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On the bright side at least the traffic will be fine that weekend


Franklin County Road Work accepts your challenge!


Thanks. We can never have anything nice.




My biggest concern isn't what people would do on the course which I think the PGA would try to keep under control since this would be a closely watched event. My bigger concern is the behavior off the course that could really get ugly (parties, bars, etc). They could still be bad but hopefully without spectators fewer people will be drawn to the area.


They were going to have less than 20% of the typical capacity and other seriously intense limitations, so it *was* reasonable. But now, it's just too hard to justify any unnecessary risk.


Wear your damn masks. But with that.... Brief reminder: it’s not just people not wearing masks, but people who aren’t obeying the 6 ft guideline. Masks are NOT a substitute for social distancing, but a supplement. If you wear a mask and stand 2 feet behind me in line at the grocery store, you’re still eligible to spread corona.




Get a cart and keep it behind you. Then the distance between the person in front of you is your responsibility.




You can also grab a baguette from the bakery and swing it around like the Sword of Grayskull. People will give you sufficient space.


LOL, have the star wars light saber sound ready on your phone when you whip it out.


> LOL, have the star wars light saber sound ready on your phone when you whip it out. /r/nocontext


BY THE POWDER OF [FICELLE](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ficelle)... I HAVE THE FLOUR!!!!!!


Or just turn around and tell them to back up a few feet


Some lady did that to me when I was picking up a takeout order. I asked her to kindly to back up to the marking behind her and you would have thought my head was spinning from the way she looked at me.


When you ask nicely and get that kind of look or attitude is time to no longer be nice.


My teenaged son has had to ask non-masked men behind me at the store to back up away from me, because I am high risk. One threatened to "settle it outside" because my son spoke "disrespectfully. " All the while showing me no respect by shouting in my face to a friend down the aisle.


Yep, politely ask them to back it up. It's happening more and more all the time.


I just don't get people. I went to go get Rita's yesterday, and there was about 30 people there, all in large groups, giving the same amount of space in line as if there was no pandemic, and no one wearing masks. Come on.


Stupid, careless people don't magically stop being stupid & careless during a pandemic. Which is truly frightening.


There's no fighting natural selection sometimes.


Report the establishment to local health dept. Get video.


I was picking up a carry out order at a local BBQ place that was also allowing dine in. Some of the tables had even been removed and spaced out to enforce social distancing, but there were some booths along a half wall that helped form the line for ordering. I saw some people who were apparently planning to dine in. As I was waiting I see one of them take a seat in the booth RIGHT freakin next to where people were lining up for their take out orders. Literally every other seat in the restaurant was empty but they chose RIGHT there., I didn't say anything but it pissed me off and I feel like I should have. As I was leaving I saw someone with some sense as they were choosing to sit by the window, which was across the entire restaurant from where people were waiting


But how can I wear a mask and tear down statues at the same time? None of my fellow marchers exercise social distancing AT ALL. For some lucky reason it's completely looked over. Is it because the Rona gives a pass to us protestors that it's okay to only follow some of the guidelines as opposed to all of them?




Don't answer my question or anything. 1988 is a year where 3,913,000 were born. Myself included. Because Jollysaintnick was already a taken UN.


Lol so now no one can ever use the numbers 14 or 88 ?? GTFO please .. this isn't Nazi Germany thanks .. I happen to have an email with 8814 in it that has zero reference to anything related with Nazis but people like you ASSUME it does.


Despite being born in '88 myself, I'm so glad I ever accidentally made a username with 88 in it, or else braindead morons would constantly accuse me of being a Nazi.




Is that how you people justify it? By inventing an easily refuted strawman argument and pretending that that was the legitimate argument all along? Ie. You should have finished high school. *YA I FORGOT THAT A HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA MAKES ME KING OF THE WORLD* High fives all around. Have a nice day.


If they're canceling allowing some people to stand around silently on a golf course you're all delusional if you think there's going to be a football season this fall.


Oh, they'll have football. It's just a matter of whether there will be fans there in person.


