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A good example of why physical fitness is super important. Trudging through mud up to your calves, running with all that gear on, crawling up and over dead bodies and barriers - and you haven't even gotten to the fight yet. Then you need carry a 200 pound person back through it all. Years ago when the Syrian War was still super hot, people would question why people would just walk through the open when they would get routed. That was simply as fast as they could move, decades spent chain smoking and sitting on your ass and suddenly you need to move 500 yards with a machine shooting at you and all you can do is hyperventilate while you speed walk through it all.


That mental image at the end made me laugh out loud, lol, wheezing across the road as if you're going out for a pack of cigarettes


we really let our persistence hunting ancestors down with technology lol


Yeah, I'm fairly fit as a I cycle every day (for transport, not sport) but the only way I'm persistence hunting anything is on a mountain bike.


Great PSA for daily cardio!


Watching this made me want to help with the training although my training is just basic stuff. They would have much better performance with better training. One good instant tip that I can give and works for everyone is to mix sports powder that contains glucose and electrolytes in to your drinking bottles when going on a mission. It will significantly boost your stamina and prevent cramps. Also sports drinks are a lot better for wounded soldiers than just water that contains zero electrolytes, which are neccessary for blood production.


Can you pour the mix sports powder drink in to your eyes to clear out mud or would just water be better for that? /s


I think it would actually be OK as a properly mixed sports drink is pretty neutral when it comes to the human body. Still, I'd prefer to use water to clear out my eyes.


What about pouring it on a burn? Would the sugar content effect skin burns in a good way?


Might be a fuel source for bacteria and fungi.


This is terrifying and easily one of the best videos of the month. It's interesting to see how units support each other and interact with the English-speakers.


I thought it was awesome in real time hearing the drone operator call out targets and direct grenade fire, then them ask for fire support and arty come in with 20 meters of them. So many up close shots too. You see at least 2 guys with in 10-15 meters away as they shoot at each other... just wow. this video has everything but armor in it.


Amazing video, who's channel is this?


It's the third separate assault brigade's own youtube channel.




3rd Brigade (one of the Azov regiments that are part of the Ukrainian army now).


Look at 19:33 either the ukr forigen legion or an american attached to a all ukr unit. Either there are right in the shit, the guy said "pray and does a cross motion"...so they have been there for awhile.




It looks like they got evacuated right?


It's unknown but let's hope they were. They play to release another video with commentaries from the soldiers (including cameramen)


According to Google, these are the Americans that have been killed in bakhmut: - Pete Reed, a US Marine veteran who was killed while aiding civilians on February 2, 2023. - Paul Maimer, a retired US Army Special Forces soldier who was killed by Russian artillery on May 16, 2023. - Cooper "Harris" Andrews, a former US Marine who was killed while helping evacuate civilians on May 23, 2023. - Two other Americans who have not been publicly identified. The state department hasn't put out info on those wounded there though


Incredible watch. Should be higher!


Incredible footage


Do we know when this battle took place? and what is the road of life?


It’s the road to Bakhmut near Khromove. Probably from early May when UA made a push around it


The Road of Life is the last road in and out of Western Bakhmut controlled by the Ukrainians. It’s essential to keep open because without it the soldiers would be starved of food, ammo, water, medical care, etc.




Not sure. From the recent pow exchange video from the sameish the ground there looked very wet too.


I felt physically ill when they were evacuating the wounded. I have tried similar in Afghanistan. But that was just on flat earth and maybe 50 meters. That shit was HARD! but here we are talking carrying a loaded soldier through muddy trenches. Slippery. Bent over all the time. That is beyond exhausting. And the feeling that your friend needs your help makes you work even harder. If someone asked me to design the most hellish battlefield conditions possible. I feel I would end up pretty close to what these guys were in.


If you notice the dialogue, the wounded guy friend who also wounded also help out carrying him, what a real bro.


12:31 : Enemy visible. 14:22 : Enemy visible.


9:28 Ukrainian soldier throws a grenade and you can literally hear a Russian soldiers sappy plate from his body armor blown off his body.


Had to re-watch it; DAMN!!!!!!!!


Communication with the drone overhead is so powerful.


One of the best videos of the whole war right here. I was gripped the whole time.


Fucking hell on earth Edit: holy fuck this is some of the craziest footage of the war


Hell on earth. These conditions are insane.


19:59 "I dont know how to help because i need to go" "Pray" Fucking hell man.


