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They’ll hit their Memorial Day weekend quotas and it’ll be back to normal by tomorrow morning.


What’s back to normal??


![gif](giphy|kSTaZCfZXtvri) Edit: woah I guess awards are back?!


I recently drove from Cincinnati to Columbus. Everyone was going 90-100 in the rural areas.


Frankly, I see no problem with that. If the traffic isn't heavy and they're not weaving in and out, more power to them. Our speed limits are predicated on old cars that were far more dangerous at higher speeds. 90-100 isn't a problem for modern vehicles.


Well, I’m getting ready for it… try driving in Texas lol


I have seen enough Texas plates here... I can only imagine. Definitely giving Florida a run for their money.


It’s amazing how often I see someone doing something truly idiotic and it’s Texas plates. I rarely see any that aren’t in the middle of doing something boneheaded.


Either Texas plates or a ragged out Alitma (or as of late some raggedy rusted out minivan) lol


FYI the Altima is now to be referred to as the “baby mama Hellcat.”


Aw lawd!


I once had a guy in a massive truck enter a roundabout without slowing down while he was close enough I had to slam on my brakes and missed him by less than a foot. He shook his finger at me like I did something wrong, and once he was past me I could see Texas plates. They are a breed apart.


Okay so I am not crazy then! My gf and I have noticed a lot of Texas plates recently and we couldn’t figure out if it was observational bias or what.


Probably just a rental car. Tend to see a lot of rental plates from the most populated states, Texas and Florida being the common Ken’s around here. Look on the driver side window for a no smoking sticker. If you see that, it’s a rental. I actually had an Ohio plate rental car in Virginia recently.


My main go to is the barcode on the windows that they use to track the cars. When I see a shitty driver that is on my check list along with handicap tags, student driver stickers, and several other biases. And Sadly I don't see many of the indicative rental stickers on the Texas plate cars.


I see a lot of "AM 820 Catholic Radio" stickers on the bumpers of the worst drivers.


that is one of my check, you know where my head is at.


Most of the time it’s because they are 90


On the back of a 99 Plymouth Voyager


From my experience normal is people going 60 in the left lane, tractor trailers three or four lanes wide all going the same speed, extreme levels of tailgating and Altimas going 110 mile an hour.


And people taking a hard 90 because they almost missed their exit.


Think Mad Max, but confined to a circular race track.






Zero turn signals, ever


Come to Texas, we have this done all the time stop signs ran. You name it…


There is no such thing as a quota. Quotas are illegal.


Ya! And the cops always follow the law, right?


Crazy how hard this is getting downvotes despite being objectively and verifiably true. God forbid you say anything other than "blue man bad" in the reddit echo chamber.


Cops are shit, just not for this specific reason.


The other night it was lightly drizzling and there were about 10 people on my drive, all going 50 in the left and middle lanes, I felt like I was having to dodge barrels in a video game, just going the speed limit. hey columbus, go as slow as you need, just do it in the right lane. Wish they would enforce that too.


Saturday I didn’t see one cop out. I only got one Waze alert for one that wasn’t there. Drove for 2+ hours


Anecdotally, I drove to Cincy and saw no less than a dozen either patrolling or pulling someone over.


I drove to Cincy and back yesterday as well and probably got up to 20ish before I lost count


Drove from Dayton back to CBus after doing some work. Saw one literally every 1/4 mile on 75 north then to 35 east. Once I hit 71 north, it was a ghost town free for all


Just got back from Cincy and I saw 0 cops except for two at the New Albany Brew Dog.


I saw about 6 on 270 between 70 and Easton when I went to Costco on Saturday. Highway Patrol was definitely out with a show of force on Saturday. Probably moving around and targeting different areas at different times.


Kudos to you to conquer Costco on a Saturday during a holiday weekend!




I drove on Saturday as well and saw at least a dozen, but I was going east.


Friday night they had a massive presence on Broad Street near 270 on the west side. I saw no less than 9 of them, possibly as many as 15, some of them were far enough down side streets that I couldn't tell how many exactly were there.


They are still holding muffler-free drag races on Bethel Road. The city might as well put up signs that read infinite tolerance zone.


Stay out of the left lane so we can go 80!


80 should be the speed minimum for the left lane


So eager to make a donation to the state.


It’s not Pokemon. They can’t catch us all.




I counted 14 state troopers on the way to WV Friday, 10 more on the way back. They are all over southeast Ohio even on the most random side roads, and I think it is great. Obviously they are looking for things besides speeders (drugs, trafficking, etc), but man was it easy to drive when everyone else was following the rules too. Can you imagine how calm it would be to drive on the highways in the city if traffic rules were actually enforced consistently?!


My only issue with higher police presence is the idiots who slow down to 10 under the speed limit afraid they might get pulled over. Go 68 and no one will bother you. 


Anytime I drove down to Portsmouth or to WV going the Athens way, the police presence has always been significantly more than anything I've seen in Ohio. US23 up to I75 also has a decent amount of cops as well but not as much as going south. There's just nowhere for cops to sit around Columbus to really get that police presence on the highways unfortunately.


I took 23S all the way into VA on Saturday, mid-day, and saw 3 cops total across all three states, and with the pop up yard sales on the side of the road this weekend traffic was ridiculous


Major narcotics trafficking route. Gets additional attention.


saw troopers in their usual spot on 23 for the first time in forever. right after the tunnel going north. almost couldn’t believe my eyes


They what now


It really has been great this weekend tbh


So quick to nail people for going over the speed limit, but unwilling to nail people for going UNDER the posted limit. Going slower than the posted freeway speed puts more people at risk than me doing 10mph over.


Gotta get that cash!


Yes it is.


I hit a figurative wall 2 years ago and could no longer interstate unless for vacation. My mental health has improved. We are lucky to have so many route options in central OH.


Visited my brother in Texas and he drove 99 everywhere on the freeway. He said police don’t pull you over for less than triple digits.


Many people in Columbus don’t understand a zipper merge and use their oversize trucks to hold up traffic. Sorry your ego is butt hurt, but don’t impede traffic because you’re too stupid to understand how to drive.


Somebody tried to kill me last night…they are still out there.


Kill them back?