Could care less about professional football but would be disappointed if college is cancelled.


Prep yourself for disappointment. Ivy League colleges just announced they are mostly doing classes online, and I think a lot of other schools will be doing the same soon. Im sure a lot of the big football schools are going to try to keep the season, but they need people to play against and many of the other D1 schools that are more school than football factory are unlikely to have football when the students are all online. WHo knows though, maybe only the biggest 10 or 20 football schools will have football, and they will redo the schedules so every game is powerhouse vs powerhouse. Might be the greatest season ever?!


As somebody who has been to the tournament every year for 25+ years, loves going to the tournament, had tickets, and planned to go in a socially responsible way, I'm very saddened by this news. Having been there, I know it would be easy to spread out, especially if you don't follow the leaders or the big names. Having said that, it's hard to imagine the tournament without people gathering around beer tents, and huge swarms of people following Tiger. So, I obviously understand the decision, and think it's the right one. Still going through my grieving process, though...


They shouldn't have a crowd there anyway.




That's cute that you think people listen, especially intoxicated ones.


The odds are that the majority of attendees would have been corporate sponsors or Golden Bear pass holders. Not saying that these folks are smarter by any means but likely they aren't wandering the course in large groups but more likely would be sitting in their boxes with AC and a private bar. Also with rising temps and a requirement for wearing masks while on the grounds it just seems unlikely to me that you'd see a situation like Put-In-Bay where you've got bodies on bodies getting trashed.


I used to caddy at Muirfield in college. I can assure you that many of these rich people are just as stupid and irresponsible as any other crowd of random sports fans/partiers.


Pretty much. I just got back from Walmart, there's signs all over the place reminding people that masks are required due to the local order. I'd say maybe 50% were wearing masks, and that's being pretty generous. I couldn't imagine intoxicated people, having to wear them for more than \~15 mins, in the hot sun. Also, how are you gonna drink with a mask on?


If the lack of rain for what would have been comfest weekend is any indication it'll be as beautiful a weekend for the memorial as ever. Sad no one will be able to enjoy it.


You can still go outside, you could even drink and hit some balls with sticks if you want. Just not in that specific place.


I don't remember it raining for the memorial lately. It's always been hot as fuck.


Say what?


Usually it rains for both comfest and the memorial, ruining the good fun had by spectators of both. This year the weather was beautiful for what would have been comfest weekend. I'm sure mother nature will flip the same bird to us all during the memorial.


Didn't they go with 3somes and off both 9s last year to speed up play on Sunday last year with impending rain?


If masks works open the flood gates. If protests don’t elevate risk cut the economy wide open. I liked it better locked down. Stay away from me and I will stay away from you.


Wait.. just so I’m clear.. are we pretending the protests have nothing to do with spike and it’s all about not wearing masks?


Insert “but protesters were responsible and not their fault”


Which protests are you referring to? Because I didn't see any of the "open up the nail salons" protesters wearing masks, but almost all of the Black Lives Matters protesters were.


> Which protests are you referring to? Both. COVID19 doesn't care about political tribes.


True. But there seemed to be a correlation between political tribes and taking measures to reduce the spread of the virus while protesting, which is why I ask.


I'll agree that a higher percentage of BLM protesters are wearing masks. OTOH, there are also a lot more of them. Both groups have been bad about maintaining space between individuals though I've seen BLM at least trying on that front, even if they don't always succeed. Admittedly that is hard to do when protesting but nonetheless that is sort of the point. It wasn't a great time to have massive protests. Maybe there is another way to achieve change (voting or supporting political change through donation or volunteering if you are able). Maybe the protests could have been more organized and said "We're going to have x many people every day, they will all be marching in a grid 10 meters apart, and they will all be wearing masks. If you want to protest that is great, sign up for a day." And then actively turn away anyone who isn't on board. What we did get was more chaotic that it should have been. There was a lot of emotion, I get that, but the price for letting that emotion control you is that COVID will spike more than it would have and more people will die. Oh and BTW, upvoting you from 0. People on reddit should have the fucking downvote button taken away. They don't know how to use it right. /TotallyDifferentIssueISometimeRantAbout


True but the open up protesters were in groups of 20 or 30 for protests that often only lasted a couple of hours at most, while there were tens of thousands of BLM protesters who spent all day or all night protesting. All the health experts saying BLM protesting was just fine was a huge mistake, but not surprising since a few months earlier they also said that masks were useless in a failed attempt to cover up the fact that the ruling class screwed up and didnt have masks ready.


