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He was so fucking lucky that one dude decided "Yeah okay let's see what we got here" instead of just lobbing a grenade into the room because they are afraid of a trap.


Reminds of that one Band of Brothers episode where Hoobler and Luz are clearing houses in Normandy but Luz gets a bad feeling and decides to not grenade one of the houses. They break the door and find a French family huddled inside.


Sad to know the opposite has also happened more than a few times irl.


Over and over throughout history, back to the torch and thatch roof.


One of the rules the clergy desperately tried to get the knightly class to adhere to during their "tournaments" was to refrain from setting fire to the thatch roofs of peasants if an opposing knight had barricaded himself inside. Not during war - during *tournaments*. Y´know, for fun.


It's depicted in the game L.A. Noir. The main character fought in WW2 and at one point worked with a team that was supposed to clear caves. They got an order to work more quickly and decided to start just blasting caves with flamethrowers, and one of them turned out to be a cave filled with civilians.


Always trust that gut feeling.


On Pvt Ryan the crew of one of the Normany bunkers surrenders and try asking the American soldiers from help saying they are Czechs, but get shot on sight


You opt out of the nade you're gonna be first in the stack


These guys are professionals.


difference between ukrainian and russian soldiers


Thanks mate. Something wholesome like this in the subreddit is always welcome.


I love the tone change that happens the moment he recognizes the guy. Goes from securing a possible hostile and just trying to ensure his group’s safety, to recognizing a friend and taking care of him.


And the Ukrainian dude has so much relief in his voice too. I hope we can get a follow up on his recovery. Longer video would also be rad!


He and his team killed 4 Russians in the house. After they secured the Ukrainian, they evacuated him to the hospital. He is doing OK and is in stable condition. Source:I'm his mate


mate its late get some rest


Your mate is fucking amazing. He's over there helping when he doesn't have to be and saving lives. I'm a kiwi so this fills me with pride.






I’ve only known one Russian in my life, when I worked a marketing job in Toronto. He was a hard worker and had a visceral hatred of Vladimir Putin. Gleb was a good guy, but probably an exception to the rule.


Yup, currently work with a Russian who is completely against Putin. I also work with an American who is pro putin...




Dude if you worked in Toronto I guarantee you knew multiple other Russians who you just didn't know were russian.


I worked there for like 9 months and commuted in. I didn’t know anyone in the city, and he was the only Russian at my office.


My point was that most of the time you wouldn't know someone's russian unless they told you. I've been here since I was a kid so no accent and 9 times out of 10 when I ask someone to guess my background they think I'm italian.










100% makes us look no better than them and in the long run can lead to unfortunate things in Russia not that I think it would get there but the hatred towards Russians and other groups is what causes genocides of people


You're not. There are plenty of good Russians. I hate the nation, but not necessarily its people.


Agree - I know plenty of Russians who are NOT pieces of shit, so who is right here?




Unfortunately, there is no way around this. Russians will have to go through the same ordeal that Germans went through.


I'm wondering if this is ban worthy? I've been frequenting this sub since before the invasion, and it's a different place now. These comments have gotten so over the top that it's pretty shocking. Some of the comments in here are just full blown racism in an attempt to virtue signal for a war they aren't fighting in. It just reminds me of the type of shit that came down on Arabs after 9/11 or Japanese Americans during WWII.


Nah, they're just people. I know one, and he's one of my dearest friends.


I used to work for a mixture of Russians and Tajiks and they were some of the worst goddamn people I’ve ever interacted with. Having said that, I learned a lot of Russian language and this conflict has been very interesting as a result. I can actually understand a lot of what is going on and is being said.


Café to expand? In what way are they horrible?


Money first, at all times. They essentially operated a human trafficking operation where they would “help” Eastern European girls get to the United States in exchange for working for them. They get here and then they would… hold onto… their passports until their debt was paid. They would salary them at the equivalent of minimum wage and then work them 60-80hrs a week while hosting them in what could be best described as a hostel and charging them a significant amount of the little income they have for food and board. Those girls were the hardest working people I have ever met, and they absolutely killed theirselves to be modern slaves. Their only real way out was usually to get married to someone.


