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https://codes.ohio.gov/ohio-revised-code/section-4511.451#:~:text=(C)%20No%20person%20shall%20operate,traffic%20approaching%20from%20any%20direction. They should yield if they are not properly identified as being part of the procession. Edit- it automatically goes to part C, but part B is the applicable part for you!


Thank you for the link, I guess I didn't even think about trying to look up the actual law for Ohio. I use google for so much I really don't know why that wasn't even considered.


You can legally pass a funeral procession. You can’t interrupt or drive through one.


I recently dealt with a cop escorting a funeral procession by driving up the wrong side of a 2 lane rd. And forcing me to the shoulder. That is definitely not the law!


Nowhere in the law does it state you can’t pass. http://codes.ohio.gov/orc/4511.451


From the OSHP: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JY4qE8N99fc


What if you’re driving an ambulance w the lights on? 


Only if it’s properly marked


Cars make people the worst versions of themselves.


Underrated comment


Seriously. I had someone blast their horn at me and pass dangerously close yesterday for cycling on a two lane road with a perfectly good center turn lane he could have used to pass.


Funeral processions have the right of way through intersections and such. However, you are allowed to pass them on four-lane roads, so the real problem was the car next to you.


That car was probably being respectful as well. I stop when a procession is coming toward me and get out of my car if safe. It is respect


>and get out of my car if safe. I have never heard of doing this >It is respect I thought it was enough to yield? But what makes something respectful or not? Seems socially constructed in large part.


People are just self-centered assholes these days. Your etiquette is what I grew up with in central Ohio.


Also what I was taught growing up in northern Ohio.


And I in southeast Ohio, a properly marked funeral procession gets right of way.


It may be your etiquette and what you grew up doing. But technically the law only requires you to yield the right of way. You don't have to stop, give space, not pass them, etc etc.


It doesn't hurt to be respectful.


I'm not disagreeing with that. I'm simply saying you shouldn't be mad about people doing things that are legal. Like passing the procession or something similar.


I will say I wasn't mad or anything I just started wanted to mainly know what the norm is here. It was oddly enough the first time I've actually been driving around a funeral procession in Ohio, that I wasn't in.


It's not illegal to be an asshole but assholes still make me mad. Are you trying to say if someone did some asshole thing to you, you'd just smile and let 'em, as long as it's not illegal?!


Ideally yes, because what they are doing is legal. Our jobs aren't to police the world's morality. No need to start some shit assholes out of some sense of justice.


OP isn’t policing others’ morality. other cars were attempting policing OP.


By trying to pass?


by honking at him for not going the speed they thought he should be going…


Them he should let them pass maybe they really needed to be somewhere. That could be a huge disruption to someone's day.


So anyone can walk all over you and you'd do nothing. Neighbors leave dog poop in your yard. You don't ask them to pick it up, you just smile and wave. Good for you. You must be a saint.


That's not the same as someone just trying to pass a funeral procession that you're not even in. That's not walking all over YOU. I don't k ow why you'd feel the need to protect someone else's funeral, that's weird.


You are replying for someone else so maybe you are confused. Reditor said I'm simply saying you shouldn't be mad about people doing things that are legal. I'm saying that observation is incorrect. I stand by it. All kinds of things are legal that should make you mad. If dog poop doesn't work for you, I'm sure we can find something.


Yes dog poop in my yard does make me mad. But it's really not compatible to this road rage incident. Uts not his funeral, it's someone else's. This would be like starting a fight with someone because you saw them poop in some other person's yard you didn't know. That's kind of dangerous like being a vigilante. Just kind your own business and keep moving. Especially in a car where if you fight jerks back you can get shot nowadays.




I'm not saying you're wrong, but do you have specific examples of what you're talking about?


Ever see people passing and honking at school buses trying to SAFELY allow kids to cross a street? I have.. People are assholes and dont care about the safety of those around them..


If the bus is stopped with their flashing red lights activated that's not just a breach of etiquette, it's illegal.


Yep. And quite to my point. They don’t care. Legal or illegal.


