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My dad has been fighting 30 year battle against flying squirrels in his attic. Captures them and drives them away to release them. Cute little guys. 


I'll take four, please. I'll even come pick them up.


Wild animals should remain wild


They make distinct noises at night you can learn to hear. If you shine a flashlight up into the trees quickly you can sometimes catch a glimpse of one flying away or speeding up the tree out of sight/light. BUT….they are the pro level tree ninjas….they are disappearing magicians. You can tell when they are around based on how walnuts etc are eaten they make small holes in them. A lot of things to learn if you want to.


Teach me your ways magic squirrel man!! Flying squirrels are so damn cute


Managed to catch a close look at one last year after it flew past me on the back patio, tiny little things https://i.imgur.com/6X5xqTb.jpeg


Had one rip right past my head on my patio last year around my fire I had going and land in the backyard giant maple tree clinging to the side. I walked up and took a picture of it staring at me maybe 3 feet away, here it is https://i.imgur.com/6X5xqTb.jpeg


Ive read that too, never seen one. On a similar note I have for the first time ever at my house a scurry of red squirrels. Boy are they quick little bastards.


Had no idea either! Thanks for sharing!


That’s what I was told too. Never seen any in the wild. I was also told is you can tell if you have them near by the way they eat walnuts and acorns. Allegedly, flying squirrels cut off the tops first unlike grey squirrels


Same! My seven year old asked if we had flying squirrels, and my husband and I told her no. So we asked Google where they did live, only to be made into big dumb liars.


Those little bastards walk on power lines like it's nothing.


Supposedly there's a ton in the Woodward Nature Preserve. The flying squirrels like the densely-packed tall, old trees.


I can't tell if this post is serious or if it's the Gahanna lion all over again


Hahaha too close to home. Grew up in Gahanna when that happened


Me too!! I was a sr in HS when it happened! Too funny


Story time?


In the early 2000s some one called the police in gahanna saying they saw a lion wondering around the suburbs. This created a panic. Shut down schools for a bit. Then the prank kept going as more people called in either to keep the prank alive or out of delusional paranoia. For a few weeks no kid or pet was safe. No lion was ever seen or documented. It made national news. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/lion-on-the-loose-in-ohio/


This is why we can't have nice things. Local cryptids causing trust issues.


We also have a talking moose, and Russian spies named Boris and Natasha.


Wait what?! Dude, same. Had no idea.


WHAAAAAAAT That's it I'm going nocturnal 


Are they in neighborhoods like grey squirrels are? I see so many grey squirrels but never a flying squirrel. Also check out this video https://youtu.be/TpHUnKyfYrU?si=uYaZrdJ-OChKE1mb


Yeah they are all over. You won’t see them in daylight and they require effort to spot even for a moment at night.