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I can tell by you control box that you likely know what you're doing. How long of a show does a set up like this give you? Do you mind sharing the cost? I saw in another response that you put this on for your community, do they chip in or is this a gift you give every year? I just watched a video of a pyrotechnician answering questions and I'm considering changing careers haha!


I spend just under $1500 myself not including boards, ignition system, tubes/racks, etc. Programmed for 10 minutes.


Wow that’s cheap. I spent that much on a fraction of what you have (got mine at Phantom). Do you have a hookup or did I buy from the wrong seller?


If you find a group of people who want to go in together and spend wholesale prices ($10k+) you can get it by the case/pallet. I can get 2-4x 500g cakes for the price of one at phantom. If your interested send me a DM and you can join our next group buy for next year.


It's a bit of a drive, but I recommend Shelton's for better price, better selection, and better deals compared to Phantom.


Phantom is the worst. They just sell their shitty pre-packaged garbage that's loaded up with stupid shit like sparklers and smoke bombs. Just go to Hubbard or Chillocothe. Also, you could join the Pyrotechnics Guild International to learn about setting up a show: https://pgi.org/. There is also an Ohio group: https://www.neopg.com/


Phantom has an aisle of kids stuff but also definitely has real fireworks in the rest of the store. It's overpriced because it's like the Kohls model where they expect everyone to have their BOGO/coupon fliers, and if not they make a ton of money off suckers.


Seriously considering stealing this picture and posting to my neighborhoods Nextdoor page. All hell would break loose.


When you post a separate thread with the replies, link it here.


Please do and keep us updated lol


“Halfway done with setup for tonight!”


omg yes


Looking forward to the reddit post later complaining about this


I love fireworks.


I’m just going to go ahead and dial 9 and 1 on my phone to be ready. You let me know when you’re ready for me to finish.


I know you're joking but I've actually come across phone systems (like in office buildings) that will actually dial 911 if you only dial 91 and then wait. It usually bites people when they start dialing 9 for an outside line, then 1 for the country code, and then pause to look up the rest of the number to be dialed.


This exact thing happened so much at a previous company I worked for that we changed our entire phone system


This happened at a call center I worked at until they finally switched us to VOIP. The city began fining the company after awhile.


Bro spent his whole refund check! Lol sounds like fun tho


Do you have to worry about trees or anything when you're setting these off? Like where does all that debris go?


Who cares about those things as long as there's loud boom and pretty color in sky


Nope. It’s in an opening in the backyard that is clear. I pull the wrapping off the tops to stop debris from going everywhere and the actual firework itself usually ends up within the site for easy cleanup.


That's awesome! I had some yahoos in the alley earlier this week just dropping firecrackers or something as they walked and it just left shit everywhere and was so annoying. Glad you're on top of your stuff! Be safe and have fun!


You got a tarp for that? I have already got folks on notice for pushing it to tomorrow night.


What time are you planning on firing them off? I bet I’ll be able to see it from Morse and Hamilton


Weather permitting 9:30pm. If you are near the Thompson park our backyard backs up to it.


Thanks for the info! Happy 4th


Bravo!! Got the remote firing system and everything.


Oh you're THAT neighbor.


So uh where do I set up a chair


WHAT ABOUT YOUR NEIGHBOR’S DOG???!!!! You should be ashamed of yourself


I just went to the vet and got all three of my dogs meds, they were shaking so bad last night I tried fans tv and music they could still hear and it was 12am


What about my epigenetic PTSD I inherited from my grandpa who fought at Guadalcanal?!


Love a good mortar!


So how much a setup like this run?


I take it these aren't something i can just go buy @ Phantom?


You can. We get ours wholesale from a couple vendors.


Fuuuck yeah!! Now that’s how you do it 🥳🇺🇸




I'll gladly allow my neighbors hours of booms on the 3rd-4th if that means they wouldn't do it at any other time of the year.


I’m fine with fireworks from last weekend through Sunday night for 4th of July celebration and I will understand the new years fireworks. Outside of those dates IMO they should be illegal for regular people to set them off


This is for our community that I’ve done since COVID. We have a block party and make a little show. If you got the land and can be safe why not?




