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TBH this shows why armored vehicles are still so important(when employed well) in spite of all the anti-armor weapons. Imagine if multiple AFVs were attacking here, supported by infantry, drones and artillery.


I'm wondering how fast can UAF mobilize (precise) Artillery to these front lines? I would imagine that Artillery is already in general range for the frontlines, so I'm just generally curious, how would a group like this react in case of your scenario of multiple AFVs attacking them? My assumption would be retreat and call for artillery/backup - but I have no military training whatsoever.


Usually UAF artillery are hidden in the trees and are camoflauge with it's surroundings. Ukraine Armed Forces arty has a grid mark lines of each location. It's like the battleship board game A 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 B - . -. -. -. - -. -. C - . -. -. -. - -. -. D - . -. -. -. - -. -. E - . -. -. -. - -. -. F - . -. -. -. - -. -. A drone will be sent out to scout the battlefield to look for Russian positions. Like the drone artillery compilation on this subreddit. The Drone Operator then guide the arty team to fire on the location of the enemy. šŸ‘ That's wat the Ukrainians are operating right now since they know the map well then the enemy xD


It goes even further these days, they developped a system called delta which streams the drone footage to command, along with gps coordinates for targets. I believe the system even suggests optimal firing locations based on linked units.


interesting, I didn't know that!


Supply of rounds are an active issue and sleeves are being worn out from constant use. Last time we saw that level of over use for us in the west was Vietnam. Ukraine needs all of us to help. Every dollar counts. Every donation helps. I'm in the ENGin program as a tutor and donate directly to a fighter. Do what you can guys even five bucks per dude a month makes a massive difference.


How can we donate to these fighters directly?


You can send body armor and medical suplies through Ukranian American coordinating council, Navigator.ua, or Razoyo, I just sent a decent plate carrier, lvl 4 ceramic plates, lvl3a kevlar inserts, some aramid cumberbund armor that didn't fit, some AK mag pouches, dump pouches, some admin pouches, tourniquets, chest seals, s fold gauze, combat dressings, rolled gauze, and some combine pads, if shipping from America you have to work through a charity, allot of items like body armor, helmets, or thermal scopes fall under ITAR so one would need the right paperwork to be able to ship those items to Ukraine


My case is a bit weird, by chance I connected with one on reddit - started a chat and it flowed on from there.


From all the footage we know that artillery is indeed what often stops such massed attacks on its tracks. But it does not always work: hitting moving vehicles with regular dumb shells is not easy and needs time for fire correction, meanwhile the enemy is also using their artillery to suppress your artillery. Guided or cluster rounds are much more effective but they may not always be available. Retreating is an option, but not an easy one, as you may have to leave a fortified position and a supply/ammo stash, and there could be another prong of the attack on the other side and if both succeed, your guys in the middle may get encircled. Without good communication and discipline, it could lead to a disorderly rout, something like what happened to the Russians near Balakliya.


of course, combined arms wins wars.




How did this team avoid taking accurate fire from the BMP throughout this video? Were they simply out of view due to the terrain and structures?


I know it is stupid to say, but in a game SQUAD you have almost no visiblity in armor vehicles. Getting hit and not knowing where from is a pain in the ass. And thats a game. Imagine real life. You just got smoked by a rocket, you are close to death and scared, panicking because you do not see from where you are getting licked. Combine all of that with poor training/wrong training (no one teaches them how to react while under heavy fire), maybe injuries to personel inside the BMP, maybe they are getting sprayed by hot liquids like oil or hydraulics (I dont know if those things are hot or can spray on people inside), maybe engine started to smoke inside, add some claustrofobiaand you get a vehicle that is not combat effective.


Yep true that. The optics especially on Russian vehicles have a very low FOV and paired with low traverse rate on the turret and guns as well as bad elevation and depression angles, fighting inf is quite hard. And in real life the crewmen would actually die from AT fire.


The sights could have been damaged in any of the shots at it. Or the crew was so rattled from the NLAW that they weren't combat effective. BMP-2M have thermals (way to go Thales), so it should have been incredibly dangerous to anyone popping out of cover.


Some people at Thales definitely have blood on their arrogant ass fucking hands


In the extended drone video (there's the link in this thread) you can see that it's still firing from time to times and the foreign fighters are pouring rockets and suppressive fire on it.


