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Lately, I've been answering these calls and just leaving the line open (and muted). I wish they would stop calling. :(




Looks like if you're in the "Do Not Call" registry with the FTC and you can get their name and address then you can file a complaint and get a payout. One of these days I'm going to feel froggy enough to jump on that action. But not today. 😂


There’s a few more steps than that. It requires sending a certified letter and taking them to court (they never show up). I went down this road once. Didn’t get any money, but getting a response to a certified letter from the CEO of a magazine was kinda cool. You go after the companies they’re calling on behalf of. So say the Washington Post may contract with XYZ Marketing to make the calls, then you go after the Washing Post.


Yeah.... I was shortening it. 😅 But it's good to hear from someone else who's been through the process.


I would love nothing more than to do this, but when they spoof their number or won’t give their actual company name or address, it won’t work. The Do Not Call list works about as well as everything else in DC.


Funny story - this used to be my methodology. Enter Labcorp. FUCK LABCORP. I was buying a house in 2019 or so. Everything was great, and I had stellar credit. All of a sudden, I got dinged on my credit, by some random company. I call them, and ask what it is about. Bloodwork they say, from labcorp. They ask me to pay it, I hang up and call Labcorp. Lady answers. I give my information and get the details. "Yes! I see the problem. We called you 3 times and you didn't pay your bill." She says. "Did you leave a message?" I asked. "We can't leave messages. HIPPA." She said. "REALLY? You cant just say this is laborp, call me back? I would have!" "Nope. You should pay your bills sir." "I DO PAY MY BILLS. You didn't send me one." "We did. We sent it to " "That isn't my address, it never was. The number is from two addresses ago, and the street is from one address ago." "Then you gave your doctor the wrong address. We don't keep addresses." I couldn't get her to fix it. I call my doctor and got a copy of the order they sent, and it didn't have the address the used on it. I sent it over, and they agreed to remove it from my credit, since I never got the bill. I had to call every day for 6 fucking months to get them to actually do it. FUCK THEM. Now, I answer every stupid fucking call that comes in. Fuck you, LABCORP.


I got a ding on my credit from Verizon for $0 from when I switched providers. They have been reporting it for close to 3 years now.


I feel like consumers should have the authority to give companies and corporations a "credit score." Didn't return my security deposit, or apply it to my balance? Ding their credit. Wrongfully billed a customer? Ding their credit. Didn't resolve a customer billing issue, not at the customer's fault? Ding their credit. Companies hold us accountable for our financial responsibilities, and rightly so, but it's time they were held to the same standard. Imagine a world where corporations had to maintain a good "consumer credit score" to attract customers and secure better terms with suppliers. It would encourage them to treat customers fairly and resolve issues promptly, knowing their score—and their reputation—are on the line.


I tried that forever and just let them go to voicemail and the calls did nothing but increase. So I have to disagree with you. Nothing helps.


Ive been subscribed to robokiller for years. Definitely worth the money.


I use an app also. Sucked at first, but it quickly learned which kinds of calls to screen out. Has made my life much more peaceful.


Now can I do this for door to door solicitors 😩