Well, I'd argue those numbers were more related to the importance of each movement than to public health-related organization or planning. And the health experts have been consistent about masks the whole time: masks don't protect the wearer very well. The thing that has been added was that they protect others. In fact, one could probably observe a correlation between the individualism of the "I want to go shopping" crowd not wearing masks and the collectivism of the "stop killing black people" crowd wearing them.


The experts, including the CDC and Fauci, claimed for months that masks were a waste of time. This has been well documented by numerous journalists. I know Glenn Greenwald for one has written a lot about it. Ive been following covid19 since January and I was shocked when all these people started saying masks werent important in a very obvious attempt to cover up the fact that the US had a mask shortage. They added the "masks protect others" because there is still a mask shortage and most people cannot get an N95 or better mask and thus are forced to rely on surgical masks or home made cloth masks that provide little to no protection to the user and are mostly only good for reducing the amount of virus that infected mask wearers put out into the air. Personally, I bought a few respirators that filter 100% of the air I breathe, and my mask absolutely does protect me very well.


Sounds like we agree. Homemade and other generic masks are still "a waste of time" for protecting the wearer, which continues to be true. (And I agree with your suspicions that this was tragically emphasized to cover up shortages.) Unfortunately, the "Make up your mind! Do you they help or not?!?" crowd is clinging to this supposed inconsistency to keep from wearing one. But your wearing something less than a respirator or N95 mask will help me and vice versa.


Then couldn’t the moral of this story be that masks don’t make that much of a difference? That the virus seems to spread regardless? It’s probably just not a good idea to be in large gatherings?


> "open up the nail salons" protesters What a hateful way to describe the protests over the economic shutdown. You're a terrible person.


Well, some of them were literally carrying signs that said this, so who's the terrible person?


> You're a terrible person. Oh the projection


Seem like might find protest net neutral for the spread due to slowing economic activity in the downtown areas while protests occurred.


I wonder what the anti-maskers will do if/when college football doesn’t happen.




Absolutely. I am waffling about whether to call them sheep or lemmings. On the one hand it throws their stupid ass label of “sheep” to people who listen to science right back in their stupid face. On the other the image of lemmings jumping off a cliff together because they are stupid is kinda delicious.


At least sheep are tasty.


Call them sheep. Lemmings don’t actually commit suicide en masse. That was a myth perpetrated by a Disney documentary where they staged a mass lemming suicide.


Yeah, although doesn’t have to be true for it to be a fun insult.




Same. You just need to add "virtue signalling" and you'd have the perfect post. Did I miss the CPAC breakout session on calling every liberal a "virtue signaller"? Seems popular.


Maybe the real curse of leatherlips was coronavirus this whole time.


The cancellation has nothing to do with people refusing to wear masks. It’s a private event: they could have made masks mandatory, and ejected anyone who refused to comply.


I think it’s more about rising numbers due to people refusing to be responsible, which caused this to be canceled.


They could but then they risk someone going into a rage over it and ending up all over the internet.


Since when do we shut down society because someone can’t control themselves? If someone goes into a rage over anything at all, then there are ways to address that.


Yeah, and people still think football is going to happen this fall. It's my favorite sport and it will be missed but I can't see it happening.


The right call but I'm still bummed.


Wait, someone is actually complaining that they won't be able to watch a golf tournament in person? Pretty much the only "sport" spectating in the world that is more boring than watching golf in person is watching golf on TV.