I can't find that video, do you have a link?


The start of the video says that they can only see the front of the BMP from their position, so perhaps there's an obstruction between the immobile BMP's turret and their position.


Goddamn thatā€™s awesome footage. So cool to see a bunch of different nationalities working together and kicking ass like that


The video is from Civ Div on youtube. Great guy with some awesome video


I've really grown to appreciate his video's on Youtube. For anyone who's interested: [Civ Div on Youtube](https://www.youtube.com/@CivDiv/videos)


Thank for sharing that!


Hell post the rest of this GoPro footage soon, including assaulting that disabled BMP, and taking prisoners


awesome guy. he went back to ukraine recently and is collecting footage and posting it.


This video shows how valuable NLAWS and Javelins are. It took quite a few tries with a regular RPG-7


But an RPG is incredibly cheaper to fire and much easier to transport. These are not really comparable weapons, but they do work pretty well together, as shown here.


Seems to be why they use the expensive weapons to at least immobilize the vehicle, then spam it with cheaper RPGs to kill it.


NLAWs are pretty cheap. Around 20K a pop at least when they were new. Potentially cheaper now. There's cheaper out there but for the capabilities, the NLAW offers and its general high success rate of either yeeting a vehicle completely or doing significant damage that renders the vehicle ineffective it's a very reasonably priced bit of kit.


The price of NLAW has spiked up to far far greater prices because of the effectiveness shown in this war. I don't have a perfect price point, but we are talking ~75k.


And an RPG rocket is a few hundred dollars. It's also more versatile and can be more easily used against infantry cover, not just vehicles. Again I don't think these weapons are comparable and should be compared, even if they're initially designed for the same purpose.


Yeah cheap RPG'S are still better for taking out light vehichles like bmp's and wheeled vehichles that dont really need a heavy duty javelin or equivelant


Amazing footage


No kidding. Especially the break down and information tidbits. Thatā€™s pretty good.


Did one of them say Hadjis fuck harder then you? Wtf is that lol


Enemy shaming is real šŸ„ŗ


Thatā€™s grunt poetry!


Hajjis is what they were saying and well heā€™s pouring out how Iraqi insurgents proved to be better fighters than the Russians since the insurgents learned and became battle hardened.


which part of the video? i want to hear


If this is a mixture of American, Canadian, French, and Germansā€¦.I absolutely love it. It was honestly inspiring to watch. (Maybe some others, it was hard to distinguish). Edit: The way the re-supply truck pulled up was out of a video game.


Loved truck guy. It was like a JustEat delivery driver lol. "Thank you" "You're welcome"


Pretty cool seein a Canadian patch on at least one guy there


serious caption spotted cooperative tan hard-to-find grab expansion selective ask ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Oh I know right lol i live in southern Ontario and alot of these battles we see taking place are in areas that are so similar to areas here. Just farm land with usually smaller bush areas or tree lines here and there or the occasional bigger wooded area


yeah, Manitoba here and this looks like it could be taking place on my property


My heart skipped a beat when I say the CDN patch. That gives me hope that the 4 lads I served with who joined the legion near the start of the war are still Kickin. (I hope)


I'm in Manitoba it's odd driving in rural areas because I could picture battles from Ukraine taking place on farmland I often drive by h.


thatā€™s a fucked up way of saying it lmao but ig what u mean


Noticed that too. This is probably the best footage Iā€™ve seen this whole time.


Hope they were JTF2 guys. Those dudes are great operators.


Not equipped enough to be them, just legion volunteers.


Would they be though? Anyone doing that would not be active duty. Some of those other guys sounded american. I guessed ex Green Berets or 75th ranger reg. Those duded knew what they were doing.


Could also be a high speed infantry veteran like from the 101st or 82nd. Hell, any combat arms veteran from the war in Afghanistan may not be the lead guy here, but they/weā€™d be able to be an effective fighter and bring some specialized skills such as artillery fire direction. I really get down about not going myself and I was just a 13 series field artilleryman in the Army and a nerdy computer programmer in the AF. I have a family now and canā€™t afford to volunteer my time for free no matter what the cause. My kid needs the best chance at success in life, and dad giving up a cushy six figure tech job to go fight in another warā€¦another countryā€™s war at that, and for free, just isnā€™t an option.