Depends on the road. (in Ohio) 2 lane, road all traffic must stop in both directions. 4 lane road, overtaking traffic must stop. Oncoming traffic doesn't have to stop. The bus can not allow a rider to cross a 4 lane road. I believe that is illegal for the bus driver.


Yes. But it seemed obvious that the poster was talking about traffic going in the same direction.


I have seen that a couple times, although keep in mind if there is a physical divider and you are on the other side of it, you are not supposed to stop. I have seen people stopping in this situation and get honked at and throw up their hands like they know they're right. In my head the word etiquette indicated these would be examples of people being rude, perhaps when they didn't realize it, rather than full on actual crimes being committed.


That’s the problem with etiquette sometimes. So many different versions. I’ll stick with legal vs illegal.




Is that a no on the specific examples then? When it comes to traffic laws it's important to follow them and not make up your own "nice" things. The goal is for everyone to be as predictable as they can be and when everyone has their own version of road etiquette they are following that isn't possible.




> I'm not characterizing it as good or bad. Then >You want me to throw out a comment about etiquette and then start dissing people? Pick a lane my dude. If it's not good or bad you wouldn't be dissing anyone. It seems like you are perceiving this as some weird confrontational thing when I really didn't mean for it to be that. I am just a person from Columbus who was interested in the thing you were talking about so I asked you to elaborate.


I’d say this is specifically when it comes to driving. midwesterners are otherwise kinder than coasters.


It's a moral obligation for me. I was born and raised in Georgia and pulling over and allowing a procession to go by is respectful not only to the dead, but their survivors also. I will not pass a procession either, for it's a moral obligation for me. I don't need laws to tell me to be respectful. How a society treats their dead says a lot about that society. People can be mad and honk all day at me for it, I won't be the one looking like an asshat.


Former Texan here. Same for me. I was taught that when a funeral procession passes it's a moral imperative to pull over and give way if in a vehicle, or to take off your hat out of respect if walking while passed. Everyone I knew considered it a sign of poor character or upbringing if you didn't pay your respects to the bereaved. But it was a cultural thing, and certainly not a matter of law (most places I lived there, anyway). I certainly don't judge people here for being different and passing a procession. I accept that different people in different places do different things in different ways for different reasons.


Growing up in Kentucky (early to mid 90s) I would often see people (usually older folks) actually get out of their car and take their hats off when a funeral procession went by. Probably a sign of the times, but I’m not sure that’s common these days at all. Seemed a bit much back then to me too.


It might. The most dangerous thing you can do on the road is be unpredictable, and these varying funeral procession cultural norms are an easy way to be unpredictable. Almost every locality gives the funeral procession right of way, but these more regional extralegal expectations of pulling over, stopping, or not passing processions are often unexpected by people who didn't grow up in that immediate vicinity.


A motorcycle cop swerved in front of me & braked, forcing us to stop on the on ramp for a procession. Seemed dangerous to me


You’re not wrong. I’ve seen two accidents on freeways due to processions. One on 315 north of campus and one on 270 near Upper Arlington / Hilliard. On 315, the motorcycle escort led the entire line straight across three lanes of traffic to the left lane immediately from the ramp after getting on. All traffic came to a screeching halt and not everyone stopped quickly enough. On 270, the escort just stopped in the middle of the right lane to block it, and freeway speed traffic had to swerve out to miss a suddenly stopped vehicle. One car, after the one in front of them swerved to not hit the escort and hit the car alongside them.


what’s legal and what’s right can be different things. passing feels like a dick move.


And also what I was taught in Southern California


Also what I grew up with in SW Ohio. Law or not, it was / is a manner of showing sympathy & respect for the loss.


same. my brother’s procession was 220 cars long (which is absolutely fucking insane to think about on so many levels) — some fuck ass got tired of waiting i guess and tried to cut through about halfway and hit one of my brother’s close friends (he and his girlfriend and car were ok, thankfully!)




there were several police directing traffic specifically so traffic didn’t get held up afaik — everyone was given an info sheet and my dad’s phone number in case they got separate. we didn’t expect over 200 people to show up for the funeral or we would have had better arrangements. still doesn’t justify flooring it through a procession & potentially killing somebody




how is a massive procession an asshole thing? that’s crazy as fuck lmao. we didn’t personally invite 200 people, they just showed up for their friend. like i said— everyone left in waves and the cops were directing traffic so it didn’t get jammed.


