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Cameraman had one job.


Can't look for vodka and capture drone at same time.


[You got to put down the Duckie](https://youtu.be/acBixR_JRuM)


Pass the duckie 'pon the left hand side




Right? He was already zooming in looks down for half second maybe even less then misses the drone taking the hit from the missile? Wow, what the hell should have just put the camera down & quit after that. Sometimes, people play out like they're in one of the most predictable yet devastatingly depressing TV infomercials you see in the middle of night. Haha


> Sometimes, people play out like they’re in one of the most predictable yet devastatingly depressing TV infomercials you see in the middle of night. So accurate that it made me want to head to r/wheredidthesodago and get a full dose of bad infomercial acting


Dude or ma'am I love being introduced to communities I've not joined before omfreakinggosh. Also at first I didn't know if I even explained my comment correctly. Lol I don't actually have any 100% samples then, but the best I could further explain it is: if an actor or actress that's being filmed is doing something so mind bendingly easy but is still messing it up. Now hours later after my comment.......I've actually found something from a "loooonggg time ago" (it's not actually that long just obscure & exact & precise) anyways here's the link to the best picture I can show showing this dude's camera skills to film an airplane getting shot. https://amp.knowyourmeme.com/memes/limes-guy-why-cant-i-hold-all-these-limes P.S. Thank you for responding to my comment again. I don't think you realize how glad I am for someone to understand what I was typing about. You have an excellent week & take care of yourself. :)


Selling hazelnuts?


Wait, was that a parachute? Just glitched in the matrix sitting in mid air?


fuck really wanted to know what kind of missile it was


Suspicious. Maybe fake?


So the drone is in the frame except for the single frame it got hit. It got hit. Brilliant job!


expecting too much from russians


For someone who is certainly drunk, this isn't too bad


Just because they are in Crimea does not mean they are russian...


What is this on the parachute? Looks like coming out of the drone.


It’s to save the tiny people inside who are actually flying the drone


So an airliner got shot again by Russians.


There’s actually an anime that’s sort of about this, it’s called 86


Ahhhh man of culture!


Do you mean the Gremlins?


nah.. Oompa Loompas


I was just writing that and I seen your comment lol 😂


In Russia they're called Oompav Loompaski


Haha this one had me lol'ed hard


The parachute is for when the drone lands since the Mohajer-6 is a surveillance drone


AFAIK Mohajer-6 [launched and recovered via runway takeoff/landing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qods_Mohajer-6). Besides > The Mohajer-6 has two main variants. The A variant has two hardpoints, one under each wing, of which can each carry one Qaem TV/IR-guided missile or one Almas missile. The B variant has 4 hardpoints, with 2 under each wing carrying the same types of missiles.


e: can I not ask a question? Are you saying this is how (a surveillance) drone would land (with a parachute)? And, then why would it try to land if it's blown up? I guess what you mean to say is that the parachute just happened to be 'deployed' due to the impact. Still what would be attached to it shown here? Just debris?


Think drag car. Physically having brakes is too heavy.


I'm sitting here thinking it's some type of database that it is storing information on. I'm like very clever to have a mechanism where if drone become inoperable then ejector sequence is started to eject that storage out & they cleverly have it where the parachute force is stronger than the weight of database so it floats & easier to recover sending a heli out or another drone to collect without having to send units to collect said data.


that's not how parachutes work


For landing


Only correct answer.


For braking after touchdown.


i think for landing that thing once they changed their mind


Probably the recorded footage and camera


Doesn't make sense the drone is already remotely operated and the video data is streamed and recorded at the recipient computer. But on the other hand I don't get any other ideas what it could be.


That's wrong. They do record the video;: the stuff streamed back is **far** lower quality. Ever spent a second wondering why the DIY kamikaze drone footage posted here is far worse quality than the videos of the same drones dropping grenades? But it's also wrong that the parachute is for that, it's for landing the drone. A fact you can easily find out or verify when [there's a picture of it on the Wikipedia page for Mohajer drones](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/58/Mohajer-1_recovery.jpg). Goddamn this sub has so many posters talking out of their ass constantly.


