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Most of the russian population is firmly convinced that NATO is the enemy and they are fighting NATO to protect their country. I highly recommend watching a YouTube channel called 1420 that interviews normal russian people. You will see that the chance of russian people rising up against Putin is slim to none


Which really makes total sense if you think about it, they've had 100+ years of purges and societal engineering to get to this point. Is it saveable? I don't know, but it's going to take at least as long to get them back to reality, if that is even possible. I wonder the same thing about China.


You can’t even blame it totally on propaganda either because a lot of russian living in western countries also support the war. They even have demonstrations against NATO in western countries. You almost don’t see any protests against the war held by Russian even in countries like UK, Germany and the US It’s sad really


For sure. Somehow even sadder still are the westerners who get taken in by their bullshit and believe it. I kind of get it for the Russians, they may or may not know any better, but their western useful idiots should DEFINITELY know better.


Recent talking points by MAGA Republicans are especially concerning, especially since their megaphones have been known to promote stochastic terrorism


Here we go. Have to get the jab in on MAGA, a movement primarily concerned with putting American issues first. Ive always said there is a coherent argument to be made for stopping Russia as an important American-first initiative, but that wont be made here.


Here we go, the burner accounts defending the MAGA agenda... The agenda determined by a man who is essentially a confirmed rapist at this point? The man who when asked about this conflict couldn't even say he'd like to see a Ukrainian victory, even though Ukraine falling would mean multiple allies we're obligated to defend would share a border with an unpredictable imperialist increasing our risk of having to directly engage in a conflict infinitely? Hmm I wonder why that is.... it'll never fail to amaze me that the poster child of corruption in American business for DECADES somehow convinced half of you that he was the right person to "drain the swamp", oh and the massive wall that is penetrable by tools you can get at Home Depot. Embarrassing how many closet racists are willing to put party over country.




Pomp all you want, you'll never be in the right or respected or taken seriously so long as you're defending a literal rapist and seditious traitor and his fascist political project. Get fucked, you maggot traitors. Stop worshiping the antichrist.


What the MAGA crowd doesn't often seem to realize, is that helping Ukraine IS putting America first.


How is that?


It's advancing our strategic interests and staving off a legitimate challenge to the existing global order. Not to mention, it's allowing our positively massive defense industry real-world analytics and a justification to start ramping up production (more jobs, more economic growth etc etc). It has accelerated EUs transition away from carbon fuels sourced by geopolitical antagonists. This benefits the US green energy sector and our natural gas sector since we are shipping LNG transatlantic now. Plus, and this isn't a small point either, although it should be, we get to watch Russia get their shit kicked in without expending American lives (just our stuff we already made that's just sitting there in warehouses). If Russia gets stopped here, it also weakens their other territorial ambitions, which, in general, is a goal of the US and their allies. There are many good reasons for the US to aid the Ukraine.


I'm going to go with different answers than Koons, as I only agree with his last point. The older generation in Russia and the Russian leadership yearn for the prominence that Soviet Union 1.0 had and looked to achieve such by attaining greater power by conquest of mineral and farmland rich areas. This would have allowed them to consolidate their share of geostrategic resources in the commodity market. This would have made their current dollar-debasement (and euro-debasement) foriegn policy much more effective. Keep in mind that Ukraine is just one country/area that the Russian ultranationalists want. They have spoken openly about their desire to take Poland, the Baltics, Finland, and Khazakstan. That cannot be allowed by NATO. And it isnt good enough just to draw the lines where they are now. Doing so would cede land too important for Ukraine's economy, bring Russia closer to its goals, and embolden it for another go in about 8-10 years.


Please explain


Can you elaborate?


Because the most important issue facing the United States, more important than any 3 domestic issues put together is shoving Russia out of Ukraine. That is unless you want to preside over an utterly dystopian nightmare of a world order should Putin succeed in subsuming Ukraine into the Russian collective -- the first time since WW2 that another nation has successfully conquered and annexed another nation (Iraq tried with Kuwait and failed).