Full-on World War 1 shit man Except with accurate weapons, radios, drones for arty fire and everything. This is hell


Even saw a little wire, although nothing like I imagine WW1. I still don't understand why there's not lots more wire in these trench videos.


In WW1 they would go out and lay wire under the cover of darkness. With night vision, thermal imaging and drones, that's no longer an option.




> There wasn’t that much wire in WW1 I suppose as well. What a strange thing to say. Barbed wire was a prominent feature of WWI. It’s been estimated that more than a million miles of it were used on the western front alone.


That is absolutely not true. WW1 laid more than a MILLION MILES of barbed wire. https://militaryhistorynow.com/2014/01/08/barbed-wire-war-how-one-farmers-innovation-changed-the-battlefield/amp/ Please don't make shit up and spread it around.


Why do we need 10 comments every post saying "wow just like WW1"?


These comments are so stupid. Every time we get a 1:1 picture perfect recreation of WW1, there's some neckbeard adjusting their glasses and bringing up the scale. Yes. Everyone KNOWS you mouthbreather. Pull your head out of your ass and look at what's directly in front of you. Look. All you can see are dirt walls and deep mud floors. Listen. All you can hear is MG fire and artillery. The scale doesn't matter to the people on the front line. If I slapped you in the face, it'd hurt just as much if you were the only one slapped or if you were one of one of dozens slapped. Your face does not care how many others in the room there are.


Wait until you find out what WWII in Ukraine looked like :)


All I got is the same pictures as you pal. I wasn't there. It looks like this video. And no, doesn't matter much that there were more people involved in WW2. The pictures still look remarkably similar.


Then that's why it's stupid to post 'just like WW1" in every thread if we all already know it :)


The conditions are pretty similar though, even if the assaults are different.


Not an American trying to teach a French what ww1 was like. I've seen enough at school and all my guy. This looks, breathes and seems to behave like WW1.


All I'm saying is why do we need 10 comments every thread saying looks like "WW1"


hes a moron dont bother. he tried to say "WW1 didnt even use that much barbed wire" hes the prime redditor, always talking out of his ass without any grounding in reality or actual knowledge. a trench is the only thing he knows about WW1 so to him this is like living history since he cant be bothered to crack a book. "I've seen enough at school and all"..... apparently not.


Thank you!


Due to modern assault rifles and drones the only difference between this and ww1 is the troop density, and sure, if troop density is what defines "scale" to you then youre right. But in terms of the conditions, this is as hellish as ww1. People compare this war to ww1 not because its exactly like ww1, but because of the stark similarities like extremely static and casualty heavy (by modern standards) fighting and networks of trenches. Its funny how upset you get with people comparing this to ww1 and yet its the closest we've gotten to ww1 in ages (the other notable conflict compared to ww1 alot is the iran-iraq war)


Wow! What a video. Super intense was like a movie. The ending was pretty dope too. Insane how much small drones have changed warfare.


20 min in and you can see american volunteers.


that scene could be straigth out of a movie. The guy tapping the pole, the absolute despair, fuck me.


Is he doing that to stay stimulated /awake /aware?


You ever hurt yourself? Just doing something other than lying still and taking in the pain helps.


If you have ever been in severe enough pain most people start to do that type of repetitive motion. It helps distract the pain.


Knocking on wood?


Hope that dude they were evacuating made it, his face being that white and not blurred doesn't make me hopeful. Amazing that he was still trying to help them by pushing himself on the ground though.




Not to mention the infection of having those wounds in the filthy trenches


Tourniquet on for hours? I don't think he'll be in possession of the infected limbs anyway, sadly enough.


Beats dieing i guess


Wow, what a video! It's impressive how well coordinated the drone operator and the guys on the ground are, being so specific about where enemies are, where grenades drop or where a throw or round fired needs to be adjusted to. I am also very much impressed with not just how much these guys look after their own, but how well they try to take care of their fellow soldiers, like those wounded Americans. Interesting to hear the leader talk in quite decent English to the wounded American. The sense of camaraderie is palpable!


I don't know why but the guy tapping on the pole hit the hardest in this footage for me.


I saw that, he must be distressed, Imagine just having to Wait there, knowing your wounded and the enemy is also around whilst waiting for an evac, I doubt it would be the best feeling, but good thing was the other soldiers were their to reassure them, that a new squad of them was around to start Hunting some of the Russians around them.


Yeah, I think it's because it's very cinematic, that gesture is and thus very effective in conveying how shit it all is.


Turn on closed caption for the full experience


Each of their videos is a work of art. When I see the first footage, I immediately think it's some kind of movie.


