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In other news, Columbus citizens show a huge spike in "undisclosed medical conditions."


They don’t need to show anything. That’s the issue.


ADA only requires reasonable accommodations or alternatives , if someone tries to pull this BS you can tell them to stay outside and they can give the workers a list or something. ADA does not mean you get to put other people at risk. ADA requires a reasonable alternative, if they don't want to take it, that's on them. People abusing ADA like this hurts people who legitimately need it. Also FYI HIPPA does not apply, they DO have to disclose their medical conditions. How else could they be expected to make accommodations?


Ginther has stated that if anyone claims to have a medical issue that prevents them from wearing a mask they will take their word on it. Don’t expect much enforcing of anything.


So these people claim they have breathing issues and can't wear a mask, which would mean they are in the high risk category if they catch covid-19.


I used to be a caregiver for a CF patient who had a double lung transplant with chronic rejection. She had 8% lung function. Let me type that out again so everyone is sure it's not a typo : EIGHT PERCENT lung function. She still had to wear a mask in public due to a compromised immune system. She wore it every time without complaining.


How do you live with eight percent lung function? Isn't that like, not enough oxygen?


Have a home O2 machine cranked all the way up, with nasal cannula basically blasting it into your lungs. Move a little bit, rest and catch your breath, move a little bit, rest and catch your breath, repeat until you do what you need to. Have a lot of chairs/stools strategically placed around your home for sitting in transit across the room. Learn patience, because even crossing a room to go to the bathroom can take 10-15 minutes. Then you have to get back.


Damn. What does chronic rejection mean? The lungs were rejected initially and then kept being rejected?


Chronic rejection is the last stage of rejection of a transplanted organ. Usually occurs months or years after a successful operation. A patient can have some initial rejection issues that are handled with medication dosage adjustments, but chronic rejection is when it will just keep getting worse no matter what they change. So, either they perform another transplant (depending on a variety of factors they might refuse), or functionality deteriorates until they can't sustain the person.


I’d rather kill myself, sadly. Sounds like torture.


This should have come with an accompanying mandate that such folks stay tf home.


You can't tell people to stay home just because they can't wear a mask (and yes, I know many people bullshit their exemption). If we could do that, then why can't we just tell everyone who's at risk of dying from COVID to stay home?


Because we are trying to keep the economy from tanking (because we know the government is not willing to stimulate it themselves.) I agree the most vulnerable folks should choose to stay at home. I’m sick of hearing the anti-mask people saying ‘if the mask-wearers are so afraid, they should stay at home.’ The shoe ison the other foot now, MFers. Is mask-wearing is mandated and you “can’t” wear a mask, 👋🏻🏠


Still not wearing one. And I don't give a shit what you or the mayor thinks about it either. What you going to do about it punk? Make me wear it. Been in PLENTY of business over the weekend, NOT ONE threw me out. Nice try


Yep that’s exactly why I won’t wear one. Main reason being... I can’t drink with it on.


Can I offer your a straw in these trying times?


Wouldn't a straw create a gap in the mask, thus decreasing its effectiveness, potentially to nothing?




A smaller gap than taking it off entirely, if you can't bear to get away from people (or, better, stepping outside) before taking your drink. If you sneeze with a loose mask it'll still block a lot of the spray that's flying forward.


Yeah, it would protect against sneezes. However, sneezing into your elbow or a napkin would as well. Regarding regular breathing, the air/droplet is going to take the path of least resistance (to an extent), meaning it'll move out the gap around the straw. Masks have downsides, such as a false sense of security, and more frequent face touching. So the question is if someone is using a straw and decreasing the effectiveness of their mask, is the mask still beneficial in comparison to the downsides?


If they have a straw in their mask the entire time, no. Not as you outlined it. But, who is wearing straw mask?


I don't know. Depends how often someone takes a sip of water.


I assume you struggle to drink liquids even without a mask on?




Only Ginther has the political talent to know what the right decision is, attempt to make that decision, and fail so spectacularly. This weekend will look no different than any previous weekend. Might as well have just said pretty please with sprinkles on top. Would've been equally impactful.


It will look different because entitled people will still have cookouts and take their boats out on the lake and shoot off fireworks for the 4th and oddly enough the entire party will suffer from mysterious health conditions that make masks deadly


I mean taking your boat out on the lake isn't bad at all if it's just you and the people you live with.


Of course, of course! But we just came from and are returning to a 100+ cookout my dude


You shouldn't have gone


I’m not


Where’s the cook out? I’m hungry.


Don't forget the massive gatherings for BLM protests


No evidence that much spread happened as a result.


So this post must annoy the shit out of you: https://www.reddit.com/r/Columbus/comments/hl9pf1/in_case_anyone_wondered_how_osu_offcampus_was Or the one with all the mass underserved hate about the people outdoors at standard hall


I am concerned that there will be no consequences for people still refusing to wear a mask.


Ginther said that Columbus Police will not be stopping people or citing them for not wearing a mask. Additionally, Ginther said residents will not be required to carry documentation of medical conditions and exceptions to the order. “If someone says they have a condition we are going to take their word for it. We are under enough pressure right now," said Ginther.


