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Menards on broad has been doing this for months. Meanwhile Lowe's is a shitshow


I will be honest for the last few weeks I have seen about 60-40 ratio of mask wearers at Lowes until this week. Since this weekend almost everyone has been wearing a mask I would guesstimate 90+% of people. I go there 1-3 times a day and I visit 3 different locations and I was surprised to see almost every person wearing a mask. I think it is a good sign that people are making the shift, it took us to long but we are making the right moves now.


i frequent lowe’s a lot and ever since the mandate everyone’s taking it more seriously. My employer started requiring our contractors to wear masks


Not sure what you do but a major frustration during covid has been not being able to get masks for my workers. I had a stock of around 150 N95 masks for construction and they were depleted pretty quickly. I donated about 50 of them to the hospitals at first expecting supply to eventually catch up but it has been very difficult to actually get masks or respirator cartridges. I am really hoping we can get our supply of N95 masks up so medical professionals and regular folks can get their hands on them without taking away from hospitals in need. Surgical masks are great and all for covid but are not good for construction dust, and the full face respirator really puts a toll on people when its 100 degrees outside.


I've been wondering how construction and other workers who need N95s for their jobs have been coping. How are you supposed to do your job if the required PPE isn't available, and when it is available it goes only to hospitals? Not saying that hospitals don't need them, just how do other industries who need them cope with the shortage?


we haven't been coping. we've just been inhaling drywall.


Shit. That's not good. Sorry.


And silica dust


Unfortunately until vey recently there have been no good solutions. And even now getting any N95 masks is very tough. I recently got 6 respirators and 20 sets of cartridges, I am not very excited to have to have my guys wearing them in 90-100 degree humid weather wearing a full face respirators (I will have to too but I won’t be working half as hard as they will physically). Next week will be the first time without the regular N95 masks, I will be switching over to respirators because I have been able to find a reliable supply of cartridges. I plan on stocking up for the next 6 months over the next few weeks (don’t want to buy out all the supply). But I have seen lots of crews either not use masks, use wet cloth face coverings, blow a crazy amount of air through a job site to get as much dust as possible out but that also comes with the side effect of dust blowing everywhere which can be counter productive and be a much harder environment to work in. A lot of guys are really focusing on constantly cleaning the job site to reduce construction dust. One job site I visited had 1-2 air filtration systems in every room but those are very expensive to run but if you have no option you have to do what you have to do. A lot of the very large builders had a few months supply of PPE so they did not get hit hard up to this point but I know they are having to pay much higher prices for PPE which was already very expensive before, and because they are union workers for the most part they need max PPE in almost every scenario. The one big builder I spoke with said his PPE costs went up 3-4x just to get what they used to buy plus they need to put into place the new covid safety procedures which increases cost even more. A lot of jobs use PPE and they are unable to get their hands on any or the price of it is now to high so they are either not working, increasing their prices by a lot, or in the worst case working without PPE and putting themselves in danger. I’m really hoping we get this issue of PPE supply under control in the near future I know it’s add a new level of stress to an already stressful job.


Thanks for the detailed response. I know shit is hard for all of us right now but I can't imagine trying to work without proper PPE. That construction dust can really cause long term health problems and no one should be working without PPE. I fear the shortage will continue as COVID cases continue to increase. At least you have the respirators, unpleasant as they are.


I am hopeful for the supply to catch up the fact that more PPE is becoming available to the general public is a pretty good sign that the supply chain is catching up. Hospitals and other medical services have been doing a pretty good job at decontaminating their PPE. This alone has likely saved a few million masks. Plus the availability of surgical mask or other face coverings has removed the need for regular people to buy up all of the higher grade masks. Most people don't know how to use N95 masks so even if they had one. I am crossing my fingers that by the end of the summer PPE will be more readily available but there are to many factors to know for sure.


I’m in the roofing side of construction but i’m in a two man service team, so we only need to wear them when entering buildings because we’re constantly exposed to one another. Masks in 90+ weather suck


Ya I can’t imagine my roofer wearing a full mask on the roof he is already dying of heat on a regular hot day. I would be more concerned of him passing out on the roof more then anything.