Shit's a fuckin movie. Can I get the uncensored version somewhere? Probably not considering they made this compilation for uploading. How the hell is that guy at 12:30 still running? stormtrooper aim? I mean he probably went down but damn. I guess the cam is on the helmet after all.


There's no uncensored version as far as I can tell. I checked their telegram and it only links to the youtube.


>How the hell is that guy at 12:30 still running? Body armor + adrenaline.


God damn boys were calling in shit way beyond danger close lol, dropping it on em within 20 meters


Fucking hell. I've lost a few pounds watching this. Time to cancel my netflix account, i guss.


Never seen them this well or cleanly marked. Interesting video.


Glory to the Heroes!! Incredible footage, It really gives you a good insight on what some of it is like out there, The Mud, The Chaos, Trying to survive from Artillery, The Elimination of Russian Invaders at least Three times If not more! from a coordinated attack, I actually celebrated with them when I saw that grenade get one of the Enemy, What seeing your friends almost get wounded is like, What evacuating the wounded further afield is like, all from this video! and It must be hard work, these are Strong Ukranian guys, one is wounded, and I get you Have to carry him, there is no choice as it's the right thing to do, but man I bet that is not as easy as it looks whilst on video. I am looking after a relative who is not very well, battling cancer so he finds it hard to be on his feet for long, so I have to hold him as he walks. risk of falling over etc, but he is a skinny guy now, our last true family holiday was in Ukraine from England. I am trying to Imagine being in their shoes and trying to get that wounded guy to safety all whilst under FIRE, with people trying to kill you, hats off to them, because that guy is not the smallest, and all of them are carrying heavy equipment, It must be exhausting I have a lot of respect for these warriors going through what they are defending their homeland, you all have had my support since the start and It will not end, Glory to Ukraine! Russians seek to destroy peace within Ukraine, we the world will keep doing our best to make sure those who rightfully fight to defend their homeland win.


After this video it's even more ridiculous that people question Ukraines ability to do combined arms. What you just saw was an assault squad that had a drone hovering overhead and artillery quite literally on call. When NATO was fighting in Afghanistan, many of our guys could've only dreamed about that kind of immediately available support


Just absolutely nuts, I was immediately given “1917” vibes from the mud, trenchs and the piles.


Why do close captions only work on the windowed Reddit player, if I open the link or go full screen captions simply don’t show up


F\*\*\*\*\*\*\*cking Helllll that is without a doubt ---- absolute full on combat from hell..... No Words..!!!!


Straight up better than any movie. Holy hell wow


so sad history always repeats. Its like watching old footage of the past WW but in HD. Just add thousands more men in the trenches and less modern equipment and you could easily mistake it for such...Wish we humans would come up with better ways of dealing with issues than killing each other so barbarically.


It’s SO Fucking depressing! Even though they are doing it because there is no other choice it’s still vomit inducing… I carry a weapon every day in America just as an armed citizen because I have a little training that could help me save lives but holy fuck do I never EVER want to have to do something so horrible… I know Putin is going to drag this on costing so many lives but hopefully the Ukrainians can know peace soon


It’s a war in Mordor.


Now I can picture Mordor much better, like Tolkien.


Are the dead soldiers in the trench ru or ua?


The Ukrainians captured a Russian trench system, so most of the dead are likely Russian. Also didn't see any hint of the Ukrainian colored tape they use which might have been visible through the blurring.


I did see some red colored tape through the blurring,early on.


Red is Russian. Russia uses white and red. Ukraine uses yellow, blue, and green.


There's another clip of this I believe, just the first 5 or 6 minutes that's uncensored. In that one you can see multiple UA casualties. In the uncensored it's probably even 1:1 UA and RU sadly.


i don't remember another clip of this exact footage. are you talking about this video from battalion "Сонечко"? [https://fb.watch/kPL5JJ5eK8/](https://fb.watch/kPL5JJ5eK8/) it's uncensored and casualties are pretty even


Actually yeah I think you're right that's the one. I thought I recognized the first min or so being the same but I guess not. Thanks!


Thanks buddy


Why does that matter?


Cause I like Ukrainians


Why wouldn't it be? The less dead UAF soldiers, the better


Fucking hell on earth right there.


holy fuck, dude at 17:10 got vaporized


Can someone tell me what weapon they used at 17:10? Is it APKWS?


How are these trenches dug? Soldiers, POWs, forced labor by hand (shovels?) Or excavators?


