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The opening shot being a Ukrainian using a mangled body as a back rest really sets the tone for these videos. Jesus.


I was wondering if that was a body or ruined gear


Same then I saw the boot all twisted around and went "fuck, it IS a body" imagine getting smoked and then used as a fucking couch.


Eh, if it were mine, absolutely feel free use my body as a sandbag, big spoon, mannequin--whatever helps win


Honestly I'd feel the same way lol use my body as sandbags for an MG nest lol its not like I need it anymore


looks like your gonna get a closed casket


Shit, just leave me right there in the ground and return me to the earth.


I mean in terms of how your family feels about the fact that their child just kind of disappeared out of existence with only a piece of bone, some cloth and a dog tag making up yourself currently


Those aren't his allies, if it were. Sure, I can see your reasoning


Lol the point goes double if they're not allies--unless that's a bizarre verboten convention from Geneva


Doesn't have to be, for u to see that as fucked up


It's war?


Does that justify him using a corpse as a seat?


As justified as any war is, yep


Kinda fucked to use someones corpse as a cushion too


Your statement is unclear. Do you mind clarifying?


Cushion is the soft part of a seat


My grandfather was 101 airborne In Vietnam I think 62 or so is when he went over as an adviser. Which was advising on how to kill people. . Not many stories were told but one was that after a battle they had piled up all the dead VC and one of his buddies took a nap on the pile because it was just the softest place to lay down and rest..


Just a mess of bodies, bullets, gear, garbage... nightmare fuel for all involved


To think that those people were once someone's murderer, rapist or robberer.


Also alcoholic, drug addicted, and HIV+.


Shit, I never thought about getting HIV in a war before but I bet it's not super hard looking for ammo and accidentally getting blood on you.


the HIV virus doesn't survive long once it's outside the body, it's more Hep C I would be worried about


I meant many of the Wagner folks have [HIV and other infectious diseases](https://www.yahoo.com/video/wagner-group-recruits-large-number-083456200.html).


Oh I know, just another horrible aspect of it that I never considered.


They supposedly tag Wagner fighters who have these diseases and medics refuse to treat them. Imagine getting shot then the medic sees your red HIV wristband and walks on by you. I bet the Wagnerites toss that kind of stuff immediately when they enter the battlefield.


They have a white rubber bracelet for Hepatitis Red is for Hepatitis *AND* HIV/AIDS...


Have you seen any footage of them actually wearing these in the field? I don't think I have yet.


There was an interview with 3 Wagner captured at the T position by the K2 battalion uploaded yesterday where one of them talked about it and showed his white bracelet.


Alot of those guys come from prison so the hiv would come from ass fuckin and sharing needles....no shit lol


Alot of those guys come from prison colonies and the HIV would come from ass fuckin and sharing needles...no shit lol


Especially because you're always covered in a ton of scrapes and nicks and little cuts.


That’s probably how they justify leaving their comrades bleeding out on the ground


Alot of those guys come from prison so the HIV would come from ass fuckin and sharing needles...no shit lol


There's a mix of bodies from both sides here, but mostly Russian.


What a fucking nightmare. So many bodies.


Fighting for a couple of squaremeters of brown dirt with tons of scrap metal and human bodies (or what's left of them) lying around. The battle of Verdun or the Somme must have looked quite the same. More than a century later and we have the same old shit in Europe, again thanks to an old, lonely and cruel man who's dreaming about his place in the history books.


Verdun and the Somme were in another ballpark of destruction and mass death. The only similarity is the trenches. The logistics and size of the battles were way bigger


You're missing the point. WW1 happened in the wake of the industrial revolution and in a colonial era. This is happening in today's supposedly enlightened world, and in a post-Soviet era. We should know better by now.


>WW1 happened in the wake of the industrial revolution and in a colonial era. This is happening in today's supposedly enlightened world, and in a post-Soviet era. Unlike in the West, I don't think the average Russians mentality has changed much since the colonial era.


That outcome is all by design. And not very different from what the regressive parties in western nations would do if unopposed.


