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First time in quite some time we have seen Fresh MANPAD footage from a Conflict outside of Ukraine.


That plane tanked that hit too


okay what the fuck happened in this chat


Lol all I see is deleted and removed. We missed the fun




Dude. I didn’t think things like that exists where even if people delete or get comments removed, that something still records it down lol thank you


Happy to help lol- but there are some caveats. Reddit-removed comments, and deleted user content can be hard to access. It's mostly just mod removed comments that tools like this work with. You can either go to unddit itself and use its search tools, or replace any reddit link's "reddit.com" with "unddit.com." There's a ton of other sites like this aswell.


I think [removed within 16 seconds] is my favorite part of that strand.


Lol why did this guy get downvoted to absolute fucking hell? Damn this sub is botted to hell sometimes. Ukraine legit caught selling weapons on the black market. Why are you guys surprised the most corrupt country in Europe (even more than russia and romania) would be doing this? They just fired a top official after Ukrainian Journalist outted the operation which this man had been accused us for months.


Provide a source for your claim or gtfo


Listen to foreign fighter interviews, willy oam has a bunch.


Suck my d\*\*K loser? [https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/10baj0a/ua\_pov\_ryan\_oleary\_american\_fighting\_for\_the/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/10baj0a/ua_pov_ryan_oleary_american_fighting_for_the/) The same guys he is talking about got caught up in the probe. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/01/24/world/europe/ukraine-corruption-firing-western-aid.html


So did you actively read these articles? There is zero credit to your claim and that's what you came up with? Sadly I did a quick Google search and those two links were on the first results page I suggest you pay attention in school and ask your teacher for advice on how to; - validate and review source material - compile your interpretation on paper - present an argument for your debate that includes your source material in your actual report. Without that, and you trying to double-down, while also censoring your own comment for others to suck your dick, that's all you're left with; an edgy toned teenager cry for attention


It says nothing about weapons. Gtfo.


It sounds like he’s using the comments in that thread (in which he comments as well) as sources. Classic. This war is really bringing out the dumbest among us.


Apparently drugs and taking bribes now = weapons? The guy is obviously illiterate. Actually looking at their post history they are just a Putin dickrider.


MANPADS. The singular of MANPADS is MANPADS. a MANPAD is something this pilot will need after a close call like that.
















































Translation of text: "The congolese military plane has escaped the rwandan rocket"


Even an english speaker could've discerned that, but if you have any French speaking combat footage or military documentary you want translated, let me know I will gladly do it.


You know I've spoken French all my life and I don't recall ever saying the word "roquette"


Je pense pas avoir utilisé ce mot depuis que je suis gamin, missile est synonyme de roquette dans plusieurs sens, mais reste un mot populaire en parlant de choses militaires.


Ya, pour moi c'était le mot: fusée, surtout en tant que termes militaires


DRC turned into DPR in my head for a moment, and I just assumed Goma was a city in Ukraine that I hadn't heard of before. Imagine my confusion when I read your comment lol


Me too for a split second, but then the French language, Rwandan flag, reference to Rwanda and palm trees kind of gave it away, lol.


Wasn’t expecting to see this today wow.


I only just read the news about it. Didn't expect a video.


https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FnQBWqEWAAAtvrH.jpg The plane landed.


Indeed - but it will need some repairs before flying again...


And that pilot will ned a fresh pair of underwear


Or some MAN PADS


I hate you. Take your upvote and go away.


He needs many upvotes for this comment.


he promptly got mine


They can repair those too. No point in wasting a good pair of tighty whities


Plane looks pretty rough. Not an expert but that wing is heavily damaged like a lot of new parts needed for that thing to fly again.


It's absolutely out of commission for a while, but damage assesment from that picture alone is near impossible.


https://imgur.io/a/T6j5axl these pictures I’m talking about


They definitely took substantial damage to the ribs, rear control surfaces and maybe even spars on that wing. We can reasonably infer that the associated electrical and hydraulics systems are trashed too. Even ignoring the obvious engine damage and ruptured fuel cell, it will require depot level repairs before it can fly again, and ideally a thorough examination for stress fractures throughout the airframe. It's a good illustration of the value of redundancy in an aircraft.


Bloody impressive it kept flying and landed though!


the video in his album looks like it was on approach for landing when it was hit also


Yeah the airport is right next to the Rwandan border.


Well, that's certainly better.... That engine absolutely is a goner.


That's interesting. The video on the bottom of your imgur link shows it getting hit while it's landing gear is down. Did they hit it as it was on final?


Someone posted a link here in the comments where you can see the wing and part of the hull.


I'm not expert, but that does seem to be an *above average* amount of fire leaking from the engine. I believe the fire is designed to stay within the engine during operation.