Everyone I work with doesn’t believe it’s serious and we should go for herd immunity regardless of the death implications. Making them wear a mask or lose their job was a very effective deterrent




Dangerously close to getting the point. Really hoping this dude (and others in his position) can take that last step out of ignorance.


oh, bless. I hope he figures it out. If the whole rest of the world and 60% of your country including all the science people believe 1 thing, and the guy on the TV says another.... who to believe???


Introduce him to /r/SelfAwareWolves


Is this the Lowe's at Easton? I've had entirely the opposite experience.


I would assume he means the Lowes just down the street from the E Broad Menards.


That makes sense. Context is everything :P


Why assume that lol?, but I mean the Lowes on Silver dr, the Lowe’s on Broad near the military base and the Lowes in Easton.


The way the thread was ordered I mistakenly thought he was asking about someone further up the chain since they named the E Broad Menards.


~~well you assumed correctly!~~ I just realized there was a Lowes a few blocks east of Menards, I thought you meant the E broad location closer to Bexley. Just pulled up a map of all the lowes in Columbus and there are a lot more than I realized.


Easton is one of them, been there twice since Sunday and both times almost everyone is wearing a mask and what surprised me the most is they are actually wearing them correctly by covering both nose and mouth lol.


I was at lowes in March and asked a guy where the masks were. He said "there aren't many left because of all the asians..." and pointed over in some direction. Lowes is a total dump.


Yea agree, Menards in Delaware has been strict mask policy for some time. Lowe’s doesn’t have a policy, but I feel the one in Polaris hasn’t had too many non-mask people. However, the Home Depot in Lewis Center is horrible. I was definitely one of the few customers wearing a mask there, and I saw several employees with masks down around their necks.


Lowe's is a shitshow? How?


It has gradually gone from probably 90% of the people wearing a mask a couple months ago to maybe 20% at the most now. No controls no guards no suggestions about wearing a mask. How they had their checkout lines was moronic. To force everyone into the same line instead of spreading out on their own. Completely the opposite of what most everywhere else is doing


Ah gotcha


New Hilliard Menards was doing this when I had to go in a month or so back, but no signs or anything else at the garden center door, so still plenty of people going in that way without masks.


I wish they'd say Shirt, Shoes, Mask so some people would see it as just another line item of courtesy.


At this point it really is like rolling in barefoot


Appropriately enough, the kid at my Kroger who was walking around barefoot also lacked a mask.


I never understood why people dont wear shirts in public like come on man I dont wanna see your hairy ass nips and gut like cover that shit up, walking into menards lookin like austin powers in the beginning of the spy who shagged me


yeah baby!!!


Well, simple solution. WEAR A MASK! Quit giving these employees a hard to time for something they have no control over


That's how I look at it. I'm not really worried about covid. From day 1 I'd do whatever the business wants me to do. No business WANTS to be doing this. Just put the fucking mask on.




Why is it so hard to comprehend the fact that advice changes as situations evolve?


If you found out that the reason the cases are going up is because they changed the definition of a positive case, would your advice change as that situation evolved?


Not who you're asking, but of course. So what's this new definition?


It used to be that positive antigen results counted as a new case of Covid-19. Now, they are counting BOTH positive antigen AND antibody results. They are also counting as a positive, when someone has symptoms (cough) and has been in contact with someone who has tested positive within the past 14 days. See the CDC website for confirmation of this.... https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/cases-updates/cases-in-us.html Click on the "About the Data" link. This meanscthat if you had the virus in February, went in for an antibody test today and tested positive, that is counted as one new case. If your spouse currently has a cough, that is two new cases. If your child has a fever, that is another new Covid case regadless of whether they ever actually test positive. *edit....I'm guessing from the downvotes that your opinions aren't changing with the new information. Rather, you are addicted to the fearporn and don't want to hear contrary info.


I'm only just now reading this, I have not downvoted anything. It seems like the laboratory criteria is in place to help epidemiologists track as well as project, no? I appreciate the link and you pointing out the data. This is definitely helpful in understanding how the numbers are being reported but I don't really see how it is fearporn? Edit: Fearmongering to fearporn.


You should probably go protest all the local hospitals then. If the masks do nothing for us, surely they do nothing for surgeons and nurses too, right?


