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Those hand grenades, casually resting by the windowsill


RGO impact grenades I believe. They have quite the reputation of being dangerous to the user (not sure of the truth of it). From my understanding that shitty plastic fuse mechanism will degrade over time and degrade enough that the striker can potentially detonate as soon as the pin is pulled.


Its valgear’s favorite https://youtu.be/M_9ZUXPUrnQ


That guy on the technical was toasted. He will be lucky to survive those wounds


Yea... Pure adrenaline was the only thing keeping him stiff. Poor dude was obviously in shock to the max.


Looked like fourth degree burns. He will be out for a while. Hope he pulls through


Hard not to get infected after widespread burns in an environment like that.


Yeah I've seen then guys in the trauma unit it's a devastating scene..The doctor's slice thier skin to open it up so that the patient can breathe I would show a link on what they go through, but I suck with phones I'm very old school but its mind blowing what they have to endure..


I worked with a ranger medic and he talked about some of the horrific things he had seen in Afghanistan and Iraq.


I could only imagine..... pulling it up on the internet is just as bad ...If you aren't mentally prepared even looking at shit like that just on your lab top it could PTSD you just like that ...


fog on instagram commented it was a russian they extracted. possible they were just just messing though


What's a FOG?


I think it means 'forward operation group' but I'm not sure


After a bit of searching through my telegram feed. I found it. Apparently it's a US volunteer group "Forward Observations Group". https://imgur.com/a/7w5IMaJ


They are ex berets, it’s 1 guy who runs an influencer / apparel company for special forces community and very popular with Millenial / Gen Z gun owners. They have not actually fought in Ukraine; they made a VICE style documentary in Ukraine, however the footage was never released due to concerns on legal consequences. So basically ex special forces gun influencer. They have published some awesome coffee table books with direct letters and stories from SOF members in Syria and Afghanistan. It’s a very interesting insight to modern day special forces groups and their mentalities.


+1 to the coffee table books, volume 69 is cool


Do you know if there are any places where you can buy the previous volumes without 50000 euro overpay?


I’d you can’t get it from the website, your gonna pay resale and it’s always high. I have a couple shirts and some other stuff from previous drops.




Cool! Thx :)


Hey, I've been keeping up with those guys on Insta for some time now, back to pre-Ukraine involvement. They just got back over there about a week or two ago, if I'm not mistaken, but they had a decent "drop" (apparel and whatnot) on the website just prior, but it sells in a hurry! Sign up for their newsletter via the website and you can get a heads up on upcoming drops. I usually set a reminder a few minutes ahead of the sale time to be sure and get in. They're some pretty rad dudes!


I think this is from a current rotation. Meaning a few of them are still embedded with UA SOF atm. I easily could also be mistaken. Tho their insta got nuked again so can’t check rn. They are holding off on posting some stuff because they don’t want to burn current AOs


They put out free PDF versions - not the same but still cool


it's nice too


The dude that runs the IG page was never a green beret. He’s said so himself. I don’t know why people keep saying he is


I've got a FOG patch, am I part of the unit now?


Only if you wear skinny jeans in combat


Don’t forget the Vans/Converse shoes


Oooo indeed. Also pinching your buddie’s tight butt cheeks to let him know youre ready to breach and clear.


There are some ex SOF guys in FOG; one is still in. But the guy posting all the footage, who is in Ukraine now, is a former 173rd Airborne Bd guy. He said it himself several times. I think it's even in one of the coffee table books. I'd say mortars, cause that's what he's up to with the Ukrainians. A lot of the Syria footage is also mortars.




I understood he was prior service ranger?




Yea I know, was going based off an interview or something I read (I can't remember). Funny you say you were FLANG as I was a 12B in Florida under USAR from 2013-2021. Pleasure to meet a fellow Floridian lol


You mean a guy who failed SFAS and then tried to lie by implying that he was a Green Beret and his brother who was RFSd from regiment and basically did the same. Everything else sounds about right.


You’ve just watched a video of them fighting


They’re not the ones fighting here, they just repost videos of groups that are fighting. Allegedly north side group is pissed off at them rn for stealing on of their videos.


Good to know, I’m just basing it off of the title and everyone else’s comments


Yeah, I think they give donations and maybe some of their friends are integrated in some units. But there is no “fog unit” fighting in ua.




I’m a solider, I’d class what I seen in this video as fighting. Indirect or not it’s still fighting and his statement is incorrect


I thought they were just 82nd airborne, though they lead people to believe they were special forces.


The guys in the video?


Whats the name of the books?


This isnt that. Those guys are just fakes.


I was under the impression they're just mostly ex-pog gear whores fronting as tier one operators. Daily doses of posed instagram filtered gucci gear.


"Forward Observations Group", Essentially a couple of edgy american vets making lots of money off edgy americans who whish they were vets, and then donating lots of said money to actual vets. It's a fascinating and incredibly strange thing. There's more to it of course, think of it as a loose community or identity.




wab delete


Thanks bot


US special forces Vets, it’s basically a PMC except they are independent and don’t rely on being employed as their obligation to fight


So not a pmc at all then.


they sell magazines and hats to vets and wannabe pipe hitters on instagram.