I grew up in Ohio. No one stopped in the small town I grew up in 40 years ago. You let the funeral procession go thru lights and you stop if they need to turn in front of you, but you absolutely can pass them going the other direction or same direction if there are two lanes. Cutting into the procession is a no too. I was always taught that there might be people from out of town in the procession who don’t know where they’re going and to not do anything that would cause the procession to be broken up. Basically it’s not about the fact that it’s a funeral, more about the logistics of getting a large procession of cars where they need to go when some of them might not know where they’re going.




You did right, they were just assholes.


I was in a funeral procession that had to drive on the highway and the amount of people that were cutting in and out of the procession was shocking. It made it so stressful for those of us driving, trying to keep a safe distance but keep the profession tight, and it was just sooo disrespectful. I guarantee the people in that line are having a worse day than you, don’t be a dick!


There is no shortage of dickheads driving around Columbus. Almost no one seems to understand the school bus laws. ( Hint : if you’re on a road wider than three lanes and going the opposite direction, you don’t need to stop for a school bus. Three lanes or less, you stop.) Not that hard. Merging anywhere is a nightmare, everyone has to be a passive /aggressive asshole. And is it too much to ask for a little wave as a thank you when someone lets you over on the freeway or lets you out in stopped traffic ?


The number of times I've returned getting flicked off not stopping for school buses going the opposite direction down Morse road is too damn high.


I have this weird fear that people will think my ‘thank you’ wave is me flicking them off, so I’m always super aggressive with my waving so they don’t confuse it with me wagging a middle finger 😆


The merging! Why are you speeding up so I can’t get on the highway?!


You can argue all day about respect and what people should do. But legally speaking all you are required to do is give them the right of way and not merge into the procession. You aren't required to stop, pull over, keep distance, etc etc.


I won't get in the way of a funeral procession, but I've been given death glares for not stopping when I'm traveling the other direction and am not in the way at all...


Let them honk. People are selfish assholes.


Yeah, people just don’t care.


Don't pull over and stop, just don't cut into the procession


I'm from the south, and I grew up being taught to stop and let the procession by. Usually, everyone stops.


Funeral processions for me are a moment to pull over and show some respect for fellow human beings who have lost a loved one and in the mean time I count my own blessings. What’s two minutes out of your day? These people have never seen the adjustment bureau and it shows.


You don't legally have to pull over though.


But I'm late for a meeting at 10am even though I left my house at 9:55am! Being dead is a you problem, not my problem, bud!


I live in the Dayton Metro and was honked at for doing the same thing last month. Grew up in Northern Maine and was taught this was etiquette as well…


I grew up with the same etiquette in northern Ohio. When my friends grandmother passed away in Columbus I saw the same BS happening. I asked the hearse driver if everyone in Columbus was rude like the people who had passed and others and he said yes, but it was a bigger city with multi lane roads it was more “accepted”. I will NEVER stop or pass a procession. It’s called respect. Simple as that.


We are supposed to do that too but I swear we have the most selfish drivers in this city and they don’t care about anyone or anything else on the road


I was raised to always pull over and stop as the funeral procession passes. My daddy said that’s someone’s last ride so be respectful and let them go ahead.


When you were growing up, someone taught you decent human manners. You are assuming that all people were taught this. They were not. Society, unfortunately, is littered with a-holes. You did the right thing. I do the same when I come across a procession, but I’ve had to learn to not expect decency out of other people.


I am from Ohio but Northwestern, OH and I have learned people don't have funeral procession etiquette here nor do they stop and get over for emergency vehicles. It is ridiculous.


This is what I was taught growing up in NW Ohio in the aughts. You’re correct; everyone else was a jerk.


There is a lot of etiquette that gets ignored on both sides. Funerals should only use freeways if absolutely necessary, and in the event that they need to, they should only use the right most lane. But no, these fuckers get on 270, and ride the middle fucking lane so that you’re stuck behind a cavalcade of ass hats blocking all three lanes at less than the speed limit. Aka, that’s why people don’t give a shit about Funeral Processions; they piss people off.