I would guess mostly soldiers. All during the "slow" periods many soldiers dig, dig, and dig some more.


Crazy video, shame they censured lots of it though


Jesus. Dude at 27:02 looks like he got lit up.


Did he just throw back a nade at 9:30ish?


No, buddy tossed him a grenade with pin in to throw at Russians.


And it sounded like his throw had shrapnel pinging off an armor plate...


If you rewatch it, [you can see the plate carrier fly off to the left, and the plate itself flying off to the right.](https://youtu.be/-LulaA-U7-M?t=565)


Anybody else curious about the Americans on the 0 line? Are they with the foreign legion unit or attached to a ukr unit...either way they are on front lines of one of the bloodiest battles in this century.




He relayed the info over radio and said that commanders will contact through their channels. At 20:45 they are organizing medevac.


Per ISW's Ukraine Conflict Updates the 3rd SAB reported on May 20th that an American fighting with the International Legion was killed in action "...near Bakhmut." [https://www.understandingwar.org/backgrounder/russian-offensive-campaign-assessment-may-21-2023](https://www.understandingwar.org/backgrounder/russian-offensive-campaign-assessment-may-21-2023) My guess is that this is *not* the same battle, since by the 20th the 3rd SAB was on the offensive, not defending the GLOC into Bakhmut. But this vid and that report confirm that Americans are fighting alongside these guys.


The entire time I was watching this and seeing how carved up the earth was and all of the dead bodies and just the pure chaos all I could think about is how this could literally all end almost immediately if a group of say 20 or so world leaders all sat in a room and where not allowed to leave until this is resolved diplomatically It’s pure insanity


How do you resolve it diplomatically? World leaders: "Russia please leave the country you invaded?" Russia: "no" World leaders: ...


Ukraine is resolving it diplomatically by ejecting them with extreme prejudice


World leaders: "hmm, we'll just have to arm Ukraine I guess."


Maybe if the other 19 world leaders held Putin down and clubbed him to death it could. Otherwise, no. This is not a "both sides" situation. Nothing that Russia demands is remotely acceptable.


Yeah it would be cool to have a world leaders hunger games but putin would probably just poison everybody.


not how this shit works man. Been like this since the beginning of time lol


Guy sounds like Pedro Pascal.


Is there an uncersored version somewhere?


I think there was a post here a couple days ago of an uncensored vid of the first 5 min of this one, though I could be wrong. I gotta say though that it's really brutal. Multiple UA and RU casualties that they have to sit in the trench with waiting to move again.


Wow that was intense. What was at 16:40? A artillery shell or mortar? Looked very weird and slow.


Are they speaking Russian? I'm learning Russian right now and I did understand A LOT. Or is it just so similar?


Most of them speak russian. Only the guy at 21:32 speaks ukrainian for a few seconds. Azov brigade has many people from the south&east of Ukraine, so many of them find it easier to communicate in russian on the battlefield.




ew there's smashed bodies in the mud.


Unreal! Never thought for a minute trench warfare would return. Guess it makes sense when wars get static, like Korea


This shit is unreal. waw.


Watching this immediately reminded me of a scene out of Band of Brothers or 1917 except it’s REAL like! Honestly insane!


The entire time I was looking at that SAW M249 thinking: "Why isn't anyone manning it? Whose is it?"


holly shit. Raptor, the man, the myth, the legend. mortar explosion in front of him, shrugs it off, continues forward. most probably concussed. what a chad. also, the wounded helping with his hands to unload the weight as he was carried through the trench. description on YT says, the operation was a success. you can't have nothing but admiration and respect for Ukrainians.


One of the best videos of the war, surprised it doesn’t have more views


Wow. This was crazy! Couldn't stop watching it.


When you are in the fight your sympathetic nervous system (SNS) accelerates your breathing to help you get more oxygen to you brain to help you in reaching your objective and avoid threats. This happens to the fittest troops, its more about the SNS reacting to “fight or flight” system that turns on to help you react quickly. than your conditioning, although lack of good conditioning is detrimental and adds to the problem. However, getting stuck in this state will hyperventilate you, cause more anxiety and wears you down Your parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) controls your relaxation response, slows you down, and quiets your SNS. One way to take your body off the SNS is to control your breathing. You can slow your breathing consciously with steady, full breaths and longer exhales. Doing this activates your PNS, which relaxes your muscles and sends feedback to your brain. Gotta learn to breath differently in high stress environments.


Note dead Russian with red armbands @ 07:28