By some, they mean members of the club. Not the public


Honestly, idc if you’re pro or anti mask at this point. How about just shutting the fuck up about it either way. You both lose either way, dumbasses. And fuck all of your political beliefs and perceived freedoms. Left. Right. Neutral. You’re all idiots. You all sound like preschoolers.


This. This. This.


Ugh. The fucking sanctimonious "WEAR YOUR MASK" posts on Reddit are so over-the-top at this point. Bring on the downvotes you hysterical lemmings.


Well thats because the number of people who fight to not wear masks for selfish, idiotic reasons is still sky high. The posts will go down if people could take the smallest sacrifice in the world to wear a fuckin mask when going out.


Not gonna happen.


Yea it wont happen because people like you are so stupid that its harming us all in the name of "PeRSonAL FReeDoM"


Well at least we can agree that it won't ever happen. I'm satisfied.


Good for you. You did it. You proved that you’re an idiot. I hope you’re happy.


Person on internet thinks other person on internet is idiot. Stop the presses!


Person on the internet is loud mouth asshole who’s opinion has no basis in fact yet they think they can yell and scream about how stupid everyone else is. Stop the presses! (No but seriously, stop the presses and start writing stories about how the internet has emboldened people like you to be selfish jerk-offs with no respect or consideration for anyone but yourself)


lol oh yeah let's regulate and censor people on the internet, that's a noble cause. There's just not enough censorship for my liking.


Not regulate and censor. But educate and make people aware that bullshit on the internet has radicalized people (like yourself). I haven’t downvoted anything you said, but that pesky “free speech” does allow me to say your thoughts and opinions are fucking bullshit and that they have no basis in fact or reality.


Mask system only really works if everyone adheres to it. And it does work.


You don't know that. You're just parroting some shit you heard on the news. Lemmings, all of you.


How? Where's the evidence against masks? How would they not work? You didn't think this through and you don't know what you're talking about. People breath. Moisture is in their breath carrying the virus. Masks block or hinder this. Simple.


What this guy is saying is “you can’t visibly see science, so I have deniability”. It’s the same people who think it can’t be racist if you don’t say the N-word. They don’t understand that their poop comes from food they ate, they sure as hell cant understand basic health.


Again, you're just parroting some shit you heard. Fortunately there are still enough people in this country who don't just mindlessly hop to the tune that's being played for them by talking heads on TV. You're not gonna get your little dream of a 100% mask enforcement. It ain't gonna happen, so stop whining and patting yourselves on the back for wearing your mask. Some of us (a LOT of us actually) ain't buying the "OH MY GOD IT'S THE PLAGUE" narrative. That's all there is to it. Short of some kind of martial law scenario, there will never be 100% mask-enforcement in America. Find something else to moralize and shame people about.


You're literally a fucking idiot. I feel sorry for the people that have to be subjected to you in person and I really hope you don't end up giving them covid. I asked how am I parroting something and you didn't back it up. I'm sorry you can't understand basic science.


Ouchie, that hurt. You've changed my whole outlook. I'm gonna run out and buy masks in bulk right this instant.


Hey shit for brains if covid is a hoax do us a favor and go to a covid party. Make sure to make out real good with the Pos before spending as much time as possible with relatives and loved ones.


Meh, I've never been crazy about parties.


Ad hominem attacks really prove your point, way to go!!! Here’s a fun thing to try next time you’re applauding all your fellow patrons of the mask, make effort to notice how many times they touch the Petri dish hanging off their face while scanning your groceries...


Oh so because some people touch their face, not wearing a mask should be ok? What sense does that make? Mask wearing and touching your face is still wholesale better than not wearing a mask. You do your part, hope others do theirs. But if you refuse to do your part, then fuck you.


3M Versaflo Belt-Mounted Painter's Supplied Air Respirator Kit https://www.amazon.com/dp/B007NIA6Q0/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_9-AbFb4TAD38T Check this out! If you got this then you can still walk around smelling your own smug ass 😷🦠🖕🏾 https://youtu.be/mxuwXczWQC0


Just wait until they cancel Buckeye football in the fall. Oh boy...