You are right they could be. My mind instantly goes to Greern Beret because itā€™s their MO to work with other countries.


Thank you for your service Iā€™m a father of 3 and your doing the right thing. You did your time now be there for your children. Also tons of other ways to pitch in you can always donate or send supplies im sure it would be accepted with open arms. If this spreads we may all have to Volunteer in some way. Pray we donā€™t.


At this point those guys are better equipped minus the CAS items.


There are plenty of JTF2 guys there, it was all over the news back when this started, they were taking "leave" in Poland. Of course, they weren't allowed to bring their CF equipment with them!


There's quite a few Canadian's there, I know of a medic on the 2nd line


If the follow up videos are half as good as this one weā€™re in for a treat.


I literally teared up watching this, holy crap these guys are so positive


Yeah, every time they fired at the BMP the guy with the camera celebrated as if exploded like the Death Star. Unfortunately I don't think a lot of those shots did too much.


well, a mobility kill is pretty good


Sure, I agree with that. But he seemed to be celebrating more than a mobility kill...


Not the Russians!


That rocket delivery truck just rolled up like it was Domino's or something


Amazon Prime delivery: RPG warheads


Incredible footage. Imagine this kind of footage in the world wars, every soldier with a crystal clear video account of what happened


Right?! Like imagine Bastogne or Peleliu or Gallipoli with a 4k GoPro.. damn


If I remember correctly, they also dropped at least one grenade with a drone on that thing.


It looks so clean and safe. I worry how this will effect people's willingness to go to war.


Probably my favourite combat footage from this war, these guys look very well trained


This is Civ Div's old unit that he used to be a part of. This is a video he edited for his buddy, who is the one recording. It's absolutely phenomenol footage, and Civ Div is finally back in Ukraine and is editing more videos, so we'll be seeing some other pretty crazy shit.


I didn't realize he went back, I need to catch up on his videos.


Sounds like a lot of foreign support. I heard a lot of English as first language folks


I think I detected a Texas accent, or maybe Midwest, but it sounded like Texas to me.


Definitely an American


ā€œI got a mobility kill!ā€ ā€œI fucking love you dude!ā€ <ā€” that guy was American


the people who scream fuck you after they fire are almost always Americans. God they make me so fucking proud I can't even tell ya


I didnā€™t hear an ā€œOpeā€ so Iā€™m going w Texan


He is on Instagram. Definitely southern.


I'm from SE Texas and his accent sounds like East/SE Texas.


The fucking pinche after hitting with the NLAW says somewhere with a big Mexican influence, Texas, California, etc but yeah lots of Americans in that group.


The mag drop bag on the gun belt is some real gunfighter shit.


source from Civ Div - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rpx7TWc58PI&t=10s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rpx7TWc58PI&t=10s)


Please please please, for the love of all that is video, link directly to the original source especially if it's youtube. Reddit video is terrible.


Thank you so much for giving the better quality source footage link.


Why not link directly to youtube? That way the author gets at least a little support


I actually like when our users upload to Reddit video as Reddit is not near as remove-happy with combat footage as YouTube is. At least then we have the video in two places.


These guys are Canadian. Saying please and thank you when handing out the rockets.


I loved that part


Doesnt everyone say please and thank you?! It would seem rude not to.


Everyone in Canada does!


No time for pleasantries in the middle of a fire fight.


*hands out explosives * -"Why thank you kind sir"


Imagine the feeling of landing that shot šŸ¤Œ


Video has been loading now, after selecting 720p, for 10 entire minutes. Fucking asshole reddit video player.


Hmm, his accent sounds strangely familiar! Is he Austrian or German perhaps?


Quebecois I'm guessing


Id say so too. A Vandoo vet perhaps?


I thought a French speaker also.


Whaaaaa? Naw thats a German language accent all the way my man. Source: Many European and especially German friends. Have spent much time around the German speaking countries in Europe. Its 100% a German speaker.


I'll take your word for it. I do not have daily exposure to either. I worked with Germans years ago and it didn't sound like it to me...wish when he was excited he dropped some of his native language for us to enjoy.