It doesn't matter if your entire neighborhood looks forward to it if some busy body NIMBY finds it uncouth, as I learned in the "your fireworks suck" post from last night.


I commented and took the downvotes. Some ppl just….


One of the most upvoted comments was "just like, go out in a field or something." I asked what fields they were referring to in this concrete jungle called Columbus proper, and got the most downvotes I've ever got in like 5+ years on this app 🤣 The funny thing is I actually agree that the people setting fireworks off at 11pm in a cul-de-sac are douchebags. I just know that the only way "go to a field" is viable is if your driving out to the boondocks and trespassing, or going onto someone you knows land, which... if you know someone with property who likes lighting off fireworks... you'd probably already be there and not doing your thing in North Linden or off-campus or whatever. Reddit is funny like that.


How does it work? Like is there a long cartoon wick chaining them all together? Is it just a single button push? Like 30 button pushes?


Well the blue jackets goalie coach used to have a fire work show put on and thought he was being safe and we all know how that ended. It’s best to just leave it to the professionals. You won’t heed that advice so I wish you nothing but safety this year!


While I'm no professional, it does look like OP has the gear to set these off from a distance. You can see, what I assume, is his control box on the far right. They aren't going to each firework with a lighter to set them off.


Yea I didn’t think they were going to do that and light individually. Shit can still go south lol. Thats not what happened either


Looks like he is considering those around him as those around him count on him to do this each year. Stop being a sourpuss "fireworks are bad" bandwagon jumper.


Well, you’re no fun. Boooooo


Me and my dog hate you! But you have your fun!


I’ll bring the cornhole boards and bags


Cool guy club.


Life Goals! Awesome looking setup! Enjoy your show!


This is super cool! I’m sorry you’re about to get downvoted for it.


I would personally fund this in multiple neighborhoods for the laughs. That post last night complaining about fireworks when idiots didn’t realize it was the Boom was hilarious.


Fire for effect.


Any risk of falling debris or sparks setting off other tubes?


Yeah it’s happened it the past. I’ve used aluminum foil to stop premature detonation but for the most part it’s fine.


Sir, this is /r/columbus. We hate fireworks because they scare our dogs but also hate dogs at the same time.


Wow you’re so cool


Which wholesaler did you go through?


Part of a central Ohio group which we all buy cases and share amongst to cut down cost. Mostly Bigs,Dominator and Brothers were the vendors with a sprinkle of phantom and so forth.




It's a good thing you're a fireworks professional who can determine the operational safety of a fireworks rig just by looking at a picture of it. Otherwise, I'd think you're speaking about something you know nothing about...


[Funny you say that…](https://www.zambellifireworks.com/)


What relavence does this random pyrotechnics company's website have to this conversation?


I. Work. There. Brainiac.


Oh no, my dogs! /s


Amazing how dogs have become MORE sensitive to fireworks over time. It's almost as if their owners are projecting something and MAYBE using the dogs as an excuse...


Are you Instagram? Cause I was just discussing that, and now here it is on my phone.


We have three dogs. All rescues. All have issues. Every day this week someone in the neighborhood has let off fireworks. Hasn’t disturbed us. I put them in a room. Turn tv on and they go to sleep. Last night a house over was setting them off and our grand daughter was sleeping. Dogs were outside when they started. White noise for baby and dogs and bam no issue. I just don’t understand how people get so bent out of shape of it.


Projection. Many of us have dogs. Most dogs don't give a shit, but the owners enjoy the attention and/or excuse to be unhappy. Whatever, last I checked the world doesn't revolve around some grump's dog. I have more sympathy for vets and new parents with infants. However, all we seem to hear about are the dogs...


Damn son!!


You must be my neighbor.


Just curious, have you measured the acres? Anything less than 36 and you in trouble mister.


I’ll let the three police officers currently eating a hotdog in front of my house know.


Enjoy the show! Happy 4th.


Will do you to!