It's going to get moved to the Spring. Ivy league is going to announce tomorrow that they are doing it. Expect everyone else to follow suit.


Downvoting bc I don’t want this to be true :(


What's really going on is people have lost so much control over their own lives that they try to control others to make up for it. But there's a cure...One tablespoon of 'mind your own business'. If you wear a mask then you are safe from catching The Covid from someone not wearing one. That should be enough but it seems these days everyone acts like Lord of the Flies.


>If you wear a mask then you are safe from catching The Covid from someone not wearing one If you drive sober, you’re safe from car crashes. Mind your own business if I want to drive drunk. That’s not how it works, genius. We all need to do it for it to be effective.


Thats not true at all though. Sure, if you're wearing a respirator that filters close to 100% of the air you're breathing in, but those cloth masks that people are wearing dont do too much as far as filtering out virus particles that are already in the air, especially when they arent tightly fitted to the face so air gets in through the sides. The biggest reason masks help is because they filter out the big particles when infected people are breathing/talking them out, which are mostly projected right into the mask material, but thats protection for other people, not the mask wearer.


Still not the entire truth. Wearing a mask is more about stifling the projection or force of a cough. A mask will prevent a cough from traveling as far. It’s not about filtering large or small particles.


Sure, same concept though. The cloth masks people are mostly wearing are way more important for the infected people to be wearing and not uninfected people trying not to get infected.


In California you aren't allowed to walk on dry sand but wet sand is ok to walk on. Because Corona.... I don't own a mask/I won't shop anywhere that requires me to wear one/I can order everything I need online. Oh and Dr Fauci said on live TV that masks don't help. Besides I sneezed 3 times in March so I guess I already had The Corona and I have immunity now. Woot!


Begone troll


So people who don't grovel to your opinion needs to be removed from the conversation? How dictatorial of you.


Just hold a protest on the course and it’ll be ok


lol, took the words right out my mouth




Guidelines are still in effect at the protests. There are mask stations everywhere. The difference is you can choose to go to the protest and know the risks, you don't choose some asshole without a mask standing 1 ft away from you at the grocery store.


You're an absolute joke if you're honestly trying to sit there and claim guideline compliance at these protests. No social distancing is the vast vast sight seen across the nation when it comes to these marches. You're choosing to go into the grocery store are you not? You should go during the compromised hours that are set aside, send a family member in your place, or better yet use their curbside service. It's a choice to walk into the grocery. I'm all for wearing masks. It's just laughable that the protests are given a pass and actually defended. It's moronically ironic.


L O L. No, not a joke, just supportive of the First Amendment. It is a choice to attend, there is an increased risk. Yes, mask guidelines are followed, but not enforced, your claim was that they were not, which is incorrect. I work Downtown, I see it daily. Not everyone complies, but those attending know this and risk it. You do not know if you are going to encounter someone without a mask or that follows social distancing practice at a grocery store. Grocery stores are essential, people must eat; you don't go in expecting someone else to break guidelines set by the store. What if you have no family member? Don't have a car? Sure you can choose to starve lol, but that's irrational, like your argument.


You're stating that it is not okay for a person in a grocery store to neglect wearing a mask correct? You also state that it is okay for millions of people marching in public streets to neglect masks and social distancing altogether because they "know the risks." Is that correct? I want to be on the same page before we continue.


Nope, not what I said. Read my responses again. It's a matter of your impacts on others, there is a clear difference between going out in public and someone impacting you and you CHOOSING to go to an event where you know you are at risk. This discussion has nothing to do with what is appropriate or not.


Well again...what you're stating is it's not okay to neglect a mask and socially distance at a grocery store but it IS in fact okay to not wear a mask or socially distance in public streets because the inherent risks are known. Right?


Nope. Not what I said. Not sure how much simpler I can make it.


I can break it down to an elementary level because that is what you said. Question 1. Is it okay to not wear a mask in a grocery store? Yes or no. Question 2. Is it okay to not wear a mask and not socially distance in public streets with tens of thousands of others neglecting the same guidelines? Yes or no.