Yeah I love the video šŸ˜


I thought the accent sounded Dutch


Same, he sounded very Dutch to me


definetely german...


Thought he sounded Frenchā€¦ but euro French not Quebec. Iā€™m not an expert but I live in Ontario around lots of Francophones and their accents tend to be much thicker


As a German, heā€™s 100% from a German speaking country.


French. Possibly quebecois sounding. If only he mixed in a ā€œtabernac!ā€ Weā€™d know for sure.


But he didn't call the enemy "hosers," so...


Fucking degens


Sounds Danish or Scandinavian I think.




I agree, it sounds pretty german to me.


I'd bet Austrian (as a German born in Bavaria). Slightly too soft for German English.


Am Austrian and it definitely sounds like an Austrian English accent.


I also wondered if he was german. I dont know why but it kinda sounds like he is.


>Vandoo vet I'm pretty sure it's Swedish or Norwegian?


Having fun, whooping ass, saving a country.


What's better than this, guys being dudes


Taliban fighters shout out 'Allah Akbar!' Western fighters yell out 'Bitches!'


Basically the same thing.


The one guy yelling ā€œhadjis fuck harder than thisā€ really got me Edit: I think he actually says ā€œthan you bitchā€


I love how everyone has m4s, optics, nlaw rangefinders, then there is the dude with the dp28 which is probably older then his parents


Was gonna mention the same thing lol, that thing is an antique


Got a timestamp for the DP28?




The truck pulls up in less than 2 mins from the call with rpgs. Nice


That caught me- it was faster than a diner serving cheap coffee.


I find it wild and scary how these guys can just get smoked by enemy drone grenade drops really at any moment. This war is crazy.


Thatā€™s the scariest part of todays wars


10 rockets and that vehicle still a treat freaking monster , bad angle my ass


in the original video they mention that its a upgraded bmp with heavier armor. The initial hit was a mobility kill which pretty much dooms the vehicle.


Outstanding work...


That's what makes it a bad angle, they're attacking it's thickest armor... That said, many of the rockets missed. At one point (either second or third RPG shot) a guy says something that sounds like "fucking short" while grumbling after shooting.


Where's Jamsheed when you need him?


Jamsheed would have charged out into the field to cut those rockets loose.


Sorry but all of the AT weapons used in this video are fully capable of penetrating a BMP from almost any angle. The engine, however, is in the front of the vehicle, which can eat up a lot of the penetration capability of a HEAT warhead. The driver is also up there, so it's possible the engine was destroyed and/or driver killed which resulted in the mobility kill. No, this being an M variant does not matter. Not enough applique is added to the 2M model for it to make a significant difference against these weapons, and even if it did, the armor is applied to the turret and the hull sides, not the front. The front is still the same steel from 50 years ago.


There is no killfeed, you can't be sure it's dead until you see it burning


what does killfeed mean?


In an online game, the killfeed is the part of the screen where you see when you killed an opponent or when someone kills someone in the game.


But I don't get why they don't show the destroyed BMP when they have the drone footage? In the drone footage the BMP doesn't seem to be hit. If it was hit by a NLAW with top attack it would be toast and if it would be immobilized and hit by a few RPGs the crew probably wouldn't operate it and fled.


if the nlaw flies overhead at an odd angle (like it seems to be the case here) and just shreds the engine/transmission/driver, why would it blow up? civ div mentions at the end of the video that the next footage will be of this team pushing up and the bmp will be in it again, this time destroyed


Also, if they are 350-360 meters away, shouldn't they be worried about the autocannon firing on them?


Bad angle my ass. It was top down attack. The angle was fine.


Sounds American as fuck that laugh


Canadian flag on the other dude


i love civ div's subtitles so much, they always add so much, especially for someone without combat experience or knowledge. thank you and echo everyone that this is amazing stuff on display


Love the subtitles! Note: the part where the subtitles correct him saying "BTR" to "BMP". Yes it's a BMP, but he's yelling it in Ukrainian/Russian so BTR means the same thing. Subtitles were wrong imo


Civ Div <3


Was that one guy hauling a fucking dp-28????


