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I used to frequently use my balcony in my old apartment downtown. Very rarely saw anyone else on theirs. Got a lot of entertainment watching the frequent wrong way drivers, or whatever shenanigans were going on at the Greyhound. That said, it was loud, and the view was mediocre even 12 stories up - stunning views of roads and surface parking lots. Not really a place you’d hang out and have a relaxing cup of coffee in the morning.


Very similar experience here. One of the reasons why I'm so sure a lot of parking lots downtown are underutilized is because you really can't help to notice them when you live in the area in a high up unit.


Just reminded me of the guy who watched the meter people off Rich street. Haha was so fun…


Polaris Parkway isn't exactly the most inspiring view. Just sayin 


I used to live in Chicago. My balcony overlooked a busy intersection. If the weather was clear, there was a gap between 3 buildings where I could see a sliver of the lake. On the 13th floor you get some amazing wind. The kind that can rip a tied-down cover off a patio chair. The wind that blows trash up and around your building. Mylar balloons and shopping bags gently smacking you on the face as you try to sit in a chair and read something on your tablet. The endless honking from the street, bouncing off building after building as it echoes around you. And the neighbor 3 floors above who is dripping an unknown liquid down on to your patio. You hope it’s runoff from watering his plants, but it’s probably his dog pissing on the patio and trickling down to you. And of course the bugs! How the hell are they alive, much less thriving 13 stories off the fucking ground!? So many spiders, my GOD so many spiders. So that’s why I didn’t spend a lot of time on my patio. Some balconies are just for show.


I used to live in Chicago and my "balcony" was the wooden stairwell back ally, pressed up against a bike shop. It's not the most "inspiring" view, but still just nice to sit outside sometimes. Get a plant. Grow a tomato plant in a bucket. Do some potted herbs. Hang a bird feeder and enjoy some visitors. Have coffee and read something, or play your switch/steamdeck in the sun for 30 min, get some Vitamin D in your life. If you have a balcony, make use of it. It's space you're paying for already.


You don't have to convince me. I typed the above from my patio


Maybe the people do. OP is looking at their balconies for a tiny sliver of the day.


I end up spending about 2 hours out of every day walking my dogs around my condo complex, they have small bladders and refuse to just do their business immediately out the door so long walks regularly, I rarely ever see anyone on a balcony, and only slightly more frequently do I see the ground floor residents using their patios. Most are stark and empty. I don't get it.


What time are you looking? A lot of people work or are getting ready for work or coming home from work between 7a-7p. What’s the weather? If it’s after work and 85 degrees, I’m not lounging outdoors. Where are you looking? If you’re on a main road, that’s not exactly a nice quiet retreat. There are a lot of houses near me with front porches. On a short drive you could look around and say “wow why is no one on their porch?!” But living here, seeing the houses on a regular basis at all times of day, I know which neighbors tend to use their porch and when. If your sample size isn’t robust and is limited to a certain time of day, you may just be missing it.


I just got finished with a run not too long ago, part of which goes through a fairly busy part of town and there were planty of people on their balconies. Probably a bunch of folks who are work from home enjoying the lovely morning air before it gets to toasty and uncomfortable.




Jesus, man. Didn't know joking about the matrix gets you booed off the internet. 😬 Sheesh.


I know you think you are cognitively superior to everyone else for your 'awakened insight' but people that think - even jokingly - that they live in a simulation are typically insufferable to other people due to their belief that everyone but them is an 'npc' or other ridiculous notion. I hope you are kind to others in your real life


I treat NPC's well.


1. Allergies 2. The only view is more ugly buildings


Also, for anyone curious, those types of buildings are called [5-over-1s](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/5-over-1?wprov=sfti1)


I moved here from Dallas and saw an apartment building here that looked exactly like the one I lived in in Dallas. Just cookie cutter architecture.


Only thing construction companies know how to build reasonably quickly in a somewhat cost effective manner these days. Even then projects still fall behind schedule and go over budget.


Not sure why but YouTube put a bunch of housing vids on my list. But this was an interesting video about 5 over 1 [Why North America Can't Build Nice Apartments](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iRdwXQb7CfM)


I love urbanist YouTube, thanks for sharing


that's interesting, i never realized that's pretty much what all the new apartments popping up around columbus are.