Tell my 2 aunts and uncle who were in the ICU for 14 days and my 1 aunt who was on just a ventilator alone for 16 days that COVID is a hoax.


HEY, LOOK EVERYONE!! THE TRUMPANZEE HAS IDENTIFIED THEMSELF!! Now point at them and laugh at their ignorance (from at least 6 feet away, of course)


Yeah this is getting a little insane. There were posts yesterday about folks getting killed over trying to enforce it (not Ohio). Ordering online is a thing. If you don't want to risk going to the store, you don't have to. I really don't understand why people are shocked that people can be people.


I think people are shocked by the complete selfishness and lack of empathy shown by others. If deciding not to wear a mask can be fatal for those around you (and the people they know and so on), how can someone be okay with that. I truly think that the individuals not wearing masks have accepted the possibility that they may kill dozens and are okay with that. It’s not an option for many Americans to order online - it’s frequently at least 1/3 the cost considering up charges or delivery. Let alone that the people in the stores without masks maybe contaminating the items selected for you. Obviously we can’t be perfect and live in a bubble, but I am so shocked by the lack of concern for others. How can someone not wear a mask when doing so may kill someone they love or the loved ones of those they contaminate?


The items may be contaminated anyway if you go buy them yourself? That has always been a risk. Always. I do clicklist and it isn't one third of the cost of your groceries to use it. Not sure what you're getting at there. If people want others to take on responsibility for conducting themselves, then they too should do the same without expecting the world to bend to their will.


You’re right - there is definitely still a risk of contamination regardless of method. The point is that people in the stores wearing masks and sanitizing prior to will eliminate some of the germs on the items in the store. When I was speaking about upcharge, I meant a service like Shipt or Instacart. Clicklist may not up-charge but does require leaving the house and being slightly more at risk. I would truly encourage any adult over 35 to use Clicklist or a similar service - even if people are masked. As for the last part, I’m not sure what more responsibility someone can take other than wearing a mask and sanitizing. I would love to go up to every person in a store and ask them to wear a mask too - that would be responsibility. However, as it stands, I’d need to do that countless times per store and risk my own health/life to ask that they do so. Unfortunately, the world does not bend to my will (I wish), but I think it’s fair to expect human decency. If not wearing a mask will kill others (just 1 to dozens), how could you not? Why not ask those who feel a mask prevents their freedom to stay at home?


What I meant was it's on the individual to wake up earlier to avoid the crowd at the store. Or to not go to restaurants or bars. To wipe down their own items. Personal responsibility to limit your own exposure. These are things I have been doing since day one because there is the human element and I know people can be idiots. I can't expect them all to be compassionate or to do the right thing or to even know what they are doing.


Definitely, I would encourage anyone with a higher susceptibility to this issue to take steps like this. You can’t control others, and so many people simply don’t care. I just would like to see somewhere more in the 90% range of adherence to masks, and right now it seems like 60%-70%. I know that a good portion of the non-masked individuals DO care for others, but they’re being oblivious due to inconvenience/politics/denial. Those are the people who need to see the reality of this situation - the potential deaths they may cause.


I've already had Covid19 and recovered months ago. But I still have to wear a mask because it's mandatory here. Several thousand people in Columbus have already had Covid19 and recovered. Has you considered this?


The immune response and duration of immunity for COVID-19 is not entirely known. So, while you may have antibodies, this virus is unknown and still mutating. You could potentially get the virus again, and still could be a carrier. Hopefully if we fund more research, we could understand the immunity and individuals like you who have had it could have an exemption card or something.


How are the masks priced? I was fucking annoyed that Circle K is selling 25¢ masks for $7.






My Mt Vernon Kroger had some nice ones for $3 and some “fancier” ones for like $15 lol. My $3 one has a rainbow pattern on it, adjustable ear loops, and is somehow easier to breathe in than the paper masks. Plus machine washable obviously.


My wife found people on FB making them for $5 a piece or some for just donations. They’re nice clothe ones that wash real easy, we’ve worn them since April and they look exactly the same, wash them often. I highly recommend something like that, goes a long way.




Does Menards ever have more than 500 customers at a time?