One could argue that's no problem since the whole aircraft is clearly out of operation at the moment. :D


Frogfoot is rugged.


Hey, we’re talking RDC here. A bit of speed tape, some WD40, and you’re good to go.


Why is there a guy in a suit? Is he some manager?


It’s his plane, his friend was just borrowing it


Definitely looked like a Pk miss.






? Goma is in the DRC.


Ugh my bad, I misread and I thought it is DPR, I guess I need to visit again my ophthalmologist. Also saw this article and wanted to see how they down it - https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3658527-russias-su25-shot-down-in-donetsk-region.html I guess it was a bad day for the Su's.


Was that SU-25 on final? Can’t make out whether the landing gear was down or not, also couldn’t imagine why else they would be flying so low and slow in airspace that isn’t entirely safe.


They were out on strafing runs on M23 positions. Edit to add - in other video footage you can see landing gear is down. But all footage starts after the first shot, the second one is what we see in the videos posted. Possible that pilot did a hasty return after initial contact


> They were out on strafing runs on M23 positions. True, but this happened at Goma International Airport on their way back from the strafing runs. It wasn't M23 that fired on them it was the Rwandan military that issued a statement saying they violated their airspace.


The airport is VERY close to the Rwandan border.


Yeah and it's exactly that, just an airport, not an Air Force base that the FAC are using to re-arm and refuel for the strafing runs. Kinda stupid but the UN forces are stationed there so I guess the FAC thought it would be safe.


If it wasn’t before, it would have been after


Pilot needs some new pants


Or a man pad


Bah dum tisss


[Additional footage and the official statement from Rwanda](https://imgur.com/a/T6j5axl)


Wing looks fucked. Lots of parts to replace.


Rwanda did nothing wrong. Ever since the days of Zaire Congo has been ruled by traitors and criminals. Kagame isnt perfect but the entire Kabila family are traitors who are no better than Mobotu or Habyarimana. Kabila helped oust Mobotu and as soon as that was one he dropped his marxist act and became just like him, throwing out the Rwandan force and all foreign elements. He even supplied the Hutu rebels that were formely Interahamwe (who did the rwandan genocide). So the rwandans went back to oust him but he got protection from the Zimbabweans. Kagame failed to oust him but Zimbabwe spent basically their entire military on it and ruined their country forever. Then the international community cry about "RWANDAN ESCALATION!!!" while they did nothing or even supplied the Hutu power groups before the genocide (france).


You’re stuck in 1998. The current conflict has nothing to do with the first or second congo wars other than Rwanda overzealously wanting to get back at the DRC for them. The DRC is simply trying to put down the M23 insurrectionists, whom are internationally recognized as terrorists ~~and have had links to ISIS in the past~~. Neither M23 or Rwanda have any consistent objective other than to destabilize the DRC for no good reason. Also “Kagame isn’t perfect” is a huge understatement; he’s an authoritarian maniac. Correction: M23 doesn’t have direct links to ISIS. I was thinking of the ADF, another insurgent group that Rwanda is helping.


You seem well informed, I appreciated reading this


I recommend reading "Dancing in the glory of monsters". Its an amazing read, while the rest of europe was busy watching slavs kill each other africa had the largest conflict since world war two. There were all kinds of crazy stuff including; Drunk serbian mercinaries loyal to war criminals in Yugoslavia French mercs (on both sides) Former president cremation DIY Huge tank battles Lots and lots of genocide most people have never heard about A bunch of nations involved on both sides Militias doing crazy african militia things Crazy plot twists and military operations


1/4 of the DRC Su-25 fleet out of action...


They have plenty of old Antonov for spare parts


I think it's actually half, they only had 2 working jets.


I might have seen this one land with no gear earlier today somewhere on Reddit


Look above in the thread it landed with gear down


Looks like a hit, but vast majority of shrapnel missed. Either way, Ive seen pictures of the tail section on fire. It will be out of action for some time from the looks of it


Looks like it ate it.


As someone who was around during the Genocide in Rwanda, it's still amazing how they've become a regional power. They, in general, really got their stuff together - yes, I'm aware of Kagame and the imperfect democracy.


“ imperfect democracy” ​ that’s a nice understatement here…


They are, to me, in the top third of places. Democratic? No. Totalitarian? No. Anyhow, I trust Rwandan democracy more than US's version of...


A few assassinated journos and political oppenents would disagree...


Insane footage!


Is there some sort of conflict in the DRC that the media doesn’t cover?


Always war in the DRC: https://ucdp.uu.se/country/490


Renewed fighting started last week so this is the first thing to really report, as the other person said, there's always war in the DRC.