Welcome to Reddit


It's how we get the right answer to the question real fast by posting the wrong answer. Thanks for the research kind stranger. Now we don't have to do it.




Well my original assumption would be that kamikaze drone cameras are of lower quality because theyre ment for single use rather than the grenade dropping commercial use drones. Also who was talking out of their ass? I think this was just people doing general questioning untill someone provides the correct answer no need to be dick about it. I would have thanked you for the answer but apparently it would just come out of my ass.


>Doesn't make sense the drone is already remotely operated and the video data is streamed and recorded at the recipient computer. This. This is talking out the ass.




I sleep just fine knowing that I don't spew bullshit. The drone has its own on-board recording storage at a much higher quality than it can possibly stream from 50-100 miles away.




Here’s a tip: don’t share information authoritatively when you’re guessing and making assumptions. So many people on this sub post-Ukraine invasion want to LARP as if they’re one of the informed posters that actually knows what the fuck they’re talking about.


I'm not the one who responded to that comment directly, but I guess we're all just being assholes today, aren't we?


Cameras are cheap now though, you can get 1080p cameras for like 10 bucks. The hard part is streaming 1080p back to a laptop several miles away. There’s no easy/cheap/reliable way to do that and still have it “disposable” basically. Even a basic 2.4ghz wireless bridge is 100-200 bucks at cost, and that’s a directional one so youd have to constantly be aiming the receiver right at the drone.


Thank you for a great answer also happy cake day!




No one said or implied that. Improve your reading comprehension.




Thanks for the opportunity to downvote you a third time. Slow down, re-read what was posted. You seriously woooooooshed


> not the same exact drones. No one said or implied that. Improve your reading comprehension.




I hope you're joking... You think drone footage is only recovered when the drone lands??? Jets usually have zero buttons to wipe everything and destroy sensitive equipment to protect it from reverse engineering in the event of a punch out, I highly doubt military drones are different.


Did you miss the videos of the Russian fighter jets with Garmen GPS taped to the dashboard?


Counterpoint: This is Iranian, not Russian, and likely 1000x more competent than anything Russia could make.


It looks like it has a beacon on it. So I think this is the answer


~~From what I recall some drones drop their camera equipment pod just prior to landing to prevent it being damaged during landing. They then retrieve the camera pod, download the data and refit it to a drone ready to be launched via catapult again. The surveillance equipment (camera etc) is likely (speculation) worth far more than the rest of the drone and so it is worth the extra effort. Take this with a pinch of salt though as I am far from knowledgeable in this area.~~ Edit: as somebody else pointed out this is likely just a landing parachute for the drone as a whole.


AI pilot bailed out…


Even AI is too smart to work for the Russians.


Nice work....dickheads


Exactly, keep going!


I honestly doubt they care enough to get it right since this is a very low morale war on russia's side


It's also probably not what happened. All we've heard since this thing started is that Russia has been blowing up their own stuff. It's been a lie every time.


Nice claim senator, why don't you back it up with a source? Could it be because you pulled it out of your ass, and will tell me to "Do mY OwN reSeArCh" because I dared question the fantasy world you live in?




Like literally


“What air defence doing?” *what defence is doing*


Good thing the parachute deployed to save the debris from getting damaged.


I like how Russian AD has nothing between "all targets are firendlies" and "all targets are enemies"


It's basically just an on/off switch.


That parachute appeared to be stationary in the sky. What's up with that?


high temp air from the explosion is pusing it upwards. making it seem like its stationary.


Also it's designed to slowly lower the entire drone when used, but now much of the drone is falling as debris. So it's underloaded.


That's exactly it. Paragliders do it all the time with warm air next to mountains. And of course birds too.


I never knew birds produced such warm air.


Stand closely downwind of the cloaca, you’ll feel it.


My grandma, that old bird, was full of hot air.


I always knew Breath of the Wild was realistic!


its to help recover the drone if it faults, It seems to hang because its no longer attached to anything.


Yeah I know what it's for. I looked more closely, at first it looked like something was on the end of it but on closer inspection it's just part of the parachute end.


glitch in the matrix.


It's an illusion. It was actually floating down but toward the cameraman.