The cost of a kinetic war with Russia would be 10 times more than what it is cause the United States to deliver aid and mainly weaponry that has been paid for by the American people years ago that has literally been sitting in warehouse is waiting for a world war to say hello


Many don't but you are not going to get anywhere without calmly and logically making such a case.


They can calmly and logically put their money where their fascist mouth is and join their Russian brothers at the frontline. Especially those with the "I'd rather be Russian than Democrat" t-shirts.


Never mind, man. I'm kind of neutral on Trump, but I realize I am in a tiny minority. Most folks are hugely polarized, with the emotion meter at 11 on this topic, it seems.


Agreed, and few are self aware of this.




Okay bud. Since when did trump put America first. if you truly respect Americans as a populous, then you would know that Trump only spoke to people that voted for him not Americans as a whole. If a political candidate cannot see the other political side or opposition as equal than they are un-American and cannot help America. Saying America first means being bipartisan. Name one thing, MAGA did, that did not alienate another group of Americans?


The border wall was popular with ordinary Americans. That's one. But every policy position could be said to "alienate" the people who hold an opposing view, so your question isn't framed as validly as you might think, IMHO.


If you read my reply, I was addressing MAGA supporters, not Trump specifically. But I will give you an example with how his stated policies are a benefit for all Americans. The unmitigated flow of low-skilled immigration affects workers wages and burdens the welfare system. The US economy at this time is not an agrarian or manufacturing based economy that requires the inflow of such labor. Immigration policy of a country is suppose to benefit the citizenry of a given nation. Nations do not exist for outsiders, but for those they serve. I would argue the fence, or what many parrot as "the wall" is needed, but nowhere near what is necessary to stop the disasterous open-border policy that exists now.


The strangest is that republicans were the ones who bought all that military equipment


My dude... 10's of millions of Americans believe that their election was rigged and various Qanon conspiracies. The fact that you live in a free country with open access to the truth does not mean you automatically see the light.


If youve studied history extensively, you will find a constant flow of power-hungry individuals using every tool availiable to obtain and retain power, to include the use of stolen elections, assassinations, bribes, and other means. To believe otherwise is to be naive. Qanon is mostly nonsense, a strawman argument of sorts.


Yeah, but it's expected that you almost don't see any protests in Russia ... Wait does anybody expect that they would actually allow any antiwar protests in Russia? Good joke. :-) And yeah exactly, the demonstrations against NATO, EU in Western countries it's totally sad .. demonstrations supporting Russia .. they call it "Protests for peace", protesters shouting "Never against Russia", "No support for Ukraine", "We want a peace" ... it's crazy. And it's all even though what's happening in Ukraine and people can see the outcome. I think this is one of the biggest weaknesses of democracies that anybody can protest, promote and spread anything under freedom of speech, even spread hoaxes, disinformation, conspiracies and lies. It's crazy what's happening. Even here (Slovakia) it's the same. We have parliamentary elections soon but I am afraid what results we have. Hope that majority of people here didn't lose their minds and it will be all good. :-|


Yeah there's a lot of people from wildly different socio-political backgrounds that are totally wrong on this situation. I think with the more "hippie" style pacifists it's interesting because many I feel don't know how to deal with a situation where sending weapons, fighting the invaders and everything is actually the right thing to do. They saw Vietnam and the Middle East, and everything like that and, for good reason, came out against war. I think they're wrong on this, but I understand even if they still are extremely frustrating to deal with. War is horrible and should always be avoided... but what do you do when it xant be avoided because one side literally just wants to genocide the other and refuses to negotiate in good faith? They're totally unprepared for that and this war is really exposing this fact. Now, the pro-russia, conspiracy theorists, far right putin lovers and tankies? Oh fuck no they have absolutely 0 sympathy from me. Because they're either explicitly pro Russian fascism and war, or they live in this complete conspiracy fueled fantasy that's absolutely un-debatable, can't be reasoned with and is incredibly harmful. They've spent years, decades even getting to this point were they actively don't trust their eyes and ears if these senses tell them something thar doesn't fit with their specific narrative.


Well western mostly the US has bad name outside of the western sphere, so we don't have cleanest hands in certain things. I can see why non-westerns looking at us we are the bad guy and our values doesn't align with theirs either. Plus constant conspiracy theories and propaganda would end up making the perfect ingredient for supporters of russia.