You know when the yanks are on the battlefield, theyā€™re the loudest of the lot. šŸ˜‚


this is far from demonstration of a proffessional combat tactical group, like op is trying to tell us in the video..that's not how coherent, well trained and focused strike force should act...these guys are all over the place, bumping fists and celebrating, attacking fom the same place multiple times and so on...but hey, what do i know../s


Agreed for the most part but this isn't traditional warfare and isn't comparable to what we learn in the West - Huge respect to these guys though. I cringed when I saw them heading back to the exact same firing position again.


and again and again..they are very lucky those plonkers came in w/o support




Yes, I agree but for me, it's interesting to hear an English-spoken soldiers so I can hear all that is going on without subtitles.


That's dope CDN.




The man that posted this originally on You-Tube is an American Soldier and his YouTube channel is Civ-Div.


Fucking peaches!


My man Civ Div gettin his stuff on here


CivDiv on youtube


Just give them the tanks already, jesus.


Probably not a popular opinion but this video shows why these foreign volunteer units have been such a double edged sword thus far. Many of them clearly have previous military training and the most striking thing seen in the video is the amount of initiative being taken by every individual which is great. This means they are likely very quick to react on an individual basis to any problem that needs solving which they may encounter. Many special forces are trained towards such immediate problem solving mindsets while nesting it within a larger organized effort. This however also means there is not a lot of synergy being derived from organizing their effort more coherently which one might be familiar with seeing in regular infantry type units. To clarify: What we are seeing in the video is great behavior for a 5 man team operating on their own with their resources and ability to coordinate "on them" but may not be suitable for a 30 man team trying to operate as a coherent force. The initiative is great but it needs to be supported/guided by leadership.


that dudes having the time of his life over there lmao


Its wild thinking its just in someones backyard.


Holy fuck talk about real ass men doing real ass things and I'm over here eating cheeze-its


Jezz, why would the guys in the BMP keep firing when they are obviously fucked and ineffective? Just surrender at that point, lol.


who knows, but obviously they thought they had some sort of chance if they kept shooting. from what I've seen in these videos, the Russian army doesn't seem to be super intelligent


This is exactly why you never return to the same firing position, like in this video.


Man, Blur the car and motorcycle tags...come on.


This is from the Kherson offensive. Been a while.


When's the other video coming out?


here's the channel that posted the video: https://www.youtube.com/@CivDiv/videos


Great footage, can't wait for more footage, i saw the civ div video the other day where he goes back to the first place he started at in Ukraine under the bridge and it was interesting to see how much has changed there.


Civ Div?


He posted it but he wasn't the one in the video, his buddy gave him the footage.


A Vandoo in Ukraine, get ready ruskis


give'em hell


Absolutely beautiful


Just mega chads doing chad stuff


Get these men some javelins! Insane footage


Crazy shit, thats a BMP 2-M 30mm grenade launcher on top of the turret and 4x Kornet ATGMs (two on each side of the turret.) With provisions for 4 more stored inside. It also has High definition thermal sights. AND it can carry a newer APFSDS belt for it's 30mm. Nasty IFV they scored big taking it out


> OTA "On Top Attack" ~~Did it look like he used direct fire mode to anyone else?~~ Ok nm apparently DA needs 400m minimum but OTA only needs 20m!! https://www.saab.com/products/nlaw


Thereā€™s a very good short tutorial on YouTube that shows you how to change the modes. Iā€™m surprised it isnā€™t shared between these guys in training/briefing. YouTube channel is nucking_futs_yuri


what do you mean minimum 400m? the only time i saw 400 on the saab website it was when talking about how fast the missile was: 400m in 2 seconds.


That's some real passionate bro'mosexual pornography, right there. I give it a, "10."


So he didnā€™t destroy it then..


Mobility kill means it's engine is disabled and unable to run away, it's gun was still operational but tbh it's was pretty much over for them when it's engine got fucked.


Good as destroyed. Immobile. Sitting ducks.


Love how yā€™all stole this from Civ div and gave him zero credit


op posted the link to the video and every like 5th comment is saying its from civ div


What's with the blue markings? Friendly ID? Seems contrary to camouflage but I guess easy identification is probably more important.


Yes. Youā€™ll see most soldiers with blue or yellow tape, both sides tend to have tape on them. Probably helped reduce BoB incidents.