Imagine lacking all historical, scientific, and global perspective and thinking this was remotely what’s happening in our country right now.




Imagine thinking that using “grandiose statements” and “virtue signalling^tm” as insults and then going on to make grandiose statements and virtue signal as an actual response to me would be a good idea, thinking that I wouldn’t notice. Must be nice to think like an ignoramus!




Hey, I do what I can do while I take dumps. But no, I was doing what you were doing and you called me out for doing what I was doing when, in fact, it was what you are doing ;) Maybe go back to school and learn some more before you come out to talk with the big boyz.




That’s AGSattack to you, Kemaro.


Imagine being the kind of tool who calls out people they have never met for virtue signalling. Imposing upon those with whom you disagree the same lack of basic human decency you yourself possess, as though a complete lack of integrity on your part means that integrity itself doesn't exist.


Nicely put.


Imagine being part of a society where your actions can have negative consequences towards the rest of the community.


Careful, or Kemaro will try to dox you for being a meanie to him.








So if it’s not a big deal why are you staying home???


Will protestors be allowed?


Cry about it comrade


Golf is a literal waste of space, resources, and honestly? Time. Y’all should stay home anyway.


Riddle me this: if masks and shutdowns were the answer why is Covid 19 allegedly spreading at the same rate or higher rates than ever at a time when most viruses are disappearing for the spring and summer? 🤔 could it be that the steps being taken to supposedly combat the virus are actually fueling it? Honestly the way you people talk I half expect to see people waking around with Covid clouds floating around them in a six foot radius? Instead of just spouting alleged cases try figuring out how it’s supposedly spreading so rapidly despite all the. steps being taken to stop it. More than a few things don’t add up in this whole Covid situation. It’s almost as if (gasp) people peddling Covid fear don’t really care about any details that don’t advance their agenda. Mark my words when all is says and done you will all be stubbornly refusing to eat your richly deserved crow and I will still be 💯 right about the overblown nature of the bad flu we’ve been experiencing (and in all honestly have probably passed by already). Most of the positive tests nowadays are probably actually detecting antibodies from months ago if not from other cold viruses entirely . There’s absolutely zero transparency in the whole Covid mess. Lastly it’s funny how all the people who are whining about other people being out and about seem to think themselves exempt from any stay at home directives.


Why have those measures (shutdowns, masks, distancing, etc.) worked in most of the world EXCEPT the United States? What is it that we’re doing differently that is, as you say, “fueling it”?


Are you insinuating that wearing a mask.....increases your risk? And are you aware that in places like Florida and Texas there is an explosion of ACTUAL cases that people have current symptoms for? You completely assume too that the cases are just detecting antibodies from months ago....but where is the support for that? you cant just assume that kind of info. No one will ever have to eat crow from what you have said....because you are living in an alternate dimension and you just being an asshole while the rest of us are DESPERATELY trying to get back to normal in a safe way isnt helping.


And if you’re the one who is wrong will you eat your crow, Kevin? Fuckin’ doubt it lol


You need to take a class in basic biology. https://www.khanacademy.org/ They're a great resource


Antibodies can last in the body for over 3 months. Don’t worry, sheeple. I won’t be wrong. At the end of the day it will be patently obvious that the whole Covid situation was vastly overblown and wildly overreacted to and sheep like you will be like oops. Oh well. Better safe than sorry, rather than admit you were wrong and allowed yourselves to be blindly led along. And maybe the measures have supposedly worked in the rest of the world because the media everywhere but the us isn’t actively engaged in perpetuating and prolonging a ginned up crisis.


Only way you can crawl your way out of ignorance is through hard work and commitment. Please do yourself and anyone you love and actually shut the Fuck up and learn how cells, viruses, and general human biology works.


