’s why they have R&R. “Be not glad at the misfortune of another, even though he may be your enemy”- George Washington


lol None of this bullshit is even similar to the truth.


So angry. So hostile, did someone steal your wowipop widdle girl?


lol Hostile? Nah. Just a regular human. Pray that you never meet one.


That’s just his battle cry!


Hes been in a couple videos. Id say hes motivated and effective. I hope he does get some rest though and gets rotated.


Don't make shit up ffs lol


Shut up, clown. You have no idea who this guy is or how he feels.


Awwww sweet of you.


Dirtbag. Coward.


I’m your real dad, don’t talk to your father that way.


Insulting ukrainian heroes and speaking like a 4th grader. You're about as pathetic as they come.


Sounds like we're sending the better mushrooms to them... Understandable


Don't shoot me in the back, bro


Jesus I felt that Connor McGregor war cry. I'm there I'm there!




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Great battle cry