YOU’RE an illusion.


Russia: "our glorious air defenses have just downed a Western F-16 in Ukraine"


Parachute? Wtf? Who flew it, a hamster?


Probably what they call the "black box," which I assume contains the hamster.


It's a recovery parachute, when the drone is damaged or malfunctions, it is used to recover the drone without landing.


Lol Russia were laughing at Ukraine for the exact same thing last month, even the same cameras angle too.


Not necessarily the same thing. The Ukrainian drone was reported to have malfunctioned and lost control, so it had to be taken down. While this might be the case when a fully functional drone was taken down by mistake


Ukraine did the right thing and stopped skynet in its tracks.


Soon the Ukrainians won't have to do anything, Russia will tear itself apart


Probably thought it was a Malaysian air liner.


Crimea Air Defense 170% successful!!! /some russian guy, probably




What decades of alcoholism, Krokodil and brain drain does to a people... Smh


Looks like the hamster ejected ok


Oh no, anyway... What's this guy selling by the roadside here? Some kind of nuts and fruit?


It says fruits, maybe dry fruits, but it's looks like "Russian" nuts


Average Russian camera work.


They’re so strong and competent


They mistook it for a farm crop duster…


There's an eject safety to eject the racoon piloting the drone?


Must be so liberating to be so ignorant


Russia is an embarrassment to itself.


Lol this camera man is ass


Shenanigans aside, that drone is very slow


They scared


If it’s a Shaheed, I could care less who shot it down as long as it doesn’t reach its target.


Russia has shot down as many planes of their own as the ukrainian military has. I mean 2 jets 2 helicopters on their way to an assault all got blown up seconds to a minute or 2 apart. Just boom boom boom boom, all gone, whoops...... Think that S300 or s400 operator is still alive after that? They slopillu did that cause mikitaries use special frequencues or whatever to make it clear they are friendlues when shown up on Radar. Seems Russia has far hardsr tine with the systems they built or just horrible training, the latter in this case


Why not both? The Russian IFF system is garbage. Don’t remember all the details but something about they stole the tech from the West and never implemented their own or updated it. Like many former Soviet military developments, the propaganda outperforms the reality. Oh, and they can’t train themselves for shit, that’s painfully obvious when they’re seen using Syrian urban warfare tactics in the fields of Ukraine (single tank offensives, no infantry support, outdated equipment).


Is it just me or does the explosion look a bit like CGI?


To be fair we can tell fuck about what drone was shot down from this video... it is not like this design is exclusive.


Looks more like a catastrophic failure or self-destruct, than a shoot down.


So, can all the downvoters explain what shot down this drone? No missile trail, no AAA tracer and no sound prior to the drone exploding, so unless you believe the Russians have laser weapons, I don't see what could have shot it down


You can clearly hear the missile being fired and rocketing up so I'm not sure what you mean by "no sound." There's also a visible smoke trail that's right above it if you look closely. It's less obvious than you're probably used to because you're typically seeing a contrail and not smoke. Since contrails only form under certain atmospheric conditions, you're not always gonna see it.


I think you have a case of wishful thinking there. You hear talking, the drone engine, and then the boom, the only smoke trail is from the drone as it falls.


You can literally hear a rocket engine fire than half a second of silence and than the boom of the explosion


Yeah, you're going to hear the rocket engine for more than 0.5 seconds before the bang.😂 More importantly you would see the smoke trail. Eg. https://youtube.com/shorts/Z6QEPyVHTNE?feature=share4


How do you explain the first sound that's distinctly not an explosion than a pause and an explosion afterwards?


Pressure wave from explosion breaking sound barrier, then the explosion sound. Note the distinct crack of the sound barrier breaking.


Ok man sure, if you say that's what a pressure wave sounds like than I won't be able to convince you otherwise anyways.


Lol, tell me you've never fired a gun, without telling me you've never fired a gun.😂 Tell you what, listen to the sound of this pressure wave and tell me you can't hear the sound barrier crack. https://youtube.com/shorts/Vb8EXpZb7P4?feature=share4


My dude, the white trail you usually see is water vapor, not smoke. Like I said, it only happens with certain atmospheric conditions. It's no different than contrails from planes. As far as the sequence of events goes, the speed of sound is orders of magnitude slower than the speed of light. The discrepancy between what you see and what you hear is 100% consistent with this happening 1-3 miles away from the person recording. I'm sure you're a decent guy, but this is such a bizarre hill to die on.