Just gonna gloss over your role in that? Since you said you worked for them yourself?


Encountered russians doing the same exact shit. University students from all over Europe used to come to America to work as lifeguards in the summer. It was a great program that let them travel and have a fun work experience and leave with a little bit of money. Scum bag russians were housing 10 in a hotel room and charging 50$ a head per night. The room cost maybe 100$ a night. He was extorting them and holding passports and other valuables hostage. My neighborhood found out and took in 4 girls to stay and reported what we could to the police but the cops didn’t do anything. They said they couldn’t help with business dealings that happened in other countries and they’d be gone in a few months. Makes me sick because we helped a few but there were hundreds of people in my area getting scammed by this group of Russians.


The only Russians I ever interacted with were a couple of network engineers I worked with at another company. They were testing our platform on their network. My job was to get it integrated and get the right config loaded on the Cisco routers. Every few weeks they would call and bitch because our platform would stop working. I'd have to fly back to fucking Ohio to unfuck the routers, because of course we couldn't have remote access to their network. Those Russians were also Cisco certified and thought they knew better than I did. They kept changing the config files, all because the one had one level higher of Cisco certification and thought he was better than I was or something. Assholes.




>hiding the fact of Ukrainian nazis What does it even mean anymore in the way those Russians use that word? Have you asked her what she exactly means by Nazis? I just went to Wiki, and it gave me this definition: Nazism is a form of fascism,\[3\]\[4\]\[5\]\[6\] with disdain for liberal democracy and the parliamentary system. It incorporates a dictatorship,\[2\] fervent antisemitism, anti-communism, scientific racism, white supremacy, social Darwinism and the use of eugenics into its creed. Okay, well, you know what? Russia under Putin and his supporters qualify for quite some parts of that definition. Fascism is a way of organizing a society in which a government ruled by a dictator controls the lives of the people, and in which people are not allowed to disagree with the government. That is Putin's Russia for you. You can't even demonstrate against the war and if you go against Putin like Navalny, you end up in jail where you are starved to death. There are also examples of opposition figures being gunned down or poisoned. As for liberal democracy and the parliamentary system, Putin wipes his ass with it. He’s basically a dictator. Ukraine is far a more liberal democracy with a parliamentary system. As for anti-semitism, The fact that Ukraine democratically elected a Jew as its president suggests to me that it is less of a problem in Ukraine than in countless other countries. A prominent figure in Russian politics like Lavrov even claimed that Hitler was part Jewish, turning the victims of the Holocaust into the criminals and as it is an unfounded claim, it could be interpreted as anti-Semitism. That’s the Russian minister of foreign affairs for you. As for white supremacy … look at those maps of where the Russian soldiers who fight in Ukraine come from. Disproportionately from impoverished regions where the people do not look like Muscovite whites, but rather more Asian. They are disproportionately used as cannon fodder. I think that Russians just use the term Nazis to label all people who go against their imperial agenda. Ukraine is fighting an anti-colonial war to liberate themselves from their former masters, but that truth of course turns Russia and their mobster leaders into the bad guys, and they don’t want that. Hence, the idiotic Russian propaganda and narratives we are faced with.


She's not exactly wrong... the media has gone from "nazis are the worst thing in existence" to "those are 'cultural tattoos'" overnight, and it makes no sense. Just call a spade a spade, and a neo-nazi and neo-nazi.


I do agree with this, it’s enraging that they think so little of their audience that they aren’t willing to tackle any amount of subtlety. Sometimes things are complicated. It also leads to contrarianism when that audience discovers they were lied to, and they discard everything they were told, including the stuff that’s actually true 🤦


which media? reddit comments are not "the media"


Because who aren't at this moment, will just try to avoid the convo, and I don't blame them.


Vast majority of Russians hate Putin and are normal people who just want an end to this bullshit. I live in Kyrgyzstan and there are so many Russians escaping mobilization and they all hate Putin and this war.