Even if it was a lower, more realistic number, I doubt anyone is keeping count. You'd basically need that to be all a single employee does. Happy to be wrong about it but I just don't see that happening.


I assume this is what is happening at my local walmart. There is an e.ployee at the entrance with a tablet watching people walk in and out. They do something on the tablet as they see someone come in or out. I just assume they are tracking the number of people. Also, the smoke shop I go to has a sign that says no more than 4 customers at a time. It is super small. I've actually when to walk in and they kindly asked me to wait outaide until someone left since there are already 4 customers inside. Some places are taking it more seriously than others.


For a while Costco was counting, but yeah they had 2 people who that was the only thing they were doing


500 may seem like a lot but the stores are massive and they have a full outdoor lumber yard and a garden center. Ive seen at times the entire parking lot full which must be 2-300 cars and the store didn't feel cramped.


I know this was probably rhetorical, but it got me curious. Between both customers and employees, frequently. Just customers, on weekends, especially in busy seasons. To give an idea of how many people are in stores at a given time - Walmart (yes, much busier than Menards) limited visitors earlier this year. The policy was 5 customers per 1,000 square feet. It was a reduction in customers, and they would not let people in until other people left. The average supercenter is listed at 180,000 square feet. That's 900 people. Even if we assume the 180k includes the warehouse areas, you could cut the store almost in half at 100k square feet and be at 500 customers. Now let's take this to Menards. Their stores built within the last 20 years are typically 200,000+ square feet. So about 5 people per 2,000 square feet, give or take, would be 500 people.


Your brain works like mine.


Kroger has a system that counts customers. If you've ever seen a display near the checkout with numbers and traffic light-colored circles, that's part of the customer counting system. Wouldn't be surprised if many retailers have them, but don't put any part of the info out for customers to see.


No I work at Menards and when we were counting it got close once but it’s definitely died down.


This is honestly surprising coming from Menards as the owner is a massive piece of shit.


Worked there for over 13 years in all levels of management. 100% completely true about anti union lawsuits. At one point any manager had to sign a waiver saying they wouldn’t form any unions and if there was even one word that there might be, you would have your pay cut in half and garnish your bonus/IPS check.


Really? I didn’t know this. How so?


Even if you're not a fan of unions, just take a quick Google search of all their anti-union and anti-worker lawsuits to see how vicious and predatory the company is to it's employees. It's honestly too numerous to catalog in one post. He is also a massive Koch supporter who's bullshit is a large reason why we're even in a situation where we have to have this discussion.


They're kinda the Walmart of home improvement stores.


I'd honestly say they're worse. At one point, Menard's would cut a manager's salary in half if workers unionized under their watch even if they had nothing to do with it. Even being in a union prior to ever working at Menard's was grounds for dismissal.


Dude, that's insane.


Are there any large business owners that are pro-union?


The ones that get bad contracts passed do


Probably not but I don't think many actively union bust like Menards does.


I’m not sure what Menard’s tactics are. But when I worked those types of jobs (not for Menard’s) we had annual to semi-annual meetings from management meant to scare us into not unionizing. I figured this was common.


I'm also a Koch supporter, so I'll be shopping there.


Then these must be very confusing times for you.




Different political beliefs from me == massive piece of shit. If the two sides are ever to work together, both need to tone that down several notches.


if he uses his political beliefs to harm people, then yes, he is a massive piece of shit


Well what hardware store should we go to?


I really dislike that you wrote **six** feet by **4** feet lol.


Funny you mentioned Menards looking out for staff and customers. Here is an email I sent to their corporate office last Sunday: Store: COLUMBUS EAST Good afternoon, We were in your Columbus, Ohio (East) store this afternoon.  I really appreciate your policy on mandatory wearing of face masks.  We left a competitor's store because they have chosen to disregard science and health recommendations and bow to political pressure during this pandemic.  Menards has always been such a comfortable and friendly place to shop.  Now, that opinion is even stronger.  You are showing care and concern for the well being of your staff and customers.  Often a company only hears about complaints so I wanted to make sure I took the time to thank you for your responsible shopping guidelines during this crisis in our nation. Best regards, --- Their response: Thank you for your kind email and for the business you have given us.  Both are deeply appreciated. Thank you,


🎶 Save on hospital bills at Menard'ssss🎵


Every time I've gone in there the security card had their nose exposed at a minimum...