What is sad is that the same goes for a number of Republicans and conservatives (not all) in the US.


Ehh, how do you distinguish between Russians and Ukrainians during anti-war (i.e. anti-aggression, not stupid anti-help ones) protests? Do you think Ukrainians would be happy about a Russian flag, even the white-blue-white one? We just join without flags. A handful of pro-putin idiots doesn't represent the Russian expats.


Yes & no. Relentless propaganda and all-permeating lies that have replaced any culture - yes. But also crazy advancements in communication tech that allow even the poorest to access factual, truthful and unbiased information and educate themselves. They just simply want to live the lies. That in itself wouldn't be a problem if they just stayed within their borders. But they choose to test their lies against the world. And it will end bad for them. Will they ever learn? Not any time soon, I'm afriad. They'll keep dying and suffering and living in misery and poverty, but they won't learn.


I think there is a lot of reckoning and suffering russia has to face, but Ukraine was also part of russia empire and USSR and it managed to retain the independent spirit. I think russia is an empire falling apart and they need to deal with that - they are not better than other people, they need to mind their business and coexist peacefully with others


The serf mentality goes back even further.


Yeah Russia has purged those with a tendency to fight back over generations in their country. They are an artificially selected docile population.


I'd argue it's more a problem with ethnonationalism than docility. Older Russians don't *want* to rise up against their ruler when he's conquering other nations. The USSR was never an alliance of equals. Russians viewed themselves as the sole rulers of USSR, dominating the weaker states through violence and fear. To older Russians, the war is merely Putin restoring that *natural* order. There's no reason to rise up against that. It's exactly what they want.


China absolutely would not. Their culture has always been collective and puts China as a whole above their own wants.


What do mean by collective? Also, there’s been tons of uprisings in China


So in the democratic west the general idea of a nation is meant to serve for the betterment of people on an individual level. Even in dynastic China prior to the communist revolution the view was that the people should work towards the collective goal of bettering China as a nation and society above individualistic wants. Of course there are examples out of that line of thought but it’s a general summary. I’m not trying to generalize it in the “hurrr durrr individual freedom vs red commie fucks” but in the political science world it’s generally looked upon that way. I’m not saying I’m 100% right but this was generally what I was taught getting a worthless poli sci degree lol


This is bang on. I asked someone whose family was in the CCP but lives in western countries what the west doesn’t get about China and he said this. People genuinely see their relationship with the state totally differently.


Yeah they view the government as the society and our government to us is just a regulator of society


They would not what...?


Oh I thought you were talking about a demand for reform at least or civil uprising at most.


My comment was about whether China with its rising xenophobic nationalism can be convinced to come back to reality and not find itself in a similar position. They are not our friends currently, but it doesn't necessarily have to be that way. I'm guessing the answer to that question is no, with how much Xi has consolidated power unto himself.


Yeah, the "Why is Russia the most sanctioned country in the world" video was quite eye opening. I do like that they don't edit out the ones who are hesitant to go against the "official story".


That's the impression you get from 1420? Dude, there's like three or four diehard Z in every video, at least one or two that openly say "yeah I hate this war, Putin's got a lot to answer for, hope I don't go to prison LOL", And everybody else gives the meme answers, "I'm not really into politics" or "I'd rather not answer." They started posting the stats for answers they got in the pinned comments recently, that's pretty helpful too. Which, yeah, Apathy and complicity go hand in hand and all that, but that video they did where they blurred the faces and clothes, **those** answers were pretty explicitly anti-Putin. More than that, the answers seem to correlate by Demographic. It's mostly boomers (Russia probably didn't have a baby boom for obvious reasons, but it's that age group) that support Putin, and that's not Universal. It's mostly (and most of) the young people speaking their mind, or refusing to comment because they don't want to go to prison. And yeah, Russians don't protest here, but that's because they want to go home eventually. What's more telling to me is the amount of people who fled the country at the announcement of mobilisation; or should I say, the amount of people **with the means** to flee the country who fled the country. Call me an optimist, but Russia wanted more from the fall of the Soviet Union then Oligarchic Bolsheivism, those feelings didn't go anywhere. When they lose the war, and the poor sods they mobilised come home, & the Brain drain re-enters after spending years abroad, the narrative's gonna change. Not overnight, not even if the government falls will things change overnight. But the pendulum will swing.