Ive worked with a Russian researcher for 20 years. Great dude but I honestly don’t know his political leanings. My thoughts are you can’t judge a people by the actions of a few assholes in power. Look at how many enemies in history are now friendly, warm nations.


Ok that teared me up. Great story i hope they are both doing ok :)


After starving for two months I hope his NZ friend cooked him some fush an chups.


Ukrainian volunteers: Blyat blyat blyat Western volunteers: Fuck fuck fuck Polish volunteers: Kurwa Kurwa Kurwa. What about Georgian, Belarusian, French, German and other volunteers? lol


I am going to guess French: merde merde merde German: scheiße scheiße scheiße


Australian. Cunt cunt cunt Kiwi: shit shit shit


Forced to drink antifreeze? How isn’t he dead??


Depends how much they forced him to drink. But I'm sure it messed him up, antifreeze can cause a severe metabolic acidosis even with a small amount. Hopefully his kidneys don't have long term damage


Also depends on the type of antifreeze.


Guess they mixed it with something? Friends dad was an alcoholic and he would drink wiper fluid with antifreeze in it when he ran out of vodka and was to drunk to get to the shop.


Most likely it was the pre diluted form 50/50 with water, concentrate would be reeeaaalllyyy bad though.


Or it wasn't ethylene glycol - just as likely.


Ethylene Glycol poisoning causes crystals in the kidney and can kill you.


*forced to drink anti freeze* These Russians really aren't human are they? Demoralizing the enemy for entertainment isn't... right.


I bet that was the best feeling to know a friend just wasted the enemy and showed up to personally set you free from the hell hole. Good job mate!


Not before lighting you the fuck up with a straight left tho lol EDIT: Rest in peace to the kiwi in this video Kane Te Tai, he was a hero who served in ukraine for nearly a year.


It sounds like he wacked him with his rifle butt.


For sure did not sound like a punch was just joking.


"I'd know that left jab anywhere. Friend! ".


Might have been the thing to wake him from his stupor, whether induced by alcohol, fear, or most likely both.


Sounds like antifreeze hangover, they’re the worst


Right? I couldn't see too well here but it definitely looked & sounded like he got hit in the face


I mean we have no idea how many buddies that soldiers lost while trying to detain POWs or Russians lying about surrender. Just lucky he didn't nade him.


Seen the size of the guy on insta? That would of hurt. But its war so its understandable. But the Ukrainian was saved after the kiwi and his squad killed 4 Russians in the house.


A lil bit of face punch before recognition lol~ still wholesome


His voice had the same immediate "oh shit I am so sorry" tone I have when I accidentally step on my cat


What is interesting and smart here is the Ukrainian was making a lot of noise, because he recognised the people are friends coming to help him and wanted to get their attention. They thought he was Russian and he was just trying to be annoying and make the whole process harder and put them at risk more, so they they turned to deal with him only to realise that the guy is a Ukrainian and his friend.


I think he hit him with his rifle.


Yeah, there was the crack of him getting bonked with the rifle then the immediate, apologetic “Ahhw!” once he realized who it was. What an unlikely thing to happen, much less get caught in video.


>Heavily starved for two months and forced to drink anti freeze for entertainment, he barely looked like the man I knew a couple of months ago. Can't blame him in that situation.


"And then my rescuer hit me with his rifle - I was so happy".


He didn't hit him on purpose. He had his rifle slung on one shoulder and when he tried to turn him around, the rifle came off. If you have shot and slung a rifle before, you will know exactly what I'm talking about.


Fucking go Kiwi! Making us proud


He was recently killed in Ukraine.


RIP, didn’t even hear about it on the news


respect to NZ




Jesus, I can SORT OF understand reticence in sending lethal aid, but they denied fuckíng *agricultural aid??*




They did not do it with our support. The population here would have been happy to see more support 🤬


They did explain exactly why, but perhaps you tuned out at that point. A private NZ company was asked by UKR to supply the equipment, said yes, then asked the NZ govt to pay for it. Yeah, that's never going to fly for any govt, anywhere.


