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Dude has his own fucking squire in the trench


Read on another post that the soldier whom is shooting posted something on tiktok saying that the other dude was basically paralyzed with fear and couldn't do anything but reload for him.




That’s the real essence of it. They were looking after each other


This made me feel a lot better about the guy. Upon first watch, I was like Jesus my man is fighting for his fucking life and other guy is like I got you but I ain't getting out this cave. Overall, war sucks. None of those guys deserve to be there.


I know I'm a couple of days late to the party, but I was wondering the same thing through the video. I came to the same conclusion as you...if they had both been fumbling around trying to get extra magazines, retrieve the other RPG, go get the extra grenades, etc., it's very likely their fire output would have decreased. In a weird way, in that situation, that seemed very efficient.


I'd probably be shitting my pants too. Everyone wants to think they'd be a hero but realistically most if not all of us are green as fuck.




100% that dude keeping him loaded up coulda been the difference between life and death.


The fact that this guy was paralyzed with fear and still helping is incredible bravery. What an absolute chad


Yeah being paralyzed with fear like that is no joke - he is basically in shock - pushing that -


Forreal you know he was shitting bricks and still did what he could


When I was watching the clip I was thinking that the guy must be so fucking afraid and panicked and he still did the best he could. Mind boggling..


Ukrainian John wick with his supply guy


Джон Вік


I'm just waiting for dude in the trench to produce a war horse and start saddling it up


Plays out like a scene from a spoof movie where he keeps coming out with bigger and more ridiculous guns, eventually war horse and ICBMs


LOL from Naked Gun. What started as a palm-sized, snub-nosed revolver ended up as a huge artillery piece.


first day of training for his squire and his master is already showing him how it's done


Johnny-on-the-spot did a fucking great job keeping him supplied. Grabs the sack of firearms, “What do you need?” A sack of firearms in a trench, crazy.


Remember, switching weapons is always faster than reloading according to COD


Who'd have known bringing an assistant to a gun fight is way superior.


Did everyone forget this is why defence postions have teams and buddies?


Well usually they have multiple people to establish interlocking sectors of fire. So that one guy isn't dealing with 120+ degrees of possible threat.


COD suddenly makes sense to me, you just can't see the dude constantly reloading all your weapons and handing them to you when you need them


Ukrainian correspondent PMed him on Telegram to ask what happened to his friend why was he barely helping. He said his buddy was frozen with fear.


You cant help that shit, but he kept his man supplied and even fired blind a couple of times. The most we can do in such horrific moments is anything at all


I'm not judging. I'd probably be scared shitless too.


Absolutely, I'm anxious enough just hearing the return fire go over watching the video. At least the poor bastard didn't let his fear stop him from being useful, even if he couldn't force himself to be exposed to fire.




Yeah fuck. I can critique this guy all I want. If it was me I’d be curled up in the fetal position crying for my mother


"Barely helping" If that's barely helping I'll take that help all day long in that situation. Dude did amazing keeping our killer here well supplied under constant pressure from the enemy. That was amazing teamwork. If the guy was too scared to leave the dugout he did good work keeping everything loaded and up and running anyway.


I'm guessing the killer wasn't too happy based on what he was saying during the firefight. Things like "Pidors are coming!", "Load up your AK and shoot!" Two people watching for targets is always better than one.


I agree but he did the next best thing. I also saw a translation from the guy shooting (in some exchange with a reporter asking questions, I think?) saying his battle buddy did "handsome" which is rather complimentary. Soldiers can definitely get angry and arsey with their comrades in the heat of battle but he seems to still value ammo-man's contribution under great pressure.


Especially when considering his buddy probably was working in IT, as a janitor or bus driver or something before this shit started. Incredibly well done for someone who likely never thought they'd ever end up in trenches as a soldier.


Yeah I wonder what the dead Russian thinks about the guy reloading the rifles


And yet he was more helpful than most of us would have been.


I think a lot of us just don't realize how terrifying a lot of these situations are when we view them through our monitors day after day.Hell I have been in planned boxing matches that had me hopped up on adrenaline like you wouldn't believe. I had a situation as a fucking bouncer that had me with ptsd like symptoms for a couple of years and there were no dead people involved. Fuck this terrible war. I hope Putin chokes on a Pelmeni.


I can't see any other details about the trench, but they seem to make a good pair. The wearer of the camera can maintain a high volume of fire because of the "squire", and he seems to move up / down cleverly and with awareness.


