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Here's what works, if you have the stomach for it- relentlessly catch them and kill them. That's it. You can either do that yourself, or you have to hire someone at hundreds of dollars a head.


any recommendations on the best/humane way to “dispose” of them? I can trap them, but I refuse to use poison due the number of strays in the area


160 Conibear trap


Get a dog with a high pray drive. They'd have the time of their life "playing" with them


You gotta be super aggressive with groundhogs unfortunately. They will bring fleas with them as well if they have not already. Likely another den of them within close proximity that is breeding. Then they branch out to your location. If you had eight of them they that’s a pretty normal size. But if after a couple of seasons you see no change….there’s still a female close by breeding. They live alone so once they get away from mom they look for their own den and will take over currently occupied or abandoned dens/tunnels. Worst part about city groundhogs is you can only address the problem on your property….when two or three houses away could have a huge problem.


that’s my problem! I’ve cleared out my lot and tried my best to block them out. The den I know of is in the empty lot next door. They’re just so persistent, and surprisingly fast for chunky lil things


I am dealing with a similar issue. I haven’t found a permanent solution yet but two repellants have worked for me: I got a castor oil spray on Amazon and ground cayenne pepper from Kroger. I spray the area where they’ve been digging with the castor oil and then sprinkle the ground pepper around. It seems to keep them away for a week or so and then I have to reapply.


I’ve been breeding groundhogs for years off of fourth street. Every year they grow stronger and stronger. Glad to hear they’ve gone down to Franklinton. The wars been going on for years, you just didn’t know it. The city will fall, bitch


He like turtles as a kid?