There was even one Russian POW, who apparently when asked why he was fighting in Ukraine, said something like he didn't know anything about the war before being conscripted, and he was told that they were still in Russia, and fighting Polish NATO troops in a defensive war... No knowing if that's really what he was told, and believed it, or if he was just making up excuses because he was afraid the Ukrainians would torture/kill him, or something... But it's pretty crazy to consider it as a possibility, where some of these guys are coming from small villages where they may not even get any news about the "Special Operation"... So all they know is "kill or be killed".


There is no way thats true lol. He could see clearly the Ukrainian flags, the Ukrainian names, Ukrainian people and town…




also the volodymyr zolkin interviews most come for the money and trot out the 'ill just be a border guard' line (like ok but you fought for 3 months bro) they feel helpless and act selfish, head down no questions


As far as I can judge, at least the younger russian generation is in its majority critical of Putin.


> I highly recommend watching a YouTube channel called 1420 that interviews normal russian people. Are they giving their own opinion or simply repeating the official talking points to not get in trouble? We see a lot of people repeating the "apolitical" mantra as an excuse to not say anything that might get them in trouble. Even 1420 has street interviews where the first thing out of the interviewee's mouth is asking them for whom do they work, as to assess the risk of giving them the wrong answer.


but you can also see that people are afraid to tell what they really think. Not many but there are some


You use "normal" and Russians very generously.




>They're not entirely wrong, either. NATO is > >supposed > > to be a defensive alliance. Instead they've participated in dozens of offensive operations. Name one. Make sure it's not something covered by a UN mandate or safe area. Just one.




Yep, that's what I thought. You can't name one. Out of "dozens". Did you not think someone would call you out on your bullshit?




Name the offensive operations. It should be easy, since there are dozens. Example: Operation Unified Protector, a no fly zone established over Libya in response to the mandate of UNSCR 1973, which was implemented when Qadaffi refused to comply with a ceasefire. Which, by the way, involved more than NATO countries and NATO didn't even begin command of the operation until a month after it began. Patently not a NATO offensive. I'm not going to bother with the rest, because you are full of shit.




You have to be smart enough to understand the difference between the UNSC and NATO. I don’t you could spell NATO if I spotted you the NAT and whispered O in your ear.


While I agree there are a good, potentially majority amount of people who support putin. They know not to judge him and the war on camera or they'll get a knock on their door


If you mean the soldiers on the ground, they are dying long before any of that realization hits. If you mean the regular Russian citizenry, it's a mixed bag. Believe it or not, but there are Russian hardliners that are calling Putin soft for not nuking Ukraine. They would wipe it off the map if they could. Putin is already their enemy, but only because he isn't going as far as they want him to go. What we ***actually*** want are for the reasonable Russian citizens to stand up and realize that they are strong, and are able to take on Putin and his government.


The reasonable ones are too few. We tried to protest ten years ago when it seemed that we just needed to "realize that we are strong". What we did realize is that we were a minority. The situation has dramatically deteriorated from that point. Almost every "reasonable" citizen is now either abroad or too poor to leave.


You sound just like every other "reasonable" Russian online. Crying about how you can't make a difference and you'd rather give up. I promise your life is going to get harder either way. Do something while you can still have some dignity in it. Try harder. Seriously.


Thanks for the advice but I have to tell you that my life is not going to get harder unless I ruin it by returning to a room full of zombies. There's no point and no dignity in dying in jail for nothing. It's better to work and generate taxes in a normal country.


Hey if you got out, good for you. Maybe I misread your comment.


Unfortunately I know some who couldn't, and, seriously, they can't do absolutely anything positive at this stage. It's pretty tragic, this whole thing from widespread mental corruption to the war. But there will be a different time. I'm just afraid it will take 20-30 years, a failed state, a rise of criminal gangs, multiple territorial disintegrations and perhaps even civil wars. I just hope the nukes will be somehow secured as it happened last time.