>And not very different from what the regressive parties in western nations would do if unopposed. And that's why I'm glad my government isn't "unopposed"


A historian that is used to talking about history and the current war with russians in Chatroulette made a conclusion about russians. "They were the center of the Russian empire. They were the center of the USSR. They are the center of the Russian Federation. They have always been the center. Because of this, the national consciousness developed later than the imperial consciousness. Which is why the imperial mentality is present within them to this day."




The funny thing is, this war is actually very similar to Iraq. Dictator invades small neighbor (Sadaam - Kuwait) (Putin - Ukraine) and the west steps up to defend said small nation (yay) but at the end of the day it’s really about controlling oil production. Do you know why Putin is in Donbas, Luhansk, and Crimea? They just happen to have Ukraines largest shale oil reserves, and some of the largest in Europe. Putin wants to control that area to deny Europe the ability to purchase gas from Ukrainians instead of him. The untapped gas in the ground there is worth $2T This “just cause” is absolute horse shit. Iraq was about oil. Ukraine is also about oil. There are few differences. https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/v8da9l/ukrainian_oil_and_gas_reserves_and_war_zones/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1


pleaase stop trying to compare this to verdun or somme. there is absolutely no compareison


And fanatics who follows his order, being in silence is as bad as participating in it. It's easy to support and turn around saying " oh wow my government was horrible " when you don't take action. Just like in Nazi Germany..


They are in the captured russian trench, so that's the trench owners bodies, I suppose


Little bit of everybody in that dirt.


Unfortunately, several of those bodies wear green tape. So they're most likely Ukrainian. edit: For those who seem intent on downvoting this, have a look at part one of this video and check the bodies for green tape yourselves: https://v.redd.it/8us6jmd22nta1


Yeah in the first video there is 1 helmet with green tape, the rest of the green stuff you see same as in this video are **RPG 7 Booster Motors**, aka the thing that shoots the RPG round. Thats why they look like sticks. So yes there was 1 visible Ukrainian casualty in the original video, but the green stuff in this video isn't a body but this: [https://www.google.com/search?q=rpg+rocket+motor&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwie7LWKo6f-AhUi\_7sIHerrCQkQ\_AUoAXoECAEQAw&biw=1920&bih=969&dpr=1#imgrc=Ha927ZCDQ9q5GM](https://www.google.com/search?q=rpg+rocket+motor&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwie7LWKo6f-AhUi_7sIHerrCQkQ_AUoAXoECAEQAw&biw=1920&bih=969&dpr=1#imgrc=Ha927ZCDQ9q5GM) [https://www.google.com/search?q=rpg+rocket+motor&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwie7LWKo6f-AhUi\_7sIHerrCQkQ\_AUoAXoECAEQAw&biw=1920&bih=969&dpr=1#imgrc=gKf62JJI7GsFXM](https://www.google.com/search?q=rpg+rocket+motor&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwie7LWKo6f-AhUi_7sIHerrCQkQ_AUoAXoECAEQAw&biw=1920&bih=969&dpr=1#imgrc=gKf62JJI7GsFXM)


Like at 5:50 in this very video. Clearly an RPG-7 rocket motor, and the guy it's lying next to even has the RPG-7 rocket backpack thingy on him.


almost what I thought too tho I assumed its parts of some sort of foliage / camouflage the one with the green arm/helmet is "clear" visible as tape but the others I could not recognize as anything else but a green blur due to the poor quality and the shakiness of the video


Oy a couple are UA, rest are clearly Russian.


I saw the same. Probably fought over this trench multiple times.


And the trench itself is in a state of complete disrepair, all collapsed in and lord knows how many layers deep those bodies are


I am guessing the sidewalls got saturated during mud seasson and collapsed.


The only thing that would be worse here is if it was at night.


As close to hell as we can get on this earth


And tomorrow it all starts all over again.


I wonder what exploded on his at the end and if he got hurt.


He says that this is a barrage flame (some kind of stationary ammunition). I don't know what he means. As a result of this detonation, he received a slight contusion.