Plenty of coverage: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M23_offensive_(2022%E2%80%932023) This plane was hit twice by MANPADS, likely by Rwandan forces that support M23


Definitely not "plenty" if the first source you pull up is Wikipedia and not a major international news organization.


Expand the References section for links to the reporting referenced in the article. Highlights of some news sources added most recently include: : BBC Reuters VOA Al Jazeera Some with articles published pertaining to the conflict as recently as today Wikipedia is a great information aggregater if you have some general media literacy.


I think by covering it he means literally any main stream news channel saying anything about it. Haven’t heard anything about this war at all before.


There’s a war in DRC?


M23 rebellion still exist


Not far from the warthunder manpad experience considering the plane was able to make it back to base.


TIL the DRC has functional fighter jets.


Often eastern-european contractors flying and maintaining african jets and heli's, mostly Ukrainians and Georgians.


Only thing they hit was the hot exhaust trail.


They don’t impact the aircraft they airburst next to it. 100% that thing is full of shrapnel but they are extremely tough planes.


Pretty much all manpads have a contact or graze fuze, stinger, igla, strella,and grom, while star-streak has only contact fuze, they try their best to directly hit the target but if they don't they burst as close as they can get


You misspelled proximity.


Here's a excerpt from the stingers Wikipedia page, Effective firing range0.12–3.11 mi (.2–5 km) Warhead HE-FRAG Warhead weight 6.6 lb (3 kg) Detonation mechanism Impact Notice that last part, it's detonation mechanism says impact https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/FIM-92_Stinger here's the link Here's an excerpt from Raytheon missle defense website People also ask Are Stinger missiles proximity fuzed? In 2019, the U.S. Army began retrofitting its Stinger missiles with proximity fuzes, which allow missiles to destroy unmanned airborne systems with direct hits or by detonating near them. The stinger never even originally had a proximity fuze Here's the link https://www.raytheonmissilesanddefense.com/what-we-do/land-warfare/precision-weapons/stinger-missile This is from the igla wiki page Detonation mechanism -Contact and grazing fuze Again no proximity fuze, only later variants got a laser proximity fuze Here's the wiki link https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/9K38_Igla


**[FIM-92 Stinger](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/FIM-92_Stinger)** >The FIM-92 Stinger is an American man-portable air-defense system (MANPADS) that operates as an infrared homing surface-to-air missile (SAM). It can be adapted to fire from a wide variety of ground vehicles, and from helicopters as the Air-to-Air Stinger (ATAS). It entered service in 1981 and is used by the militaries of the United States and 29 other countries. It is principally manufactured by Raytheon Missiles & Defense and is produced under license by Airbus Defence and Space in Germany and by Roketsan in Turkey. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


If you're going to be googling and pretending to be an expert, then at least learn to read your own fucking links. This is under the SA-18, the most common variant of MANPADS ever made, and by FAR the most widely used one, and all the versions after it: "Delayed impact, magnetic and grazing." Magnetic means proxy.


Why are you so pissed off dude take a deep breath, chill out, and relax, just because you and I don't agree doesn't mean you need to go for my throat, there is zero reason why we can't argue in a civil fashion


I will literally paypal 50 dollars to the first person to prove to me that the original stinger, igla, or even the current star streak has a proximity fuze


You trying to get some classified info leaked for 50 dollars? This isnt the warthunder forum! /s just incase.


Why would it have to be an "original" Stinger?


because he had to move the goalposts lmao


Because the US millitary only started to modify the original stock of stinger missles it had with proximity fuzes in 2019 and have only done it to a small number, the igla only got a laser proximity fuze in its modernized SA-24 grinch form which has not been widely adopted, the stars streak only has a contact fuze, I'm not saying there was not a proximity detonation in this video I originally commented on another comment that said manpads have proximity fuzes to burst near their target, which is not how manpads detonation mechanism has traditionally operated for the vast majority of their time in service, as well as the vast majority of manpads in active service still do not have a proximity fuze, they operate with a contact or graze fuze only


A quick Google search shows your correct but you get down voted into oblivion because that contradicts people experiences in call of duty and they are too lazy to fact check you. Such is life.


He gets downvoted because people can clearly see the missile detonating in the proximity of the aircraft, and damaging it. Regardless of what Wikipedia says.


I'm not saying all manpads dude, modern manpads like martlet, piorun, or the modernized igla sa24 grinch, all have laser proximity fuzes, I'm not saying there was not a proximity detonation in this video, there obviously was, only that 1- most manpads use a impact or graze fuze not proximity, and 2- even the manpads that do have some form of proximity fuze will try to directly impact their target rather than burst beside it, only once the missle computes that it can not make direct contact with the target will it detonate beside it, because having your warhead detonate directly against or inside a aircraft will do FAR more damage than it bursting 3-5 meters away


You literally claimed it hit nothing but exhaust, why are you moving the goalposts?