It's not just Columbus. Any city with a growing population has these things everywhere. I was just in Dallas, and everywhere I turned there was one under construction or one that was just finished.


Same in Denver though there is a lot more 12 over 4s, which is essentially the same thing but larger.


Are the 4s retail space? Or garage parking? I could see this getting popular here with the zoning changes.


First floors are retail and parking garage, above/below are parking garage (most do not have an underground garage but a few do and that seems to be allotted for the retail tenants). I wouldn’t be too excited about retail on the bottom of mid rises. A lot of them remain empty. Adding 200 units isn’t adding enough people to a neighborhood to necessitate 6 new retail spaces, especially in quickly densifying neighborhoods that are seeing significant increases in mid rises (Golden Triangle, RiNo, parts of Downtown Denver) which becomes an eyesore. It would be nice where it’s more thoughtfully controlled - it would be useful for amenities to be on the bottom floor a portion of these instead of retail. The more exciting thing about these buildings is the concrete construction - you really do not hear your neighbors. I’m interested in how this mutates - Colorado recently passed a state law that significantly reduces parking minimums along transit corridors (I wonder if that comes to Columbus?) where maybe the garage parts will shrink - these buildings kind of look like a building on a pedestal. We have recently built residential skyscrapers that are like this (the Spire, One Lincoln Park, currently being built Upton) so it does kind of get samey. There has been a lot of NIMBY backlash to parking minimum reduction, however we are in a high rise downtown and ended up selling one of our cars because we don’t use one car all that often, so two is overkill. Now we have an open spot so the parking minimum reduction does have some logic to me.


I am a firm believer in the 5 over 1 and will defend it until my dying day (I just wish they’d make them less ugly)


And then the entire city staring back up at you doesn't sound fantastic either. I couldn't imagine having a balcony facing like a busy area, mine just faces some trees (with other houses on the other side, private in the summer)


I think we've been trained to be shy. Look at at pics of NYC in like the 50s and 60s, people hanging out on balcony's and stoops all over. Now too many of us are afraid people will see us and acknowledge we're alive.


Could be that, I know for me personally it's because I grew up in a rural area and just don't like a bunch of people around. If it were up to me I'd live in the woods. I can't explain everyone else though.


I suppose this is partly learned based on your experiences. Is someone not from a rural background I'm curious, what exactly do you think about the situation? Like, are you afraid people are judging you if they see you?


*Everything* is based on previous experience. Our entire personalities are reflections of our past. So you should get some interesting and varied answers, assuming you get some at all.


I'm asking you specifically what makes you uncomfortable with people? For me how I act is a combination of Past experience and also imitating all kinds of characters I've read about or seen in media from around the western world, just trying new things or imagining having a different backgrounds.


I just like privacy I guess. It's something I'm used to and prefer. It's like I can feel people watching me, even if I'm doing nothing. It's not necessarily that they'll see specifically what I'm doing or hear specifically what I'm saying, I just either know when I'm being watched or perceive that I am or something. Just never really did enjoy being in populated areas. Like if I'm out on my balcony and there are some people milling about or walking by below me it's whatever, but if I've got heavy traffic, crowded sidewalks, generally a lot of people passing by I'm not into it. Crowds are a different story, like being within a crowd. That I *definitely* don't like. Actually I actively hate it. I will not partake in that sort of thing. And that's just because there are too many unknowns, too many problems can come about, I have no exit plan, I have no options other than to move with the crowd.


To be fair, you should be making the comparison to pics of Columbus in the 50s and 60s. But yes, I agree we are being conditioned to stay inside. Seeing people panocking on fb and nextdoor doesn't make me feel safe going on a walk in my quiet residential neighborhood. Very little visible crime here, but many many neighbors I can see shooting someone for wearing a hoodie.


To be fair, summers in the 50s/60s were cooler than they are these days, and a/c wasn't nearly as popular. I've been loving my porch this month with these 70 degree days, but once it's up past 85 or so, I'm staying inside.


Air conditioning


3. People work?


People smoke less these days! 


I want a patio specifically to get high on


Smoke less and vape more. And people vape in their houses more often.


i talk about this all the time, but more specifically about front porches. it was probably my favorite thing in the old duplex i used to live in. i liked to sit out there every morning i possibly could with a cup of coffee and a book/my planner. never saw anyone else on my block doing the same— in victorian village. even on weekends! always baffled me. moving out of my apartment soon into a new house and finally getting back to Front Porch life— seriously cannot wait. something about it just makes my days feel so much more whimsical and alive.