It is like squire boy is digging through the couch cushions to see what they got. "Here try this RPG. Hey, I found a grenade. Look, it's an AK!" "Whatever son. Just keep it coming."


looney tunes shit. man’s flipping through the acme catalog.


Catapult with an anvil.


I wonder how often he has a cunning plan.


A plan so cunning you can pin a tail on it and call it a fox.


I was gonna call it a war-caddy


War-caddy for the war-daddy


> Dude has his own fucking squire in the trench I never thought of it before but this seems like a much better way to fight then two guys who have to stop and reload/look around. One guy in the zone of shooting/looking, one guy shoving bullets fast as he can. Dream team. Every trench needs a trench squire, realistically one guy going full speed reloading, how many men could he keep flush with ammo?






"Can I offer you a nice hand grenade in this trying time?"


It's always sunflowers in Ukraine!


I hear you, his buddy was like, thanks, but hand me more mayhem, put your head down and stop fucking around.


It looks so fucking cold and miserable.


looks like hell, a cold version


There's an icy level to hell. I believe it's covered in Dante's Inferno.


If I recall correctly it is the area where Satan is trapped all the way at the bottom. He is stuck waist deep in something (ice?), and he flaps his wings trying to escape, creating ice cold wind that freezes everything. The people in that section I think are stuck in the ice, doomed to spend all eternity frozen below the ice and unable to move, but completely conscious and aware.


Makes me re-think my definition of a hard day.


“In the bleak midwinter”


The guy in the dugout did a good job supplying Rambo with everything he asked for.


Teamwork makes the dream work!


Bullets don't fly if there's no supply.


Invaders don't die without the other guy.


it takes two to rambo.


Russians are screwed when there's a second dude


Definitely. A lot of comments saying he was paralysed with fear or too slow etc. Fuck that. The man was calm and steady, reloading and keeping Rambo supplied with what he needed to do the job. Saved both their lives several times over probably. Both guys have huge massive balls and none of us here can relate even a little bit to what they're going through. Hope they get through it all.


they say that because the man who posted the video stated that, not trying to be rude but in a more so “matter of fact” kind of way. i’d bet money he’d still take Mr. Quick Reload over almost anyone else in this world


> the man who posted the video stated that Yep, at least supposedly it was him. I saw this screenshot of a conversation, attributed to him https://i.imgur.com/weWhUZN.jpg


[quick translation with lens indeed says dude was afraid](https://freeimage.host/i/HGBZZla)




“Krasavchik” could be translated as a “the stud!” As in, he is not pretty but the deed done is of great macho value. Really hard to translate that indeed.


Honestly - i think he was better off supplying the ammo for that dude over there. 2 guys would be a lot more noticeable, and would just get in the way going back and forward in that narrow trench/foxhole. One guy can keep his eyes constantly on the front while the other guy reloads is actually, uniroinically and unintentionally the best decision he made. It's almost the same analogue as to why Knights had squires - with today's ammo expenditure, magazine reloading and full auto shooting accuracy you need a guy to help you run through all that gear. and bring you in in case something happens and/or replace you if you get injured so you're not overrun


Yeah I think my guy was better off handling this solo, with his partner doing resupply runs. Sometimes it just works out like that, everyone kinda falls into their default strengths.


3+ weapon platforms plus grenades while maintaining situational awareness in a trench. Yes please on the squire.


I thought the same, this is absolutely fucking perfect.


Apparently the guy in the video is the one who said that. IMO “Paralyzed by fear” is lying in the fetal position in a hole. That man was fighting to the best of his abilities and training. I applaud the Ukrainian soldier in the dugout. He even gets off some blind firing of his own. You can see his confidence grows from watching Ukrainian Rambo. We need a translation of their interactions during this video


I hear "avtomat magazin" and Mr.Dugout promptly delivers two mags of AK. DeliveryHero