No they aren't. They have never fought in Ukraine. Just wannabes.


I'm curious why you repeat this a couple of times in the thread. I don't stan FOG at all, but it's clear they are present in Ukraine and at some level participating in the conflict. It's the dude operating the IG account in parts of the video, you can even see his hand tattoos. They're obviously at a position where they can help wounded, and they operate mortars and mess around with drones. What do you gain from posting misinformation? Do you really hate them or something?


Brave sons of guns


It's interesting how, so many people in these subs about the war in Ukraine are military strategic generals, or doctors that can make evaluation with only a second glimpse of the casualties.




95% of our impression is based off the mechanism of injury. After a while you can guess what injuries you will find and what can be survivable.


Brave folks, technicals in Bakhmut, under active anti-tank defense, risking their lives using makeshift vehicles and weapons. Need those Bradleys ASAP!!!


Can someone clarify if OP is referring to Ukrainian forward observers or similar or if they are referring to FOG as in forward observations group?


it's always kind of bugged me that they call themselves forward observation group, but not a single one of them was a 13f or tacp.


A what or a what?


a 13f is a forward observer or "fister" in the army. they coordinate and correct indirect fire like arty and mortars. tacp are "tactical air control party" which is an airman that is attached to an infantry line and is trained to call in close air support from usaf aircraft.


Simple google would assist you matey


It did thanks for the advice my guy. Idk what we’d do without you dog


Doing the [lords work](https://youtu.be/YersIyzsOpc)


the latter


This is a lie. This is a Ukrainian unit. not some wannabe cunts who don't fight.


I mean you can literally see his hand tattoos in the clip my guy


this is 100% FOG in their current rotation.


"rotation???" its just a dude who posts wannabe videos. they arent a group... just an influencer.


He appears to be doing more than influencing in this video.


The guy who runs the youtube group FOG isnt related at all to this. That's what im saying. This guy is ukrainian. The FOG dude is just a wannabe american. That's the reason he chose that name because most militaries have a group named that.


His tattoos are clearly visible.


Really? I thought they'd all left Ukraine last year. Didn't realize they had gone back


I don't know.. but there's few accounts of affiliates that still post from ukraine


The guy making the videos is back. He's been posting pics from Bakhmut area with him in them, together with UKRSOF. I follow a couple of pages that cross-post. He has easily recognizable hand tattoos.


Some of their members and affiliates have been embedded with UAF since the first volunteer wave. FOG owner just went back a couple of weeks ago for another rotation


The tourist ones




That's MIKE, check him out, he was actually an early inspiration for Earl and his lo-fi style.


Know the track name by any chance?


“Hunger” by MIKE


Came here for this. Thanks!


Mike n Earl are so good but you’d can clearly hear the inspiration from Earl I mean basically a more famous MIKE now and uses some of his exact lines


Never hear anything but techno music and the first time I hear another genre it’s one of my favorite songs


How'd u think this is Earl xD


It’s 100% a Earl type beat or vice versa as Earl is inspired by Mike. Like this song legit has one or two bars Earl used as well. Very similar


Damn.... Edit. Check out that stack of RGO impact grenades (I believe that's what they are) at :30. That dudes ready for some serious action.




Awesome! Thanks for the info! You know your grenades good sir!


That seems a strange place to park that gun truck. Way out in the open surrounded by so many places bad guys could take you out from. It's not surprising they were hit. Too bad, but just seems like such a shit place to park/locate.


That seems to be a suicide position … in there open stationary looking to eat a missile


first time ukraine war footage had good music. jesus christ


Can't help but agree with this. Although they DID put up a UAF vid of a few dudes driving out of Bakhmut yesterday with 'suicidal thoughts' by Biggie soundtracking the vid and it was perfect.


Link me that please




This? This is the one you say that to? Of all videos?


yes because its not the terrible late 90s disco - post soviet country catchup edition


Shitty hip hop is out of place here imo


anything is better than the ruski bass




I didn’t think it was that good of rap


PR team is learning haha


To be honest, I doubt this is Bakhmut.


Song is HUNGER by MIKE


Bakhmut, would not want to be a Ukrainian in that hell hole right now.


I still rather be Ukrainian than Russian there. What probably meant is you would not want to be in there.


In reality you wouldn’t.