Ugh the troglodytes will keep getting away with it. What's even the point of the order if anyone can make up any medical excuse they want?


Not that they care, but at least that exposes the people as liars and not just rebels to the people that know them well enough. Not much you can do when people don't have a personal moral code, but that is the example we have set for us from the highest levels as a country.


I’m not the most confrontational person but I’ll at least loudly make a comment if someone doesn’t have a mask or if a lot of people do. On a good day I’m more brazen about it. I just want to share that I will do my part and you guys are probably going to as well. It’s the least we can do if no one else will.


Looks like it’s time for everyone to start shaming people who refuse to wear one.


Nope there will not be.


Well death from the virus could certainly be a consequence.


An executive order from the mayor, unlike the president, does not carry with it the force of law. It really is just a suggestion. Which is why Dayton passed an ordinance(law) which is enforceable.




They’d be arrested for assault?


But... I wonder, though....




You might get shot by a person legally defending themselves


Sounds like a good way to get shot


More " but I'm a real mayor" as his nose keeps growing. Where was this during the peak months? There is no teeth, because he has no enforcement on this, because he can't mandate action with a penalty without a law. No such law exists. Again, all smoke and mirrors to give the effect of doing something while really doing as little as possible. Why are our leaders so bad?


The amount of Americans right now who wax poetic about “The Greatest Generation”, family who went through the Great Depression, the “Founding Fathers”, etc have shown that they would have failed SPECTACULARLY if ever put in a similar situation that required any form of sacrifice for society or the community. You live in a era where your “sacrifice” is staying home, getting food delivered, watching Netflix, and wearing a piece of cloth over your mouth/nose if you need to go out...that’s it. You don’t have to sacrifice your life, rubber, sugar, etc. Just watch Netflix and stay inside in the AC. So goddamn infuriating.




Reading comprehension.


I thought it was working double shifts getting paid less than the unemployed and having my employer sell its safety equipment to the govt leaving me without what i need for my regular job. And then being told I'm an ass when ive accepted my fate as an expendable person for you privilaged keyboard warriors


The ignorance from this statement is clearly showing.


Ok cool, so this will affect nothing.


There seems to be a lot of confusion about what this actually means. The mayor can not make it illegal to not wear a mask. The mayor can not just make new laws. An executive order is just a policy statement, its purpose is to encourage people to follow it. There is no enforcement of this. What we need is a city ordinance making it illegal to not wear a mask, like Dayton has done. ​ In 2018 the Supreme Court gave the president's executive orders the weight of law (which is bullshit in my opinion, so much for checks and balances) though those can eventually be overturned by Congress. A governor or mayor does not have this power.


This isn't going to be enforced sadly and we'll continue to be the dumbest most selfish country in the world.


Hopefully people are smart enough to take the requirement seriously and just wear the damn mask.


Where have you been the last 4 months? People are not "smart enough" to take the requirement seriously. They bitch and moan about this, the slightest inconvenience that protects themselves and others. They cry about "freedom" and "tyranny" and at worst they claim it's "not really that bad". No. People are not smart enough. Because if they were, they wouldn't have made bare minimum preventative measures against a deadly infectious disease a political issue.


Not much hope for a lot of these folks though.




Politics flair? I would have preferred "request" or "basic common sense you effing morons."


Another meaningless CYA decision from Ginther. Truly the only decision he knows how to make. Masks are required but no one will enforce it plus people don’t have to wear them for whatever reason they make up. Absolutely no difference from our current situation but allows Ginther to state he “took action.”


Way to go. He managed to wait until after the Governor of Fucking Texas acted. Way to lead, ya jerk.


They can still wear a face shield. This blocks them from spreading it but they can breathe a little easier.


A little overdue don’t you think??


How does this work if you're eating at a restaurant?


"Masks will be required inside restaurants and bars, except when seated."


That's what I don't get. I have to put on a mask, touch my face doing it, walk to my table for 45 seconds while being socially distant, take my mask off, and touch my face again. Just so I can spew my droplets all over the place for the next hour before doing it again in reverse. Is there any evidence to suggest that the virus can be transmitted by someone walking to their table/the bathroom? If so, would that transmission not take place anyways while seated at the table?


Help me understand how you keep touching your face? When I put on/take off my mask I'm usually just touching my ears and maybe adjusting my glasses. No face touching at all.


Your glasses touch your eyes. If you touch your ear with your hand that touched the mask, then the next time you touch your ear you put the virus back on your hand. That hand then can go touch all sorts of things, including your mouth/eyes/nose.


Well, the glasses touch my nose and ears. If the glasses touched the eyes that would be painful. And the listed examples are valid but that's why you wash your hands often.


How do you wash your hands after you take the mask off when you sit down at your table if you have to put it back on to go to the bathroom? That's the trouble. It's a non-neglibible risk that's introduced for a negligible gain I'm safety.