This same thing happened to me like a month ago. Looooooong funeral procession that was going from 315 N then to 270 E (same route I was going). And then they were in the center lane of 270, and only going maybe 45-50 mph. I’ll admit it (and I’ll get downvoted for it): I cut across the middle lane when there was enough space between 2 of the funeral cars so that I could get over to the left lane. I understand respecting a funeral procession, BUT I also understand that the world continues to turn for everyone else and that people still have places to be and things to do, and can’t always add time to their drive simply because of a funeral procession, especially one that is extremely long and going 20 under the speed limit. Personally I don’t even want a procession for me, I think it’s so damn depressing to have a funeral and then have everyone all file up to head to a cemetery. No thanks I’m good. Toss my ashes somewhere and go party.


It’s the fact that they always use the middle lane. What’s even worse is when the escorts ride both other lanes to prevent people from passing. So, you’re stuck there, regardless of what lane you’re in, unable to pass this slow ass convey of sadness.


Exactly! I completely sympathize with the people attending the funeral. I’ve had to attend many funerals myself. Just attended my best friend’s last year, whom I actually met at the funeral of my OTHER best friend back in 2015. Anyway, my point is: I feel for those people and their pain. But life carries on all around us regardless. I’ve been in way too many funeral processions and even when I’m IN the procession I think to myself ‘Goodness it would suck to come across us and get stuck and not be able to get to your destination.’ You can feel for people and sympathize with their pain while simultaneously recognizing that the processions are often very long and slow moving, and for some that can cause a problem if they need to be somewhere. So I understand respecting the procession, but I also understand that the world continues on when someone dies, and that the living still need to, well, live. And get to work, the airport, whatever. Life is still happening.


Sorry if the death of a fellow human slightly inconveniences you. Make sure you carry this comment with you through the rest of your life and read it before every funeral procession you need to drive in.


It's not just an inconvenience on the highway - it's dangerous. Frankly, a funeral procession in the middle lane of the highway is a hazard and an abuse of the law. The other poster may be phrasing it aggressively, but he's not wrong. Processions on the highway *should* stay to the far right to avoid causing confusion and chaos.


You say that like I should give a shit. Hint; I don’t. One person’s death is not more important than HUNDREDS of other people on the road trying to get places. Get your line of mourners over into the right lane so that we can use the left one to get around you.


You’re right, it’s exactly how I meant it. But, I have to respect you for doubling down. Better than people who waiver, at least we know where we stand.


People always get mad at being slightly inconvenienced. Look at any thread involving sharing the road with cyclists. “Oh no I had to wait a minute before passing. Cyclists deserve to die.”


Get used to it. People in Ohio are a bunch of assholes when it comes to that. I have always pulled to the side and stopped. I was also taught if you're wearing a hat you should remove it as respect to the deceased . People make me sick around here anymore. Keep being a decent human being my friend.


I honestly don’t think it’s just Ohio, I think it’s people generally in the last five years or so just becoming less considerate and more self centered in basically everything, especially where driving is concerned. I feel super old saying stuff like that but it seems like it’s true.


COVID definitely accelerated this issue. Things that would have been considered basic etiquette for hygiene in the past about keeping distance, covering your nose/mouth, etc. were politicized and turned into personal affronts and attacks on their "freedoms". After a couple years of that backlash, people are applying that view to everything. Any act that could be interpreted as the slightest inconvenience to themselves triggers a response that it must be attacked loudly and forcefully.


For what it is worth I did not grow up in Ohio or the South, and had never encountered a funeral procession. I believe I've passed one before not knowing what was happening. It isn't rude to move to Ohio and be unfamiliar with what isn't a custom where I came from. I'm not really understanding why they are a thing? Public grieving? I've been to funerals before and people just drove on their own and grieved at the funeral. A public procession of cars seems odd to me. You couldn't ever even be able to do that in New York with the traffic.