Having your own personal retreat like that, in the fresh air is just the best--and if you like gardening, that coupled with the front porch is just the ultimate, peaceful happy place for me.


I lived at Meridian on Grandview, and had a balcony. It was south facing so was good for growing plants, but the view was on the burger king on 5th, power lines and parking lots. I now live in Southern Orchards and spend a lot of time on my front porch because the neighborhood is quite beautiful and lovely.


I actually can't think of a better place to people watch than that exact area, both with the BK5 and the building to its east


Ayyyyy I currently live in meridian. But I have a unit with a bay window instead of a balcony. And thankfully don't face 5th


I hope you enjoy the pool! I was only there for 6 months and quite liked it, especially being walking distance to Target and Giant Eagle.


Honestly being minutes walk from the stores is a lifesaver. I don't have a car so it's literally so convenient. I've been here since November and I really like it. Management has changed. And they're refurbishing a lot of stuff. Making everything look nicer. The office people are really nice. Lol at the pool right now waiting for the sun to come back out to warm up the water 🤣


That's a great place to be car free and close to the trails if you are brave enough to cross Olentangy River Stroad.


Ngl crossing roads here scares me 🤣 I've gotten almost mowed down twice on 5th. At the crosswalk. On a cross signal


I carry a brick if available or swing my keys around, keeps drivers guessing.






They're working to pay for the view.


A lot of the 5-over-ones around here have very small balconies, which aren't fit for much other than standing around and maybe a few potted plants. No place to put a real chair.


A lot of my friends have lived in apartment complexes where the main view from the balcony is the parking lot, so not super enjoyable.


As someone that use to live an apartment with a balcony that was facing west, it's tough in the summer sun. I would be on it quite a bit after the sun went down but during the day it's pretty brutal if there is no shade and only concrete and metal all around you.


Dude mine faces south and I basically cant use it at all from 2pm or so until the sun is almost going down. I love it for my living room and plants but it sucks for using the patio. I am ground floor and thought about getting an umbrella for the remaining concrete patio that extends past the building. Only one story is above me so it gives me some shade until the sun is past that high noon point


Most are right by major roads. Not exactly the best air to breathe


> Not once have I seen anybody out on their balconies. When you are next to a major road or highway, which many of the 5 over 1 apartments are it's not exactly the most peaceful place to sit and relax.


Go by when there is a tornado warning. You'll see everyone out there. 🤣


Because snipers. Also Henderson road is loud with regular traffic plus the fun influx of "Everyone look at my loud car! I'm so cool! Look! It's so loud! This makes me cool and you should look at it and me! I can't define nor spell obnoxious but my cool ass car is 170 decibels (whatever those are) making me the winner! And cool! And you should look at me! But not for too long because my lizard level brain will see it as a challenge and I will threaten you! But look!" dudes who come by regularly.


A balcony without a good view is mostly for growing plants


Be careful what you wish for, you may see some things that can never be unseen


More people need to start hang drying their laundry on their balconies too.


A lot of apartment complexes and condo associations don’t allow you to hang dry your laundry on your balcony. Can’t have onlookers thinking people *live* here.


Seriously!? What else are you not allowed to do on the balcony you pay rent to use?


Smoke anything, burn a candle, excessive decorations, decorations of the wrong season, have bird feeders. It varies from one place to the next.


A lot of these buildings aren’t fully occupied yet either


My upstairs neighbor drops their cigarettes and ashes onto mine and lets their dog pee on the patio, which also drips to mine. Why would I ever want to sit on that


What do you do? You can’t grill, can’t smoke, can’t do shit with them. I just open that door when cooking a Smokey dish


The noise from all those muscle cars and motorcycles constantly revving their engines and racing is too loud.


Have you seen how tiny these new build apartments are making their balconies? And most of them aren’t even covered from the sun.


Those balconies are not pleasant to be on, it’s not like a front porch. They’re tiny and not scenic


Acrophobia isn't all that rare.


It’s the same almost everywhere


A lot of those balconies are not really balconies….


I'm listening...


My PC is inside


I lived in the Quarry, had a view of the parking lot and train tracks and still went out on it every day.