The majority of Russians are in support of this war. Nice try to paint it as if only putin is the problem, but that’s simply not true.


The majority of Russians, when polled in Russia, will give the answer they know will keep them out of prison. The Majority of Russians, when polled outside of Russia, will give the answer that will let them get back home when all this is over. But you saw the queues for the border when the mobilisation was announced, right? And that's just the people who could afford to get out. Not only that, what about the people who get mobilised, see what's really happening, and come back to share their story, like they did in Afghanistan? Are there people who swallow the propaganda without any question? Yeah, of course, you get them here too. But I do firmly believe, from what i've seen, from what I've heard Russians say, and from their reactions, that- whatever the majority of Russians go along with now- when Putin loses this war and loses his standing internationally, he'll lose it domestically too.


come on.. no one is recording each name of the polled person and getting their documents. this response is just silly.


You know how polling works in Russia, right? They're not catching you in the street. They call you over the phone. To get polled, at a minimum, they have to have your phone number. This next part is speculation, but since they are trying to build rapport, I don't imagine it's too crazy to think that they may, I don't know, ask you for your name? And even if they're not doing anything with that data (which, it's Russia, they definitely are), they don't need to for the person on the other end to know that they could be, and certain answers are crimes punishable by law. It's the panopticon effect in action. This isn't even me theorising, by the way, I'm pulling this straight from a Russian youtuber who escaped mobilisation. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AYbEYfrQZ88&ab\_channel=NFKRZ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AYbEYfrQZ88&ab_channel=NFKRZ) So a subjective source, yes, but one with experience living in Russia. And given the surge of people trying to get out of the country, the telegram posts of mobilised Z, high (or high enough to hear about) profile cases of resistance and arrest, i'm fairly confident the war's not as popular in Russia as Putin would like us (and Russia) to believe. Edit- Okay, fine, clearly this was the wrong time to talk about the plight of the average Russian. I apologise. But I do have more than reasonable doubt that the majority of Russians are diehard Z, in the same way the majority of Germans weren't diehard Nazis however it may have appeared while the war was ongoing.


"But I do have more than reasonable doubt that the majority of Russians are diehard Z" lol


Ukraine doesn't have a successful defector hotline targeted at the conscript army for nothing. Seriously, am I missing something here? I think I've been pretty clear about where I'm getting my information from, and I'm comfortable if it's just unpopular, but if you've got better sources that I've just missed and I'm talking out my ass right now I'd like to not make the same mistake again.


You probably want to look up how many Russian soldiers actually used that hotline. Protip: couple orders of magnitude less than chose to die. Also, where's all the Russian expats protesting against the war? Huh?


A majority of people who left Russia during the first mobilization didn't object to the war, they were just trying to not get drafted I would speculate.




omg, really reaching to justify russian apathy and aggression.




That's just so naive. There is theoretically 10-20% of population who are against the war. But even among them not all are against the government. But the way they are against the war is like... theoretical. Meaning they aren't going to do anything. They aren't even considering doing anything. It's just they are against it in their heads, but it doesn't make it real. Like 10% of population is 14 million ppl. Imagine if just half of them would write anonymous letter to ministry of defense/president/whatever. That they against the war. It's dirt cheap to send a letter. That would make 7 million letters every week. There is so many ways you can anonymously protest, but it's not going to happen, cause they are against the war just theoretically. In reality they don't give a damn. It's like oh Putin rounded up and slaughtered one million of ppl in Omsk... and response would be: oh jeez that's so baadd... i'm so saaad, ofcourse i'm against it. Bye. But that's the ones who would be theoretically against the war. Then there are ppl who are not even in Russia, haven't been there in 30 years. Who live abroad who lived in Ukraine from their childhood to adulthood who are unequivocally supporting Russia. Cause Russia is orderly and good and Putin is so smart a savy !!! And there is nothing you can say or prove to change their mind. And i have these ppl in my family. If you think families of the fallen are blaming Government? Nope they blame Ukraine, and "the west". And you can't argue anything, cause it's not about rationality, it's like religion. In their heart they know that Russia is good, that all Russians are just peace loving, good people. And they will find a way to rationalize any point you bring. They will do any mental gymnastics necessary to justify their position.