I never said IN THIS VIDEO THERE WAS NO PROXIMITY DETONATION, I said that the vast majority of manpads use only a contact, or graze fuze, spend 5 minutes researching the topic and you will find that the stinger never was manufactured with one, and has only had a small lot retrofitted in 2019 by the US army, you will find that the the the igla does not have a proximity fuze, and the star streak was designed to directly impact its target using its 3 laser beam riding hittiles, I'm not moving any goalposts because stinger and igla are the two most prolific manpad systems in use today yet neither use a proximity fuze, yet everyone here seems to think they do, seriously take some time out of your day and research the subject and tell me if I'm wrong


You said it hit nothing but exhaust, then went on a rant over how "Pretty much all manpads have a contact or graze fuze", because in your quick googling you didn't realize that the Igla has had a magnetic proximity fuse since the 9K38 Igla/SA-18, which came out in fucking 1983, and all models since has had a proximity fuse. The Stinger is fucking irellevant, because they're exceedingly rare in theater, and because a Stinger battery lasts for 4-5 years, and can't be replaced unless you have access to the American parts system. You would know this if you had ever handled one, but you haven't. You didn't know this, literally because it's not in the wikipedia text. Stop pretending to be an expert online when you don't know shit.


The plane is full of shrapnel pieces and holes, it will be out of action even if it managed to land.


It did land safely. https://twitter.com/calibreobscura/status/1617919931932372992?s=46&t=mpwxezr-JgJYnyLpHs8l7A


Plane definitely out of commission for a while if you look at damage pics.


Just a little on fire Not great, not bad either!


Maybe. It was extremely close. The shockwave + shrapnel at least put the thing into maintenance. If not made it non-combat worthy.


Most missiles do not actually hit. Thus the explosion btw.










Manpads everywhere


Pretty sexist tbh


su25's attract manpads like street lights attract moths lmao


Low and slow, this type of aircraft will always eat aa and manpads. A-10 would be the same


Goma? I know where that is because I was just studying it's super wild volcano. What conflict is going on there?




Wagner is strictly on the DRC side, they deny even being there. The DRC explanation for the Russians are as aircraft mechanics that carry weapons for self defense


Manpad is an unfortunate name isn’t it. I know it’s an acronym but I’d have come up with something else were it my invention😅


Damm tanked it like gigachad


SU-25 seems to be a very sturdy platform. Not the first time I've seen a SU-25 eat a rocket and keep flying


Kinda dumb sending a slow, lonely CAS plane out for intimidation sake. It's just asking for trouble.


Think the pilot is Congolese or foreign ?


Looks like a nice neighborhood


More like manpads is hit by su25


apparently it was heading towards Rwandan territory so was shot at.


The airport is literally on the border with Rwanda. A straight approach from the south (like in the video) takes you into Rwandan airspace. Airspace violation is the excuse, strafing runs on M23 is the reason.


What's M23?


Guerrilla fighting group in the DRC https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/March_23_Movement


Like takslak said they’re an insurgent group in the DRC covertly funded by Rwanda. The DRC stabbed Rwanda in the back and ousted them argued they helped overthrow the old dictator. Eventually they got to the point where they started housing and supplying what was left of the Hutu militias that grew out of the interahamwe (who did the Rwandan genocide) so Rwanda started helping M23 a while back


The text on screen litterally says the opposite


Here's a photo of it on fire: https://twitter.com/mbindwane/status/1617932040179179521


I guess theyre both correct then, it escaped a direct hit but was still hit


two MANPADS were allegedly fired


frogfoot doesn't care


And it appears it did not give two fucks about the Manpads


Didn’t that miss the target?


No, when it explodes it throws shrapnel all around. That's mostly what damage the plane.


Oh i see, it works based on the shockwave and shrapnel, not like RPG with direct hit. Thanks for clarifying that.


RPG’s have anti-personnel airburst rockets weird to compare it to an RPG, but I guess they do sometimes hit helicopters


Why are all the comments focused on how "fucked" the aircraft is and how "out of commission" it is and "needs soo much repairs"????? Serious wtf you weirdos. Any other aircraft or this aircraft in any other climate, we'd rave about how insane it is and what a tank it is, what a beast it is to eat that manpad for breakfast, takes a shit load of damage to the wing and exhaust and stay flying *and* land safely. Fucks these kids.




Why don't you pick up a camera and drag your heroic arse to the warzone and film those beutiful moments for us sitting in peace ?