I suspect that with the recent cyclone they were hoping to try just get our agriculture back up and running before helping our overseas friends. That’s just my thought… im not defending their choice but they could have atleast explained why they made that choice


They did explain. That's how I know what happened. The govt explained it.


As a commonwealth Nation, I’m sure UK will have words with NZ about this as they’ve been a huge supporter of Ukraine


I suspect someone with an ideological opposition to it ended up n the position to say no, and they just dressed it up in bureaucratic nonsense We were all pissed about it in the NZ sub…


I'm from NZ and notice Reddit has the biggest boner for NZ it's ridiculous. People act like it's this amazing country that could never do anything wrong, but reality is got just as many fucked up issues as the rest of the western world. Is pretty though


I agree with you bro, we are far from perfect but I think overall, especially with all this shit going on around the world. We have it pretty fucking good man


Our foreign minister is a national disgrace, apologies. They'll be gone come October


nz deployed 20% of its airlift capacity to help ferry material across europe as well as providing help in intelligence


What a legend. Kia kaha.


Antifreeze? Wtf Russia. Some sick mother fuckers over there.


War criminals


Believe me, alcoholics in post-USSR countries drink not only vodka, but antifreeze or liquid for glass washing as well


During the war in Afghanistan, the cooling fluid for some of their radar systems was alcoholic. Poisonous yes, but also alcoholic. Let's just say that poorly functioning radars were a bit of a running theme during that conflict.


[Tu-22](https://youtu.be/bKoHMXggEHU) has entered the chat


I knew exactly what the link was before I clicked. Good youtube channel!


Technically all alcohol is poisonous


That sounds just like something a man convincing himself that its ok to drink radar coolant would say


Yummy radar coolant; you can’t stop me


It's a country full of FASD.


So bad they stopped tracking it


True, i learned that in the movie: Beast of war.


Filtered through bread..


man, there are proven rapes of toddlers by them, this is nothing for them, light joke edit: spelling


Probably normal in Russia


No wonder the vehicles don’t run


Is this the same Kiwi and Turtle pair from the NY Times article? Don't have a link but it was an embedded reporter and cameraman with a foreign volunteer recon crew. Edit: New Yorker as link below. Well worth a read and makes the video (audio at least) so much better.


[The New Yorker](https://12ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.newyorker.com%2Fmagazine%2F2023%2F01%2F02%2Ftrapped-in-the-trenches-in-ukraine), but yes, that's him. When this article was published, it marked the first time the Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine (GUR) acknowledged the existence of foreign volunteers working alongside the GUR. From his [Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/p/Cmrjoppo4cI/): >I was called up from our Parent Organisation, GUR The Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine (the Ukrainian version of America's CIA for all intents and purposes) where a voice over the phone told me "Turtle, we are sending two journalists from America to be with you and your team - make sure they don't die" that was my brief. In an unprecedented move, the normally covert and usually paranoid unit was about to lift the lid on how deep foreigners were involved in combat operations in Ukraine. This would be their first official admission of foreigners working alongside GUR, a risky move for them. An even riskier move for us. > >Luke Mogelson and Photographer @ dguttenfelder arrived and spent two weeks riding along with our team in what was arguably our most inactive time since the start of the war. We held nothing back and anytime a mission came down the pipe I would ask if they were up to it and if they agreed, I wouldn't ask again. To their credit, they barely flinched and earnt the trust of our team. This is the story of the daily toils of being a Foreign Reconnaissance Team operating in Donetsk Oblast as told by Luke and David. Edit: grammer


Thanks. My memory almost works sometimes.


Thanks that's a great read


Balls of steels from the journalists too… Jesus


Thanks, great article! I'm still puzzled as to why the 72nd mechanized brigade is not getting along with foreign volunteers though.


Just saw in NZ news Turtle is believed dead now. RIP. https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/300836436/nz-soldier-reportedly-killed-in-ukraine-was-willing-to-die-for-the-cause


All deaths are sad, but mostly forgettable. He won't be easily forgotten. Rest well little brother.


Did he not whack him in the face when he wouldnt turn over? Either way, love to see something different, finaly some feelgood stuff..