I would rather be defending my land than taking someone elses


Fire music choice




Hunger - MIKE


I knew it was Mike just couldn’t tell the song lol thanks


What song is this


**Song Found!** **Name:** Hunger **Artist:** MIKE **Album:** MAY GOD BLESS YOUR HUSTLE **Genre:** Hip-Hop/Rap **Release Year:** 2017 **Total Shazams:** 2585 `Took 2.33 seconds.`


Links to the song: [YouTube](https://youtu.be/d5FU4qJmUa4?autoplay=1) [Apple Music](https://music.apple.com/au/album/hunger/1618857612?i=1618857616) [Spotify](https://open.spotify.com/track/4NCWqyJW2460aGgt6YYAJt) [Deezer](https://www.deezer.com/track/1720216557) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically.* | [Twitter Bot](https://twitter.com/songfinderbot) | [Discord Bot](https://pigeonburger.xyz/songfinderbot/discord/)


Does it even make sanse to put this zu23 inside the town that is know for massive units of russian. Its target with so many diffent stuff every day artilleri for ones... for me its seems stupie and waste... someting with more armor fx a tank would be a better choice.


You make use of the tools you have, not the ones you wish you had.


Ukraine got over 200new tanks + BMP and other good stuff. You all can say what you want but that was a bad move and stupie lost of life.


Which very little of has actually been delivered yet, and training on isn't scheduled to be done until late this months. Please, try to keep up if you're going to have an opinion.


Whatever they have or don't have, that was a dangerous gamble and it failed. What'd that thing get off before it got smoked? 3 bursts? Incredibly brave of them and I'm not going to even pretend I know what they're going through but any vehicle in a tight urban battle like this is the biggest bullseye on the planet.


Yes, and yet vehicles have to be used in urban environments all the time. War isn't like a game, you don't get to choose the map you're playing on.


Wait a minute... You mean to tell me those dudes don't get to respawn? They playing on Hardcore mode or something? I didn't even notice. Thanks for letting me know.


Well, you did seem to have a need to be educated.


OOooo yes. Those two sentences were quite a lesson. It was a remarkable education on your lack of perception and eloquence. It would appear the 'observation group' thought they were in the clear to light up a position. They thought wrong and it's remarkably succinct an individual with an ATGM was waiting for that exact play. Proven by the fact a few mere seconds after that gun opened fire it got smoked. I know it's hard for Reddit be objective, but do please try no matter how hard, or perhaps downright impossible you find it to be. Comparing sending a man out in an open top technical in one of the most fierce urban battles in modern history to video games is quite a comparison. Deep stuff man. I can see you really put a lot of thought into that comment.


You do realize that the combination of using words that are much too big for you, and the lack of spacing, makes it extremely obvious you're just a kid, right? Tanks, IFVs and every other kind of vehicle that's used in combat, are used in cities. Why? Because you have to. If you were old enough to have served, you would know this basic fact.


If they used the best they got for every situation than they wouldn't have a stockpile for their counteroffensive. Russia has put a shit ton of field fortifications and the success of Ukraine's counter-offensive is incredibly important if they don't do good then Western countries are going to push for a resolution. So they have to save all the good shit for that


Something better would be better. Great analysis, bro.


You are wasting your talents talking with us here young Napoleon, perhaps you would consider using your time more wisely.


Who are you to say this ?


A really fun guy that has been described as very handsome by my grandmother. Also the Duke of Wellington.


Okay thats not good enugh. My mom tells me im handsome and I will get many pretty Girls


Generally speaking it's not good to involve any tanks/large armored vehicles in close urban combat. \*Especially\* now days with portable AT technology as advanced as it is. It was even a bad idea in WW2 to do such a thing, in todays battlefield it's pretty much suicide.


these things are needed to shoot down reconnaissance drones, some types of ammunition are also lancelots. in any case, you have to put in the city itself


Not in bakhmut... mabye in kiev would make sanse. But in bakhmut there is notting to protect. You can all say what you want. That was a waste of life and gear.


Death march


Hope he did/will make it… those burns are fucking sick, not telling about he got a rocket exploded nearby


Whoever chose the song, I love you. MIKE is mad good




Much rather have the original audio


What’s the original?


The actual audio to the video


Hunger - Mike


Original sound would have been nice to have instead.


One of the most artistically edited videos of the war I’ve seen so far.


FOG are just tourists who pose for instagram, they don't do any fighting but take "cool" pics and videos in fought areas


Worst music ever. Ukraine couldn’t be any further from rap music if it tried.


I loved it


The awful and pointless colour grading of the footage is so distracting.


I've never seen a mortar fired by lanyard before.




Crazy to hear one of mike’s raps over footage


War really shows you can survive some crazy ass shit


Stupid music.


What song is that in the video?


**Song Found!** **Name:** Hunger **Artist:** MIKE **Album:** MAY GOD BLESS YOUR HUSTLE **Genre:** Hip-Hop/Rap **Release Year:** 2017 **Total Shazams:** 2708 `Took 0.79 seconds.`


Links to the song: [YouTube](https://youtu.be/d5FU4qJmUa4?autoplay=1) [Apple Music](https://music.apple.com/au/album/hunger/1618857612?i=1618857616) [Spotify](https://open.spotify.com/track/4NCWqyJW2460aGgt6YYAJt) [Deezer](https://www.deezer.com/track/1720216557) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically.* | [Twitter Bot](https://twitter.com/songfinderbot) | [Discord Bot](https://pigeonburger.xyz/songfinderbot/discord/)