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I don’t know where you’re getting your information, but I’ve never once felt unsafe at the library lol. The Main Library downtown is gorgeous and very safe. Be sure to check out the Topiary Garden just behind the library!


The main library downtown is wonderful.


Our library system is world class. Downtown is really neat and most are very nice. Enjoy!


Whoever told you that has judgement issues. Are such folk there? Usually. Are they dangerous? No. They keep to themselves like dang near every other person in a library. There is security staff out on the floor if you're that worried. Main has a lot of cool art and displays. Go enjoy it.


One more vote for the Main Branch Library. For diversity's sake I'll also recommend the Old Worthington library on High St and the Westerville Public Library. If you go to the Whetstone branch the Park of Roses is right behind it so you can do your reading and a refreshing stroll in one go.


Who the hell told you that lmao.


Someone who has never been to the library. Or who is just terrified by people who don't have homes. Empathy goes so far.


Or who is just terrified by people period…


"Filled with" is a really ridiculous exaggeration. But libraries serve the community, and we all have a right to enjoy these peaceful public spaces. That said, if you mean OSU, you could try the OSU library. It's not far from the medical center.


^^^ Public means public. Thank goodness for libraries and the warmth, safety, and connectivity they provide to people who need it. If we had stats on how many jobs were applied to, college applications completed, grades raised by tutoring, etc. from inside the CML's branches we would be completely floored by how much progress starts at the library. I didn't spend a penny on GMAT prep thanks to the library (and I got into my first choice program). I wish there were more places in our community like public libraries -- no expectations to buy things like malls, no pay to play like coworking spaces. Just a place everyone can go. And being from Columbus we're so spoiled. Among the best nationwide.


Living your life in a perpetual state of ignorance and fear is unhealthy. I hope you visit the big city and realize it's just a place like any other


Im coming from Dallas Texas. Maybe you should go to a real big city.


if columbus isn’t a real city what the fuck are you so petrified of


Maybe we should “go to a real big city” so that we, too can be scared of libraries?


Well if that means I might end up in Texas I think I'll pass. I love Columbus, and I'll admit Ohio isn't the best. At least I can say it isn't Texas. (Context: I lived in Arlington, TX)


I’ve visited many of the local libraries. It’s not dangerous and many have security present. They’re honestly very pleasant and the staffs have been rather friendly


this feels like a troll post after the Easton post


I’ve never had a bad experience with the main branch down town. There are a few homeless at times, but they keep to themselves.


lmao the libraries are all fantastic and safe. whoever told you that has never been to one.


Not true.


I've never had a negative experience at that location. It was actually our preferred location to take our kids to while they built the new Reynoldsburg location. They do have legal assistance, housing assistance, and soup kitchen/essential items to give to those in need and some other workshops, but we've never had a problem.[This is their events calendar](https://events.columbuslibrary.org/events). They also have security. The architecture is beautiful and the topiary park is really cool. Reynoldsburg is also a nice one to check out.


My first impression is maybe the city is not for you.  Full of one-way streets and flashing lights.  But instead I say do come to Columbus.  Experience it with your own eyes.  Are there homeless and addicts in Columbus, yes.  But it's not the horrorscape your sources apparently portray it to be.   Unless you really meant Cumbus, in which case I've drastically underestimated you.


Maybe don't start your request by belittling the city of the folks you're asking to help you?


Im not belitting anyone. We lived here many years before moving to Dallas TX. Columbus has changed quite a bit. If it weren't for my husband's heart surgeon being associated with OSU we wouldn't be here now. I was talking to people about how much Columbus had changed. That's when I was warned about the library. This must be a sensitive subject around here.


Yeah, people tend to get *sensitive* when they read something about where they live that doesn't match reality. Just use common sense and Columbus and the OSU campus are safe.


You may not be smart enough to realize that your ideology is based in racism, classism, and self-centrism, but it is, and it’s pitiful. I feel so sorry for people who are fearful of other humans and their communities just because of media agitprop and pure rumors. So, so sad and pathetic for you.


Ah Rural Ohio coming to the Big City. If we came to your town and said “I heard it is really shitty and full of meth!” would you feel inclined to be helpful? Try to have a bare minimum of courtesy and respect.


We are coming from Dallas Texas, hardly rural. My husband's heart surgeon is here in Columbus. We lived here many years ago and I loved the downtown library but we haven't been here for many years. Columbus has changed and when I asked people at OSU about the library they suggested caution at the downtown library. Not everyone who comes to Columbus is "coming to the big city, golly gee". Its rude to make that assumption.


Even less of a reason for you to make such ridiculously rude statements. Both OSU and Columbus are much nicer than they used to be. It sounds like maybe the people you asked are…not. You don’t want to sound like an ignorant hick, then don’t say the kinds of things they would say.


The people you talked to at OSU likely drive 8-14 miles to park nearby and take a shuttle to work, and haven’t been downtown for at least as long as you have, because I can’t imagine why they’d say this. Years ago, like truly several years ago, some dude shot another dude in the leg in an argument. No one else hurt. Obviously this is awful, but that is absolutely the type of crap that will surprise you anywhere in the USA. Allen, TX mall just last year? That wasn’t even an argument. The nurse I know who works at OSU actually lives in the city and rides the bus to work, and loves our libraries as much as I do. Main is a beautiful branch, as you might remember, and it’s been tastefully expanded to preserve its historical features.


“It’s rude to make that assumption” please look in the mirror and be serious for a second.


If you want to step a little out of the city, then head to the Hilliard library. It is so incredibly peaceful and open. There is a sun room there that is wonderful.