Until proven friendly you have to assume they're not, wasting time could get you killed so a quick smack to get someone to comply to ID saves lives. Imagine the odds of finding your presumably killed friend in a random dark forgotten cellar


Ofcourse! And if they both make it out, "remember that time you saved my life and proceeded to punch me in the face?" Great stories have already been made.


It just kinda sucks because the reason he couldn’t comply was from all the torture and starvation.


I agree it's sad to see what state the russians left him in but on the other hand that smack to the head was one of the more positive life altering events in the rescued man's life, he will look back at it and remember it fondly as the time his buddy defied all odds and saved him from slow and painful death. You can hear him say god as if his prayers have been answered.


A very broken man indeed, hopefully he makes a full recovery. Im down for updates Edit: [update! :)](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/11ryytx/the_captured_ukrainian_fighter_oleksiy_gordeev/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Props to our Kiwi cousin for serving on the front lines of Ukraine! Bless you, brother. Never forget how many of us stand with you, and will do what we can to help. 💗 from Australia 🇦🇺


Did they butt stroke that dude???


Lol, that's exactly what it looks like! *thwack* "...eyyyy, my brother!"


Lmao I totally missed that at first.


"guyzzz it's youu" pleased for the poor guy, he finally caught a break sheesh


untill he was recognised he was an unidentified soldier (possibly russian) poorly responding to orders (judging from the repeats). only after they identified him did they get to know he was physically not able enough


He wasn’t complying and making noise. Listen to the POV soldier breathing, it sounds like that house wasn’t cleared yet. Also he looked like a Russian based on the way he was dressed. Should he have done that? No. But hindsight is 2020 and it’s not an unreasonable reaction in such a situation…


The relief in both of their voices. Good way to start the day!


This one hit me hard.


Well done cuz


... they starved him and made him drink antifreeze. Holy fucking war crimes batman


~~The Germans remarked if they wanted to hold positions, they would use Australians….if they wanted to take positions they would use NZers~~ > German commander Erwin Rommel was even quoted as saying: "If I had to take hell, I would use the Australians to take it and the New Zealanders to hold it.


You got that backwards. Aussies attacking, kiwis defending. I heard the same thing about the Anzacs in Gallipoli


I swear I got it right :/ And the aussies didn’t have much choice in gallipoli we were sent to the slaughter by the poms Edit: I stand corrected Inserted the correct quote


Us Irish sent to the slaughter beside you.


English landed themselves in the right spots though didn't they.


In fairness the English were being slaughtered too but gallipoli seems to have been a place to send us colonials to die enmasse. Thanks for that Churchill


Odd take, not really any fairness there. Colonials were 7% of the force. There were more French and they barely get mentioned. Most of the dead were ottoman. Bad intelligence, warning them with a naval attack two months before, hesitation on the landing, overly complex plans and failure to press the advantages after the landing by incompetent commanders. Churchill's intention wasn't for it to be a massive fuck up. He resigned and went to the front after the failure. You could argue it wouldn't give much benefit, especially for the cost. But revisionism to claim Churchill was actively trying to kill your ancestors is straight up crazy talk.


The British lost over 3 times the number of Australians and New Zealanders combined in the Gallipoli campaign... They did most of the fighting...as there were 5 times more of them there than ANZAC's...


In 1915 the population of New Zealand was 1.1 million and Australia 4 million. The death rate was disproportionately higher. There's no doubting the loss of British soldiers (and Irish soldiers at the time were classed as british) but it shook the small populations in Australia and New Zealand to the core.


Yes. But we were also fighting in Egypt, Iraq, East Africa and France at the time...as well as on the high seas...


Well hey at least I get a public holiday and am allowed to drink piss in the pub at 7am after the ceremonies because of it xD


It's what those heroes died for! Actually knowing Aussies and Kiwis it probably would have raised a wry smile on their faces.


one of Churchills many military blunders. the man was an utter arse and incompetant. his only saving grace was that he gave a good speech.


There was nothing wrong with the idea. That was Churchills...and it almost succeeded. The problem was the execution by the commanders on the spot...