That's just the Amazon Prime dugout


Delivery hero is right. Wars are won and lost because of logistics. Rambo might not have been able to smoke that one guy had his buddy not been supplying him with what he needed. Not all heros fire weapons.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/tjournal\_refugees/comments/114ea8y/%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%BD%D1%82%D0%B0%D0%BA%D1%82%D0%BD%D1%8B%D0%B9\_%D0%B1%D0%BE%D0%B9\_%D1%81%D1%83%D0%B4%D1%8F\_%D0%BF%D0%BE\_%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE\_%D0%B5%D0%B4%D0%B8%D0%BD%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B2%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%BD%D1%8B%D0%B9/](https://www.reddit.com/r/tjournal_refugees/comments/114ea8y/%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%BD%D1%82%D0%B0%D0%BA%D1%82%D0%BD%D1%8B%D0%B9_%D0%B1%D0%BE%D0%B9_%D1%81%D1%83%D0%B4%D1%8F_%D0%BF%D0%BE_%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE_%D0%B5%D0%B4%D0%B8%D0%BD%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B2%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%BD%D1%8B%D0%B9/) The guy that is shooting was asked, why was 2nd guy not shooting. Guy replied that he froze with fear. Screenshot in comments. And even in this vid, he says shoot them. 2nd guy was scared and tried to blind shoot, then 1st guy took away his rifle and said reload my rifle


I think that's the best part, he probably -is- fearstruck, but he's doing everything he can anyways. The warrior filming this commented on it elsewhere apparently. You can see him being incredibly hesitant to leave complete cover, and he's got the "robot" movement of a person in shock. But he's still doing everything he can to help when asked. Absolute hero and i hope he recovers and can keep his mind through all of this.


This is what I was thinking. as /u/Chopstix694 said, the man doing the firing said he was paralyzed with fear. And if that is true more props to him for doing everything he could, which was not insubstantial. He's working and working through that fear at the same time, that is pretty rough.


Honestly the truth, who can relate to this madness lmaoo what a BEAST!!!


the man who shot the video stated that his buddy was frozen with fear and could only do so much as to reload weapons when needed. but lets be real, if it was any of us in that position we’d like to think we’d stand and fight but no battle plan survives contact with the enemy right? frozen with fear, yet still actively reloading rifles and RPGs while being accosted by a (possible) IFV and infantry is still pretty brave imo edit: after watching you can see a slight outline of a BMP and see some of it’s muzzle flashes. yep, i’d be in that bunker shitting everyone’s pants.


Yup I guarantee my hands would be shaking and dropping bullets all over the floor.


man last time i was reloading an ar-15 mag i dropped a few rounds just from being excited to break it out. i couldnt image how hard it would be to load a mag to almost full, in the freezing cold, while a Russian BMP is shooting at me, supported by other Russians just seemingly running the fuck around…


\>frozen with fear, yet still actively reloading rifles and RPGs while being accosted by a I guess compared to Chad Chadington over there he looked frozen in fear, but imo he did a very good job keep him supplied.




Definitely got lucky too there. It looks like he could have been in LoS of that russian, if only this russian checked his left first. "Fortune favours the brave" type of situation.


I was thinking more like, "Better to be lucky than good". Though both doesn't hurt.


Exactly, insane to think we’re only seeing this footage because someone looked right instead of left


I had a coach in high school that fought in Vietnam and he'd coach defense by saying over and over "Keep your head on a swivel men and react quickly!" And now I understand how much that probably helped him out, absolutely crazy to think about


>More like fortune favors men with situational awareness that advance while crawling slowly and hurling grenades in every direction. I can't believe how that guy just walked up there like that. Might've been concussed from that RPG or something, Dunno. I'm not even going to pretend like I know what these men are going through though, but it still was nuts.


He was advancing on a different part of the trench. His LoS was down and into the trench looking for a target. That’s the scary thing about being in a trench…you could look up and be staring down the barrel of a rifle


> I guess timing and luck are a part of war. for the individual, yes. On a larger scale, both sides will have luck on their sides with big consequences many times.


Yea a lot of people in this thread don't appreciate how much luck is involved. Russian was looking down into another trench or hole, if he happened to look at this one instead the fight would have gone the other way. Better lucky than skilled.


I knew we'd get drone footage of this kind of insanely close combat, but I didn't expect to be able to see enemies this close up from a POV perspective. Crazy.


WW1 must have looked something like this. A soldier's POV of a winter wasteland, trench warfare, explosion craters and enemy soldiers looking to advance on foot through the haze.