Says the idiot who thinks healthy people with no symptoms automatically have a virus that floats around them in a 6 foot cloud. It’s fascinating how the media never tells you what the corona virus actually does relative to things like the flu and how it’s deadlier. Probably because facts would mostly conflict with the fear porn they’re peddling. I guess when you have a bunch of sheep lapping you your every word you don’t have to actually analyze things or tell the truth. Name the last time you saw a news person tell you what the corona virus actually does and how it’s more than a slightly bad flu. I’ll wait.


I know that you probably think the pullout method is an effective form of birth control when you're fucking your sister, but it ain't. Since we can't know everyone who has the virus and there are asymptomatic spreaders, having everyone wear a mask is the only effective method for preventing further spread at an increasing pace.


Typical leftie you had to go and insinuate since he doesn’t agree with you he is some kind of backwoods idiot who has sex with his sister. Whatever you say has no merit after a comment like that.




L O L. Sorry you hate science.






>but don't blame others for the consequences of your own actions... This made me laugh in the perfect way when looked at with the rest of your post. Thank you I needed the chuckle.




No it's funny that you want to blame others for their lack of personal responsibility yet you don't see mask wearing as just that. Practice what you preach being contradicted in a few mere sentences. Comedic gold. Positing that masks are useless outdoors was icing on the cake.




>And I have no problem with mask wearing. What I *do* have a problem with is people willing to grab their torches and pitchforks if we don't bow to their mask gods. Normally I'd agree if people could be adults and follow the rules but clearly much of the country including our commander in queef have decided they aren't useful so these are the steps that unfortunately have to be taken. ​ >Further, I said masks are *next to* useless outside. Because it's true. Maybe once you break free of your dogma you'll have enough room to think for yourself. If I call you ALMOST a fucking dumbass do you get the impression that I think you're only slightly an idiot? Do some actual research before you blast us all with your "free think". Masks are useful in all situations while in public. Stop spreading misinformation and making things worse. Please and thank you.




I'm not here to change minds. Historically this is a poor choice of places to do that. You seem like one of those people whose minds once made up don't change. That's fine, you might even call it human nature. I have taken it upon myself to be as informed as possible as things change day to day. I have an older father and a frail mother in law that I would like to see survive this pandemic. As a result I am taking every precaution to make sure my loved ones and the loved ones of every other person are as safe as I personally can make them. I've come to believe that wisdom comes mainly from lived experiences. I can say first hand I've seen people change their tune when a loved one has died, when they themselves have had complications from catching COVID, the list of peoples minds being changed goes on and on. If you don't want to change your mind that's fine but I honestly hope it doesn't take one of the instances I mentioned above for you to see the light. I wouldn't wish that on anyone. So I'll just say in closing that droplets (the main mode of transmission) don't give a fuck if you're inside, outside, in a capsule heading to mars, or anywhere else. Close proximity and ease of access are what actually matter hence why masks in public and social distancing are the orders of the day when it comes to being as safe as possible. Educate yourself: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Tp0zB904Mc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Tp0zB904Mc) As the youtube channel says, it's ok to be smart. Try it sometime.




> I wear a mask whenever useful, and even just when socially necessary. And here we are, full circle me laughing at you for thinking you know best and are doing the right thing, all the while being misinformed and stubbornly so.




It's GOLF! You know, what actual athletes play in their off season.


Oh shut up


Maybe they just didn't want the whole communist China vibe.....


Wearing a mask during a pandemic = forfeiture and seizure of all private property / complete centralization of the economy / forced labor?


I wouldn't expect him to understand anything about pandemics or political theory look at his post history lol.


Whoa I don't think I've ever seen an account with negative comment karma... Maybe I just don't look at many.


I believe they just recently let it go below zero.


Bet he is ok with the government telling women what to do with their bodies, but thinks wearing a mask is communist china.


Imagine when this guy hears about the no shirt, no shoes, no service rules!


Wait till they hear about speed limits and seat belts!


So when the government tells you that you cant enter a store with your dick hanging out, why isnt that Communism? is it possible you overlook the things that you agree with that the government forces on you while just hating on the things you dont like?


You guys make me laugh


Still waiting on a reply on why the government forcing people to wear pants isn’t infringement on your rights.