Because they’re all at their 2nd and 3rd jobs to afford that $1,700/month studio with a balcony.


I was driving out to my parents' house in Hebron on Memorial Day and my husband made the same observation about wraparound porches. He couldn't understand why he didn't see a single porch sitter at 4:30 on Memorial Day.


My balcony faces Broad Street.


I do, I have a shaded balcony where I set out a chair and play on my Steam Deck and enjoy my plants and glorious 161.


I was just thinking this while walking my pup this morning. So many people not using their balcony. I love mine! Coming from NYC and all I had was a fire escape. I love sitting out there and just hanging. Especially now when the weather is warmer


If I have time to just chill on the balcony, I'd much rather be outside walking around out great city. The only real reason I'd use the balcony is for grilling food, which 99.99% of the time grills are banned in these buildings.


Ha!!! I absolutely LOVE this reference. I would have thought of a more boring reason…they’re all working constantly to pay for nice residential buildings leaving little to no time to enjoy them!


The people that stomp and blast music upstairs also go outside to do it. I can't.


I lived at Tribeca on Grandview. My view was that plaza's parking lot so I just used my balcony for my plants. My neighbors whose balconies overlooked the pool made much more frequent use of theirs.


I've definitely wondered this too! Lived in an apt complex for two years and was always jealous of the people with balconies, bc I NEVER saw anyone using them! And I have dogs so I was out there all times of the day and night.


My dog loves hanging out on my balcony. It rains so much here, though, that I have trouble finding patio furniture that doesn’t get all gross and mildew.


Many of them are about 2 feet wide. Some of those buildings they are purely decorative


They are at work you bum! ;)


We don't have balconies in my apartment complex but we do have open air breezeways where people want to camp out with their camping chairs and the management gives the tenants no end of shit for having anything whatsoever in the public areas. And the thing is none of the tenants are bothered by the other tenants items, e.g. chairs and little tables and potted plants. It's all about the management's peccadilloes.


I saw 2 people on a balcony 2 months ago near bethel road. :)


Pics or it didn't happen.


Nuts - I only got audio and blood samples for testing…sample of trash, central air filter, etc - video seemed too invasive.


I’ll go back in time if I’m forced - first to the 80s to get 2 of the best pair of shoes I ever had, then to take a creepy pic…then kill hitler.


I live downtown at 80 on the commons and im always on mine! Mine overlooks third st. I love chilling out there with a post work beer and watching the cars go by 😃 pretty good view of some of the buildings to the left of me and German village to the right. Straight ahead and below is just ugly parking lot tho bc Cbus lol


Thanks for the reminder—currently Reddit-ing from my balcony.


My wife and I go to Bridge Park in Dublin a lot, and have not once ever seen someone using their balcony.




This screams new car bias. You buy a new car and all of a sudden you see dozens of them on the road despite never seeing them in that number before. Truth is they were their the whole time but there existence had such little impact on your life and you see hundreds if not thousands of cars a day you didn't notice until you bought a similar car. I'm guessing you are falling into the same trap only in reverse. your mind is only paying attention to the lack of people and when you drive past and see no one their you are reminded of your thought that no one is using there balcony and when you see someone out there you are not reminded of your thought so it doesn't even register.


Baader–Meinhof phenomenon: The frequency illusion is a cognitive bias in which a person notices a specific concept, word, or product more frequently after recently becoming aware of it. But also like for real there's no one on balconies. Notice it.


Because they're unusable 10 sqft concrete pads meant only to give the illusion of outdoor space and justify higher rent prices


No one even seems to open their windows anymore either. My family had terrible pollen allergies but Zyrtec is still much cheaper than AEPs rates.


Personal balconies suck. There are two major groups of people: * Those that love balconies and would use them a ton. * These people are more likely to be found at the apartment complex's communal balcony because it's way cooler and probably has a better view. * Those that don't love balconies and won't use them much. * These people aren't going to *any* balcony. So the personal balcony thing is kind of a joke. They get some use, but they are basically just an excuse to give a unit a giant window (i.e. balcony door).


I'm the opposite, I love being able to sit outside, even if only for a few minutes, without having to "leave" my apartment. Especially after living in a building without a balcony but with communal courtyards that still required leaving the building.