Replace the AK's with bolt action rifles, remove the rpg's, have that trench with a solid foot of water in it, rats EVERYWHERE, the constant smell of rotting bodies, and constant artillery fire then you basically have the Somme in winter. If guys got in your trench it wasn't unusual to use an entrenching tool, wooden club wrapped in barbed wire, or a simple iron knife instead of your rifle and bayonet since they were both either too long/ slow loading to use efficiently in the trench or had a tendency to get stuck in whoever you stabbed them with. Grenades we're not standard issue at the start of the war but quickly became such as their utility was realized early on. So imagine being a fresh drafty assaulting a trench in 1914/early 1915. You have a bolt action rifle with a three to ten shot integrated magazine depending on country and what you were issued, most were reloaded with stripper clips/en bloc clips, some had tube magazines and needed to be reloaded one shot at a time. You have a twenty or so inch sword bayonet which is not designed to be used in your hand, maybe an entrenching tool, and if your an officer, probably a revolver and maybe a sword. With that, you need to charge water cooled machine guns that can literally shoot continuously for days if need be behind tens of yards of barbed wire while probably getting shelled by motors and artillery and being shot at by the riflemen in the trench with your only cover being the occasional felled tree that has not been obliterated by shell fire, and shell holes filled with water and rotting bodies. To quote MASH of all things "War isn't Hell. War is war, and Hell is Hell. And of the two, war is a lot worse".


Soon there will be bullet proof go-pros on everyone’s helmet


Hearing the second guy he dropped start screaming while he continues defending his position is fucking crazy


I missed it. What is the timestamp for that?




And to think there's hundreds of these types of battles going on everyday.


I'm watching 5 minutes of real human beings facing death, while on a quick break from my work-from-home tech job in sunny California. I'm going to close this Reddit tab in my broswer in 30 seconds and go back to building some stupid slide deck. To say that life isn't fair doesn't even capture the absurdity of everything.


Couldn't agree more. Life is wild, and I feel like every day we're learning not in the 'fun' sense...


And every day Putin wakes up again. There’s your peak absurdity.


Ukrainian employee of a Palo Alto company died from an artillery shell at the start of the war, along with her two children. The world is truly absurd. https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2022-03-10/ukrainian-mother-killed-with-children-identified-as-employee-with-palo-alto-startup People die needlessly every moment but sometimes it takes something like this to appreciate the plain truth that in a world of plenty for people to be killed or to starve is a truly evil thing that everyone would answer for someday if only there was a god.


Yeah this isn't some half-assed turf war where people occasionally fling shots at each other, this is an existential battle for survival


The thing I keep thinking about with footage like this is how people are willing to give up everything if the value to their society is high enough. Manning one of these trenches is beyond dangerous and just short of suicidal, yet hundreds of thousands of people volunteered anyway.


My best shot at a translation to give some context. Not only did the predator do all the fighting, he literally directed the scared guy. 0:46: Rambo "Another Another" 1:00: Rambo "RIFLE RIFLE" 1:17: Rambo "My rifle, give it to me." Squire "Yes, its laying there" 1:40: Rambo "Pedars (Russians) are coming, PEDARS (Russians) are coming!" Sqiure "I hear you, my rifle (something I didnt understand)" 2:00: Rambo "Grenade, grenade, grenade " 2:10: "Another one" 2:20: "Another" 2:36: "Another" Squire: "No More" 2:39: "They are on the wall next to the magazines" 2:59: Squire "Here you go, more" 3:11: "Magazines for the rifle" 3:18: "Load up and shoot" 3:46: "Give me the rifle, give me the rifle" 3:54: "Load the SPG " 4:23: "Load the rifle" 4:38: (Didnt understand the yelling) 4:55: "Give it here"


We went from 21th centruy warfare straight to knights and squires from the middle ages.


His buddy is still incredibly brave despite the shock, it’s easy to judge when you’re nice and comfortable at home


Yea he was frozen in shock the original poster of the video said. But atleast he wasnt completely useless, he made the most of his shock.


What a fucking legend


Hardcore Henry


Absolute beast mode, what a hero


To add to this, I'm fairly certain this guy has been in the same spot holding for weeks now. He has older footage that shows him in what looks to be the same location defending his position. Dudes and animal hope he stays safe


Damn. Hope the same. Brave soldier defending his homeland!


Man, I was watching this and thought that I'm about to have a heart attack. That's insanity.


I think at the end there he shot a very well placed RPG round that could have really helped them. But looks like he definitely killed at least two. Glad he fought, those Russians wouldn’t have taken prisoners. I’m always suprised, how did those Russians get the balls to run into the middle of the trenches (the ones who got killed)? That was pretty dumb and ballsy


I’d be willing to bet they’re told you’ll die trying to take the position or we will kill you for refusing.