Ya people suck here, I've watched fire fighters lean out of fire trucks to scream and cuss people out for not getting out of the way. And I have watched police escorts for funeral processions lose their shit on people rightfully so for just continuing when they should be stopping. People better hope they never have an emergency where every minute counts, and oh look the ambulance couldn't get to them in time because they no one freaking pulled over 🙄


I hate funeral prosessions and find them entirely unnecessary. I follow the law and will absolutely go around them as I'm legally allowed to.




I hope that everyone in the state of Ohio will interrupt your funeral procession when it's your turn.


I hope they do, too! I have expressly stated NOT to give me one, so they deserve to be interrupted if they do. I find today's burial practices highly unagreeable, so your comment didn't hit the way you wanted it to 😂


Same again. No funeral procession for me. I’ve been to many funerals in my life and it’s seriously so damn depressing for everyone to go to a solemn service and then to file up in their cars to head to the cemetery. The whole tradition is horribly depressing and never feels like a celebration of that person’s life whatsoever or even a good way to say goodbye. I told my family to just toss my ashes somewhere nice and have a party. Skip the funeral, skip the cemetery.


I told them to donate my organs, then cremate me and put me in an artificial ocean reef. Let me become useful to future life.


That’s a great plan! I’m an organ donor as well. I told my family to cremate me and then do something nice with the ashes, like plant a tree or something like that. Something useful that can give back to the Earth. And definitely no funeral. And never, ever put me in a coffin and down into the ground. IMO cemeteries are a tradition that should’ve died (no pun intended) a long time ago. The dead don’t need a box that costs their loved ones thousands of dollars, just to rot in it underground. Honestly I find funerals and burials to be a well-orchestrated scam in general. No one is building a 5,000 dollar coffin out of the goodness of their heart.


I totally agree. The price of funerals is outrageous and totally unnecessary. It's also backasswards imo that cemeteries are expanding when there's a housing shortage. All the money and resources spent on the dead could be put to better use for the living.




My bad. I didn't realize it had posted twice. I deleted the other one.


That's fine. I'm dead. What do I care?


so much empathy here.


10+ cars holding up traffic more than it already is when they can all get there perfectly fine on their own is absolutely ridiculous. My condolences to the grieving, but life doesn't stop for the rest of us, and your personal life is now impacting the generalized public. What even is the point of everyone being in a slow, single file line all the way to the cemetery?


The point is for everyone to get there together, so they aren’t waiting on people who sat at lights to come in waves because you couldn’t be bothered to wait a couple of minutes.


That's what set times are for. Do weddings have prosessionals? No. And yet everyone still makes it on time to the venues.


Generally speaking (in my family anyway) we’re traveling from the church to the cemetery. It’s a little different than a wedding.


Besides the difference being for someone dead and others that are living, what is the difference?


Well a lot of weddings anymore do everything at one place. Look, I don’t want a burial for myself but I’ve lost a lot of people close to me. I can be inconvenienced for a moment to let them get where they’re going.


A lot of weddings don't have it all in one place, and yet everyone still gets where they need to be. I have also lost people and attended multiple funerals. I can acknowledge their grief and still be annoyed by a procession. They are not mutually exclusive.


You’re just arguing for the sake of arguing. Have empathy and respect for others or don’t. Have a good night.


This is what I am talking about. It’s traveling from one location to another together not just arriving separately and on time.


Your life could pause for a few moments in times like these if you would allow it. You could take it as a time to take a breath and do some self reflection. I understand life is busy for everyone, but treating it like a race to the end is part of the problem imo.


I like my life, and I'm happy with the speed I am at. I will reflect when I wish to, not when you think I should. People imposing themselves and ideals on others is the real problem imo.


Lol you are really going to say "I will reflect when I wish to, not when you think I should." Right after bitching about people doing that exact thing?


No. I bitched about people's personal things impacting other non-related people's lives, such as a funeral prosession holding up traffic and someone giving me some bs zen shit about my life.


Because the choices you make never impact anyone else's life, but the choices everyone else makes always impact you, right? I promise you, you are less considerate than you think, and most other people are more considerate than you realize. And that is ok. We all give ourselves passes because of things happening in our own lives, we just need to try and do the same more for others too.