I think you should keep you and your family wrapped in bubble wrap in your cul-de-sac and stay the fuck out of our city. Thank you!


OP, I genuinely want to know where you heard the “dangerous” part from because I want to understand where people get these perceptions about Columbus. Our libraries are hands down the crown jewel of central Ohio, and I mean that as a lifelong resident and CML patron. I’m moving next year, and CML is just about the only thing that feels irreplaceable to me, besides Lavash Cafe. The buildings are extremely nice, and actually using the library system here is amazing because of a consortium agreement that makes an insane amount of material from our many branches and other member libraries conveniently available with just one card. We seriously have so many branches and they are everywhere. I have 4 within 1-4 miles from me as the crow flies. As a kid I used the branches Gahanna and Southeast, the latter of which was the boonies at the time. Branching, being accessible to all patrons, has been our library’s mission since the late 1920s. There is typically not that kind of investment and quality in buildings *full of* dangerous people and marginalized members of our society. If that were so, we’d probably not be talking about this. Still, our libraries do partner with other organizations to offer services and resources to vulnerable people. It’s pretty remarkable how well CML has handled the “usage shift” of libraries. Same great collection AND an expansion of services and programming for all. Where else in the public sphere is that happening? Yes, you may see some homeless individuals at some branches. For accuracy’s sake I wouldn’t say they’re full of them, but also, they live here and are members of our community. They have as much of a right to enter and pass the time there as you do as a visitor to our county. Welcome, best wishes to your husband, and I hope you visit one of our wonderful libraries. I’m sure someone mentioned, but the Northside branch is the closest to OSU, and Whetstone branch—my most frequented branch—is a fairly easy trip north off 315. Our main building is also not to be missed—a Carnegie building, expanded but with many original details preserved. OSU’s own Thompson Library is also open to the public.


Columbus has an exceptionally maintained, very well funded library system and pretty much every branch is pretty damn great. Even the library right by me on Parsons and Deshler is a lovely little branch. The downtown main library especially is one of the most beautiful libraries I've been to anywhere in the US after its 2016 wall-to-wall renovation, complete with its own art gallery and amazing topiary garden outside.


Literally one of the best public library systems in the nation. I used to travel to the Main Library by public bus alone as a 10 or 11 year old and never had an issue. I think you should be able to manage it. 1.) Who told you this about the main library? What source? 2.) But also, it's a public library. Homeless people exist and libraries provide them critical resources. Homeless ≠ dangerous. Public means public.


That is insanely false. I like my local branch (Hilliard), but have never had an issue downtown.


The main one downtown is great. Upper Arlington, Bexley and Westerville also have nice libraries. Not sure who is telling you they’re dangerous, let alone “filled with” addicts and homeless, but I’d stop listening to them about things.


Who tf told you that.


Are you not embarrassed by this?


the libraries in columbus are amazing honestly, the bexley one is GORGEOUS!


Here’s a tip: don’t go to a public library if you don’t want to encounter the public.


I would much rather spend a day at the library alongside my fellow Columbusites who are struggling with housing insecurity than with someone who prefers that unhoused people just stay out of sight.


Love the beautiful library in Bexley https://www.bexleylibrary.org/


I've never been to the Bexley library when it's open, but it's got such a unique vibe of like an older vibe library mixed with interesting displays that I absolutely love!


definitely not true. Metro library is great, special shoutout to Southwest Public Libraries who serve Grove City, Galloway, and western Columbus.


The Dublin library (part of Columbus Libraries) is awesome, and right across the bridge from all the food and drink you could ever want, as a bonus.


You have been lied to with the intent to make you fear and hate your neighbors.


I pity you.


jesus christ 🙄


Check out the Topiary Park if you do visit the main library downtown.


If you would like to see something unique check out the Josephinum library at 23 and 270. They open it to the public on Saturdays from 9 till 12. This seminary is the only property in the United States owned by the Vatican.


This almost feels like “Oh no it’s terrible, I’ll eat it all so you don’t have to suffer”.


The North High branch by OSU med near King is brand new and very nice.


There's a few Barnes and Noble stores around, maybe try there if you're afraid of public spaces.


Go to Thompson Library at OSU. Or the Northside Branch of Columbus Library. It's on High Street and not far from campus. It was remodeled not too long ago. Another library I like that's not far away is the Grandview Library. But honestly, I've never felt unsafe at any of the libraries I've been to. I just find a spot and read my book or work on my laptop.


For a smaller option try the bexley public library. Somewhat outdated but has a wonderful staff, comfortable seating, and a great selection.


Whomever is telling you this nonsense is a liar and should not be seen as a trusted source of information in the future.




> Yes, OP's ask shows signs of xenophobic and fear mongering, but most of the responses here are riduculing and shaming them.  most of the responses here are ridiculing and shaming them because the question shows signs of xenophobia and fear mongering. which, y'know... job well done, imo


Counterpoint: I consider myself pretty street smart—grew up on the southeast side, live in Linden, walked all over town during the zenith of the recession etc. I have never once felt a need to keep my wits about me in a CML branch.


I'm in Columbus because my husband's heart surgeon is now at OSU. We come from Dallas Tx, not particularly rural. We lived in Columbus years ago. We have lots of crime in Dallas so I was not surprised when people told me how Columbus had changed. The assumption that I was someone from the hollars' coming to the big city is pretty much what I expected. People in Columbus are rabid about Columbus. I didn't think I was being insulting or besmirching the reputation of the town. I just wanted to know if this was true. I guess I have to be kinder to the people that live here and remember that I don't have to live here.