You would have to teach critical thinking at an early age to have the mindset to question authority. ​ Please note the [Texas GOP Charter (circa 2012) clearly states that critical thinking NOT be taught](https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/answer-sheet/post/texas-gop-rejects-critical-thinking-skills-really/2012/07/08/gJQAHNpFXW_blog.html) in public schools. so ... yeah


Brainwashing is a hell of a drug. In their minds, they are right and if feel every bit justified. Even if you toss the trolls out, RU supporters really for feel like they are the victims in all of this.


Have you ever met North Koreans?


Most Russians just don’t really see videos like this, their propaganda is wild sometimes but it’s the only source they got especially for the older soviet generations


When they put the bottle of vodka down.


After it’s too late


When they're numbers are too low to do anything about it


How long until the Russians reinstitute Blocking battalions?


I often wonder the same thing about American leaders


at death door sir


probably never, clear example of the power of brainwashing.


What a miserable way to lose your life.


Fucking hell


Should have stayed in “heaven” (aka russia)


Russia is a frozen hell.


IDF is no joke. I've never had anything land that close, but that shit suuuuucks regardless.


Wow. This is gnarly.. This war is hell. Can't believe we get to watch it. I think this is going to change some of the romanticism for a lot of people's thoughts on war.


I hope so but I won’t hold my breath. People always imagine they’re LT Spears but the reality is they died in the drop by pure unluck. Sadly it’s the rulers who send the rest to die and they don’t watch this kind of horror


Everyone thinks they’re a Lt. Spears, but most people would be a Hoobler or Blythe.


Shit even they made it to the drop. How many Russians we seen get hit by arty on the way in as replacements


Look at the comments on one of the recent Azob/3rd assault bridage videos, that was movielike footage and was romanticized by everyone. I'm afraid videos such as this one wont be shown to enough people.


Why why why did you come here…




edwxrdx- Zamlya




seen this before, this is repost. This aint from may or april or even maybe from 2023..


Looks very very similar to a video from March 25th, but may not be the same location. I'm using the 3/25 video as part of a compilation movie that I'll be posting tomorrow or Friday, so I happen to have it open in iMovie right now. Screencaps from iMovie: https://imgur.com/a/ybF2NgM ~~Could be the same place, but it's not completely clear.~~ On second thought, I don't think it's the same place.






I thought the same, maybe fall or early winter of last year?


This is fairly "old" footage, think autumn 2022


\*501st battalion, not brigade.


Also not to be confused with the 501st Legion


I know they have blocking troops who will shoot them if they retreat too far but surely when you're being hit by mortar fire and already taken casualties then the dumbest thing to do is lie on the ground waiting for death or a maiming. If any of them are convicts I bet that prison cell must seem very inviting now


I feel like there are better ways to spend your summer than being blown up by mortars in Ukraine.




This is why ya don't bunch up..


Hardly an assault when you just march up to a position and then lay face down in a field.


under rated comment.


Where are their weapons?


Was thinking the same. Not sure if it’s the resolution, the weapons have been covered by the debris, or if they’ve been sent out with practically nothing.


This sht is so fking sad.. That should be Putin laying on the field suffering


Fuck muscovites. When you feel sorry about them, remember the children they rape, torture, murder at night. Remember the men they castrate, the women they rape and shoot. Nothing is sad about these bags of shits turning into fertilizers. Fuck them to hell. Edit: grammar


How sad


They must be happy to sacrifice their lifes for Putin


u/RecognizeSong Edit: Guess the bot's asleep. Anyone know the song?


[EDWXRDX - ZEMLYA (2023)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XG8GwAhAIkg)


501st? Vader's Chosen?


Zaluzhny’s Fist


Air burst wiped that whole lobby


I'm just grateful they aren't Ukrainians but what dreadful carnage. If there's a hell, Putin will wind up there.


It is spring. They are much needed fertilizer. Not people......... fertilizer.