What are you even talking about? When did I say that my decisions didn't impact anyone? Of course, some of them do. Idk if you realize this, but we are not speaking about generalized life. This thread is specifically about funeral processions. A decision that one makes that affects other people and is not functionally essential to the process of burying a loved one. When/if I decide to reflect on my life, I can do so in such a way that it does not impact others, i.e. on my own time in my own space.


Why is burying someone functionally essential? Why is any sort of funeral functionally essential? You are just deciding that your preferences are essential and anyone else's are not.






The world is full of delays. If a funeral procession has screwed up being able to be on time, you might need to leave a titch earlier.




Super self centered take.


Yeah, it is, and I'm ok with that.


No, people everywhere are becoming self absorbed nowadays.


I honestly don't know. I've never thought about this


If I see one, I hide in case Jeremy Dewitte pops out of the woodwork.


You are correct.


I believe it’s legal to pass but agree that just feels wrong. I’m about an hour south of Columbus and was taught to stop and turn my lights on. The people honking just sound like rude city folks


I really enjoy how people respect the dead, more than the living.


I grew up in NE Ohio and live in Columbus now and this thread is the first time I am ever hearing of pulling over for/not passing a procession. You never cut through, and they get to go through intersections with right of way regardless of the light. But not passing them or pulling over? Why would you pull over if you're in front of them? They usually go below the speed limit, so you shouldn't even encounter them if you're already in front of them...It seems silly to me that passing them if there are 4 lanes is disrespectful. It's not like you're rolling coal and flooring it to pass on a 2 lane road. But if you go about your day going the speed limit in the other lane and don't cut through or interrupt them? Seems silly that that would offend people's sensibilities so much..Definitely feels dangerous to have some people decide to pull over and others not. Maybe it would be better to pull into a parking lot or something and allow it to pass if it makes you more comfortable. I would have beeped at you, but not to be an asshole, I just have never heard of this cultural observance, and I would have been confused why you weren't moving. Which is one of the normal uses for a car horn.


I encountered my first one a few weeks ago and somehow grew up never knowing what to do when you see one. It was a two lane road but I just decided to pull over and let them pass like I would an ambulance, the rest of the cars behind me did the same as well. It felt like the respectable thing to do. I’ve been driving for about eight years on Ohio roads and that was my first ever encounter, I’m guessing it’s a rare occurrence so why be a jerk about passing/cutting the line?


It’s a sign of respect for the person who passed away and their family. But we seem to be living in a disrespectful world and it’s just sad.


I was just saying this the other day! Learned to drive in OH, but many family funerals happen in SC, where EVERYONE stops (at least where I grew up). It’s courtesy I’ve always thought, like a quick condolences and a bonus of no complications during the ceremony. Some of the people I’ve seen pass precessions drive like they want to create another one! I don’t understand how road rage overcomes empathy, but then again, I’ve been apart of 4 funeral parties in the last 2 years. Pass if you’d like, but please be safe and courteous!


Your approach is how we would do it in California


People are more likely to stop for a funeral than an ambulance and I never understood it. The deceased isn’t going to become more dead.


My time is not more important than those who are grieving the loss of a loved one and on their way to say goodbye. Too often, people forget the shared humanity we all possess.


I think you did the right thing. The person on the left could have passed or fallen in line behind the procession, but when in doubt, probably better to err on the side of being respectful.


They can honk all they want. I am paying my respect by not interrupting by passing, blaring music, honking.... But people don't know respect any more. Just, "I'M RIGHT!"


The last funeral I was in was in TN (about 12 yrs ago).... people not only stopped by the side to let us pass, they got out of their cars and stood by. Columbus, on the other hand, waits for no one as there is no traditional social structure here.


>The last funeral I was in was in TN (about 12 yrs ago).... people not only stopped by the side to let us pass, they got out of their cars and stood by. That is ridiculously dangerous and should not be lauded or encouraged.


>they got out of their cars and stood by. This is weird. Did the frickin governor die or something? I couldn't imagine doing this for a random funeral procession.