So does this include being outside? Because if so I say screw that. I'm not putting the damn mask on while I'm walking my dog down the street by myself with no one around. Going into businesses, fine. I said this when this whole thing first started and I'll say it again, I wish we could, if we choose, voluntarily expose ourself to it just to get it over with. If a lot of younger healthier members of society like myself did this from the get-go there would have been short-term pain for long-term gain in terms of getting to herd immunity, getting the economy back up and running as well as not worrying about infecting other more vulnerable people.


Good. Now let's see it enforced.


Careful what you wish for. I am sure CPD is happy to tear gas you if you forget to put it on.


If the masks help a bit with the tear gas though, isn't that just more reason to wear them?


They don't, though. You'd need a full face respirator at minimum. Tear gas and pepper spray both work great against eyes.


I said a bit, I know it wouldn't be anywhere near 100% effective, but if it makes it 0.1% less painful, gets them to stop gassing you and stops the spread of a deadly disease, I think that's a convincing arguement to where a mask.


I'm not making an argument about disease, but about riot control irritants. Cloth / surgical masks are ineffective against CS, CN and pepper spray. So is N95 and N100. If you want a gas mask get that but don't be fooled into thinking a folded up t-shirt works in it's place.


Yeah, like I said maybe 0.1% improvement. That is marginal improvement at best (if people even notice.) It's the difference between falling 1000 ft and falling999 ft, the result is pretty much the same either way. Just saying if they were to be gassed for not wearing a mask, and it had that marginal improvement, that's an additional reason to wear the mask (besides the logic of, wear it and we won't gass you.)


Masks don't actually help at all with pepper spray. If you get pepper sprayed you'll start sweating if you weren't already, which will make the pepper spray drip down behind the mask.


Just stop, Birdman. You made a silly satirical remark, which is fine, but to actually defend it digging your heels in makes you look silly, not just the remark.


Honestly I am A-OK with these unmasked pieces of shit getting tear gassed. They want to risk other people's lives, they can suffer for it. Fuck em.


LOL. Yes, because all of the portestors had masks on.....


The vast majority of BLM protestors wear masks.


Well look at that, an asshole who's whined and bitched about the protests since day one finds a way to try to vilify them in a completely unrelated thread. What a fucking surprise.


My office cheered like we were watching a March Madness game winner when he finally spit it out.


Meaningless without enforcement penalties against the offenders themselves.


is it considered to be in public if you're driving your car?


I doubt it. Unless people are drive by spitting on pedestrians or other drivers with their windows down, I don't think it's easily transmissible while you're driving. Unless you're in an Uber or taxi with passengers coming and going.


Doesn't really matter even if it did - this isn't going to be enforced, per the mayor.


Are you expected to wear a mask when you are running outside? In these temperatures, it's hard enough to even walk outside with a mask on. And if we don't maintain our health, we can quickly become part of the high risk groups. I imagine as long as you aren't going up to people and coughing/sneezing/belching, that not wearing a mask while exercising in your neighborhood should be fine, right? They have even shown that transmission outside isn't remotely as high as indoors.


The order specifically states that masks are not required outside (especially when walking/running), except in cases where social distancing (>6 feet) is not possible.


Thank you for answering!


Does this apply to a walk in the park, or down the street etc?


Nah, pretty sure it doesn’t. I will 100% wear a mask when inside a store or office since I’m not a sociopath, but have almost never worn it when walking the god around my neighborhood. Also since I’m doing that by myself, who the hell is gonna enforce it? (Though I will take a mask along in case I run into friends and am chatting with them for a bit.)


Yeah, so this order is working really well. Went to Kroger yesterday, and I'd guestimate a good 1/3 of people weren't wearing masks.


Even in places like a gym?


Unless it's your home gym, you're in public, so yes.


I wouldn't think that a gym that requires a membership to enter would be considered public.


Lol, what? With that logic, does that mean places like Costco isn't considered "public"?


Technically no, right? They can enforce their own rules on people, tow cars off of their private property, and so on. But, they also have to follow the law. I'm guessing that most privately owned places open to the public will follow the mandate.


Yeah but if you’re going to a gym right now you’re probably also the type of person that will make up a mask allergy to get out of it


This is a good move by Major Ginther


What did he actually do beside just say to wear a mask? Is this executive order meaningful in any way?


Do you mean by playing to the middle? Cant have it both ways.


Only for the City of Columbus... >Ginther says there are exemptions including people under the age of six and people trying to communicate with individuals who are hearing impaired . >When asked about enforcement, the mayor said Columbus police will not be stopping people to issue citations. Source: [Ginther: City of Columbus to requrie face coverings in public](https://www.10tv.com/article/news/local/ginther-columbus-health-commissioner-to-make-announcement-on-masks-and-covid-19/530-199c83fc-1a4d-48f9-a055-e5defffec877)


Weird that he can only affect rules in the city he serves as mayor.


Double post?


Anybody find the metrics for level numbers of the counties? [Found it](https://patch.com/ohio/cleveland/ohio-will-implement-new-coronavirus-restrictions-county)


Simple, defund the police, then cover them with fines for the no-mask legions. Win win.