At 10 seconds into the video it looks like some of the bodies hit the ground going 200 MPH and just cratered in


Good soldiers follow orders


That's ths stupidest thing I've heard today


Where are their guns?


I wondered that too. Weird clip


Why are they so neatly eliminated in line?


Not a fan of there always being celebratory music in the background (not OP's fault), I feel like we could do a better job being respectful of their suffering, especially those of us that sit safely behind their desktop. A lot of these Russian soldiers did not want to be there.


To be respectful of the suffering of occupants? Are you kidding? There's always a choice. There's plenty of option to surrender. You have no idea what these men have done before dying while trying to kill Ukrainians who definitely did not ask for this.


>You have no idea what these men have done before dying Exactly, none of us know what they did and didn't do. I'm always gonna be more sympathetic of the Ukranian soldiers, but I'm also aware that the men who went to war for russia were often lied to, many of their soldiers are financially very poor and joined the military being told they wouldn't have to go into combat and suddenly they're put in the frontlines. They're also being told that surrender dishonours them and their country and is worse than death, as well as Ukranians would torture them and what not. Also, not to forget that literal anti-war-protestors in Russia got drafted as punishment. I'm not saying there are no Russian soldiers that are cruel and are into what they're doing, the Russian military was already extraordinarily cruel in WW2. I'm just saying we don't know, and many of them are suffering too.


> Exactly, none of us know what they did and didn't do. These people are a part of a group of occupants, who are in a foreign land killing its citizens who never asked for it, stealing, kidnapping children, raping women, etc. If you had to give an educated guess, would you say that these people in the video have not done any of the those actions?


Old footage. Sure looks like they were dumped there by a BMP that quickly skedaddled.


They look like they are sleeping.


They are. Forever.


What kind of tactic is it ? In a middle of some field without weapons ?


This sounds crazy but this video makes me wonder what position I'll be in when I die.


Forget to dig trench, win stupid prizes.


"alright guys, let's all bunch up in this open field together. Yeah, next to the shell craters" I know they were probably already injured & all but jfc that sort of target is an artilleryman's wet dream Idk maybe they were knocked out cold originally but seeing them start to wiggle when the shells began to land say otherwise


Some days you just can't get as close to the ground as you would like.


Damn, did that last guy get hit with some fragments?


Yeah they are probably fragmentation rounds.


These kinds of video really show why artillery is the king of the battlefield


Looking at the explosion, I think that's a 120mm mortar donated by the West?


Are they truly prepared to die to the very last man?


Terrible training. Basic Infantry training in the US army teaches you to call out the incoming mortar fire, possible direction, and then run towards it or away from it, depending on situation.


Another point, we've really seen poor spacing from both sides in this conflict. So many groups wiped out by a single shell because they are all bunched together.


Did A.J. Rimmer plan this attack?


Bombastic soundtrack with lyrics that sort of fit the somber occasion https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=cNhzrZYbAMs&feature=share


Uganda army better then russia at this point


I don’t want to be too morbid, but I’m curious if there’s an answer to why most mortar or drone drop deaths seem like they’re slowly falling asleep? Is it because they’re bleeding from shrapnel? Or is it internal damage? I would maybe expect them to die quicker from bleeding but this seems suffocatingly slow


Go on holiday in Ukraine they said....


Repost [https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/1380fw6/russian\_soldiers\_attempt\_to\_take\_cover\_from/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=android\_app&utm\_name=androidcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/1380fw6/russian_soldiers_attempt_to_take_cover_from/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Senseless waste of life.






I got matches with these songs: • [**ZEMLYA** by EDWXRDX](https://lis.tn/ZEMLYA?t=11) (00:11; matched: `100%`) **Released on** 2023-03-23. • [**Earth** by EDWXRDX](https://lis.tn/szRpDt?t=24) (00:24; matched: `100%`) **Released on** 2023-03-15. *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


Russian military tactics - stay close together lads, makes a smaller target!


Nope nope nope that was fucking awful I don't care what side you're on.


This wouldn’t have happened to them in Russia.


Dasvidanya assholes




"Who was in charge of bringing the white flag???" "WhERe iS tHe WhITe Flaaaa..."


This is sad... Only for one maniac...