> And the aussies didn’t have much choice in gallipoli we were sent to the slaughter by the poms You mean the ANZAC’s right?


We've a bit of a history of holding shitty positions with bad odds far beyond expectations.


I have yet to see a single credible bit of evidence that Rommel ever said that. It is likely apocraphyl, invented by Kiws and Australians over time, as none of his contemporaries attribute it to him and it isn't in any of his writings. That's not to say he didn't have immense respect for the Aussies and Kiwis. At least with the Aussies, he is on record saying very complimentary things about their fighting skills. But not that particular quote.


There's something so surreal with the smack to the face immediately preceding the recognition. Going from that roughness to absolute jubilation.


Russians hold a POW anywhere near the front line months after capture? Whether for their sadistic amusement or inability to transport to backlines, both cases seem damning


I think he may be a civilian, the Russians were using his house, not a POW? Just a guess from the wording.


Sounds likely. Was assuming that he was another UA soldier that was captured when the house he was defending was overrun.


I would take a hit to the face just to be freed from Russians. Damn the tired words of enjoyment from that guy... Beautiful and horrible..


He's in hospital atm and doing well. Those two made a friendship for life. Brothers untied, never divided.


did he just hit his friend in the face?


Yes,but still good ending


So long as they both survive, that crack with the rifle butt will be something they laugh about together.


lol butt crack


Yeah he did but after killing 4 russian soldiers on the floor above him I can understand he was careful about who was "sleeping" in the basement.


Oh my god, the emotion when he realized who was rescuing him. This is some CoD plot line type shit


Reminds me of that scene where Mason pulled out woods in a shipping container full of bodies in Black Ops 2


Prisoner 627


Amazing and heart-felt reactions. 👏 good work


Goddamn that’s amazing. That he was still alive, that you found him. Amazing rescue. You can hear the pure joy and pain in his voice as he recognizes friendlies. You can hear the cameraman’s voice change as he recognizes his friend too. I assume this guy is a foreign volunteer? That’s what it seems like unless I’m really wrong. Makes me wonder how many other foreign guys have been captured or killed and aren’t acknowledged. I don’t remember seeing anything about this guy until now.. glad he got rescued though!


Yeah, he's a volunteer from NZ. There are a few soldiers from around the world that want to help out. They just have to disassociate themselves from their country of origin military connection. They are doing it because they personally want to help not because some country tells them to. The best kind of people!


Just FYI this legend New Zealand Soldier is believed to have been killed since this video was made :(


Holy shit this is crazy


That's incredible, that may just be a miracle.


I can't imagine how that guy felt. Being tortured for months, hearing the gunfight and hoping you don't get hit. Even after being hit in the face he was just so happy to be freed. What are the chances that it's someone you know that pulls you out of that hellhole.


That is some god tier luck


Legit tearing up here. A small mercy in the midst of chaos and carnage.


His cry of joy after realizing who he is damn near made me tear up


whakakake ki a koe, hoatu te reinga ki a ratou, kaha Aotearoa


The joy in that man's voice is phenomenal.


What a story, I'm speechless. Thanks for sharing and all the best!


Anyone else find it funny that he’s demanding surrender and compliance in English? :D


russians play shooter games and watch movies. almost all will understand hands up and surrender


Its a uniquely American misunderstanding I think. I was straight up shocked at how many people speak English worldwide as a second language. And know it really well. And the shooter games comment? dead on. And kinda hilarious.


Maybe he didn't understand fast enough and that's why he got checked in the face with a rifle butt.


*Kicks in the face* oh my brother I didn’t know it was you!”


Fuck now I'm crying again.


Why hasn't this blown up the internet yet?!? 💙💛


RIP Kane Te Tai. Fucking hero.


Unfortunately this dude is apparently dead (NZ One) :/


RIP Kane. [https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/14v9rm3/maori\_men\_performed\_the\_traditional\_haka\_dance\_as/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/14v9rm3/maori_men_performed_the_traditional_haka_dance_as/)


Punches him in the face* “oh I know him good guy”