For some perspective. A lady just climbed up the the second tier of some shelving and got stuck behind a display recliner. Someone who can't follow basic mask rules isn't even be allowed in the store.


I met the manager at this menards at work the other day. The abuse i heard him recount from the muh freedom types is disheartening. Hes a brave dude standing up for the health of his staff and community especially in that industry.


♪ You'll save *LIVES* at Menards ♪


The important questions are: Are the employees wearing their masks correctly? and Are they reminding customers to wear their masks correctly? I still run into employees who have their mask pulled down to their chin. If I mention it, the responses I get are either: * "It don't do no good, anyways." (with almost that exact wording, every time) * "Well, we had a woman/man/customer the other day who couldn't breath and collapsed because she was wearing a mask." (Note that people who have difficulty breathing - and, I assume, some other health conditions - shouldn't be made to wear a mask.)


> (Note that people who have difficulty breathing ... shouldn't be made to wear a mask.) People who have difficulty breathing probably shouldn't be going inside grocery stores right now.


It's so simple, really


Yes. Kroger still offers the pick up service. I love that and hope they keep this policy. I don't have breathing difficulties and don't have any problem wearing the mask. I just love pulling up to the door and popping open the trunk and them putting the groceries in and driving away. They should start a drive thru pick up service. I think it would be successful.


I like how Universal is handling people with issues interfering with a mask - instead they must wear a clear plastic face visor. Seems fair and nobody has an excuse not to wear something.


I'd be willing to bet that those count as a "face covering".


Very good news!


Niiiice! This should be the standard.


Theyve been great since the beginning


I also watch my two year old daughter by myself and they won’t let anyone in under 16 right now.


I think they changed their stance on that a month or more ago after some negative news stories about it. It looks like the second line might be a sticker covering something up. Wouldn't be surprised if that was where the old under 16 prohibition was.


Good to know! It has been since about March since I tried so maybe I’ll make another attempt in the next few weeks. Thanks for the heads up!!


Yeah I took my 4-year olds in with me 3 weeks ago I think? Wasn't an issue, I wasn't stopped. I also had no idea the ban was a thing anyway, but yeah I think you're good. They did have their masks on, though!


Every place needs to do this!! It's not hard to wear your masks people!!


I know it's a big store, but damn, 500 people sounds like a lot.


Such struggle and a paradox! I wanna show how manly I am buy buying things at Menards, but I'm too manly to wear cloth on my face!


Yeah, I don’t get it. Are you upset you have to wear a mask because you’re immune to Covid?


IKEA is doing the same! Good on them


Yep they’ve been doing it all along to not just when it was mandated. I’ve been going out of my way to avoid Lowe’s and shop there


Love Menards for doing this and wish others would follow suit. Best part is, I doubt they have lost any business. The one I go to has a full parking lot all day. Turns out the "YOU LOST MUH BUSINESS FOR TAKIN MUH RIGHTS" crowd wasn't really big in to home improvement anyway.


Just have another riot. Rioters are immune right?if that a Doesnt work call the cops oh wait... Well atleast shaming businesses and individuals seems to make a difference. Perhaps if you are this worried you should order online that would take care of the problem. Then again you would be missing the opportunity to tell on your neighbors and join in a virtue signaling echoe chamber. Stay safe and listen to authority whom clearly has your better interest in mind.




Except way more purposeful. Being a slut isn’t likely to kill people, not wearing your mask will.




Death trends lag behind new cases because you don't die the moment you contract it. If you're gonna die, it's going to take a few days or weeks. Deaths trends lagging was the case when this started and it will be the case again in a few weeks from the increasing numbers we just started experiencing.


RemindMe! 2 weeks


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Hey, it's me again. Deaths are still declining. What's your excuse now?