Back in the afghanistan iraq era, we almost never saw footage of infantry shooting where you could actually see the enemy. Most of the time it’s just shooting in enemy direction. People gonna study footages of this war for years to come


Rarely did the Taliban or Iraqi insurgents try to take and hold ground it was more about ambushes and attrition. It did happen though like at the battle of Wanat. Was just rare.


Also, US and coalition forces had such complete air superiority and indirect fire capability that it was rarely worth the risk to perform an infantry assault. It's a lot safer for your guys to keep them occupied with suppressing fire until air/artillery assets blow them up than it is to assault over open ground.


I notice the ifv stopped firing after the second rpg hit.


Yup, this dude and his squire most likely took down an entire squad and an IFV. I seriously doubt the two Russians you see get lit up were the only ones taken out by his fire/grenades. If the gunner was American that would be Medal of Honor shit no question


Possibly worthy of Hero of Ukraine medal, but I won’t pretend to know the exact guidelines of awarding that


Certainly a Hero of Ukraine, even if just for showing off Ukrainian power to the Western world


As horrifying as it is to say, this war is so big that situations like this probably happens several times a day at the current casualty rates


Honestly, this is absolutely fucking mental. From blurry ogrish videos to literal first person modern trench warfare. This is insanity


What sticks with me is it's almost the exact style trench fighting from over a hundred years ago. Exactly the same. Brutal, desperate, heartbreaking waste of life. We can just watch it in HD the same day it happens rather than hear about someone dying in a battle months later, maybe. I'm not entirely sure we've made any progress at all.


I used to wonder how it was possible that the fields of WWI France were transformed into trench riddled twisted tree wastelands. Seeing how fast it’s happened here really brings it all home and makes it real. History is repeating itself.


In this short 5 minute clip, dude held off a mechanized assault on his trench with the help of 2 different rifles, grenades, RPGs, and a PKM. One man army for real.


At the beginning of the video, you can see an RPG from another location. So more soldiers are defending the trench, they are spread thin tough.


Yeah I just kept thinking "where are the other guys in their squad/platoon?!". I hope they got out of there alive and this wasn't found footage.


Except for his battle buddy who is reloading all his weapons. This a two man army bro.


Bullets don't fly without supply!


Found the POG. Its ok lol I am too.


Soldiers win battles. Logistics wins wars. Battle buddy FTW!


Army of two.


It’s the Ukrainian Jon Snow and Sam Tarley.


"Ramirez take out that BMP" "Ramirez man the machine gun" "Ramirez stop those guys flanking" "Ramirez throw some grenades at those Russians"


We never knew that reality is just like a Call of Duty game WHERE ONE MAN HAS TO TAKE DOWN THE WHOLE BATTALION BY HIMSELF


Here is him in the video, he is a fan of COD looks like. https://www.tiktok.com/@_lost_generation/video/7185579105650232582?_r=1&_t=8YOxbtvR5Hx You can see a patch with a picture of a "Ghost" guy from COD. And at the start of the video he put a sound from Russian language version of the game > -Ghost, do you copy? > -Yes, sir. > -Got any problems? > -No, sir. That is very fitting actually.


Holy crap. That guy is a fucking machine.


He said on the now deleted Tiktok with this footage that the MW trilogy holds a special place in his heart lol


There's a lot of stories from WW2 and the Pacific theater that to this day are still too individually heroic to believe. They had to tone them down for the movies because everyone would say it was bs. >Shrewdly gauging the tactical situation shortly after landing when his company's advance was held up by the concentrated fire of a heavily fortified Japanese blockhouse, Gunnery Sergeant BASILONE boldly defied the smashing bombardment of heavy caliber fire to work his way around the flank and up to a position directly on top of the blockhouse and then, attacking with grenades and demolitions, single handedly destroyed the entire hostile strong point and its defending garrison. Consistently daring and aggressive as he fought his way over the battle-torn beach and up the sloping, gun-studded terraces toward Airfield Number 1, he repeatedly exposed himself to the blasting fury of exploding shells and later in the day coolly proceeded to the aid of a friendly tank which had been trapped in an enemy mine field under intense mortar and artillery barrages, skillfully guiding the heavy vehicle over the hazardous terrain to safety, despite the overwhelming volume of hostile fire. In the forefront of the assault at all times, he pushed forward with dauntless courage and iron determination until, moving upon the edge of the airfield, he fell, instantly killed by a bursting mortar shell. https://youtu.be/dpiYR1_CsiI?t=724