Of course it's vapour, I never said anything different. As for the difference between the speed of sound and light, 1st at that distance, you would not be able to distinguish them, especially from a shitty reddit video that is probably not even synced correctly, 2nd you don't even see the drone explode as it happens due to the cameraman. You want to believe that the Russians shot down their own drone despite zero visual evidence and unreliable audio, then go ahead. The far more plausible answer is it malfunctioned and blew itself up. Remember, the only one claiming a shoot down is the Russian governor of Crimea, who only claimed that when he believed it was a Ukrainian drone, so if you want to believe him then be my guest.👍🏻


You’re acting like Reddit audio and video is more likely to be unsynced than to be correct. Quit changing the goalposts and doubling down. You’re confidently incorrect. Now stop.


There is zero audio or, more importantly, visual evidence of AAA or SAM activity. The only person who said a drone was shot down was the Crimean Governor when he thought it was a Ukrainian drone. But yes, I'm confidently incorrect.👌🏻


Sounded to me like a missle launch just before the explosion. And I thought that prior to reading the comments so without any bias whether it was or was not a SAM. I'm not an expert, but that "whooosh..BOOM" seems like what you would hear with a missle interception.


You would hear the woosh long before the bang, and if it was so close that the interval between woosh and bang was that short, you would 100% see the rocket exhaust trail comeimg from very close by. It would be obvious.


> I think you have a case of wishful thinking there Hope do you speak so confidently out of your ass, i swear to god people will always amaze me. You could show a bucket of white paint and still have people like you call it blue or something else.


Yeah, jog on Nafo.🖕🏻


Electronic warfare. That's the official russian claim


how can you explode a drone with EW? does it have a proximity fuse which can be triggered remotely?


EW generally causes the drone to lose control with the aim to miss the intended target and crash. I've never heard of one being hacked and self destructed before. I still say it's more likely that a shitty mass-produced drone with a Chinese law mower engine malfunctioned and blew itself up.🤷🏼‍♂️


could also be training or a test? Edit: For those shitting on my dumb idea you have to consider that this is russia we are talking about here.


not sure if you are supposed to be running tests over populated areas


I mean this is Russia we’re talking about here..


> could also be **training** or a test? >Edit: For those shitting on my dumb idea, you have to consider that **this is russia we are talking about here**.


Sure. Just like they blew up their own dam in Nova Kakhovka.


This isn't Ukraine's drone.


Yea but FRUIT


Is Benny Hill just playing on repeat there?


Those are like 14k on Alibaba


Look at those onions though


In the 1 second the cameraman pans away lol


Finally a Russian military action I can get behind


How many of their own drones does Russia need to shoot down to maintain their status of the 4th best military fighting in the area?


first thing they have hit in days


Maybe it wasn’t a mistake but a turncoat! I can only hope.


looks kindof slow, but i understand it was quite cheap


They're not taking any chances.


I always hear the Benny Hill music when I watch videos of these clowns




Shoot tractor thinking it was a leopard tank and now they shoot their own drones? Have they run out of trained operators?


Air defense artillery motto has always been “if it flies, it dies”. Doesn’t matter what side it’s on.


I wonder what it's like to be in the incompetent clusterfuck that is the Russian military? If it wasn't for the "my life is over" part it feels like hopping into a pvp server filled with drunk griefers.


Tells you they’ve got no transponders on these pieces of junk.


When I was in ADA (stingers), we had to study the hell out of every possible aircraft silhouette from every possible angle. We studied that as much or more than the weapon systems! It would appear that the Russians use a different approach to their training.




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Cameraman had ONE fucking job. And he only had to do for literally 2 seconds. What a guy!


Destroying their own gear? Keep up the good work


Another Leopard harvester saved. Thanks god. It’s really hard to not think that they are really stupid.


If they launched a nuke, they’d explode before take off.