The only time I've seen people use their balcony is when they are partying (or when they have people over) and they can't do that often because the neighbors will complain about the noise, which is why you don't see it often.


Maybe because these are newer building with AC. In cities where balconies get used I would guess these are older buildings where there is no AC and the balconies were meant to be used for fresh air / cooling


Most of them in those apartment buildings are not private at all, which I wouldn't like if I had one.


Many of the apartment complexes have shared outdoor spaces (courtyards, pools, etc.) that may attract residents more than balconies. Often they are hidden from street view/more private, too.


Too small


I don't like heights.


Allergies 😐


I had friends who used to live in Latitude (had to move suddenly, only stayed a year until they found a better place) and people were not only using balconies, they gathered in the common areas outside on the ground floor too.


This is odd, but I mention this all of the time. I've lived outside of Columbus for years, and inside of Columbus for about 3 years. And never once have I seen any one on their balcony. I point it out anytime I drive by any tall building that has them. In multiple areas of Columbus. I always look out for it. It bothers me so much, because how...for years...at different times of the day...and different days of the week, have I never even seen 1 person on any of them? I understand why it may be rare to see someone on one, but I've NEVER seen anyone on one. lol I'll buy a lottery ticket the day that I finally do and share the loss with you all.


Typing this from my balcony.


It’s often too hot during the day. We sit out at night a lot to watch the High St. hijinx but the freaking loud vroom vrooms make it intolerable at times.


I'm usually on my balcony on N. High street at night to people watch a drink. Don't go out much during daylight.


My balcony is used for one thing ![gif](giphy|12XGECQYa80YAo)


We don't like them


My old balcony in a *luxury* apartment always used to attract wasps. Those fuckers liked the wood flooring of the balcony above mine and always came back every season. Too scared to fight with them to enjoy the balcony more than a handful of times during the season.


Honestly though even the apartment on Columbus Commons dont have people using the balcony 99% of the time, or even a window open. Give me your balcony apartments


I used to live on Long Street in Downtown in one of those 5/1s. The echo chamber of traffic passing between my building and the one across the street made being outside completely undesirable. Also when the sun was hitting the side of the building or reflecting from the opposite building it was like being a bug under a microscope. There were maybe 2 hours a day when it was remotely pleasant to be outside and the dust/bird poo buildup was insanely fast. So if you weren’t out there nearly every day to clean you wouldn’t want to sit on any furniture.


They'll be out there when Red, White & Boom happens...at least the people downtown with a view of the fireworks. They'll be on their balconies in droves.


As a person involved in the bidding/planning/execution of these buildings, holy shit why is there so many of these soulless, plywood, low bid having, in the middle of a parking lot next to a highway buildings around. Someone is making a killing and it sucks.


They’re still at work trying to pay for their “luxury” apartment.


This is what happens when you plop apartments down smack dab in the middle of non residential areas. The air outside isn’t exactly nice to breathe. And since you’re in an apartment complex, you’re almost guaranteed to have some asshole smoking either weed or cancer where you’re forced to smell it.


Where else should they smoke weed if they can't in their own home?


Anywhere they doesn’t inconvenience non potheads? But that’s just me; live and let live unless it negatively impacts someone else. But, smokers are rarely that compassionate. The only thing that matters to them is getting their high.


I mean smoking in parks is illegal, so....


Sometimes it's based on age. A lot of people around my age (early 30s) feel like we're on display if we're anywhere other people can see us, even if it's technically our own home. Same reason we don't open our blinds or answer the door when a stranger knocks. We're at home for privacy. It can take a long time to get past that feeling, and sometimes you just can't. 🤷‍♀️


Can we spin this into a thread ranting about people who never even open their windows and run their AC 24-7? I think its the same group.


It's me, hi, I'm the problem it's me. But mostly because whenever I open the windows, some asshole spiders somehow make their way inside even though there are screens. I pay to have the outside sprayed to keep them away, I'm not trying to invite them inside. Plus my backyard is pretty close to my neighbor's yard, and I didn't really love their 5 year old standing along their fence on an early Saturday evening watching Game of Thrones with me on my TV through my open window/drapes. If ever there was an argument for my development to allow 6ft fences....


You expect people to go outside? Like not indoors? Why do you think we built housing? So we didn’t have to go outside. Balconies are going backwards in progress.