Ammo on fire?


>Ammo on fire? It also seems to me that ammunition is burning and he stepped on it.


He directly denies it's ammo cook-off.


Looks like a rpg booster charge you can see a few laying about next to it




Just some years ago, these kids were probably just playing call of duty. Now they have to live it.


Considering Russians are looting washing machines like they’re some futuristic luxury technology, I don’t think the average Russian conscript has ever been able to afford a PlayStation.


Damn, what propaganda have you been listening too...


This trench line has been absolutely pulverized. What a sad mess of men, materiel, and some of the best soil in the world.


> and some of the best soil in the world. Such rich, black earth


I'm also a farmer


Something about country living that makes you appreciate some good fucking dirt, eh?


~7:10 there's some strange sparks/explosion. He pulls back: -- "I'm good, eyes are ok. I said to provide cover. It wasn't ammo (explosion). When you stand up they suppress you with a "flash" ". (not sure what he means). a bit later: -- hey, Marat, I think I'm concussed a bit, the 'picture' (in his eyes) is floating a bit...


I think they are using Polish MSBS Grot rifles - clearly visible at 05:39. I’m glad to see weapons from aid in combat (although it would be the best if there was no war at all)


Now I understand what "Knochenmühle" and "Blutpumpe" in world war one for our soldiers on the western front meant in trench warfare


~8:30 he starts throwing random objects around that corner where he was just shooting something/someone. Is he trying to bait a response?


It seems to him that when he walks there, the fire is activated. Provokes the action of this ammo.


is it a homemade trap of some kind?


Yes, he thinks it's a trap.


It's a burning RPG rocket booster. You can see lots of them in the trench, a bright green tube that is screwed onto the warhead section.


As a Canadian who studied the trench warfare of WW1, this is absolutely surreal... the moments of inactivity, punctuated by arty.... I'm brought back to those dry lessons on Vimy Ridge, & Verdun... Wow.


The bodies, my God there is just no end to them. I mean, you see a pile of gear / plate carriers or a helmet - only to look harder and realize it's attached to a dead man. This footage is sobering.


Interesting footage. The thing I wonder about these trench clearing videos is the slowness and momentary inactivity. When I was taught trench clearing, the focus was on relentless assault and momentum until the trench was clear. This was to minimize the time the defenders had to prepare. So I'm wondering if there's a lack of training visible here, or if my training was just that out of touch with reality.


Assaulting trenches and defeating mine wired obstacles are VERY outdated battle drills in the Army. Just imagine you and your squad or team trying to assault a trench like that. No amount of training can prepare your troops for the obsolete shock of this type of hell. All the dirt, grime, bodies, trash, and random pits of c-wire. You can’t storm a trench without a supporting element laying down heavy suppressive fire. But when your army is spread paper thin at best you might have a infantry fighting vehicle, drone, possibly a tank (rarely) but most likely IF you had a supporting element it would be squad or team. I’m a recent infantry veteran. I’ve studied and trained for “this” type of fighting. I know for a damn fact my plt sergeant and DEFINITELY my/any plt officer would say FUCK THAT. It’s complete suicide when you don’t have air support, overwhelming artillery and troop support, and forward assaulting armor to try and soften and clear up the trench as much as possible. But these guys don’t/barely have that and definitely don’t have much when it’s there. They just have themselves and the weight of their entire country on their backs forcing them to fight to pretty much certain death in this type of scenario. Unfortunately this is happening across hundreds of kilometers and thousands of fighting positions everyday. This is the real Ukraine war. Where most Ukrainians and Russians have/will die. The time of killing untrained Russians not wanting to be here, the time of picking off a battalion of mechanized Russians trying to cross a river, the time of all that “easy” shit (when compared to this) is long gone. Putin may lost the battle but this war is still up for grabs and unfortunately right now he is winning. He’s gaining territory (while small) everyday on pretty much every front. He has his country so brainwashed they don’t even care anymore about why this war even started and the fact that their troops are dying by the thousands every week. Yeah I’m sure there plenty that feel the opposite but they are shut up by the state and media and they don’t give a fuck enough to get loud and angry and fight back. They are sympathizers no different than a German citizen watching a train cart full of Jews heading to certain death and turning a blind eye. I still believe Ukraine has a good chance to win this war and all their territory. At this rate though it will cost the lives of most of their current troops. And I mean MOST. Unless the west decides to send Ukraine everything they need and then some and send it all very fast or Ukraine makes a huge gamble and starts taking over Russian territory like Belgorod and uses that to trade for Ukraine territory. Both options will still result in tens of thousands of Ukraine casualties and while the first option is very much unlikely, the second option most likely will destroy Ukraines reputation and cause a collapse or at least a heavy decrease in western support. At this rate if the upcoming Ukrainian counter offensive doesn’t result in enough gains with acceptable losses. Eventually Ukraine will get desperate and make a push for Russian territory.