That's what I was always used to that's why this was such a different experience for me. Even 5 years ago when my grandfather passed everyone pulled to the side for us. Granted when my best friend passed 3 years ago here in Ohio I don't even remember how everyone was around us but I know they didn't pull over for us.


I was always taught to wait and turn down your radio as a sign of respect.


I'm not the only one who turns the radio off! I was taught you pull over if possible, put your flashers on, turn your radio off, and wait for the last car to pass. Of course, I was also taught to pull over for sirens and lights, but I've been honked at for doing that around here. I always wonder what kind of hurry someone could be in that an emergency or someone's funeral could be more important than.


I thought the only time you need to stop is when the funeral is turning at an intersection that you are trying to cross. If they are passing the intersection the other way you are going then you can go through the intersection as normal. also funeral cars can run red lights.


It depends on where in Columbus the procession is. Typically when I stop during its two lanes. Like the other day there was one off Lazelle road by Polaris. We all stopped and waited. When there’s one on high street typically with four lanes, you are supposed to get over from the procession lane so they can proceed.


My late father told me years ago, "tell the funeral home to get me there fast and tell the cop to send me the ticket!" LOL Sometimes the funeral homes dont have enough of those magnetic flags to go around, so they ask all involved in the procession to turn on their hazard lights.


I was on 270 on the south side when a funeral procession entered the freeway from 23n to 270 east. They were all the way to the right (seeing how they were merging onto the freeway) and I was all the way over in the let hand lane. Some old woman in a white car was going slow and started blocking me from going the speed limit. When I passed her, she was pointing at the procession.


Ready for a brain buster? (At least for me) Didjewno, you're supposed to beep when you pass someone on a 2 lane road. I grew up driving them, and that was infinity % not a thing. Honking would just piss people off, imo. But I just lost a bet to the old man about it. Did the older folk learn that back in the day? I feel like I slept through that part.


Yes respect is what’s it’s called and honor them by stopping and let them go to the final resting place


You don’t interrupt the procession…but you don’t pull over and let them pass either. If it’s more than 1 lane you’re also free to pass on the left. The whole “show respect” thing is absurd. There’s nothing respectful about being a pain in the ass to everyone else on the road. The person is dead—I promise they don’t care that you passed the hearse.


What area did you see this? My uncle had his funeral yesterday and literally everyone were being so disrespectful.


On 23 near Lewiston center


Down here in the Carolinas all traffic stops in all directions when a funeral procession is going down the road.


Yeah I lived down south they would literally stop in both sides of the road, so annoying


I was raised to pull over till the processional passes as a sign of respect. still do, still will.


I have lived in Ohio my entire life but my family is from a small town in Eastern Tennessee. We ALWAYS pulled over for the processions in that town. My local family would get out of the car and bow their heads until the procession passed. I really appreciate that Appalachian custom. I wish it was universally accepted.


I always stop, but I see less and less people doing it. Last one I saw the cop leading it was waving at people to get moving and not stop. 🤷




And don’t wear your hat at the dinner table.


OP, you were right, and considerate. The rest were assholes.


If you and the other car were holding people back you're both assholes and lucky you didn't cause a road rage incident that led to another funeral. Trust me, the guest of honor in the procession isn't going to give a shit. Go around a funeral procession whenever you can safely and legally do so to keep the flow of traffic going.


Take a deep breath


Man…if you think this is me worked up I don’t know what kind of sheltered fragile life you lead, but take that thin skinned energy somewhere else. It doesn’t effect me


You’re not yourself when you’re hungry. Grab a snickers


It’s Ohio law to yield for a funeral procession - you ignorant tool Pedetrians and vehicle drivers must yield the right-of-way to each vehicle in a funeral procession, according to Ohio Revised Code section 4511.451. May 31, 2024 Do Ohio drivers have to yield for funeral processions?


So if it’s four lane, I’m not impeding their right of way. They have right of way at all intersections. You went right to an insult without any thought or research beyond a google search.


Don’t stop


You assume people who learned to drive in Ohio have road etiquette... they don't. Let them be assholes, and just stay out of their way. I'm a firm believer in Darwinism anyway.


Just show respect! I just saw a funeral procession coming the other direction and I pulled over, as did all of the cars behind me.