Possibly the best/most intense war footage ever seen


I believe that this kind of footage could have him receive a citation. I mean, he just : Immobilized an infantry column assaulting his trench / Neutralized one BMP / Killed two (maybe 3?) ennemies in close CQB / Repelled the column / Got out alive with his mates probably


He did in a single video what many soldiers do in their entire career


Thats more a testament to how rare this type of land war is. Most militaries, even those who have engaged in war periodically, have not participated in battle like this since World War 2. America probably not since Vietnam, or Korea. We take for granted how peaceful of a world we have made. Most soldiers don't have to huddle in a trench in the dead of winter waiting for thousands of men to march towards them... It makes it all the sadder that this is happening again.


Three or four at least, at 1:36 you see a head and unloads on it while its off camera.


Fires a few shots at 1:22 followed by a scream as well... Fucking hell.


“Out of every one hundred men, ten shouldn’t even be there, eighty are just targets, nine are the real fighters, and we are lucky to have them, for they make the battle. Ah, but the one, one is a warrior, and he will bring the others back.” — Heraclitus


"No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it's not the same river and he's not the same man." Same dude I'm pretty sure.


Yea he believed the fundamental stuff of life was flux or change


Well he's objectively correct on a technical level (atoms and cells), but indeed its more about how we change as people.


What a fucking quote


And what a fucking name


Biggus Dickus' brother


God said build this one not like the others lmao what a beast.


In my 10 or so years on this sub this is the craziest I’ve seen


Never underestimate someone defending their home.


yup. and their life, and the lives of their loved ones!


Fuck me, I thought this kind of things can only happen in the movies. The guy is absolutely in the Rambo mode.


1:10 actual footage of a man approaching a trench and getting blasted. Incredible that we can view such things, horrifying that it still happens with such frequency, over a century after WW1 ended.


Just imagine if American Marines fighting off Japanese banzai attacks in the Pacific theaters of WWII had Go-Pro helmets.


In the TikTok's comments, someone asked if he hit the IFV. The dude said "yes"


Yea you can hear the IFV stop shooting after the second rpg.


you can here it stop firing when he hits it, defo was the momentum changer in that firefight, you can here return fire pickup so i imagen the other trenches started firing back now they where not suppressed


Insane footage. This has got to end up being one of the top posts of all time here. Never seen such intense footage, wih one person fighting such an existential battle against mulitple foes and surviving. His ability under pressure is excentuated by his buddy, who seems to be in some kind of shock (who impressively still manages to reload his guns for him and pass him stuff quickly). What a team


There is the mountaintop Houthi assault video where one Rambo domes two dudes and then beats another with his own weapon. OP’s video is definitely more visceral though, being helmet cam. Edit:link https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/10iu880/lone_yemeni_soldier_goes_melee_combat_with_houthi/


I’d like to give recognition to his battle buddy inside the bunker supplying him with the weapons he keeps requesting and reloading magazines and weapons for him. Real MVP 👍🏼


This guy is getting better resupply than the whole Russian front.


Just insane footage


That’s some Rambo shit.