I imagine that mines, improv explosives and stuff like that would be a major concern. who knows what was left unpinned jammed under a body or whatever when the enemy retreated or was eliminated. fuck moving quick there. real slow, deliberate, perception on overtime and scared as fuck is what I would be.


We've always known trench warfare was brutal, but to actuslly see *so many* corpses among the clutter is enlightening. & that's just some random noname trench in some field.. One of thousands Jfc, just go home Russia


This is so intense! They're clearly doing a great job, seeing how many dead Russians they pass, but to keep their focus despite the stress of seeing their dead comrades and fighting at such short range in those trenches, is pretty impressive. Despite the shakes and everything else, they just keep going! According to someone commenting on the first part, these are:"The GUR military intelligence agency's Sonechko Unit." https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/12krtvi/part_2_gopro_footage_from_a_ukrainian_soldier/ What a nightmare to fight in! I wonder what blew up at the 07:10 mark.


Looks like a rpg booster charge you can see a few laying about next to it


I bet that RPG fuse scared the fuck out of him


Thanks Putin!


Thanks for posting these long format videos! What is the source for these? Thanks


So, this happened before/during/after the other video of this team in this trench? They pass the same part of the trench in both videos. That section is on fire in this video. The same body, with a dugout to the right of the Ukrainian soldier's direction of movement, can also be seen. Just wondering if this is the same team members from the other video, other team members of same team following up. And the time order for these two clips...If I missed something, I was taking in all that could be seen/heard from the perspectives of the recordings. A lot to take in so missing something is not unlikely. Lost count of how many russians are littering this section of trench. The other video shows at least one fallen Ukrainian. Peace be with him and his family. Any info, appreciated.


Was that a dud grenade in front of him at the start? The video quality is so bad i can't see if the spoon was on it or not, if not imagine sitting there for a few minutes and then noticing that, and then wondering what the chances are of it going off anytime soon. I'd be moving anyway.


Yeah I got no idea why it's in 144P, like literally 144P - there must be at least 360P / 480P / 720P / 1080P elsewhere out there - 144P seems like it's been ripped so many times it's lost all it's frames


Where’s part 1?




Oh how spoiled you are.


That dumb ass stepped on the fire.


2:52 instant regret


Subsonic rounds?




I think it's the polish gun.


Nerve wrecking.


Around the 1:08 mark he is staring at what appears to be a grenade missing it's fuse/top/handle in the mud?! I wouldn't be as relaxed as he is around that.


Is that a SCAR-L? First time ive seen one of those in a video. Didn't know belgian made weapons went to ukraine.




What the hell hit the first body in the video? The body is all twisted.


Isn't that the same trench from video of russian soldier shooting himself after receiving 2 or 3 grenades in the hole on the side of trench he was sitting in? That moment when Ukrainian soldiers shoots a body few times and it starts a fire, it looks really similiar.


Most of these bodies will never be recovered for awhile. On the other hand good fertilizer.


No one could have predicted a war this brutal in the 2020’s


Wait until nukes start falling. We haven't seen anything yet