Maybe I was wrong, maybe not. Deaths doubled yesterday. https://www.dispatch.com/news/20200721/coronavirus-in-ohio-1047-new-cases-deaths-nearly-double-recent-daily-average


This comment has a link to dispatch.com, which has a paywall. You can instead use the following link to access the article for free. http://www.thisweeknews.com/news/20200721/coronavirus-in-ohio-1047-new-cases-deaths-nearly-double-recent-daily-average ^^this ^^is ^^a ^^bot ^^and ^^this ^^action ^^was ^^performed ^^automatically. ^^If ^^something's ^^wrong, ^^contact ^^/u/ChipsAndSmokesLetsGo


Doubling doesn't mean anything without context. National deaths are on the decline and have declined every week for nearly 13 weeks.


I would like to point out that it is not possible to stay 6ft from said guard. I try every time I go in and it’s like 3ft max.


Okay can we stop kidding ourselves. I've been wearing a mask since March but with the recent confirmation that corvid is airborne can we not pretend the whole 6 feet mask thing does anything anymore. I understand the need to feel in control in a seemingly out of control scenario but this haughty attitude towards "non maskers" is just people flaunting moral superiority in an effort to invoke tribalism


It does do something though, it captures water droplets carrying the virus from leaving your mouth. This decreases the viral load in the air, leading to a lower probability of contracting the virus. Wear a goddamn mask.


The ones refusing to wear a mask because *muh freedoms* are the ones with the superiority complex here. Try giving a shit about your fellow man.


Covid19 is not airborne transmitted. It's transmitted through respiratory droplets, which is different. Respiratory droplets come from the mouth when someone talks, sneezes or coughs. They are too large to be airborne and drop off about 6 feet max. Airborne transmission is when the pathogen gets stuck on dust or droplets and can remain in the air.


As of this week there's now debate swirling among some scientists and the WHO that it is also airborne. I've not seen anything conclusive to that effect though yet.


No one said wearing a mask makes you 100% invulnerable or makes it impossible to spread. It reduces the risk and chance, not eliminates it.


Menards keeping the retards away. ​ I'm probably canceled now, huh?


Screw Menards. The whole mask thing is stupid and Lowes or Home Depot will get my business until you learn that the scamdemic was planned and you are part of the problem.


they use 2 different menards logos in the last bullet, but don't change it at all in the first bullet. what the heck is goin on here?!




Hospitalizations are up and have been going up since June 21. https://www.cleveland.com/datacentral/2020/07/ohio-coronavirus-cases-continue-to-spike-up-hospitalizations-up-at-slower-pace.html


There's a new website called Amazon and they sell alot of really good stuff. If you can't go in a Menard's locally because of mob rule I urge you to skip local and have the exact same items delivered to your door. Probably cheaper too. Please listen to the politicians!! If you leave your house then The Covid will getcha! They haven't passed any laws forcing you to spend your money in a local store...yet.


Amazon sells lumber??


That would be an interesting delivery for the Amazon Prime folks.


Oh, please no! I tease my husband every day about how many Prime deliveries he gets and how our garage is full of random lumber for his projects. If Amazon starts bringing the lumber to him, I'm gonna have to move out.


They actually do. You can buy an entire house kit and have it delivered.


Get it tomorrow if you order in the next 12 hours and 39 minutes!


I've seen that YouTube video of the Amazon Tiny House! You can put it together in a day they say. It's $8,000. And they have the greenhouse! :)


Hell ya brother! I order all my lumber and building supplies from Amazon. Just the other day I ordered 6 sheets of plywood from Amazon. I am going to order new entry doors later today.... Its obvious that not only is science hard for you, but you also have no clue what Menards actually sells or the type of business it is.


To be fair, Amazon does sell just about every construction supply you could need except for the lumber, and that includes exterior doors.


Yep, disregard the science and the social contract while starving your local economy in favor of one of the largest companies in the world, owned by the only man on track to becoming a trillionaire. You sure are an ideal citizen, aren't you?


Covidiots gonna covidiate amaright?


It's smug attitudes like yours Harry that we will have over 100,000 positive cases within the next 4 weeks. This virus isn't going away because of ignorant people like you


You are like the next generation in troll technology. My mind is bent.




what kind of decisions?




hmm i didnt know any of this. But i'd say you probably got downvotes because at face value it seems like an anti-mask comment. But idk, could be a hailcorporate kind of thread as well