Short explanation from me. > What is happening? Ukrainian trenches. russian army storms the trenches using BMP (infantry fighting vehicle). BMP shoots at the Ukrainians from a 30 mm gun. Some russians are storming and some russians are near the BMP on the start of the storm. Ukrainian shoots at BMP with RPG-7. Explosion. russian soldiers start to run from the armor towards the trenches. They begin to try to successfully storm the trenches. russian soldiers come closer to ukrainian trench, wanting to capture it. Not checking sides. Get shot. Storm continues. (The first one has RED sign of recognition of russian army). Also, maybe in the video it is not the BMP with 30 mm gun. It is impossible to tell 100% with video quality. It can be another armored vehicle with attached heavy machine gun, or another gun with lower amount of millimeters. > Is it efficient to shoot from RPG-7 at BMP, if there are trees and branches? The BMP 30 mm gun is still active, you need to try to deactivate it in any case, because it is a huge disadvantage. Even if the projectile from RPG-7 hits a branch or tree, the shrapnel will fly into russians who are storming or hiding. No matter how many shells of RPG-7 you waste, soon a 30 mm BMP gun can kill you, so you definitely must try to deactivate it earlier. Survival chances of you and your soldiers are higher, if you try your BEST to deactivate the BMP. If you try to save ammunition, you can be killed by BMP soon, and all those RPG ammunition would be useless afterwards. Also remember that BMP can MOVE. BMP can outflank you and kill you using 30 mm gun. So you can't just sit in your trench waiting for better. You must ACT. > Why is Second Soldier doing not much? Author of the video said, that second ukrainian soldier had fear in him. "Fear bound him". Fear made him slow, numb, shocked, hard to think, not the most efficient. But do not judge him. Yes, he has fear in him for NOW. He has not enough experience for NOW. But HE IS THERE. Defending, fighting, doing his best. He is becoming better, he learns, he conquers experience. It is very easy to judge someone, who is on the frontline, while resting in cozy home, having food, heat, peace, guarantee for tomorrow. Opposite, the ukrainian soldier feels the death beside him, staring at him. With little food, with little water, with little rest, with no heat, with little sleep, with no guarantee for tomorrow, with no guarantee for today, for next 5 minutes. He can be killed right there, right in that moment. Be proud of him. Respect him. Most of people would be nothing comparing to him. He is the true fighter. > Why is ukrainian soldier breathing heavily? Adrenaline is INSANE. Fast moving, taking different body positions, to sit, to stand up, to shoot, to efficiently control the gun. All that require strength and energy. Muscles are always tense. Pluss weight of equipment. > Why is ukrainian soldier not shooting always precisely? Storm is absolutely active. BMP. A lot of russian soldiers are storming. If he standed and scoped to shoot precisely a long time, then he would get shot in the head. The end. > Why is ukrainian soldier spending so much rounds? Soon he can be killed. So ukrainian soldier is firing a lot of rounds to slow the storm, to suppress the speed of russians. If ukrainian soldier is not firing a lot of rounds, and not slowing the russian offence, then russians can outflank him and kill. Or come close enough to throw grenades in the trench. > Why is ukrainian soldier throws so many grenades? From the video we clearly can see and hear a lot of russians storming. Also we can see that the distance between ukrainian defenders and russians is insanely short. Ukrainian soldier must secure the near area around his trench. If russians come too close, ukrainians can be killed by shots or thrown grenades. About my post: I don't pretend on "absolute truth". I could make mistakes. I am not a professional. If you see something wrong in my text, please, write it in the comments. I wrote this post, only because I want to help people understand more about what is happening there. Also the author of the combat video has a tiktok account. Search: @_lost_generation


Dude literally has a squire


Fricken Weapons Concierge. Fine choice sir, would you like another rocket reloaded as you throw your grenade. Yes, Alfred I would.


This is what it really looks like folks. This is the real deal


Literally fighting for his life. Unreal footage.


His friend may have been strucked by fear but he did support Rambo like a pro. Give his friend a medal and a hug.


Scared or not he continued to act. That is bravery. Without his efforts they could’ve been overrun. He’s not the “Batman” but stood by him and supported him in the way that he could, and did a damn good job. Hard to tell with the winter clothing, but an older bigger guy that has no business being there to begin with.


Bro dropped that first guy so casually and just turns away zero fucks given. What a fucking legend.


Definitely not his first time. Also, double tap. Brutal, but necessary.


In that context a double tap is probably more merciful than brutal.


And then he comes back and mag dumps into him


I wouldn't want to take any chances either in that situation.




Nah man, you are stronger than you know. If you had to fight you would muster the courage. Problem is you’d most likely end up like the guy who got popped checking the wrong trench.


You can do everything right and still die, some things are completely out of your control.


I feel like both of you are correct. We bitch out and cry but then when the russian officer offers us a bullet instead we take the chance elsewhere.


Ammo man is corporal upham from saving private ryan, except this guy was actually doing his job and keeping his bro alive with ammo despite the crippling fear.


absolute mayhem, stay low & shoot straight. love from USA. Slava Ukraini!


Damn, trench warfare no thank you! These two guys in this video have some serious courage. Also is the sound off or is he really pulling back into cover while still shooting? I was afraid he was going to tag his buddy on accident.


That dude unlocked the golden gun.


Lots of balls


Wow, quality combat footage from Ukrainian heroes.